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Gallery of Masterpieces

Landscapes and general views

Subject: 22° Moon halo, corona, arcs and paraselene

Author: Brent Mckean

Optics: Nikon D750, Sigma lens 24-35 mm f/2.2 Art

Exposure: 1.3 second, composite of three images

Location: Manitoba, Canada

Date: 10 February 2020 by 4 A.M.

Also published on APOD.

Subject: Moon corona

Author: Robert Morisan

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 400D with 55 mm f/5.6 lens

Exposure: 0.5 s at ISO 800

Location: France

Date: 9 September 2014, 00h09 UT

Subject: Solar halo (with Parry arc)

Author: Joshua Thomas

Optics: SLR with super wide angle lens

Location: Red River, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Date: 9 January 2015 at sunrise

More detail on Earthsky.

Subject: Solar halo

Author: Marko Riikonen

Optics: SLR with super wide angle lens

Location: Antarctica

Date: 11 January 1999

Subject: Bright pillars (by city lights)

Author: Allisha Libby

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 6D

Location: Fairbanks, Alaska

Date: 22 January 2015 at night

Here is a general view.

Subject: Bright pillars (by artificial lights)

Author: Mike Reva

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 20 mm f/4 lens

Exposure: 30 s at ISO 2500

Location: Orehovo (75 km north of Sint Petersburg), Russia

Date: January 2012

Subject: Milky Way panorama

Author: Derek Demeter

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 6D modified, Canon 24 mm at f/3

Accessory: CentralDS Astro6D cooling module at -18°C

Exposure: 60 s at ISO 4000

Location: Cerra Mayu Observatory (near La Serena), Chile

Date: 2017

Subject: Milky Way panorama

Author: Petr Horalek

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 6D modified, Baader IR filter, Samyang 24 mm f/2.8

Exposure: 43x 15 s at ISO 10000

Location: Dqae Qare, Kalahari desert

Date: 12-13 September 2015

Subject: Fog and Milky Way over Dubai

Author: Daniel Cheong

Optics: DSLR Nikon D800, zoom Nikkor 14-24 mm

Exposure: 3 exposures of 5 s, 20 s et 45 s at ISO 100

Location: Dubai

Date: 2014

Wallpapers are available on Wallup.

Subject: Milky Way panorama

Author: Mark Gee

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF 24 mm f/2.8L

Exposure: 30 s at ISO 3200

Image processing: Lightroom, panorama of 20 images stitched together in Autopano Giga

Location: Cape Palliser, New Zealand

Date: 8 June 2013, 05h30 am local time

Elected Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013.

Subject: Milky Way in perspective

Author: Kerry-Ann Lecky Hepburn

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 17-70 mm f/2.8 at 17 mm f/2.8

Exposure: 15x 20 s (ISO 800, Milky Way) + 1x 20 s (landscape)

Image processing: Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop

Location: Ontario (Canada)

Date: 5 July 2008

Subject: Zodiacal light and Venus

Author: Rudi Dobesberger

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Walimex lens 14 mm f/2.8 at f/4.0

Exposure: 2x 240 s at ISO 400

Location: Kalkalpen National Park, Austria

Date: 16 November 2012

The yellow glare over the left horizon in the city of Graz 101 km away.

Subject: Aurora Borealis

Author: Wayne Pinkston

Optics: DSLR Canon 1DX with 14-24 mm f/2.8 Nikon lens at 14 mm f/2.8

Exposure: 3.2 s at ISO 8000

Location: Kitdalen, Norway

Date: 16 February 2015

Subject: Aurora Borealis

Author: Yiming Hu

Optics: DSLR Nikon D810 with 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens

Exposure: 14x 30 s at ISO 6300 + 2 exposures for the foreground

Location: Yukon Territory of Canada, Arctic

Date: 22 November 2015

Subject: Aurora Borealis

Author: Joshua Strang

Optics: SLR with wide angle lens

Exposure: ~15 s

Location: Bear Lake (Eielson AFB), Alaska

Date: 18 January 2005

Elected "Image of the Year" by Wikipedia.

Subject: Aurora Borealis from a Cessna C208B airplane

Author: Jason Pineau

Optics: DSLR

Exposure: Snapshot

Location: Enroute to Yellowknife, Canada

Date: 9 December 2013

Subject: Steve (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement)

Author: Guiseppe Petricca

Optics: DSL Canon EOS 700D, Samyang 14 mm f/2.8

Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Date: 18 March 2018

Here is the complete sequence.

This phenomemon was discovered in 2017. Here its explanation.

Subject: Solar analemma

Author: Anthony Ayiomamitis

Optics: SLR Canon A-1 with 24 mm f/11 lens

Exposure: 44 multi-exposures at 1/30 s each + foreground

Film: Fuji Superia 100 + Baader ND5 solar filter

Location: Greece, Ancient Nemea, Zeus' Temple

Date: 7 January 2003 until 21 December 2003

Subject: Star trails

Author: Dan Heller

Optics: SLR Canon EOS-1V, EF 17-35 mm f/2.8 lens

Exposure: 3h30m

Film: Fuji Velvia, ISO 40 + Tiffen FL-D filter

Location: Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (3° S, 4800 m)

Date: 30 August 2000

Subject: Panorama under the moonlight

Author: Mauro

Optics: DSLR Nikon D80, 18 mm f/4

Exposition: 30 s at ISO 200

Location: Lecco, Lombardie, Italy

Date: 15 August 2013

Subject: Moon over a sea of enlightened clouds

Author: Dominique Kamp

Optics: DSLR Nikon D800 with 14-24 mm f/2.8G ED lens at 15 mm f/2

Accessory : Vixen Polaris equatorial mount

Exposure: 84 s at ISO 50

Image processing: PhotoShop CS6, Camera Raw 7

Location: Peak of Uetliberg near Zurich, Switzerland

Date: 20 November 2012

Subject: Sea of enlightened clouds

Author: Johns Tsai

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 5D with a 65 mm f/4 lens

Exposure: 30 s at ISO 640

Location: Datun mountains, Taipei, Taiwan (China)

Date: 28 January 2012

Subject: Conjunction of the 10 moons, between the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn

Author: Tiago Domezi

Optics: DSLR bridge Nikon P900 (Moon), Newtonian tel. Sky-Watcher 250 Quattro CF + CCD QHY5-IIL (planets)

Image processing: Yes and composite of 3 images

Location: Igaraçu do Tietê, São Paulo, Brésil

Date: 8 August 2020

NB. 4 satellites of Jupiter are visible (Callisto, Europa, Ganymede and Io) and 5 satellites of Saturn (Titan, Enceladus, Rhea, Dione et Tethys).

Subject: Conjunction between the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and M45

Author: Tunc Tezel

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 5D with super wide angle lens

Location: Glacial Lakes Plateau, Mount Uludag, Turquey

Date: 15 July 2012 by 5h local time

Subject: Conjunction between the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter

Author: Thierry Lombry

Optics: DSLR Nikon D7000 with 16-85 mm zoom at 35 mm f/5.6

Exposure: 5 s at ISO 400

Location: Livange, Luxembourg

Date: 26 March 2012, 20h25m UT

Subject: Conjunction between the Moon, Venus and Jupiter

Author: Y.Beletsky

Optics: DSLR

Exposure: Composite of 2 images (Moon and planets + telescopes)

Location: Cerro Paranal, Chile (ESO/VLT)

Date: 23 November 2009

See also this triptych.

Subject: Conjunction between the Moon and Venus

Author: KenIchi Kadota

Optics: SLR Nikon FE with Nikkor 200 mm f/4 tele lens

Exposure: 3 s

Film: Fujichrome Velvia, ISO 50

Location: Japan

Date: 27 January 1998 at 06h05 JST (22h UT)

The Moon was illuminated at 1.2 %.

Subject: Conjunction between the Moon and Venus

Author: Ivan Eder

Scope: TMB 130 mm f/6 refractor with 30 mm Vixen LV eyepiece, Sky-Watcher EQ6 mount

Optics: Compact camera Nikon Coolpix 4300, afocal mode

Exposure: 1/100 s, f/11, ISO 100

Location: Hungaria

Date: 21 May 2004, 12h55m UT

Subject: Neowise comet (C/2020 F3)

Author: Sebastian Voltmer

Optics: Quadruplet APO TS-Optics 86SDQ, 86 mm f/5.4

CCD: APN Nikon D800

Exposure: 32.7 minutes, stacking of 134 frames : 13x 30 s at ISO 160, 19x 13 s at ISO 320, 102x 13 s at ISO 640

Image processing: PixInsight (+ special effect for spikes around stars)

Location: Spicheren, Lorraine, France

Date: 12 July 2020

Subject: Neowise comet (C/2020 F3)

Author: Gerald Rhemann

Optics: ASA astrograph 200 mm f/2.9 on ASA DDM60 mount


Exposure: 23 minutes, LRGB stacking: 8 s, 5 s, 5 s, 5 s

Location: Puchenstuben, Austria

Date: 10 July 2020, 01h24m UT

Subject: Neowise comet (C/2020 F3)

Author: Thierry Lombry

Optics: DSLR Nikon D7000 with 16-85 mm zoom at 38 mm f/8

Exposure: 3x 10 s at ISO 400

Location: Beckerich, Luxembourg

Date: 13 July 2020, 21h52m UT

Subject: Lovejoy comet (C/2014 Q2)

Author: Damian Peach

Optics: Takahashi FSQ-106 refractor


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Location: United Kingdom

Date: 18 January 2015 at 05h01m UT

Subject: Lovejoy comet (C/2014 Q2)

Author: Gerald Rhemann

Optics: ASA astrograph 200 mm f/2.9 on ASA DDM60 mount

CCD: FLI PL 16803

Exposure: 22.5 minutes, LRGB stacking: 600 s, 250 s, 250 s, 250 s

Location: Austria

Date: 14 January 2015, 22h20 UT

Subject: McNaught comet (C/2006 P1)

Author: Akira Fujii

Optics: SLR with 35 mm f/1.8 mm lens

Location: Chiro Observatory, West Australia

Date: 19 January 2007

Subject: Machholtz comet (0.35 AU from Earth) near M45

Author: Pete Lawrence

Optics: DSLR Canon EOS 10D, 128 mm f/4.5 telelens

Exposure: 4x 120 s at ISO 800

Location: Selsey, England

Date: 5 January 2005, 18h10m UT

Subject: Bradfield comet (C/2004 F4)

Author: Sho Endo

Optics: SLR with wide angle

Film: Color, ISO 400

Exposure: 27 s

Location: Chiba beach, Japan

Date: 24 March 2004 at 03h45m JST (18h45m UT)

Subject: Hale-Bopp comet (C/1995 O1)

Author: Sebastian Voltmer

Optics: SLR with 135 mm f/3.5 telelens

Film: Kodak GPY 160

Location: Gornergrat (3130 m), Zermatt, Switzerland

Date: 11 April 1997

Subject: Hale-Bopp comet (C/1995 O1)

Author: David Hanon

Scope: Astro-Physics 177 mm (7") f/9 refractor on Byers mount

CCD: Ttrue color image

Image processing: Adobe PhotoShop

Location: USA

Date: 23 February 1997

Subject: Halley comet (1P)

Author: Akira Fujii

Scope: 200 mm f/1.5 Schmidt

Film: Fujichrome 400D

Date: 13 March 1986, Giotto's Day

This image was offered to Emperor Hiro-Hito.

Subject: Bennett comet (C/1969 Y1)

Author: Akira Fujii

Optics: SLR with 135 mm f/3.5 telelens

Exposure: Composite of 2 images exposed 10 minutes each

Film: Fujichrome R-100

Date: 4 May 1970, 20h UT

Subject: Leonides fireball of magnitude -8

Author: Arne Danielsen

Optics: SLR

Exposure: a few minutes tracking on stars

Location: Norway

Date: 18 November 1999

Subject: Colored Perseid in Cygnus

Author: Thierry Lombry

Optics: DSLR Nikon D7000, 16-85 mm f/3.5 lens

Exposure: 15 s at ISO 800

Location: Eischen, Luxembourg

Date: 12 August 2012 at 01h11m UT

Here is the general view.

Subject: Total eclipse of the Sun

Author: Masami Ohkuma

Optics: SLR Pentax 6x7 with 55 mm f/5.6 lens

Exposure: Few seconds

Film: Fuji REARA 220

Location: Salzburg (Austria)

Date: 11 August 1999

Subject: Total eclipse of the Sun

Author: Thierry Lombry

Optics: SLR Pentax MX with 300 mm f/4 telelens at f/5.6

Exposure: Stacking of 17 frames, 1/100 at f/5.6 + ND5 (partial), 1/100 s + 1/2 s at f/5.6 (totality) + foreground

Film: Kodachrome 64

Location: Willemstad, Curacao

Date: 26 February 1998, 18h10m UT

Subject: Total eclipse of the Sun

Author: Akira Fujii

Optics: SLR Mamiya Press, 100 mm f/2.8 lens, ND4 filter

Film: Ektachrome 64

Exposure: Each 5 min., 1/125 s at f/4 + ND4 (partial), 1/2 s at f/4 (totality)

Location: Ankola, India

Date: 16 February 1980

Subject: Ursa Major

Author: Tom Pickett

Optics: CG4 + DSLR Canon EOS T3 and 600D, zoom 18-55 at 36 mm f/4.5

Exposure: 18x 5 min. at ISO 200 + 6 dark frames + 6 bias (offset)

Location: USA

Date: 16 March 2015, 01h10 am local time

Subject: Orion

Author: Akira Fujii

Optics: SLR with 135 mm f/3.5 telelens

Film: Fujichrome 400D

Filter : Anti-Newton ring

Exposure: 30 minutes

Date: ~ 1975

Subject: Nova Cygni V1500

Author: Akira Fujii

Optics: SLR with 85 mm f/1.8 telelens

Film: Sakura Color 100

Exposure: 10 minutes

Date: 2 September 1975

Magnitude: 1.8

Nova Cygni V1500 is (the orangeous star at left of NGC 7000

Here is its light curve prepared by AAVSO.

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