Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Know Diet pills and their side effects

I noticed lately there has been quite a lot of hits on my site looking for The Biggest Loser. If they are looking for tips on losing weight or interested in starting a weight loss regimen but at the same time worried about the safety of diet pills, there are a lot of sites online with advice on diet pill side effects and reviews on diet pills as well as as tips on types of food to eat, etc.

We all know that there is no one diet pill that fits all. So, it is important to shop around and do adequate research before the big step is taken. Remember that health is important. Best wishes..

Thursday, March 15, 2012

For Apidextra reviews and more..

The Internet has made information so readily available that one can look up on anything from Andy Warhol and his paintings to planting and gardening to famous buildings around the world to events in history, even cherry blossom season in Japan and more. For dieters, there is a whole lot of information out there from the types of diet pills and their prices for comparison, even something as specific as apidextra reviews, and more, of course.

For a quick find on general topics, Wikipedia is where I would go to mostly. What's the site that you always go to for information?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Floating Yoga is the new fad in Yoga

Browsing through bath mats and toilet stuff online the other day, took me to a site on exercise, yoga and yoga mats. Didn't know there are even yoga mats for children. Anyway, a yoga mat would definitely be a better gift for the girlfriend who received that box of condoms I commented about in the previous post, The Weirdest Gift.

Talk about yoga, there is now a new form of yoga. I read about floating yoga a few days ago.

Suspended mid-air on a hammock with your feet in stirrups, looking like a puppet on strings or a flying trapeze. This is floating yoga, the latest form of yoga currently the rage in Singapore. It is offered exclusively at the newly-opened Celebrity Fitness gym at Rochester Mall near Bouna Vista.

Floating yoga is an exercise programme developed by the gym’s fitness development director, John J. Sweeney. It joins a long list of other yoga fads that include hot yoga, lunar flow yoga and even baby yoga.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My source for Diet Pills side effects

Diet pills are not a bad thing especially when they help a person lose some weight especially for health reasons. Some diet pills work and some even have little or no side effects.

What is bad is consuming without checking out the diet pills side effects when there is so much information out there online.

If you are considering purchasing diet pills, especially online, it is critical and to your benefit to know the side effects of diet pills. Get the truth on the side effects. Better be safe than sorry.

Friday, January 20, 2012

How to lose weight the natural way

If you have a problem with your weight going like a yo yo, a toy that goes up and down, you may want to work on your fiber intake according to the experts.

Fiber has been found to help you feel fuller longer which acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Fiber also helps to regulate blood sugar levels so you avoid the spike and crash. It also helps lower cholesterol as well as reduce the risk of cancer.

How much fiber do you really need?

25-35g per day is the recommended daily amount of fiber anyone needs. If you eat plenty of fruits, veggies and whole grains daily, you can easily meet this minimum quota.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Laser body sculpting with Laser Lipolysis

Are you challenged by your weight and are still on the lookout for an effective weight loss program? You may want to check out the ideal protein Weight-loss Method by Ideal Wellness and Weight Loss. This medically-designed protocol not only promotes fat loss, it also enhances muscle tone at the same time. This protocol, designed to protect and improve muscle mass and vital organs, is also an excellent treatment for cellulite reduction and has been used with great success in North America in Medi-spas and aesthetical clinics.

There is yet another safe and quick route to losing weight if the above Weight Loss Method does not bring the expected results. You've heard of liposuction, what about laser lipo or laser body sculpting? Laser lipo or Laser Lipolysis is a cutting-edge, non-invasive weight loss procedure that is gaining popularity in the U.S.. Ideal Wellness and Weight Loss in Western Pennsylvania is one of the clinics that performs this procedure.

Ideal Wellness and Weight Loss is a full service clinic whose primary purpose is to help individuals challenged with weight and metabolism issues. The clinic offers not only an effective supervised weight loss method, it also offers the BCS Laser Lipolysis machine. Both programs are attended to by experienced weight loss doctors.
Laser lipo is only recommended if the supervised weight loss method does not provide the desired result. Each Lapex BCS LipoLaser session lasts between 30-40 minutes. This procedure uses a combination of small probes and paddles that directly target and deal with problem-areas. It is a relaxing and pain-free experience.

The Lapex BCS LipoLaser can safely and effectively treat both men and women. The areas treated include the Waistline; Mid & Lower Abdomen; Upper, Mid, & Lower Back; Buttocks & Thigh Areas; and Arms & Underarms.

However, the procedure is not recommended for individuals with the following health conditions: Pregnant; Immuno-surpressed; Uncontrolled Hypertension; Cancer/Liver/Kidney Disorder; Epilepsy; Thyroid Gland Dysfunction; Pacemakers; Heart Disease/Cardiac Arrhythmia.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fashion Designer's Muse

Many of us (me included) are fortunate enough not to be needing the help of fat burners to stay slim and nice (ahem!). A fashion designer's muse, perhaps? Possibly. LOL!

Anyway, my point is, if you do need fat burners, be sure to get the best fat burner you can find. How would you know if a particular fat burner is good? Do a check on the rating for a few key criteria, i.e.,

* Effectiveness
* Speed of Results
* Quality of Ingredients
* Product Safety
* Long-Term Results
* Customer Feedback
* Company Reputation
* Guarantee
* Reorder Rate

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adapexin - Burn Fat or Your Money Back!

Holidays do things to people and sometimes they may not be such desirable things. Nothing to worry about, of course, if you don't consider not being able to fit into your tightest jeans a problem.

Looks like I'm not the only one with such a concern. Two other colleagues are singing the same tune after the Chinese New Year holiday. One even suggested taking adapexin, the #1 Diet Pill of 2010. Worth checking it out.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I may need Appetite suppresants

I think I have added on some pounds. All that feasting over the Chinese New Year holiday has vastly increased my appetite. I read that when you begin to increase your food intake continuously, your appetite increases as a result.

On the other hand, when you eat less, your appetite decreases in tandem. I guess this could be how one can maintain one's weight - by eating moderate amounts. However, for anyone who needs a little help in the discipline department, there is an easy way out. Look for the best appetite suppressants to help you do the job. That way, you won't be so tempted.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Best diet pills for women

I have always thought diet pills can be used by both sexes. Recently, I found out that there are diet pills/fat burners that are made specially for women. What should people look for in these best diet pills for women?

As a rule of thumb, measure the supplements based on the following and you would not go wrong:

* Overall Value
* Weight Loss Power
* Speed of Results
* Appetite Suppression
* Long Term Results
* Customer Results
* Safety
* Cost Per Pound Lost

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen has the most desired body

When it comes to a killer-bod, Supermodel Gisele Bundchen tops the list. Fox News reported Nov 6 in the 14th ''Famed Hottest Looks' survey that plastic surgeons of Beverly Hills selected Gisele Bundchen as having the most desired bodies. Looks like this Brazilian-born Victoria Secrets model won't be needing any Brazilian diet pill anytime soon.

Although the Brazilian-born supermodel gave birth in December, 2009, she was the most requested by the doctors' patients. Gisele Bundchen is married to US footballer, Tom Brady. They have a daughter.

According to the doctors, 'Some women want the lean look like Gisele, while others want to retain their roundness - just not too round. Men, on the other hand, all want a six-pack regardless of their body type.' Actor Mark Wahlberg is the most desired male body.

- Hollywood Celebrity Wiki
- TheStraitsTimes

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winner of Biggest Loser Asia 2

We have a winner! Singapore’s Vivega­nandam Deveraj (Raj) was crowned the winner of The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2.

The 24-year-old yesterday walked away with the prize money of US$100,000 (RM312,000) after losing 67kg from his starting weight of 144kg - making him the contestant with the highest percentage of weight loss (46.53%) over a six-month period.

.. Continue reading.. Biggest Loser Raj wins RM312k

Last season's winner lost 53% of his body weight..

Monday, December 6, 2010

A&W waffle with ice-cream

They say that you are always hungry when you are on holiday. I couldn't agree more. Even on weekends, there is more attraction to food than on weekdays, probably because there is the luxury of time. One of my last weekend's simple indulgences was the A&W waffle topped with ice-cream drizzled with strawberry syrup and that too after the curly fries and fried chicken ensemble. Yum! .. and not forgetting a mugful of their signature root-beer to round off a great meal. Happy customers that made my girlfriend and I. In case you are wondering, no, I didn't have the waffle all to myself, neither the curly fries. We shared them though my girlfriend had a Coney dog while I had the fried chicken.

For Saturday dinner, met up with some friends and had a sumptuous Chinese dinner. Thought I could give my tummy a rest on Sunday but that didn't happen but instead ended up meeting a couple of colleagues at Old Town Cafe for lunch. I am not a big eater, only a fussy one, but any more of these food binges will have me going for Lipofuze, the latest fat-burner in town. LOL! Hope you had fun too over the weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM) 2010

Festivals are always food fest time. Our multi-ethnic society enables every community to celebrate each other's festivals and get invited to the many parties and open houses each festival bring. The most recent festival being Deepavali. For those who enjoy spicy Indian food, this is the festival for such great food fare.

For some, their best diet pills would have to come to their rescue. But of course, nothing beats good ole exercise to work on those extra pounds. Running is one great exercise.

Talk about running, the Penang Bridge International Marathon is back. This PBIM Race, the biggest sports event in Malaysia, is slated for Nov 21 this year. I understand more than 23,500 entries have been received and still counting. The Full Marathon category had to be closed for entries several days ahead of the closing date as the maximum capacity has been reached. The organizer is no longer able to provide any more imported running vests by New Balance, their official apparel sponsor for this year, as well as a few other items.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Losing 30lbs in 30 days

I've been missing a number of episodes of the Biggest Loser Asia 2 and was wondering how the contestants are doing. Has anyone been watching the series regularly?

On the subject of weight-loss, I read that hcg Austin has a weight loss program that is very effective. It's a Medically-supervised Weight Loss Program using the hCG hormone with quick weight loss as much as 30lbs in 30 Days. Amazing, right?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2 begins this Monday

Can't wait to see The Biggest Loser Asia which begins its new season on Monday. With all reality shows, from setting up restaurants to The Apprentice to Project Runway, you get to pick up some tips that you could apply yourself.

With this weight-busting reality show, we could definitely use those exercise tips and for people on the heavy side,, the natural fat burner techniques to help participants shed those pounds could come in really handy. The Biggest Loser comes on on Astro's Hallmark Channel at 702. Happy watching..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Biggest Loser Asia 2

If you had enjoyed watching The Biggest Loser Asia Season 1, you wouldn't want to miss Season 2.

The Biggest Loser Asia 2 premieres on Diva Universal (formerly Hallmark Channel, Astro Channel 702) on Sept 21 at 9pm. The new host this season is Marion Caunter.

An American franchise, The Biggest Loser aims to help morbidly overweight people lose weight and get healthy. Under the guidance of trainers, the contestants are put through the grinder – six hours of exercise a day, portion control, discarding unhealthy and fatty foods – every day, for about three months.

They stay in a remote location undisclosed to the public and are isolated from family and friends.

At the end of the series, the person who has lost the most weight wins. David Gurnani from Indonesia is Season 1 winner.

Read about this season's contestants and why they join the reality TV show..

Trainers Kristi Curtis and Dave Nuku are back with an arsenal of different training strategies to whip their out-of-shape team members into fitter and stronger individuals.

Source: The Star

Friday, July 9, 2010

Generic Phentermine for Safer Weight-losing

I read there is a new weight loss supplement in the market. It's a generic Phentermine, not to be confused with Rx Phentermine. While the latter has side effects, generic Phentermine does not have harmful side effects. Because it does not have harmful side effects, it does not need prescription. Another plus side is that generic Phentermine is more affordable than prescription strength Phentermine. Generic Phentermine is now the choice of many weight-watchers and weight-losers.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quick Weight Loss the Natural Way

Many people are facing challenges on maintaining their weight. I have colleagues who are cutting down on food intake primarily the carbo group of food. A few are on a fruits-and-vegetables only diet. Others are either walking briskly, jogging or running or taking up gym memberships. Yet one or two are in Taichi classes, yoga, and/or line-dancing. And one is into kick-boxing and this one is a lady, mind you. And I applaud them for their efforts.

Common sense tells us that it takes many factors to contribute to weight loss. A site I came across offers a few tips for a quick weight loss.

Top of the list is Exercise. Exercise is key in order to really lose weight. It revs up your metabolism and burns off excess calories.

Weight training
is next. Lean muscles can actually speed up your metabolism, and therefore, speed up your body’s fat burning capabilities. Without lean muscle mass, your results will be significantly slowed and be short lived.

Keeping a diary is important to really track your eating habits to track your hunger levels and emotions in connection with food. Being aware of your personal patterns can help you achieve success.

Others include

- Focussing on healthy, not getting thin
- Portion control
- Eating slowly
- Eating less fat without forgetting about fat - Fat is a necessary evil. Without good fat, you cannot lose weight. So if you obsess about cutting out every single gram of fat, you are essentially sabotaging your own possible results.

There you go, some tips we could bear in mind when it comes to weight loss the natural way.