Showing posts with label tec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tec. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why I'm Not Going to Taiwan

From Dan Martins-

Every March and every September, the bishops of the Episcopal Church (virtually all the active ones, and a few of the retired ones, at any rate) gather for a regular meeting of the House of Bishops. (The September meeting is dispensed with in General Convention years.) Later this month, the House will convene ... in Taiwan. I will not be there. It seems appropriate to offer an explanation. Indeed, my colleague bishops and the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Springfield deserve an explanation.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Without TEC, but not without hope

From South Carolina-

Day two of the 222nd annual meeting of the convention for the Diocese of South Carolina took a more serious tone Saturday after Friday night’s celebratory kick-off.

The clergy and delegates unanimously approved removing all references to The Episcopal Church (TEC) from its constitution, and Bishop Mark Lawrence pondered where the diocese will ultimately fit in the greater Anglican community.

In an interview before the bishop’s address Saturday, the Rev. Jim Lewis, who serves as canon to Lawrence, said that the diocese is solely focused on the future, even in light of the most recent court filing by Bishop Charles vonRosenberg of TEC in South Carolina in which he has also claimed rights to serve as the head of the diocese as a national Episcopal-affiliated organization.

“We have already turned the page, that’s all history,” Lewis said. “We’re moving ahead.”

Clergy and delegates from the 47 parishes and missions that currently make up the diocese listened attentively throughout the daylong event at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center that outlined the future for the group that has been caught up in a legal battle over property rights after breaking away from the national Episcopal Church last November due to disputes over ordaining gays and other issues.

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House of Bishops Daily Account for March 9

From ENS-

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in retreat at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC (Diocese of Western North Carolina) from March 8 to March 12.  The following is an account of the activities for Saturday, March 9.

The theme for the spring retreat meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is Godly Leadership in the Midst of Loss. The schedule calls for prayer-filled sessions, and bishops participate in daily Bible study, reflection and worship.

The emcee for the day was Bishop Todd Ousley, Diocese of Eastern Michigan.

Continuing the theme of Godly Leadership in the Midst of Loss, the reflection during Morning Prayer was on Leadership in the Midst of Natural Disaster, presented by Bishop George Councell of the Diocese of New Jersey. His diocese and the neighboring dioceses of Newark, New York and Long Island were profoundly assaulted by Hurricane Sandy. Bishop Councell observed that in other times, and still in certain industries, such natural disasters were called “acts of God,” and described that as a slur on God. Instead, he said, we are called “to show the world in times of natural disaster just what an act of God looks like; acts of compassion, acts of ‘going there.’”

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2013 retreat meeting

From ENS-

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in retreat at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC (Diocese of Western North Carolina) from March 8 to March 12.  The following is an account of the activities for Friday, March 8.

In their first meeting since General Convention in July 2012, a sense of unity and good spirit among the bishops was evident.

The theme for the spring retreat meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is Godly Leadership in the Midst of Loss. The schedule calls for prayer-filled sessions, and bishops participate in daily Bible study, reflection and worship.

Morning Prayer included a reflection on Godly Leadership in the Midst of Acute Loss, presented by Bishop Laura Ahrens, Diocese of Connecticut. Bishop Ahrens spoke  powerfully of her experience as a pastor and church leader in the days following the tragic shootings in Newtown. “There’s no one to impress when your heart is broken,” she said. “The cross reveals violence and speaks forgiveness offering new life. The love revealed in the life and witness of Jesus speaks to a peace.”
The emcee for the day was Bishop Dean Wolfe, Diocese of Kansas.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Peter Lee nominated as bishop provisional for East Carolina

From ENS-

The Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee has been nominated to serve as bishop provisional for the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, according to an announcement from the diocese.

A formal election will be held March 9 when the 130th diocesan convention will convene at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Greenville, North Carolina.

Bishops provisional are elected for an interim period until a diocesan bishop is chosen. Lee’s tenure as provisional bishop is expected to begin in early April and last approximately two years.

The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel served as bishop of the East Carolina diocese for 15 years. He resigned on Feb. 28 to become bishop provisional of the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Executive Council considers next triennial budget process

From ENS-

The Episcopal Church’s Executive Council began its three-day meeting here by examining a process to formulate a proposed budget for the 2016-2018 triennium.

The Rev. Canon Charles LaFond, council member from New Hampshire, led his colleagues in a 75-minute exercise that included silence, prayer and 12-minute blocks of table conversation. Council members changed tables for each conversation session so as to encourage a broad discussion as they were asked to consider two questions: “Where does God seem to be leading our church, and what are our hopes and dreams for the future [and] what actions and ministries would help us to realize those hopes and dreams?”  and “What is the appropriate role of the churchwide structure (as opposed to diocesan or local structures) in empowering these ministries and actions?”

The exercise came from a subcommittee created during the council’s last meeting by its Joint Standing Committee on Finances for Mission (FFM) to review the triennial process members have used to formulate a proposed triennial budget.

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Methodist, Episcopal event set

From Honesdale PA-

Grace Episcopal Church in Honesdale will be the site of an historic event on Sunday, March 3 at 4 p.m.

In the late 1700s, The Methodist movement started by brothers John and Charles Wesley spun off from the Church of England (the ‘Mother Church’ of the Anglican Communion, of which the Episcopal Church is the American branch).

Both Wesleys remained priests in the Church of England throughout their lives.

March 3 is considered in the Episcopal Church a date of commemorating the Wesley brothers as important saints of the Church.

The service that afternoon will be a festive service of Holy Communion as United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Church move toward Full Communion at their next national conventions.

Full Communion is not a merger, but a recognition of the ministries and mission of each individual church. It particularly allows for the inter-change of ministers between the churches.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Richmond bishop issues directive on unique Anglican-Roman Catholic community

From Richmond VA-

Diocese of Richmond Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo has issued a directive to a one-of-its-kind Virginia Beach church to bring its liturgical celebrations, primarily the Mass, into conformity with the universal Roman Catholic Church. At the same time, he has offered options for additional combined worship and prayer services that would affirm the unique character of the 35-year-old ecumenical community.

Bishop DiLorenzo met Thursday evening with the two priests and members of the Vestry Council of the Church of the Holy Apostles, the world’s only combined Anglican-Roman Catholic (ARC) Community, to reiterate a plan presented last fall and again in January to Catholic priest Rev. Msgr. Raymond Barton and Episcopal priest Rev. Michael Ferguson. The meeting was held at St. Bede’s Catholic Church in Williamsburg.

“I’m grateful to all who were involved in these proceedings, and for the friendly, productive and constructive nature of our conversations,’’ said Bishop DiLorenzo.

The liturgical directive, effective Feb. 28, would bring Holy Apostles back into compliance with the norms established by the Roman Catholic Church for celebrations of the Mass.  Namely, the directive requires that the Catholic and Episcopal liturgies be separate. The directive encourages the two communities to come together in an ecumenical spirit for Morning or Evening Prayer before and after the liturgy of the Mass.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Presiding bishop notifies Eau Claire of successful consent process

From ENS-

The Office of Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has notified the Diocese of Eau Claire that Bishop-Elect William Jay Lambert has received the required majority of consents in the canonical consent process.

As outlined under Canon III.11.4 (a), the Presiding Bishop confirmed the receipt of consents from a majority of bishops with jurisdiction, and has also reviewed the evidence of consents from a majority of standing committees of the Church sent to her by the diocesan standing committee.

In Canon III.11.4 (b), Standing Committees, in consenting to the ordination and consecration, attest they are “fully sensible of how important it is that the Sacred Order and Office of a Bishop should not be unworthily conferred, and firmly persuaded that it is our duty to bear testimony on this solemn occasion without partiality, do, in the presence of Almighty God, testify that we know of no impediment on account of which the Reverend A.B. ought not to be ordained to that Holy Office. We do, moreover, jointly and severally declare that we believe the Reverend A.B. to have been duly and lawfully elected and to be of such sufficiency in learning, of such soundness in the Faith, and of such godly character as to be able to exercise the Office of a Bishop to the honor of God and the edifying of the Church, and to be a wholesome example to the flock of Christ.”

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Episcopalian, Baptist churches combine services

From Dayton-

A Baptist church and an Episcopal Church began working together out of necessity, but hope to continue the collaboration.

Members of Christ Episcopal Church, 20 W. First St., and First Baptist Church, 111 Monument Ave., will worship together for about a month.

The Episcopal church is undergoing renovations, and its membership is temporarily displaced. The Baptist church members decided to open their doors.

“The chapel that is adjacent to our entry way was in danger of collapsing,” said the Rev. John Paddock, of Christ Episcopal. “I approached them initially thinking we could hold our services at a different time, but they invited us to join our services with theirs. It has been great and a wonderful learning experience as we explore our various traditions.”

Two examples of how Baptists and Episcopalians differ in their beliefs are baptism and celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

“The Church of England and Anglican churches, including the Episcopal church, are a bridge of sorts,” Paddock said. “Our liturgical practices are very Catholic, whereas our theology is more Protestant.”

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Episcopal Church expands missions

From Sarasota-

Leaders from area Episcopal churches are looking at strategies to reach out to the unchurched or those missing a spiritual life.

A mission conference last month in Bradenton that brought together clergy and churchgoers from Tampa to Naples was moderated by the Rev. Eric Cooter, the diocesan missioner since Jan. 1 under Bishop Dabney Smith.

"The purpose of the event was to stir enthusiasm and also to create an educational opportunity to bring in some people that are not theorists, but doing it 'boots on the ground' in other parts of the church," he said.

Speakers included the Revs. Karen Ward and Bob Leopold, both of whom knew Cooter when he led a young adult ministry at Lamb of God, a federated Lutheran Episcopal church in Fort Myers. Cooter also served as rector at St. David's in Englewood.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Freeport church gets new life

From Pittsburgh-

After sitting empty for more than five years, the Trinity Episcopal Church in Freeport has new life.

The Freeport Renaissance Association has teamed with the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh to rejuvenate the church into a social hall and museum.

Members of the Renaissance Association hope the 144-year-old church, now called Freeport Community and History Center, will be home to wedding receptions, banquets, and any other sort of get-together that a social hall can host.

“We realized the building had sat empty for many months; what a shame nothing was happening there,” said Mary Bowlin, the director of the Freeport-Leechburg-Apollo Group (FLAG). “When we were first pondering the project, we went inside and said ‘Wow — we are smitten by this building.'

“It's really a facility that's worth the elbow grease to save.”

The church, which was built in 1868, closed in 2007 because membership was down to about only 15 people.

The church has a long, rich, history in Freeport.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Task force on church structure plans first meeting

From ENS-

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Structure will conduct its inaugural meeting February 14-16 at the Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights, Maryland.

The opening prayers and remarks from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings on Feb.14 at 3:00 p.m., as well as a review of the group’s mandate, are open sessions, according to a media advisory here.

The remainder of that day, the next two days’ proceedings and small-group discussions are private. The closing worship on Saturday is open.

The task force plans to issue a statement following the conclusion of the meeting, the advisory said.
The task force was called for via Resolution C095, approved at the July meeting of General Convention.

Resolution C095 calls for a 24-member task force charged with presenting a plan to the next General Convention in 2015 “for reforming the church’s structures, governance, and administration.” According to the resolution “the membership of the task force shall reflect the diversity of the church, and shall include some persons with critical distance from the church’s institutional leadership.”

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National Cathedral's Gay Marriage Stance Sparks Calls For Defunding

From Huffington-

A prominent conservative interest group has launched a petition to suspend all federal funding from the National Cathedral in light of the landmark church's recent decision to perform same-sex weddings.

"We believe the definition of 'marriage' to be the union of one man to one woman," the petition, sponsored by right-wing activist Ralph Reed's Faith & Freedom Coalition, reads. "Pro-family and Pro-freedom Americans cannot sit idly by."

Representatives for the National Cathedral remain undeterred by the petition's threat. "We have absolutely no intentions of changing course [on gay marriage]," Richard Weinberg, the Cathedral's director of communications, told The Huffington Post. "For us, it's a theological issue and an issue of how we're living out the gospel as faithful Christians."

The 106-year-old Episcopal church announced last month that it would begin hosting same-sex nuptials, following the appointment of prominent gay marriage advocate the Very Rev. Gary Hall as its dean.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Saint up for holy brackets with Lent Madness

From Detroit-

According to a survey Chris Yaw just read, 12 percent of Americans think Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.

More people can name the Brady Bunch, he suspects, than can identify the four writers of the Gospel, who were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but not George or Ringo.

As the rector of St. David's Episcopal Church in Southfield delicately puts it, "Our Biblical literacy is not great." That's the principal motivation for Lent Madness, starting Thursday at a computer near you — and for Yaw to be one of its trash-talking commentators.

Basically, Lent Madness is like the NCAA basketball tournament, but with saints. While March Madness will include competitors such as Michigan, Michigan State and Indiana (and OK, St. John's and Saint Louis), the 32-person field for Lent Madness features a dandy first-round matchup between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr.

Ultimately, one member of the Episcopally exalted will earn the coveted Golden Halo — a title worn proudly (but not too proudly) last year by Mary Magdalene.

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Applicants sought to plan national Episcopal youth event

From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette-

The Episcopal Church is seeking adults and teens to help plan its 2014 Episcopal Youth Event.

So far even the location hasn't been chosen. The 2011 Episcopal Youth Event in Minnesota drew more than 700 Episcopal teens from across the country, plus several hundred adult chaperons and staff members. A lengthy report to the denomination includes information about the duties and decisions of the planners.

Nominations for the planning team are due by Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. Those chosen will be announced in March.

To be eligible for the Mission Planning Team youth applicants must currently be in grades 9-11 and must be active in an Episcopal parish. Adult applicants must be at least 25 years old, active in an Episcopal parish and have experience working with high school-aged teens. More requirements, including travel dates, are on the denomination's Web site.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Haven's Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James to worship on Facebook in wake of storm

From Connecticut-

The congregation at the Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James may be scattered on Sunday, but they’ll still be able to worship together.

Services have been canceled, but the Rev. Alex Dyer, priest-in-charge, will hold “virtual church” on the parish’s Facebook page.

“It’s always a tough decision to cancel church,” but with a travel ban still in effect, “We want to get the word out early and we want people to stay safe.” Dyer said the decision was made after consulting with lay leadership.

“Instead we’re going to do church via Facebook,” Dyer said. “Social media is a great tool and doesn’t replace church by any stretch of the imagination, but in times like these it’s great to have a community that can reach out and connect.”

Dyer will post the parts of the service from the prayer book, spacing them out so as not to rush through too fast, and post the hymns as YouTube clips. Parishioners will be able to post their prayers as well. The only thing missing will be Communion.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is building for the future

From Mississippi-

Since the Rev. Robert Wetherington came to the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer on Sept. 1, 2011, he has seen the church rise from natural disasters of the past and enter a phase of rebirth.

By focusing on the future and solidifying the ministries within the church, Wetherington said he believes the days to come will be an opportunity for all.

"We are a people of outward and visible signs of God's infinite love and grace breaking forth in our lives," Wetherington said.

"We come together to worship and know Christ and then go into the world to share the love we have received.

"We have deep roots in new life."

The faith that is shown outwardly can be seen in the addition of a new building adjacent to the existing sanctuary.

The 3,361-square-foot multipurpose building will serve as a meeting place for Sunday school and women's, youth, men's and children's groups.

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Emmanuel Episcopal Church invites you to 'come as you are'

From California-

What if you could find a church that allowed you to come as you are? Not just come as you are in terms of what you are wearing, but come as you are in terms of your life's journey.

And what if it was a church that was non-judgmental and accepting and affirming and was completely comfortable with your doubts and your questions? And what if, during your first visit, you had the really crazy feeling that you had come home?

These are comments heard repeatedly from people new to Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Fullerton. They always add, "This is the best kept secret in Fullerton!"

Emmanuel is a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a church steeped in tradition but with a contemporary twist.

The music is a blend of traditional and contemporary; out with the organ and in with the piano, electric violin, guitars, percussionist and flute. New musicians are welcome to join the group at any time.

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Texas Episcopal Church May Become First Congregation in State to Perform Same-Sex Rites

From Christian Post-

A historic congregation in Texas may become the first church in the state to perform the same-sex union blessing recently approved by The Episcopal Church's national leadership.

St. David's Episcopal Church of Austin, which is under the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, may begin performing a recently approved rite blessings for same-sex couples by next month. Jeanie Sablatura, director of communications for St. David's Episcopal, told The Christian Post that her church's decision to move forward was part of a "Unity in Mission plan" set up by the Texas Diocese.

"We were one of two churches asked by the Diocese of Texas if we would like to participate to which we said yes based on the size of our parish (one of the largest Episcopal churches in Texas) and because we have an active gay and lesbian population within our parish," said Sablatura.