Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Happy Leap Day!

This fits to a tee..

Malay Mail reports that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tonight announced that he has the support of 114 MPs — which exceeds the simple majority of 112 MPs — to be prime minister, and said he will notify the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of this.

Mukhriz questions how Muhyiddin can be PM when six MPs from Bersatu supports Dr M
PH disputes Muhyiddin’s support, leaders meet tonight
Malaysians don’t support Muhyiddin, says PKR info chief

-- Any political news posted on this blog is from the media. It is not the opinion of the blog-owner.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Buying a Bicycle

Ok, let me just take five and share this 'important' message..

Isn't the Internet amazing?! Got this from WhatsApp, so the source is unknown. If you are the owner or know the source please let me know in the 'Comments' and I will give it due credit. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Headline typo on article on Julia Roberts draws laughs

Yep, you read right.

And it gets funnier as you read through what readers are chiming in. You can read article here: Headline typo on Julia Roberts article draws laughs, flak from readers

The word 'Holes' should actually be 'Roles'.

Source: The Star

Sunday, September 3, 2017

American Woman - Guess Who

All of a sudden, out of the blue, I wanted to hear 'American Woman'. Give it a listen if you haven't heard it before. But who hasn't, eh? Best version everrrr!

One of the things I enjoy about You Tube is the comments, like this one that says:

- 537 thumbs down? Those are 537 people that deserve to have their thumbs cut off with a dull rusty knife. (As we speak the number has gone up to 826).

And then in response someone said:

- wow you must be a psychopath.

Yet another says:

I can't believe all those thumbs down, this really is a very special song.

For more on what people have to say go to You Tube.

Enjoy, if classic rock is your cup of tea, that is.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Professor Robert Kelly's Oops moment

This video has gone viral. Nothing exciting about it for most of us but for those who work from home, you probably could relate to it.

Professor Robert Kelly, during a BBC interview being broadcast live was interrupted by his two kids rushing into his room. His wife, yes, she's the Mrs, South Korean Jung-a Kim, hastily grabs the kids, dragging them out of the room and closing the door.

Professor Robert Kelly teaches political science at Pusan National University in Busan, Korea, where he now lives with his wife, Jung-a Kim, a yoga teacher, and their two children, Marion, 4, and 9-month-old James. – China Daily/Asia News Network

Want a second watch? CNN's take on it.

However, the episode was simply "hilarious" in the eyes of Prof Kelly's mother, Ellen Kelly, as she thought the young children probably thought their dad was Skyping their grandparents from their home in South Korea.

"Life happens. The lesson is to lock the door," added the grandma.
- The Star

Yes, lock the door. But that's one cool Prof there.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Harith Iskander wins Funniest Person in the World competition

Yay! Harith Iskander wins Funniest Person in the World competition!

The Star..
PETALING JAYA: Malaysian comedian Harith Iskander (pic) is the funniest person in the world after emerging triumphant in the finals of the Funniest Person in the World competition held in Levi, Finland on Saturday

He beat out four finalists - Alex Calleja from The Philippines, Katerina Vrana from Greece, Mino van Nassau from India and David Kilimnick from Israel - to win the title.

"Congratulations @HarithIskander- #LaughFactory's Funniest Person in the World for 2016," said contest organiser Laugh Factory on their official Twitter account on Saturday.

As the winner of the "The Funniest Person in the World" title, Harith will receive the grand prize of USD$100,000 (RM444,845).

The Funniest Person in the World competition is organised by Laugh Factory, a global comedy chain in the United States.

Harith and the other comedians had performed in the competition finals at the Hullu Polo Arena in Levi, Finland on Dec 8.

The winner was chosen through global online fan voting, which was open for 24 hours after the finals.

Harith had previously defeated 88 other comedians from all over the world, including fellow Malaysian Dr Jason Leong to reach the finals of the competition.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good and obedient Wives found in all Corners of the World

Today is a public holiday here in Malaysia in celebration of the Birthday of Prophet Mohammad. All schools, banks and businesses are closed today. The malls will be crowded today what with people shopping for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Food outlets will be packed too as Malaysians take the opportunity to eat out during public holidays and weekends.

Let's take it easy here too with a couple of jokes. Both came in the mail so source is unknown. See if you understand this one. Male chauvinists will love this..

And this one is for Retirees. Not giving you ideas or anything. I trust you will use your judgment, of course.

How to Keep Busy When Retired...
Working people frequently ask us, as a retired couple, what we do to make our days interesting.

Well, the other day my wife and I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about five minutes.

When we came out, there was a policeman writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and said, 'Come on sir, how about giving a pensioner a break?'

He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. So I called him a fascist bastard. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres. So my wife called him a total pillock. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windscreen with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket.

We continued to call him every name under the sun, and he just kept writingthose tickets...

This went on for about 20 minutes, and then our bus arrived.

There's always something fun to do as a pensioner...

Happy holiday, fellow Malaysians!

Sources unknown

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

No Pants Subway Ride 2013

No, this one will never ever happen in Malaysia.

On Sunday, January 13th, 2013 tens of thousands of people took off their pants on subways in 60 cities in 25 countries around the world.

In Mexico City, hundreds, young and old, shed their pants and skirts to take part in the "No Pants Subway Ride" prank, just for laughs, around the world.

In places as far apart as Bangkok, Jerusalem, London, Sofia, Stockholm, New York and Washington, participants—fully clothed on top—rode the subway while showing off their panties, briefs and boxers, according to organisers. Many wore sunglasses, while some donned brightly coloured underwear and socks.

This year China joined the No Pants Subway Ride with rides in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

The prank organizer, Improv Everywhere, requires participants to abide by two requirements: being willing to strip down and keeping "a straight face about it". While the first "No Pants Subway Ride" had just seven participants, recent renditions have counted nearly 4,000 in New York and thousands more around the globe.

The prank collective's founder Charlie Todd called the event a "celebration of silliness" and said its goal is simply to make others laugh and smile - and laugh and smile you will from just looking at the pictures and viewing the videos.

In New York, it was their 12th Annual No Pants Subway Ride and there were over 4,000 participants, spread out over six meeting points and ten subway lines.

This Queens resident won the award for “oldest participant” at 82-years-old at the Downtown meeting point.

Agent Richard Lovejoy, who was at the original ride in 2002 and won the award at the Downtown meeting point for most rides.

Here is No Pants Subway Ride 2013 in New York City. Enjoy!

They announce the date of the No Pants Subway Ride every year in early December. If you’re interested in participating in 2014 in New York or anywhere else in the world, sign up for their mailing list, follow them on twitter, and like them on Facebook so you’ll be the first to hear about it.

Here's the full scoop on Improv Everywhere.

Until the next No Pants Subway Ride, keep up that smile!

Not enough? Want some more? Here's last year's video..funnier!..:O

Psst... if there is one here in Kuala Lumpur, would you go no pants?

- The Daily Chilli
- Improv Everywhere

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DAP Gangnam Style!

Like I said earlier about Gangnam Style, every now and again your attention gets drawn to a new parody of it. It was Mongolian Gangnam Style the other day and today it's a local version put up by DAP, the Opposition party of the current regime of Malaysia.

Malaysians would be able to identify with what is being portrayed though foreigners would also find the antics hilarious. (However, if you watch it on YouTube, you'd be able to get an inkling of what's going on in Malaysia in the viewer comments.) Give it a watch for a good laugh - watch it till the end for the real laughs.

On a happy note (for some), Psy has declared that he will retire his Gangnam Style performance. Did I hear Hallelujah!? He said it at the Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2013.

"Being in Times Square on New Year's Eve is already special — it's the biggest stage in the universe — plus it's my birthday, so, with all that, it may be the ending of 'Gangnam Style,'" Psy told MTV News. "I mean, what better way to do it? It's my biggest and most meaningful birthday."

"The song became too popular, and so you start to have some concern about its life period," he said. "I'm really working hard on a new single right now, and I'm not saying ['Gangnam'] is ending on 'Dick Clark' — I still have a lot of invitations to perform it ... I'll be in Paris, and in February I got invited to perform in China, and I've still got to do promo. So let me say that in America I need a new single because 'Gangnam Style' got too popular, so I've got to write a new single."

Gangnam Style has become the most watched video on the Internet, with more than a billion views on YouTube alone.

Just for kicks, one more time? Oppa Gangnam Style!

(Disclaimer: The DAP Gangnam Style video is just part of a blog post. Putting it up because it's there. No ill intention whatsoever.)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012

End of the World - Postponed

Year-end shopping sales and "end of the world" are hot topics at our meal-breaks. Someone even shared that besides the unavailability of power supply, lighters are also not able to be used though this is hard to fathom. Charcoal stoves are also advised, both for cooking and to keep warm as it is believed there won't be any sunlight/heat during the three-day transition. Left to be seen, of course.

Me? It's better to be prepared so I'd be sure to stock up on some food (non-perishable - remember the fridge won't work), drinking water, batteries for torchlights and other standalone lighting implements, candles and matches. Feel free to add to this list as you see fit.

Maybe much ado about nothing but you never know what's going to happen. We have been advised to pray - collective good vibes through prayer may be able to lessen the effects of this doom-and-gloom event of our lifetime.

Maybe, nothing will happen and the event has been postponed? You think?

Image from an email

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Horror Story..maybe

I was reading about Steven Hawking's suggestion that aliens almost certainly exist but has warned humanity not to try to contact them. This article is dated Apr 2010.

Aliens may not be how we have always imagined them to be (looking like cute ET, for instance) or as friendly as we think they are afterall.

Hawking says that in a universe with 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars, it is unlikely that earth is the only place where life has evolved.

"The real challenge is working out what aliens might actually be like."

Hawking says that they could be microbes – basic animals such as worms which have been on Earth for millions of years, but suggests that extraterrestrial life could develop much further.

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," Hawking said.

Maybe one alien we meet may be like this one..
Alien predators finish off a large grazer with repeated poison stinger strikes Photo: Discovery Channel

Frankly, we do not have to look beyond our planet to find horrors, we have enough of them here on Earth already. The creepy crawlies we have are enough to scare the wits out of us. Don't believe me? Just imagine a cockroach or a lizard landing on your face.. Ewww!

My male chauvinist friend sent me this for obvious reasons. See if you agree.

Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Stay Healthy

Here is some good advice a friend shared and I am sharing it with you.

1. F***ing once a week is good for your health but harmful if done every day.

2. F***ing gives proper relaxation for your mind and body.

3. F***ing refreshes you.

4. After f***ing don't eat too much; go for more liquids.

5. Try to do f***ing in bed because it can save you valuable energy.

6. F***ing can even reduce your cholesterol level.


SO REMEMBER - *FASTING* is good for your health - and may God cleanse your Dirty Mind!


Hope your Monday has been good to you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Man caught smoking in an AirAsia aircraft

The Star today reported about an Air Asia passenger who has been arrested at the airport in Sandakan for smoking in the toilet of the aircraft.

The 27-year-old man, who was on the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sandakan on Sunday, was caught smoking in the toilet by a flight attendant about 30 minutes before landing. Apparently, he hasn't been paying attention to the safety demonstration onboard.

The man was handed over to airport policemen shortly after the flight landed at 10am. According to the police, the case would be forwarded to the Health Department for further action.

There you have it. Some don'ts can land you in trouble. Smoking is best done in the comfort of your own home, outdoors, of course.

For your viewing pleasure, here's an AirAsia inflight safety demonstration but with a (funny) twist, sure to get every passenger sit up and pay attention.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cina buta - the Meaning

I learned a new term today from The Star. The term is cina buta literally translates to blind Chinese. There must be a logical or justifiable explanation to the origin of this term, I am sure. Read on for its meaning, in the meantime.

>THE term cina buta is synonymous with a situation where a Muslim man who has filed an irrevocable divorce (talak tiga) against his wife is intent, for whatever reason, to marry her again.

The divorced woman can take another candidate as a husband but if the next marriage also ends up in a divorce, she is considered an eligible single woman and, under Islamic law, her first husband can seek her hand in marriage.

Using this technicality, Harian Metro reported that some ex-husbands were willing to pay another man to become the cina buta so that it would be legal for the first husband to reconcile with her.

“I have been offered three times to be a cina buta,” said 31-year-old Ramli, who boasted he was paid up to RM10,000 each time.

He is among a group of men who offer their services through the Internet to desperate husbands who had divorced thier wives on talak tiga and sought to marry them again.

When you have a melting pot of ethnicities and cultures as in Malaysia, words tend to cross borders and get adopted along the way. That is the beauty and fluidity of languages. Everything evolves, why shouldn't languages?

By the way, a Google search on cina buta yields more than 2.7million results!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sometimes we talk different

I am always fascinated by jargons, be it trade jargons, sports jargons, or others. You pick up something new everytime you hear a conversation or a discussion among people in the same field.

The other day, I was seated in a restaurant next to a table of medical professionals and I heard something like an ekg machine and other difficult-to-pronounce machines that sounded alien to me.

Along the same tone on jargon, a girlfriend gets agitated every time her husband talks insurance-gibberish at home. LOL

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Duck and her black eggs are soon parted

There is a duck here in Kampung Seri Murni in Kuala Pegang, near Baling, Kedah, that is getting a lot of attention. No, she did not lay golden eggs but laid two black eggs instead. A trader offered RM30,000 for the eggs but offer was declined.

What does it tell you when a duck lays black eggs when her neighbours are geese and turkeys? :O
Read the story here..

Image source: The Star

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Confucius's Advice to married men

Once in a while, you get something in the mailbox, something short yet meaningful, funny sometimes, and worth sharing. The following is one of them. Wish I could credit the source but it isn't indicated on the email, as always. All the same, thanks to the source.

Confucius was a wise man..

I wonder what he would have advised about the use of testosterone boosters. Would he have recommended this site? --

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Abilene Paradox

Source: YouTube
I always look forward to attending conferences and seminars. You learn something new all the time. Even if we pick up a new idea or a new lesson, I figure the attendance is worth it.

In one of our internal seminars/training sessions, I first learned about the Abilene Paradox. Ever heard of it? We watched a video in connection with it. I'll let Wikipedia tell you what the Abilene Paradox is.

The Abilene paradox is a paradox in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals in the group. It involves a common breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group's and, therefore, does not raise objections. A common phrase relating to the Abilene paradox is a desire to not "rock the boat".

The story goes like this:

On a hot afternoon visiting in Coleman, Texas, the family is comfortably playing dominoes on a porch, until the father-in-law suggests that they take a trip to Abilene [53 miles north] for dinner. The wife says, "Sounds like a great idea." The husband, despite having reservations because the drive is long and hot, thinks that his preferences must be out-of-step with the group and says, "Sounds good to me. I just hope your mother wants to go." The mother-in-law then says, "Of course I want to go. I haven't been to Abilene in a long time."

The drive is hot, dusty, and long. When they arrive at the cafeteria, the food is as bad as the drive. They arrive back home four hours later, exhausted.

One of them dishonestly says, "It was a great trip, wasn't it?" The mother-in-law says that, actually, she would rather have stayed home, but went along since the other three were so enthusiastic. The husband says, "I wasn't delighted to be doing what we were doing. I only went to satisfy the rest of you." The wife says, "I just went along to keep you happy. I would have had to be crazy to want to go out in the heat like that." The father-in-law then says that he only suggested it because he thought the others might be bored.

The group sits back, perplexed that they together decided to take a trip which none of them wanted. They each would have preferred to sit comfortably, but did not admit to it when they still had time to enjoy the afternoon.

On a lighter note, I say if they had a ceiling fan and a set of mahjong, they wouldn't have thought about making that 53-mile journey to Abilene!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Serious Memory Loss

I realised I haven't shared a joke in a while. This one came in the mail this morning. Don't pin the people to the ones in the images though. I'm sure they are just for illustration only. Enjoy..

Three mischievous old Grannies were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home

when an old Grandpa walked by.

And one of the old Grandmas yelled out saying,

"We bet we can tell exactly how old you are."

The old man said,

"There is no way you can guess it, you old fools."

One of the old Grandmas said,

"Sure we can! - Just drop your pants and under shorts and we can tell your exact age."

Embarrassed just a little, but anxious to prove they couldn't do it, he dropped his drawers.

The Grandmas asked him to first turn around a couple of times and to jump up and down several times.

Then they all piped up and said,

"You're 87 years old!"

Standing with his pants down around his ankles, the old gent asked,

"How in the world did you guess?"

Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, the three old ladies happily yelled in unison...

"We were at your birthday party yesterday!"

Image source Unknown.