The 2006 Catolympics

Friday, June 16, 2006

Welcome to Opening Ceremony-Catolympics 2006!

Can I have your attention.......

I would like to thank everyone for being a part of the first ever Catolympics! This started out as just a cute idea and quickly turned into a huge event. It so exciting to see so many of you here today! I hope this to be a time of good, clean fun and a chance for everyone to get to know each other better. I would also like to thank the following ICC members for all their help and support: to Smeagol, Strider and gang for planning the torch relay and helping in any way asked; to Timmy and his mom for creating the paws logo, this website and the store, and helping fill gaps; to the participants, torch carrierss and their families, judges and commentators for volunteering and giving their time and making this a success; and, to The Calico Girls family for hosting the Catolympics and nap-a-thon closing ceremony, daily updates, and for all their hard work. If I forgot someone I apologize. To everyone I thank you and I appreciate you very much. I will now turn the mike over to The Calico Girls. Good luck everyone!



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