Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Another congregation leaves Scottish Episcopal Church

From Premier-

A church in Glasgow has decided to leave the Scottish Episcopal Church following concerns that it has become too liberal.  

Members of St Silas Church took a vote after a process of consultation and prayer.

86 per cent were in favour of leaving the denomination.

The Scottish Episcopal Church recently changed the law to allow same sex marriages to take place in its buildings.

In a statement, St Silas said: "Recent decisions of the Scottish Episcopal Church have made clear to us that the denomination does not regard the Bible as the authoritative word of God. 

"With deep sadness, we have therefore decided that for reasons of integrity we can no longer continue as part of the Scottish Episcopal Church."

In response The Most Rev Mark Strange, Interim Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway said: "Following meetings and conversations with the people of St Silas they have now decided to separate from the Scottish Episcopal Church to fulfil their mission as they understand it to be.

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Orkney monk sends hate mail to Episcopal priest who prayed for Prince George to be gay

From Scotland-

“Brother” Damon Kelly, 57, bombarded the Reverend Kelvin Holdsworth, the Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral Episcopal church in Glasgow, with letters and post cards branded gay people “devil’s droppings”.

The anti-gay mail littered with vile phrases and insults included assertions gay people “will not enter the kingdom of heaven” and called for Rev Holdsworth to hang himself.

Kelly, from Westray – who is part of an extremist Catholic group known as the Black Hermits – denied behaving in a threatening or abusive manner between January 30, 2017, and February 7 the same year, by sending the mail, which was aggravated by sexual orientation and transgender prejudice.

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Senior gay cleric Jeffrey John shortlisted to be bishop in Scottish Episcopal Church

From Christian Today-

Jeffrey John, dean of St Albans Cathedral, has been shortlisted as one of four possible candidates to be bishop of Brechin, in the Scottish Anglican church. Dr John has been passed over after having been shortlisted seven times over his career, with allegations that homophobia was behind some of the rejections.

The Scottish Episcopal Church changed its laws on marriage last year to allow same-sex couples to marry in church and allow gay priests to get married as well.

In a sign of its shift in stance since then, as well as John another gay cleric, Chris Newlands, vicar at Lancaster Priory, is also listed as a candidate to be bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane.

A conservative source in the Scottish Episcopal Church told Christian Today the decision to shortlist both John and Newlands was 'extraordinary'.

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Top Vicar: ‘Pray For A Gay Prince George’

From American Conservative-

The provost of the Anglican cathedral in Glasgow, a vigorous campaigner for the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in the Church of England, is calling on sympathizers to petition Almighty God that Prince George, son of William and Catherine, and heir to the British throne, be gay. The Rev. Kelvin Holdsworth, who is himself gay, concludes a list of suggestions about how to make the C of E more queer-positive by saying:

If people don’t want to engage in campaigning in this way, they do in England have another unique option, which is to pray in the privacy of their hearts (or in public if they dare) for the Lord to bless Prince George with a love, when he grows up, of a fine young gentleman. A royal wedding might sort things out remarkably easily though we might have to wait 25 years for that to happen. Who knows whether that might be sooner than things might work out by other means?

If the Church of England — or, to be precise, its Scottish branch — were serious, they would have sacked this clown back in January, when he first made the statement. He re-upped it as a response to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s engagement news. Note well that he is not some crackpot vicar from the fringes, but the senior priest at the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Glasgow cathedral.

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Sunday, August 6, 2017

First same-sex wedding deepens Anglican divide

From The Guardian-

The first gay Anglican wedding in Britain took place last week, just a day after the archbishop of Canterbury said the continuing row in the Anglican Communion over same-sex relationships was an “intractable problem”.

The couple, known as “Mark and Rick”, got married on Tuesday at a Eucharist service where the Rev Markus Dunzkofer, of the Scottish Episcopal church, officiated. Dunzkofer, rector of St John’s, in Princes Street, Edinburgh, said “history was made” at the wedding, held in the chapel of a Dalhousie hotel.

Mark and Rick had been together 24 years, he said, and were keen to have a service with holy communion. The couple are from the US, but with strong Scottish connections. A copy of their order of service, posted on Facebook, described the wedding as “the solemnisation of marriage … with the celebration of holy communion”.
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Friday, April 21, 2017

Scottish Census finds ‘shoots of growth’ amid decline

From The Church Times-

CHURCH congregations in Scotland are vanishing at a rate equivalent to ten a month, the 2016 Church Census suggests.

It found that 7.2 per cent of the Scottish population — about 390,000 people — attended church regularly, compared with 17 per cent in 1984. If the downward trend continued, the numbers could fall to just under 300,000 by 2025, the report’s lead researcher, Dr Peter Brierley, said.

The decline in numbers covered all denominations except Pentecostals, where attendance has almost doubled since 2002 to 19,000, accounting for five per cent of all Scottish churchgoers in 2016. And in some areas — mainly immigrant and Messy Churches that have started in the past ten years — the figures have improved. Dr Brierley said that his report was not “a pessimistic story of inevitable decline”.

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Controversy Over Cathedral Koran Reading Deepens With Denial That Jesus Is Son of God

From Christian Today (Scotland)

The controversy surrounding a reading of the Koran at a Christian cathedral has deepened after it emerged the text read included a passage that explicitly declares Jesus is not the Son of God.

The denial of this key Christian doctrine was read out at a leading cathedral of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Glasgow.

The cathedral's Provost, Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, invited the recitation from the Islamic holy book that gave the Muslim interpretation of Jesus' miraculous conception and birth. The reading was given by Madinah Javed, a Muslim law student, at St Mary's Cathedral at the Epiphany service which celebrates the incarnation of God as His son Jesus.

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Synod votes to press on with Scottish talks, despite Episcopalian unease

From The Church Times-

THE General Synod has ignored pleas to heed the “pain” of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC), and voted to continue the ecumenical talks with the Church of Scotland which had prompted dismay in some Scottish Episcopalians.

After hearing a presentation from the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Very Revd Dr Angus Morrison, Synod members debated a motion that welcomed the joint report produced by the Churches of England and of Scotland, and called for more discussions in a permanent contact group.

Dr Morrison told the Synod that, “The strengthening of the bonds that already exist between us can only serve the ‘advance of the gospel’, which is our united desire and aim.”

A number of speakers, however, argued strongly against the report, saying that some people within the SEC had been hurt by the C of E’s actions, and by the way the report had come to light just before Christmas (News, 8 January).

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Moderator: Link between Kirk and Church of England embedded in DNA of both

From Scotland-

The Moderator of the Kirk has said its relationship with the Church of England is "one embedded in the DNA of both" in an historic address before the General Synod in London.

The Rt Rev Dr Angus Morrison, who met the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, also moved to help mend “misunderstandings” over the cross-border pact between churches that had prompted concern among Episcopalians.

Most Rev David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, said after yesterday's event he welcomed the apology from the Archbishop who accepted there had been a "cock-up" over the release of information about the plan.

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Scottish Episcopal Church concerned about cross-border ecumenical agreement

From ENS-

The Church of England and the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland have reached “an historic agreement that recognises their longstanding ecumenical partnership and lays the groundwork for future joint projects,” the two churches have announced, but the (Anglican) Scottish Episcopal Church has called for a rethink, citing concerns about shared worship and the exchange of ministers.

The Primus of Scotland, Dr David Chillingworth, said: “The question here is not whether the development of ecumenical relationships is desirable – for of course it is. The question is about whether that development can take place respectfully and in good order.”

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dundee cathedral hosts historic same-sex marriage

From Scotland-

A historic moment in the movement to have same-sex marriages recognised in church took place in St Paul’s Cathedral in Dundee.

Paul Hastie and Steven Gray were married in Dundee’s registry office, before the first ever service of blessing was held in the cathedral on Saturday.

The day was an important one for the Scottish Episcopal Church, which has not yet agreed to solemnise same-sex marriages but is considering changing its rule stating a marriage has to be between “one man and one woman”.

Conducting the service, the Very Rev Jeremy Auld said: “Sadly at this point in the law we cannot yet marry them here but we can give them the Church’s blessing on their marriage and I’m really pleased to do this.

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Scottish Episcopal Church moves towards marrying same-sex couples

From Ekklesia-

The Scottish Episcopal Church has taken a major step towards letting same-sex couples marry in church. However the process of change will take at least two years. If and when final approval is given, priests will be allowed – but not required – to celebrate weddings between same-sex partners.

The General Synod voted to ask the Faith and Order Board to look at revising the church’s rules on marriage. An overwhelming majority backed the resolution.

“That would also allow our clergy to enter into same-sex marriages,” said David Chillingworth, the Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, and Primus (chief bishop) of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

In recent years, several denominations have taken on board the strength of the theological case for opening up marriage to same-sex couples. Several other members of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide family of churches, are already re-examining their teaching and practice. Some however are strongly opposed.

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Change to doctrine on marriage could allow first gay church weddings in Scotland

From Scotland-

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Scotland since December 31, 2014, and it looks as though the first gay couples to wed in a church could be Episcopalian, although this could still take until 2017.

The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland is opposed to gay marriage, and the Church of Scotland is moving to address the issue of same-sex marriage among ministers as well as examining any future solemnisation of gay Kirk weddings.

The General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church said it has voted to begin a process for change in relation to its canon on marriage.

A spokeswoman said it has "therefore instructed the Church's Faith and Order Board to begin the two year process which may lead towards canonical change".

"That change would potentially allow the marriage of same gendered couples in Church in late 2017."

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Church of Scotland plan for gay ministers offers possible ‘template’ for Anglicans

From The Telegraph-

The Church of England is facing renewed pressure to reconcile its divisions over homosexuality after the Church of Scotland agreed plans it hopes will enable openly gay clerics to serve as ministers without a split in the church.

Under plans agreed by the General Assembly, which is meeting in Edinburgh, congregations will be able to invite people in civil partnerships to become their minister without formally changing the Church of Scotland’s traditional teaching on sexuality and marriage.

Instead, those congregations will be able to “opt out” of that aspect of the Church’s teaching.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Scottish bishops band together to boost full-time ordination training

From Scotland-

The Scottish Episcopal Church's bishops have this year banded together to appeal to its members to invest in the Church's future.

For this year’s Bishops’ Lent Appeals, all seven diocesan bishops have agreed to support the training and formation of those entering ministerial training in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

2014 saw the creation of the new Scottish Episcopal Institute (SEI), which replaced the former Theological Institute of the Scottish Episcopal Church (TISEC).

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Traditional weddings threat as church faces unprecedented insurrection over gay marriage ban

From Scotland-

CHURCH leaders are facing an unprecedented insurrection amongst their own ministry over their gay marriage ban, with signals some clergy will not carry out any weddings until the matter is resolved.

In what has been described as the biggest crisis to engulf it in living memory, over 50 Scottish Episcopalian Church (SEC) clergy - around one in six - have signed a letter condemning the stance of their bishops over same-sex marriage.

Amongst the signatories are some of the SEC's most prominent figures, including current and former deans of three dioceses, essentially bishops' deputies and the equivalent of an archdeacon in the Church of England, and two provosts, the senior priests in Episcopalian cathedrals.

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

No rejoicing here: Scottish Episcopal Church’s marriage guidance

From Ekklesia-

Many Christians regard their wedding day as one of the most joyful, and spiritually significant, in their lives. Those preparing to celebrate marriage are part of the body of the church, whose other members may wish to rejoice with and support them as they make a costly, as well as fulfilling, commitment.

In Scotland, for the first time same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples will be able to get legally married. The new law takes effect on 16 December 2014, with weddings booked from 31 December.

In many churches there, as elsewhere, opinion is divided and discussions are taking place on how best to honour different views of what conscience demands. Meanwhile institutional churches need to provide pastoral care to those who feel called to pledge their love publicly to their life-partner, as well as those opposed.

There is little sense of this in the Scottish Episcopal Church’s College of Bishops’ Guidance for Clergy and Lay Readers in the light of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014. This document is perhaps even more grim and threatening than the Church of England bishops’ February 2014 ‘pastoral’ guidance.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Archbishop of Canterbury statement on Scotland referendum result

From Anglican News-

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has issued a statement after the Scottish people voted to remain within the United Kingdom.

The Archbishop said:

"Over the past few weeks the campaign has touched on such raw issues of identity and been so closely fought that it has generated profound questioning and unsettlement far beyond Scotland.

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Scotland votes 'No' and Cameron promises to deliver

From The Church Times-

SCOTTISH voters have rejected the opportunity to become an independent nation: 55 per cent of them chose to remain within the UK in the referendum yesterday.

The result became clear shortly after 6 a.m. today, as the returning officer in Fife - the third largest electorate in Scotland - announced that the No side had won there, meaning that it was mathematically impossible for the Yes votes to win. The final tally was: No - 2,001,926; Yes - 1,617,989. The turnout was 84.5 per cent.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rosslyn Chapel revamp work finished after 16 years

From Scotland-

Work at a medieval chapel in Midlothian, which featured in the Da Vinci Code blockbuster film, has finally been completed after 16 years.

Rosslyn Chapel is free from scaffolding for the first time since its major conservation project began in 1997.

Work to the chapel, which is Category A-listed, was instigated after a report in 1995 warned of damage to the stonework because of dampness.

In March 1997, a steel structure was erected to cover the building.

The structure allowed the stone roof to dry out naturally, and this remained in place until summer 2010.

Since then, stone and mortar repairs have been carried out on the chapel's external walls, pinnacles and buttresses.

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