Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2019

As Americans become less religious, the role of chaplains may grow

From The Washington Post-

The Rev. Donna Mote regularly accompanies military personnel escorting the caskets of fallen service members through Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, where she serves as a chaplain at the busiest airport in the world.

Mote is the first person to greet the escorts once they step off the plane. She stands shoulder to shoulder with them while Delta Honor Guard members march with flags of the five military branches. She stays with them through their layover at the airport. She’s there for support. In many cases, the escorts are grieving because they knew the deceased.

When it’s time to go, Mote helps with check-in at the departure gate, walks down the boarding ramp, and once the remains have been confirmed, she heads up the airplane stairs with the escorts to bid them farewell.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Chaplain to reflect on time serving soldiers

From Georgia-

Wherever the call led him, the Rev. Lou Scales followed. Over the past 50 years, it’s led him all over the world.

At 9:15 a.m. Sunday, at the Church of the Holy Comforter in Martinez, Scales will reflect on his varied life of ministry.

Born in Alabama, Scales began his ministry in a small Methodist church in June 1967. In 1976, he joined the Army as a chaplain. He considered it an opportunity to reach a segment of people who typically are exiting the church – young adults.

Scales said those in their late teens and early to mid-20s leave the church because it’s boring or they find something else in their lives that is more meaningful to them. Yet that’s part of the very population he was sent into.

“When they get into the Army, they run into real life, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to be part of their faith development,” he said.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

What happens when the military chaplain is shaken by war

From The Washington Post-

The pre-war Pastor Matthew Williams had gone to seminary, was ordained and thought he understood why people suffer. “God allows suffering because this world is temporary,” is how he would have put it.

Then came two deployments as an Army chaplain, one to Afghanistan and one to Iraq. Williams spent a year in an Afghanistan morgue unzipping body bags and “seeing your friends’ faces all blown apart.” He watched as most of the marriages he officiated for fellow soldiers fell apart. He felt the terror of being the only soldier who wasn’t armed when the mortars dropped and bullets flew.

This Memorial Day weekend, Williams is no longer an active-duty military chaplain nor a United Church of Christ minister. He is a guitar player on disability whose outlook on God, religion and suffering was transformed by post-traumatic stress.

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Don’t condemn the Church. Who else argues for the common good?

From The Guardian-

There are doubts and debates at the highest level of the civil service about the cost of Trident. On balance, officials and chiefs of staff still support it, not least because cancellation would irrevocably remove one of the last props of Britain’s great-power status. But the case is not open and shut. The cost verges on the impossible, with unpalatable and irrational choices forced on the rest of our military capability to pay for a weapon system that will never be used. It is closer to a 51/49 call than the wider debate recognises.

Yet when the Church of England’s bishops urge that the question be publicly discussed as part of a grownup debate about the future of our country and the quest for the common good, they are dismissed by right-of-centre commentators, Tory MPs and some ministers as a bunch of closet leftists making a political statement. They should get out of politics, and stop making unsolicited interventions like last week’s letter, Who is my neighbour?, directed to the people and parishes of the Church of England.

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Pentagon Denies Bias Against Military Chaplains

From Charisma News-

Lawmakers peppered Pentagon officials on Wednesday about claims that military chaplains have faced discrimination for their beliefs, and time and again, chaplains and personnel officials said they were unaware of any bias.

Virginia Penrod, deputy assistant secretary of defense for military personnel policy, told the House Subcommittee on Military Personnel that she could not cite specific instances where chaplains had to preach a sermon or oversee a ceremony that conflicted with their beliefs.

“There’s absolutely nothing in policy or code that prohibits a chaplain from praying according to the dictates of their faith,” she said.

In recent years conservative activists have complained that some military chaplains have been restricted in fully preaching their beliefs or have been muzzled or forced to follow policies they disagree with.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gay head priest shows how far Canadian military has come

From Canada-

In his new job as head chaplain in the military, Brig.-Gen. John Fletcher will be overseeing the religious needs of Canada’s troops, shoring up what the Defence Department calls its chaplaincy’s “inclusive, welcoming culture.”

As an openly gay member of the military and Anglican priest for more than two decades, it’s an environment Fletcher has benefitted from firsthand.

His recent appointment is in sharp contrast to past military policy, which allowed discrimination against gays and lesbians. Fletcher said he came out not long after a landmark court decision struck down the rule in 1992, alleviating his fears about what could happen to his career if he did come out.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Southern Baptists: No Gay Weddings For Military Chaplains

From Huffington-

The agency that commissions Southern Baptist military chaplains says no Baptist chaplain will be allowed to perform, attend or support a same-sex wedding either on or off base.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board released guidelines on Aug. 29 stating that endorsed chaplains will not “offer any kind of relationship training or retreat, on or off of a military installation, that would give the appearance of accepting the homosexual lifestyle or sexual wrongdoing.”

The updated guidelines were issued in response to the military’s repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and the Supreme Court’s decision this summer to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act.

“A lot of our chaplains were asking for clarification,” said Mike Ebert, spokesman for the NAMB, which is based outside Atlanta. “We wanted to clearly articulate in writing for the Department of Defense that these are our expectations.”

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Religious leaders protest Obama drone policy

From CNN- (reverends?)

A group of rabbis, reverends and priests has a message for President Barack Obama: stop the drone war.

In a video produced by the Brave New Foundation, a group that uses video and social media to protest against drones, Jewish and Christian leaders describe the practice as "assassination by remote control," which violates religious principles.

“From a New Testament point of view, drones are completely appalling,” the Rev. Paul F. M. Zahl, the Episcopal rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland, told CNN. “The whole idea of killing a guy without giving the guy a chance to surrender is preemptive. That for me was completely contrary to the teachings of Christ.”

The video criticizes the Obama administration, stating that the use of war does not follow Just War Theory, which has Roman and Catholic influences.  The theory includes criteria that legitimize war, including ensuring that war is a last resort and that it is being carried out with the right intentions.

According to the religious leaders in the video, titled “Drones and Religion,” the drone program fails to meet several of these criteria.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Pastor proud to serve both the military and the church

From Florida-

When the first strains of the closing hymn started, Holy Cross Episcopal Church pastor the Rev. Jeffrey A. Jencks was still wearing his purple cassock, a symbol of his priesthood.

By the time "Amazing Grace" finished, Jencks was standing near the church altar in full Army uniform, his military awards dripping from his uniform.

For years, Jencks had been a soldier and a priest, moving between disparate worlds. No more.

About 200 people stayed after Sunday's service at Holy Cross to honor Jencks for his military service. And congregation members were honored for sharing their spiritual leader with the Army. Jencks retired in January after a 21-year military career that included two tours in Iraq. His Army affiliations include service with the Rhode Island National Guard, the Army Reserve and active-duty Army.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Deerfield Packs 150 Care Packages for Troops Abroad

From Illinois-

Since 2005 St. Gregory’s Episcopal in Deerfield has shipped more than 6,000 care packages to American troops serving abroad.

About every two months, residents spend an evening at the church stuffing boxes for servicemen. Tuesday, was the program’s 36th troop care packaging event.

“People don’t realize a lot of the kids in the military do not always have a lot of family support,” Deerfield mom Nuala Kurokawa said.

“They need to know that they’re important and appreciated,” Highland Park resident Cissy Singleton added.

Kurokawa and Singleton originally teamed up to organize the program when they both had family members serving abroad. Kurokawa’s son was stationed in Iraq while Singleton’s nephew was a Navy Seal.

“It troubles us that people don’t care as much anymore,” Kurokawa said, so they’ve continued events even though both of their family members are back at home.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Homeless, hospitalized vets get Christmas party

From Chicago-

'Tis the season to remember our veterans, the Rev. Rod Reinhart says.

With that in mind, he has organized a holiday party and gift drive for veterans who are hospitalized or homeless.

"Remember Our Wounded Soldiers at Christmas" is slated for 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph and St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, 2453 Oak St., Blue Island.

"I've been working with veterans for many, many years. With the war and things going on, the problem of veterans became much more visible and important for me and my ministry," said Reinhart, 61, the church's pastor.

"I decided one of the really important ways we can get the church and the community mobilized around helping veterans is to organize an event at Christmas," he said.
The party will be a potluck event, he said.

"We have food, we have music, we have people from the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) hospitals talking about how valuable it is to work with the vets," Reinhart said. "And we may have a visit from Santa Claus."

More here-,121010xmassoldiers.article

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saint Gabriel's Church adopts a Marine Unit

From Newark-

Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church on Dover Milton Road has adopted a Marine Unit serving in Afghanistan. Non-perishable food items such as dry snacks, powdered drinks, candy, etc. are collected and sent periodically. There are two drop boxes for this effort, one of which is at the Jefferson Twp. Library, the other at the church. Saint Gabriel's will accept drop offs on Sundays between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon. A more detailed list of acceptable items is also at these locations. Persons coming to enjoy Christmas in the Village events at the Church may drop off items at that time as well. Thank you for helping us to make this outreach program successful.

More here-


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Care For the Troops workshop

From Savannah-

Care For the Troops workshop

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, in partnership with the apolitical, interfaith, nonprofit Care For The Troops organization, will host a workshop for area clergy and lay leaders on how to offer the best pastoral care and congregational support to soldiers, veterans and family members from 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday at the church, 155 Goshen Road, Rincon. For information, go to or

Friday, May 28, 2010

Medal recipient in Pearl Harbor attack 'a real hero'

Fitting for Memorial Day-

Medal of Honor recipient John Finn, one of the oldest and most celebrated survivors of the attack that targeted Pearl Harbor, died yesterday, the Navy said. He was 100.

Finn fired a machine gun at Japanese planes over the Kāne'ohe Marine base despite being wounded many times. He was the nation's oldest Medal of Honor recipient and the last living recipient from the Pearl Harbor attack.

Finn died at a nursing home in Chula Vista, Calif.

Last year, the Navy named one of its newest USS Arizona Memorial shuttle boats the John W. Finn.

Daniel Martinez, National Park Service historian at the Arizona Memorial, said he is often asked about the shuttle's name and responds with the story of a brave man who did his best to shoot down the enemy over American soil on Dec. 7, 1941.

"I felt like I was looking at a real hero. And that hero was John," Martinez said.

"I knew him well. He was very much a no-nonsense person. Not in a strict sense of the word, but in the sense that he never left the military. He was colorful and had a great sense of humor."

Finn retired from the Navy in 1956 as a lieutenant.

U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, himself a Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, said, "We have lost a great patriot today and I extend my condolences to Mr. Finn's family. Like all grateful Americans, I will remember him for his courage and his love of country. I hope that we all remember him with gratitude for the sacrifices he made in defense of our great nation."

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Personal Identity in a War Zone

From the New York Times-

During the last nine months of my year in Iraq, I served as a scout platoon leader commanding 30 cavalry scouts and nine snipers. Our daily missions involved protecting the populace and helping to secure those working to build the struggling economy and government. The missions were tiresome, but they created opportunities for interactions with the Iraqi people, both military and civilian.

Behind closed doors and away from our soldiers, my fellow officers and I often criticized the Iraqis. Initially, it was a way to blow off steam, but I came to realize that my religious identity fueled my complaints.

Of more than 900 men in my battalion, I was one of only two Jewish soldiers. While serving in this predominately Muslim country, Lieutenant Schwartz had opted to translate his last name from the German and go instead by Lieutenant Black. My last name, Brewster, did not pose the same problem, but I had my own difficult choice to make.

My father is a fourth-generation Episcopal minister from a blue-blooded New England family who fell in love with a Jewish girl. Rather than prescribing a religion to any of their children, my parents raised my brother, sister and me in both religions and allowed us to decide for ourselves. While not rejecting my Christian heritage, I have considered myself Jewish since shortly after my bar mitzvah.

For safety’s sake, I ordered two sets of dog tags before my deployment, one that identified me as Jewish, the other as Episcopalian. In my first three months in Iraq, while I worked in intelligence — mostly relegated to a windowless office — I wore the dog tags that said Jewish. My switch to platoon leader meant leaving the base daily and facing increased danger. The night before my new duties, I sat for close to an hour staring at each set of dog tags. I thought of the Maccabees — choosing death at the hand of the Assyrians rather than renouncing their faith. I also recalled Daniel Pearl — the Wall Street Journal reporter who had been beheaded in Pakistan, in part for being Jewish. I knew the chance of my capture was relatively low and that my dog tags would probably remain hidden under my uniform. But the idea of hiding my religious identity weighed on me heavily.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bishop Packard to retire; search begins for next bishop suffragan for federal ministries

Military bases, federal hospitals and prisons, and armed forces chaplains wherever they may be – that has been Bishop George Packard's world-spanning ministry for nearly a decade.
He has announced his retirement, effective May 31, 2010, and the Episcopal Church has begun a search for candidates willing to accept a call to be the sixth bishop suffragan for federal ministries.

Beginning with the formation of a discernment committee with representatives of the various ministries, and a special committee of bishops, the process will include the posting of a “call for nominations” form on September 1.

After interviews with a nominating committee in the fall, a list of nominees will be announced in January 2010. The new bishop suffragan is scheduled to be elected at the March 2010 meeting of the House of Bishops. Consecration is scheduled for June 2010 at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

For detailed information regarding the search process and election, including the timeline and committee members, click here.

Packard brought both military and pastoral experience to the post. Shortly after graduating from college in 1966, he enlisted in the Army and served as a lieutenant with the 1st infantry division in Vietnam. He was awarded the Silver Star and two Bronze Stars for valor.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Episcopal bishop visits Pentagon, 9/11 memorial

From USA Today-

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori paid her first visit to the Pentagon on Tuesday, leading services with fellow Episcopalians and praying at the new memorial for those killed there in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"It's powerful," she said of the memorial to 184 people who died when terrorists flew an airliner into the west side of the Pentagon. "It's a remarkable design that speaks about new life in the midst of death."

Jefferts Schori, who was an oceanographer before she pursued ordained ministry, particularly admired the trees and the running water that are part of the memorial's design. Maple trees are planted amid memorial stainless-steel benches that are inscribed with the names of each of the victims.

The presiding bishop recited a prayer from the church's Prayer Book for the Armed Services, which also was used by Episcopal chaplains in New York after terrorists struck the World Trade Center.

After visiting the memorial, Jefferts Schori led services for members of the Episcopal Church who work at the Pentagon. Prior to the service, Jefferts Schori said she would speak about John the Baptist and "how we use our voices."