Showing posts with label Terhi Koskinen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terhi Koskinen. Show all posts

Friday, 22 September 2017

Sweet Minialbum | Terhi Koskinen

Hello all!

Terhi Koskinen here today, sharing a minialbum I created with 13arts products. First this was a piece for a class I was meant to teach in Mixed Media pARTy 2017, but life happened and couldn't fly over to Poland. But I really love this book and wanted to share it for all of you.

This book is made without any heavy cardstock inside. Instead, there's couple layers of patterned paper and it will keep the book together.

As I originally thought this book for a scrapbooking class, I wanted to have black&white photographs inside and I loved this picture of our dog so much I wanted to repeat it four times!

The leaves, and all layers behind the pictures are made with patterned papers, some cut with BigShot and some ripped out.
I hope you find this inspiring!

Thank you for stopping by!

13arts materials:

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Acrylic Paints / Farby Akrylowe

Witajcie w naszym poście produktowym! Tym razem chcielibyśmy powiedzieć Wam nieco więcej o naszej nowej linii:

Welcome to our product post! This time we'd like to tell you something more about our new line of:

>>>Farb Akrylowych / Acrylic Paints<<<

Here's few words from their Designer- Olga: 

"13 Arts Acrylic Paints were made especially for mixed media and paper crafting. These are high quality transparent acrylic paints. TRANSPARENT means if you use one or two thin coats you can still see through paint cluster that means you will be able to see pattern from paper or any previous actions in the background. Of course with thick application or multi layering you will get opaque effect. We have plenty of amazing vibrant colors closed in 50 ml jars but you can mix them together and create your own custom colors . they are permanent after dry. Some hints from me: if you want to just bright up paper without destroying pattern use white or buttercream. Apply thin even layer to your paper with sponge or soft brush to avoid brushstrokes and achieve even application. If you want to mute down some super vibrant papers apply cafe au lait in the same way"

A oto kilka pomysłów od naszych utalentowanych Projektantek:
And here are some amazing creations by our talented Designers:

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13arts materials:

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The new acrylic paints from 13@rts are a DREAM to work with. They are so creamy and smooth and flow off your paintbrush like silk. I love their transparency, it gives an opportunity for surprises to peak through your work.

13@rts products used:

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13@rts products used:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z nowymi farbkami :) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with our new paints! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Strength In Numbers

'Strength in Numbers' is a collection that came about because I am surrounded by so many supportive people. To make my own collection has been a dream come true and I could not have done it on my own, hence the name, "Strength in Numbers". We are but a drop but together we are the ocean. We can do so much more when we stand together and support one another. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have given me both the opportunity and the confidence to do this. i hope you like my collection. xx

'Strength in Numbers' to kolekcja, która pojawiła się, ponieważ jestem otoczona przez wielu wspierających mnie ludzi. Stworzenie jej własnej kolekcji to spełnienie moich marzeń, sama nie dałabym rady i stąd nazwa. Jesteśmy tylko kroplą, ale razem tworzymy ocean. Razem możemy zdziałać więcej gdy wspieramy innych. Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy dali mi tę możliwość i zachęcili do zrobienia jej. Mam nadzieję, że moja kolekcja się Wam spodoba

Material used : 

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Material used : 
- 13@rts flowers

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13arts materials:

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Courage | Terhi Koskinen

Hello lovely people!

Terhi here today with a super fresh layout made with the brand new Strenght in Numbers collection.

The first inspiring thing with this collection for me is the fresh, airy and fun feeling in every patterned paper. That is something I wanted to capture to this layout too.

To reach the fresh, pretty and girly look I had in mind I left other side of the page completely empty, and added all the element on the right side.
The empty space let your rest and the white color highlights the patterned papers on the other side.

To break the big line between patterned papers and the white area, I cut the photograph circle shape. It is a small thing to do but makes a huge difference, don't you think!?

The heart embellishment under the photograph is one of the chipboard shapes we have in store, just painted with gold paint.

Hope you are inspired!

13arts materials:

Saturday, 29 July 2017

New Collections - Part 3

Czas na trzecią część inspiracji z naszych nowych kolekcji! Dzisiaj mamy dla Was dwa piękne layouty wykonane przez nasze utalentowane projektantki Lisę i Terhi! 

Time for the third part of the inspirations made with our new collections! Today we have two amazing layouts made by our talented Designers- Lisa and Terhi! 

Jeśli jeszcze nie widzieliście nowych kolekcji, oto i one:
If you haven't seen our new collections yet, here they are:

>>>Art Journey by Aida Domisiewicz<<<

>>>Vintage Moments by Olga Heldwein<<<

>>>Strenght in Numbers by Fiona Paltridge<<<

Mamy też nową linię produktów zaprojektowaną przez Martę Łapkowską:
We've also have a new line of products designed by Marta Łapkowska:

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13arts products:

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13arts products:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z nowymi kolekcjami :) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with our new products! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Star | Terhi Koskinen

Hey all!

Terhi Koskinen here to inspire you with one of our new collections: "Strenght in Numbers" by lovely Fiona Paltridge.

I absolutely adore this colorful and fun collection. All the patterned papers matches perfectly together and there are so many interesting details in the patterns.

As the patterns and colors were so fun and wild, I decided to go with a geometrical design. Lots of squares, triangles, some circles and then the cherry on top: stars!

The winters here in Finland are so cold, and my sweet kiddos always looks like they are stars in their jackets and suits. My younger one posed to my camera highlighting her inner star. What a sweet face! I really hope you are as excited as I am about these new collections!

13arts products:

Thank you for stopping by!

Friday, 23 June 2017

Planning with Terhi Koskinen

Hey all!

Terhi here today, with a project you have never seen here on 13arts blog before. I made a planner spread! With lots of 13arts products.

First I cut a lot of little paper pieces, one for each day, and then stamped the numbers on top. As planner would be really hard to use with too layered outcome, I decided to give details with paints.

All the number are painted with blue and green metallic paints, and white details are made with white splash! ink. It was big job to do, but definitely worth it.

To create some more fun to the spread, I added a butterfly sticker on a vellum and cut it out, then glued it on top of a tiny knot of thread to decorate the spread.

Another embellishments for the spread is the paperclip. It is a normal paperclip you can see in every office, but by using multipurpose medium and some glitter I made it look like more! The glass cabochons are perfect for this use, and the multipurpose medium dries all clear so it is totally invisible between the glasses.

What do you think, would you take a try to the world of planners, with a small twist of mixed media?

13arts materials:

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Getting Ready for Father's Day

Przygotowujecie się już na Dzień Ojca? Niektórzy z członków naszego DT już zrobili piękne kartki i dzisiaj chcieliby się z Wami podzielić swoimi pomysłami :) 

Are you getting ready for Father's Day? Some of our DT members have already made pretty cards and they'd like to share their ideas with you today! :) 

Products used:

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Products used:

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Products used:

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Products used:

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Czy zrobiliście już coś na Dzień Ojca? Możecie podzielić się pracami w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Have you already made anything for Father's Day? You can share your projects in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :)