Showing posts with label altered art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label altered art. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Altered Clock - Lost Anchor by Monika Januszewska-Rosik

Witajcie! Dzisiaj przybywam do Was z projektem altered art - zegarem kotwicą. Chciałam uzyskać efekt zardzewiałej, porośniętej glonami kotwicy wyciągniętej z morskich głębin. 

Welcome! Today I come to you with an altered art project - an anchor clock. I wanted the effect of a rusty, algae anchor pulled from the depths of the sea.

Spójrzcie jaki fajna rdza mi wyszła przy użyciu  proszku Rusty Bronze Powder. Aby uzyskać taki naturalny efekt należy dodać nieco więcej odczynnika, tak aby utworzyła się cienka warstwa rdzy.

Look what cool rust I got from using Rusty Bronze Powder. To achieve this natural effect, a little more reagent should be added to create a thin layer of rust.

 Wykorzystałam: / I used:

Glass Microspheres

Ściskam! / Hugs!

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Altered art mobil phone case with tutorial video

Hello my dears,

I'm so excited about the arrival of the new collection, it's amazingly beautiful.
This time I was in the mood of simply painting and sticking. 

My inspiration of the day is an upcycled mobile case. I'm still practising this new altered art style and today I brought you a video about the making process of it:

Products what i used:

We'd like to encourage you to show us your projects!
You can share them in our ARTelier FB Group
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts).

Thank you for watching :)

Friday, 10 April 2020

Vintage Telephone by Monika

Witajcie! Przychodzę do Was z kolejnym projektem altered art w moim wykonaniu. Obiektem moich eksperymentów stał się telefon - zapomniana, plastikowa zabawka. Postanowiłam dać mu drugie życie i dodać co nieco kolorów.

Hello! I come to you with my next altered art project. The object of my experiments became a telephone - a forgotten plastic toy. I decided to give him a second life and add some color.

Wykorzystałam: / I used:

Ściskam! / Hugs!

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Altered Letter by Yulia Akramova

Hello everyone! And have you ever had a blank for work lying and waiting for its finest hour?  Not often in my works you will find non-meat 🙈, but I still diluted this non-meat with rust 🤟🏼😁 This letter "C" was made by me a long time ago and I still could not finish it 🙈
But with the arrival of materials from @ 13arts, everything came together right away and I decided to make it (finally) 🤟🏼😁

Yulia Akramova

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Mixed-media guitar by Yulya Chorna

Hello everyone!
This is my first work for 13@rts as a member of the design team, and I am very excited and happy to be here. For my first post, I`ve created an altered violin where I used "Victoriana" and "Rosalie" collections.

I always start alter scrap by applying  Gesso (at this time it is black gesso) thanks to that I have the certainty that the media I use won't smudge and the chipboard (or any base) won't get soaked or destroyed. I have to admit that I fell in love with how creamy 13@rts gesso is!
Then I applied Multipurpose medium with an Ornament stencil on my violin and scattered with gold embossing powder.
After that, I started to decorate my project using metallic gears, cut some elements from Dear diary paper - Rosalie  and  Steampunk queen paper - Victoriana

Also I'd like to mention that I just can't imagine all my works without embellishments and toppings such as microspheres, glitter, stones atc.

For this project I used:

Gesso black
 Colored Grit Gray Light
Watercolor brush round 8 mm

Thank you for stopping by!
And have a nice day ;)

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Altered wooden house by Aida

Welcome everyone in 2020!
 I hope this year will be a great one for all of us, peaceful, healthy, full of happiness and love. For me personally it will be again a busy year with travels (including very long discance travels), designing new products, classes, but even though sometimes it is really hard work, I love what I do :) All the information about 13 arts events and classes around the world you can find here.
Today I have an altered wooden house to show you, spring colors make me me forget about grey and dark days outside.

Witacie kochani w 2020 roku. 
Mam nadzieję, że dla nas wszystkich będzie to wspaniały rok, przede wszystkim spokojny, pełen szczęścia, zdrowia i miłości. Dla mnie osobiście to będzie kolejny pracowity czas, pełen podróży (w tym bardzo dalekich), warsztatów, projektowania nowych produktów i nawet jeśli czasami jest ciężko, to naprawdę kocham to co robię:) Informacje o warsztatach, targach z udziałem 13 arts znajdziecie tutaj.
Dziś na przekór szarości za oknem mam dla Was wiosenny alterowany domek.

For the background I used transfer technique with 13 arts Gel medium, some stencils, stickers and tissue paper. All the coloring is made with 13 arts watercolors. 

List of products:


Saturday, 27 July 2019

A vintage tag by Marta

Tu Marta, dzisiaj z tagiem vintage. Pobawiłam się trochę nowościami, jak np. ephemerą i połączyłam ją z moimi dawnymi ulubieńcami jak Shiny Powder czy mikrokuleczki. 

 Hi there!
It's Marta here today with a vintage tag. I played with the newest product, like ephemera pack and I mixed it with my old favourite like Shiny Powder and microbeads.  

W tle widzicie też nową maskę. 
In the background you can also see the newest stencil. 

Material used :