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Gallery of Masterpieces

Color Solar System

Subject: Transit of Mercury ( 12.1")

Author: Thierry Lombry

Scope: Celestron SCT NexStar 5 SE, 125 mm f/10

Eyepiece: TV 19 mm Panoptic (66x)

Filter: Baader Polysolar ND5

DSLR: Nikon D7000 body

Exposure: 1/320 s, ISO 100

Location: Luxembourg

Date: 9 May 2016, 13h38 UT

Subject: Transit of Mercury ( 12.1")

Author: Akira Fujii

Scope: 80 mm f/15

Eyepiece: 40 mm

Filters: R + ND8

Exposure: 1/1000 s, Fuji minicopy, ISO 32

Location: Japan

Date: 9 May 1970, ~08h16 UT

Subject: Transit of Venus ( 57.7" at 0.288 AU)

Author: Thierry Lombry

Scope: Orion 80 mm f/7.5 ED refractor

Eyepiece: Tele Vue zoom 8-24 mm at 12 mm

Filter: Baader Polysolar ND5

Digicam: Canon PowerShot S30, afocal coupling, zoom 3x

Exposure: 1/50 s, ISO 100

Image processing: PhotoShop

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Date: 8 June 2004, 10h48m UT and 11h06m UT (insert)

Other images of this transit have been gathered in this gallery.

Subject: Sun in white light (incl. the Fkc-class sunspot group AR 9169)

Author: Ray Gralak

Scope: Astro-Physics 155 mm f/7 EDFS refractor

Filter: Baader Astrosolar film


Exposure: 0.1 s

Image processing: MaximDL/CCD and Adobe PhotoShop 5.5

Location: California, USA

Date: 21 September 2000

Subject: Transit of ISS (near AR 12553)

Author: Goran Petrov

Scope: Celestron SCT C11 EdgeHD, 280 mm f/10


Exposure: 0.0064 ms (1/156 s)

Location: Macedonia

Date: 20 June 2016

NB. At perigee, ISS moves of about 1°/s or 1" in 0.0278 ms (in 1/36 s).

Subject: Sunspots in white light (AR 12546, class Cho)

Author: Salvato Giampaolo

Scope: 205 mm f/9 refractor at f/36

Filters: Herschel prism + anti-UV/IR + Baader continuum (bandpass around ~540 nm)

Image processing: Yes, and colorized

Location: Italy

Date: 21 May 2016

NB. Here is a picture of the full disk recorded by MDI the same day.

Subject: Sunspots in white light (AR 9393, class Fkc)

Author: Johannes Schedler

Scope: 100 mm f/9 ED apochromat refractor

CCD: Philips ToUCam (webcam, video mode 388x291)

Exposure: Stacking of 32 frames

Image processing: Unsharp mask in Astrostack

Location: Wildon, Austria

Date: 25 Mar 2001, 10h30 UT

Sunspot group AR9393, 160000 km wide

Subject: Sun in Ca II K line

Author: Valery Shamukov

Scope: Takahashi FSQ-85 ED refractor

Accessories: Lunt Ca-K filter 393.4 nm + Barlow 2x

CCD: PGR Grasshooper 3

Image processing: Composite of 2 images, AutoStakker!2, Photoshop

Date: 24 September 2014

Subject: Sunspots in Ca II H line (AR 2552, class Dac)

Author: Andreas Murner

Scope: 100 mm f/9 ED refractor

Accessories: Daystar Quark Ca II H filter + Antares Barlow 2x


Location: Germany

Date: 10 June 2016

Subject: Sunspots in Ca II K line (AR 12403, class Ekc)

Author: Valery Shamukov

Scope: Takahashi FSQ-85 ED refractor

Accessories: Lunt Ca-K filter 393.4 nm + Barlow 2x

CCD: PGR Grasshooper 3

Image processing: AutoStakker!2, Photoshop

Date: 24 August 2015

Subject: Sunspots in Ca II K line (AR 11884, class Ekc)

Author: John Earl

Scope: 80 mm ED refractor

Accessoires: Lunt Ca II K filter + Barlow 2x

CCD: ImageSource DMK51

Location: Australia

Date: 20 October 2013

Subject: Total eclipse of the Sun

Author: Luc Viatour

Scope: Vixen 100 mm f/10

SLR: Nikon FE2 body

Film: Fuji Velvia 50

Exposure: Stacking of two images

Location: France

Date: 11 August 1999

Subject: Total eclipse of the Sun

Author: Chuck Vaughn

Scope: Astro-Physics 178 mm f/9 Starfire refractor at f/6

Film: Fuji Velvia 50

Exposure: Stacking of 1/2000 s, 1/125 s , 1/32s , 1/16 s , 1/8 s , 1/4 s

Image processing: Photoshop

Location: Baja California, Mexico

Date: 11 July 1991

Subject: The Moon light

Author: Lovato Lorenzo

Scope: Schmidt-Cassegrain 250 mm f/6.3

Location: Italy

Date: May 1999

Subject: Total eclipse of the Moon

Author: Pedro Ré

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm at f/6

Film: Fujichrome Sensia 100

Image processing: Images mosaic

Location: Portugal

Date: 21 January 2000

Subject: Total eclipse of the Moon (in Virgo)

Author: Akira Fujii

Scope: Mamiya Press SLR with 100 mm f/2.8 lens on piggyback

Film: Ektachrome 64

Exposure: Each 2 then 7 min., 1/125 s at f/8 (partial), 5 min. at f/4 (totality)

Location: Japan

Date: 24 March 1978

Subject: Venus ( 14.7", 75 % illuminated, Mv.-4.8, CM: 301°)

Author: Astronominks (M.Abgarian, Y.Goryachko, K.Morozov)

Scope: Klevstov-Cassegrain 360 mm f/16

Accessory: Barlow 1.6-2.4x


Exposure: Composite RGB IR/UV

R=IR685 (70%) + IR1000 (30%, G=IR (50%) + UV (50%), B=UV

Image processing: Autostakker!2, Registax, DStation

Location: Minks, Belarus

Date: 10 April 2015, 15h47m -16h27m UT

Subject: Venus ( 16.8", 69% illuminated, Mv.-5.2, CM:253°)

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C11, 280 mm f/10 at f/22.5


Exposure: Stacking of 600x IR (700-1000 nm) 1/200 s + 600x UV (360 nm) 1/10 s

Location: Loudwater, England

Date: 19 February 2004, 14h30m UT

Subject: Venus ( 58.2" à 0.29 AU, 0.1% illuminated, Mv.-3.8, solar elongation 2.4°)

Author: Thierry Legault

Scope: Takahashi TOA-150 apochromat

Exposure: RGB stacking

Image processing: Yes

Location: Paris, France

Date: 2 June 2020, 07h50m UT

Subject: Venus ( 55.9" at 0.30 AU, 2.8% illuminated, Mv.-7.7, CM:33°)

Author: Pete Lawrence

Scope: Vixen FL102S f/9 refractor

Eyepiece: 20 mm LV eyepiece (120 mm sep.)

CCD: Canon 10D, ISO 400

Exposure: Stacking of 7 frames at 1/180 s each

Image processing: Registax 2, Photoshop

Location: Selsey, England

Date: 30 May 2004, 14h24m UT

Subject: Venus ( 58.9" at 0.28 AU, 1.1% illuminated, Mv.-7.8, CM:19°)

Author: Johannes Schedler

Scope: 100 mm f/9 ED apochromat refractor

CCD: Philips ToUCam (webcam, video mode 388x291)

Exposure: Stacking of 50 frames

Image processing: Unsharp mask with Astrostack

Location: Wildon, Austria

Date: 1 April 2001

Subject: Mars ( 19.5" at 0.48 AU)

Author: Claudio Costa

Scope: 80 mm f/15 Zeiss Apo refractor at f/75


Accessories: Lolli APO AMPLI 515 5x

Exposure: Stacking of a 180 s color sequence

Image processing: SharpCap Pro, PIPP, Autostakkert3!, Registax, Windows 10 Photo

Location: Roma, Italy

Date: 3 November 2020, 21h58m UT

See also the images of the oppositions of Mars (in French).

Subject: Mars ( 22.6" at 0.41 AU)

Author: Gabi Fabio Carvalho

Scope: Dario Pires Optics 415 mm f/4.8 Newtonian on german mount


Accessories: Baader RGB filters, Tele Vue Barlow 3x

Exposure: 180 frames in each channel, 5x 2R/1G/2B

Image processing: Winjupos (de-rotation)

Location: Otus Observatory, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Date: 6 October 2020, 02h31.7m UT

Subject: Mars ( 22." at 0.42 AU)

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 EdgeHD, 355 mm f/10

Accessories: Extension tube, RGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Date: 30 September 2020, 03h36m54s UT

Subject: Mars ( 22.1" at 0.42 AU)

Author: Gabi Fabio Carvalho

Scope: Dario Pires Optics 415 mm f/4.8 Newtonian on german mount


Accessories: Baader RGB filters, Tele Vue Barlow 3x

Exposure: 180 frames in each channel, 5x 2R/1G/2B

Image processing: Winjupos (de-rotation)

Location: Otus Observatory, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Date: 26 September 2020, 03h47.1m UT

Subject: Mars ( 21.8" à 0.43 AU)

Author: Emmanuel Beaudouin

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 EdgeHD, 355 mm f/10 at f/19


Accessories: Barlow 2x, RGB Baader filters

Exposure: Stacking of 6000 images pzer RGB channel

Image processing: Autostakker!3, Astrosurface, Photoshop

Location: Palaiseau, France

Date: 22 September 2020, 01h30m UT

See also the animation (7 MB GIF).

Subject: Mars ( 19.9" at 0.47 AU)

Author: Łukasz Sujka

Optics: Newtonian Astrofaktoria 350 mm f/4 at f/12

Accessories: Tele Vue Barlow 3x, RGB + IR 742 nm filters

CCD: ZWO ASI 178MM-C (cooled)

Exposure: IR+RGB stacking

Imlage processing: Autostakker!2, ImPPG et Photoshop

Location: Pabianice, Poland

Date: 8 September 2020, 01h52 UT

Note Olympus Mons and the white plume over Arsia Mons already recorded by Viking 2 and Mars Express. See also the animation recorded between 3-22 Sept 2020 (25 MB GIF).

Subject: Mars ( 18.34" at 0.51 AU)

Author: Avani Soares

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 EdgeHD, 355 mm f/10 + CGE Pro mount

Accessories: TV Powermate 2x, Baader L and IR 685 nm filters


Exposure: IR+L stacking

Image processing: Fire Capture, Fitswork, AutoStakker!2, Registax 6, Photofiltre, Irfan

Location: Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Date: 31 July 2018, 02h51m UT

Subject: Mars ( 18.34" at 0.51 AU)

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 EdgeHD, 356 mm f/10

Accessories: Barlow + extension tube, RGB filters


Exposure: RGB Stacking

Image processing: Yes

Location: Barbados

Date: 9 June 2016, 01h39m30s UT

To compare with this Hubble image.

Subject: Mars ( 18.37" at 0.509 AU)

Author: John Earl

Scope: Celestron SCT C11 at f/35

Accessories: Barlow 2x + extension tube

CCD: Image Source DBK21 618 (color)

Exposure: Stacking of 400 frames on 7000 at 60 fps, 100 gamma, 75% gain

Location: Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia

Date: 22 May 2016 (opposition day)

To compare with this Hubble image.

Subject: Mars (25.02" at 0.37 AU)

Author: Jacques-André Régnier

Scope: Celestron SCT NexStar 5i, 125 mm f/10 at f/58

Accessory: Tele Vue Barlow 3x, Sirius NIR1-blocking filter

Webcam: Philips Vesta Pro

Exposure: Stacking of 2235 frames

Image processing: Iris and Photoshop

Location: Paris, France

Date: 23 August 2003, 00h29m UT

Subject: Mars ( 24.91" at 0.37 AU)

Author: Thierry Legault

Scope: Meade SCT 12" LX200 of 305 mm on Takahashi NJP-160 mount

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: Video camera Neptune 100 + RGB filters

Exposure: Stacking of 125 frames of luminance (R) with some dozen RGB

Image processing: Unsharp masking in QMiPS32

Location: France

Date: 20 August 2003

Subject: Mars ( 4" at 2.5 AU)

Author: Maurizio Di Sciullo

Scope: Excelsior Optics E-258 (10") f/8 newtonian

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: Starlight Xpress HX-516

Exposure: RGB stacking

Image processing: Yes

Location: Florida, USA

Date: 2000

Subject: Moon-Jupiter conjunction

Author: Donald Parker

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm f/11

Location: USA

Date: 7 December 2004

Subject: Jupiter ( 49.77" at 3.96 AU)

Author: Sean Wang

Scope: Newtonian Nauris of 21", 533 mm f/3.9 at f/19 on homemade horseshoe mount

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: SQR Player One SATURN M (IMX533M)

Exposure: RGB stacking, 3 x 60 s

Image processing: Yes

Location: Singapore

Date: 30 September 2022, 17h10 UT

Subject: Jupiter

Author: Anthony Wesley

Scope: Newtonian of 16", 400 mm f/4 on G11 mount

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: Yes

Exposure: RGB stacking

Image processing: AutoStakker!3, Registax

Location: Rubyvale, Queensland, Australia

Date: 2 May 2017, 12h40m UT

Subject: Jupiter

Author: Dimitris Kolovos

Scope: Celestron SCT C11, 280 mm f/10

Accessory: Derotator


Exposure: Stacking of 8 minutes of video (~12000 frames)

Location: Athens, Greece

Date: 20 March 2017, 22h12m UT

Subject: Jupiter and Io

Author: Avani Soares

Scope: Celestron SCT C8, 200 mm at f/20

Accessories: Astronomik L filter (UV-IR cut), Tele Vue Powermate 2x


Exposure: stacking of best frames extracted from several movies

Image processing: AS!2, Registax

Location: Quintão Beach, Palamres do Sul, Brazil

Date: 2 March 2017, 07h15m UT

Subject: Jupiter, Io and Ganymede

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C11, 280 mm f/10

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Location: Barbados

Date: September 2010

Subject: Jupiter and Io

Author: Jacques-André Régnier

Scope: Celestron SCT NexStar 5", 125 mm f/10

Accessory: Ultima Barlow 2x

Webcam: Philips Vesta Pro

Image processing: Iris

Location: Paris, France

Date: 6 February 2002, 20h UT

Subject: Jupiter and GRS

Author: Ed Grafton

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm at f/68

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Location: Texas, USA

Date: 7 November 2001

Subject: Jupiter

Author: Maurizio Di Sciullo

Scope: Excelsior Optics E-258 (10") f/8 newtonian

Accessories: True technology RGB filters

CCD: Starlight Xpress HX-516

Exposure: RGB stacking

Location: Florida, USA

Date: ~1999

Subject: Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn (separ. 6' 07.88")

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Ritchey-Chrétien Chilescope of 1 m f/6.8


Exposure: Composite

Image processing: Yes

Location: Chile (remotely controlled)

Date: 21 December 2020, 00h18m UT

NB. With an apparent magnitude of -1.97 for Jupiter and +1.41 for Saturn, Jupiter is 22 times brighter than Saturn, the equivalent of 2.5 stops, hence the need for compositing and postprocessing to get a correct balance.

Subject: Saturn with Titan

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT 14" EdgeHD, 355 mm f/11

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: Yes

Exposure: LRGB stacking

Date: 14 July 2024, 3h26m36s UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Daniel Borja

Scope: Celestron NexStar 6SE with Williams Optics RedCat 51 mm f/4.9 guider

Accessories: TV 2X Powermate, Optolong UV/IR-Cut filter


Exposure: Composite, stacking of best ~2000 frames from a 3 minutes video (~14000 frames) + frames showing stars/satellites

Image processing: Yes

Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Date: 14 August 2022

Subject: Saturn

Author: Thierry Legault

Scope: Celestron SCT 14" EdgeHD, 355 mm f/11


Exposure: Color stacking of 4000 best frames on 48000

Image processing: AS3!, Winjupos, Photoshop

Location: France

Date: 22 September 2022, 21h01m UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Sean Wang

Scope: SkyWatcher 16" dobsonian 406 mm f/4.4 at f/22

Accessories: TV 5X Powermate, Player One Astronomy UV and IR-Cut filters

CCD: Player One Astronomy Neptune-C II (color)

Exposure: Stacking of 1000 frames

Image processing: Sharpcap 4, Autostakkert!3, AstraImage5, Photoshop CC

Location: SuZhou, China

Date: 21 July 2022

Subject: Saturn

Author: Paul Haese

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm f/11, OTA cooled

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposure: Stacking of ~1800 frames under each R, G, B filter

Image Processing: AutoStakker!2, Astra Image 2.5 Max, Photoshop

Location: Adelaïd (Glenalta), South Australia

Date: 2 June 2017, 14h49m UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm f/10

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking of 50 min (L=G=35 min, R,G,B=5 min. each)

Image processing: AutoStakker!3, Registax 6, Winjupos 11.1.3, Photoshop, Topaz, Nix

Location: Barbados

Date: 10 June 2016, 3h41m36s UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Christopher Go

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm f/10

Accessories: LRGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Image processing: Yes

Location: Cebu, Philippines

Date: 29 May 2013, 12h04 UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C9.25, 235 mm f/10

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposure: LRGB stacking

Image processing: Registax, Photoshop

Location: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, UK

Date: 20 April 2009, 20h24m UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: David Tyler

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm at f/40

Accessories: Trutek type 1 and 2 RGB filters

CCD: Lumenera 075

Exposure: LRGB (L=red) stacking

Image processing : Registax, Photoshop

Location: USA

Date: 20 December 2005, 01-02h UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Wes Higgins

Scope: Starmaster 14.5", 368 mm f/4.3 dobsonian at f/24

Accessory: Barlow 5x

Webcam: Philips ToUCam Pro

Exposure: Stacking of 462 frames from 1200, 1/33 s each

Image processing: Registax, Imageplus, PhotoShop 7

Location: Tecumseh, Oklahoma, USA

Date: 12 March 2004

Subject: Saturn

Author: Ed Grafton

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm at f/68

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposition: LRGB stacking

Location: Texas, USA

Date: 19 November 2001

Subject: Saturn

Author: Thierry Legault

Scope: Meade SCT LX200 12" of 305 mm on Takahashi NJP-160 mount

Accessories: RGB filters

CCD: Hi-SIS 43 (KAF-1600)

Exposure: Stacking of 48 B/W frames + some LRGB

Image processing: Unsharp mask with QMiPS32

Location: France

Date: January 2001

Subject: Saturn

Author: Dimitris Kolovos

Scope: Celestron SCT C11, 280 mm f/10

Accessory: ZWO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC)


Exposure: Stacking of ~2500 frames (8 videos of 2 min.)

Image Processing: Yes

Location: Athens, Greece

Date: 30 May 2017, 22h31m UT

Subject: Saturn

Author: Sandro Nardella

Scope: Celestron SCT C8, 200 mm f/10

Webcam: Philips Vesta Pro

Exposition: Stacking of 900 frames

Image processing: Aviedit , Iris 3.72 , Photoshop 6

Location: Turino, Italy

Date: 30 December 2002

Subject: Saturn

Author: Jacques-André Régnier

Scope: Celestron SCT NexStar 5", 125 mm f/10

Accessory: Tele Vue Barlow 3x apo

Webcam: Philips Vesta Pro

Exposure: Total integration time of 12 minutes

Image processing: Stacking of 529 frames

Location: Paris, France

Date: 22 November 2002

Subject: Saturn

Author: Maurizio Di Sciullo

Scope: Excelsior Optics E-258 (10") f/8 newtonian

Accessories: True Technology RGB filters

CCD: Starlight Xpress HX-516

Exposure: RGB stacking

Image processing: Yes

Location: Florida, USA

Date: 2000

Subject: Uranus ( 3.67")

Author: Daniele Gasparri and Cristiano Cinti

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 HD, 356 mm f/11 at f/25

Accessory: Barlow 2x


Exposure: Stacking of a color sequence

Location: Atacama, Chili

Date: 10 November 2020, 19h42m UT

Subject: Uranus ( 3.67")

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 HD, 356 mm f/11

Accessories: Tube extension + RG610 filter


Exposure: 30 minutes

Location: Barbados, W.I.

Date: 20 September 2015, 01h17m UT

Subject: Uranus + 4 satellites

Author: Ed Grafton

Scope: Celestron SCT C14, 356 mm at f/27

Accessories: RGB filters


Exposition: LRGB Stacking

Location: Texas, USA

Date: 6 July 2002

Subject: Neptune ( 2.3")

Author: ZhiWei Zhou

Scope: Celestron SCT C11, 280 mm f/20 on iOptron CEM70G mount

Accessories: Focal extender (Barlow) ES 2x, Optolong L (UV/IR cut) filter


Exposure: 357 s or 5.9 min., stacking of 10000 frames at 28 fps

Image processing: ASICap

Location: Zhuhai, China

Date: 23 July 2020, 19h10m UT

Subject: Neptune

Author: Anthony Wesley

Scope: Fullum 508 mm (20")

Accessories: R filter + Thorabs 600 nm longpass IR filters

CCD: B/W, composite of best of 90 minutes sequence, colorized

Location: Rubyvale, Queensland, Australia

Date: 3 October 2019, 12h46m UT

Subject: Neptune and Triton

Author: Damian Peach

Scope: Celestron SCT C14 HD, 356 mm f/11

Accessories: Barlow, RG610 filter


Exposure: 50 minutes

Location: Barbados, W.I.

Date: 19 September 2015, 23h15m UT

Subject: Neptune and Triton

Author: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Scope: Celestron SCT C8, 200 mm f/10

CCD: Meade Pictor 416XT

Location: Arizona, USA

Date: 1999

Subject: Pluto in front of Barnard 92 dark nebula in Sagittarius

Authors: John Chumack, Paolo Candy

Scope: 14", 356 mm home-made Newtonian


Exposure: 60 min (5x 12 min.)

Location: Ohio, USA

Date: 6 and 7 July 2010

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