Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My left hand..

Last week a few of us at the office were bending down helping a maintenance co-worker pick up some tools of his trade. He had accidentally spilled his toolbox of contents. Among the little knick-knacks strewn on the floor were nuts and bolts, hinges, Allen keys, screw-drivers and lots of washers rolling in all directions. I struggled to pick up what looked like a lock washer with my right hand but managed to pick it up with my left. hmm..

True. I'm more adept with my left hand when it comes to picking up small objects like pins, tacks and coins. I do play a mean game of saga seeds - with my left hand, of course. My right hand? Used for writing, bowling and other regular duties, including handling the mouse, the kind that sits beside the computer.

I'd probably use both hands for grabbing raining money. Wouldn't you too?


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bose headphones are what I am checking out now

I've been checking out headphones in stores lately with the intention of owning a set. I never saw a need for headphones until now for some reason. The Internet is also where I'm looking and saw a selection of classic bose headphones.

Bose headphones are among the best I was told. They are manufactured by Bose Corporation, a producer of headphones for consumer, aviation and military use. Their range of models includes in-ear headphones, mobile headsets, supra-aural headphones, circumaural headphones and military/aviation headsets. Bose Corporation is the first company to release active noise cancelling headphones as a consumer product. Not sure if I need a headphone with this noise cancelling feature but would certainly explore this option at the same time checking out the regular models.

What brand of headphones, if any, are you using? Are you happy with what you are having?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A New 'Toy' - The Conair Pro Garment Care Fabric Steamer

Ah, the joys of shopping without having to pay a single sen. I almost redeemed a Fat Free Fryer back in July but didn't think it'd be used enough to warrant owning one and it would probably end up in some dark recess of the kitchen cabinet. I did, however, redeemed something else.

A dust-buster is what I redeemed but more of that later. Let me tell you first about the latest redeemed product. The dust-buster in another post..

The latest redemption item I got for myself (through credit card points) is an implement for ironing clothes. Yes, sort of an iron, if you like, but different. I would be crazy to redeem an iron. I already have two in the house. This gadget is called a Fabric Steamer and works on the concept of steam (duh!) to iron out the creases and lines. Please excuse the bad photos.

This is the box that the steamer was packed in - all black. The fabric steamer is the object on the right, the one with the jacket hanging from. A better image below.

Clothes-ironing or pressing has always been a tedious chore for me and has therefore been outsourced to the local dhobi. With this new Fabric Steamer, I could do the simple pieces such as blouses, t-shirts and scarves. Pants (jeans included) and jackets can still go to the dhobi.

Have always wanted one of these ironing gadgets since I first laid eyes on such a device many years ago but so far have not been able to find one attractive enough to bring home. Found the baby at last.

This labour-saving device is from Conair. The box says Conair Pro Garment Care and it comes with a lot of different interchangeable nozzles for different functions including one for clipping lines for shirts and pants and even one for steaming hard surfaces such as glass windows.

Here is the better picture of the steamer. That's the steam on top right coming out from the nozzle. The container at the bottom is for the water. Steaming or ironing won't work if there is no water in the bottle.

At the Fiesta, two models were being sold, by two different companies. Between the two models, I picked the sturdier and neater (with less cables hanging out) model which of course was more expensive - almost three times the price. And the sales-lady made it look so easy to operate. But true enough, so far so good. Just need to remember not to get scalded by the steam though.

This Conair, model CGS28HWH, a 12-in-One Multi-tasking Garment Steamer comes with 7 attachments for perfect pressing & steaming for different fabrics. It is energy-saving with a pause-feature and it uses 1500 watts as opposed to the conventional iron. One obvious difference between a fabric steamer and a conventional iron is that the former has no need for an ironing board nor table/flat surface. Just set up the pole or clothes-hanger and steam away.

The hanger can be rotated 360deg while the pole is adjustable to the desired height meaning you can even sit down to do the steaming. And a host of other features.. It's claimed to kill dust mites and bedbugs. I suppose at this heat, not many insects will survive.

Conair claims to be USA's No. 1 Brand of Personal Care Appliances - it says there on the box.

What have you bought lately to reduce labour at the home-front or something useful or enjoyable for yourself or the family? I know Sui Tua Pui of Still Crazy After All These Years recently received the BBQ set that he redeemed with his credit card points. Someone's going to have BBQ garden parties again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fresh new carpet in the office

I was looking at men at work in the office the other day and was surprised at how easy they were able to cut the carpet to fit the desired space.

Did you notice that gadgets are usually designed for the right-handed by default? However, there are gadgets that are designed for both left- and right-handed users.

Take the carpet cutter from for instance. This carpet cutter is not only ergonomically-designed for heavy duty work, it also comes with a safety feature, the Maxtor's "Smart Knife technology". It allows the blade to automatically retract when the blade loses contact with the material being cut. The blade will still retract EVEN IF the user tries to override the safety system by leaving the slider in the forward position. How cool and safe is that!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Supermarket queues are no fun

Being stuck in a supermarket line is no fun. I am talking about long queues and each customer having a full trolley-load of items. This is why I try not to go shopping too close to closing time. This is when the queue starts.

Ideally, buying less than eight items will ensure breezing through the Express line checkout but this isn't possible most times when I normally go shopping with a list of items instead of popping in to buy one or two items.

What could also slow down the checkout is when the printer runs out of paper or the scanner decides to quit which was what happened the other day. With regard to scanners, I was told that the posguys barcode scanner system is reliable and I certainly hope the supers and hypers that I go too have this system installed.

I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to not being a fan of queues.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Apple gadgets for Mother's Day gifts

I read in The Star that 91% of mothers who took part in a survey said they wanted an iPad as a Mother's Day gift instead of fresh flowers. The survey conducted by revealed that most mothers in the United States wished for the gadget. Many years ago, the gadget of desire would probably have been an ipod touch though this Apple gadget is still an object of desire for many.

The survey also showed that 59% said they would not spend more than US$50 (RM153.50) for gifts and 19% would not buy any gift for their mothers.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Apple's new iPad 3 goes on sale in 10 countries today

A friend across the Causeway in Singapore was mulling over whether to join the line and be one of the first people in Singapore to own Apple's new iPad.

Singapore is among the 10 countries that the new iPad goes on sale today, Friday. Other countries include the United States (but of course), Canada, France and Britain, with diehards lining up overnight in front of Apple stores in Munich, Paris, London, Singapore and Hong Kong.

The new iPad though not marketed as a revolutionary product like earlier versions are still being snapped up by Apple fans, or devotees rather. The iPad competes with Samsung Electronic's Galaxy and Motorola's Xyboard, among others.

Apple's new iPad, this third generation 4G-ready tablet computer is slightly heavier than its predecessors and comes with a more powerful CPU and screen and better camera.

A teardown of the new device shows key parts from Qualcomm, Broadcom, and Samsung Electronics as in previous versions.

Apple's new iPad proved to be another hot-seller, with hundreds queuing at stores across Asia to be the first to get their hands on the tablet computer as the company's share price hit $600.01 for the first time, easing back to $585.56 at Thursday's close. If you own a share of Apple stock, you could easily buy the new iPad and with change back. The stock is far more expensive than the $499 starting price for a Wi-Fi iPad.

Source: The Star..Apple touches record high as iPad 3 sales run hot

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Weirdest Gift

What am I going to do with this pentair pool light she asked. That's a girlfriend who got this little surprise from a lucky draw she participated at a home-ownership launch one Sunday.

Have you ever experienced the same about getting gifts you have no idea what to do with? I suppose in my friend's case, anyone with a swimming pool or a spa pool may have a use for it.

Just out of curiosity, what's the weirdest or most unusable gift you have ever received? I can't wait to hear what you have to share. In the meantime, check out some unusual gifts received in the comments below.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trailer hitch got my mind astray..

The other day, I saw a trailer hitch or what appears to be one installed at the end of a pickup truck. My mind strayed a little wondering what the truck owner would be towing with such a robust-looking trailer hitch.

It's common sense that different weights to be towed require different kind of hitches. The trailer hitch to tow bicycles would be entirely different from the one used to tow a campervan, for instance. If you are looking for a trailer hitch, the experts at the shop would be able to help you choose the trailer hitch that meets your needs.

DJ Controllers and Counterfeit mobile phones

Overheard some colleagues at the office yesterday, comparing notes about their clubbing activities - music, sound systems, drinks, DJs, and such. Vaguely heard Zouk Club being mentioned, so was numark mixtrack and some other DJ Controller. Been to Zouk Club? Worth a visit.

On another note about gadgets, came across this little snippet in The Star..

Sin Chew Daily reported that the level of radiation emitted by some China-made counterfeit mobile phones was six times higher than branded phones. The daily said the designs and functions of these phones were similar to the branded phones and were much cheaper, but they emitted much higher radiation.

Image source: Zouk Club website

Trailer hitch got my mind astray..

The other day, I saw a trailer hitch or what appears to be one installed at the end of a pickup truck. My mind strayed a little wondering what the truck owner would be towing with such a robust-looking trailer hitch.

Different weights to be towed require different hitches. The trailer hitch to tow a bicycle would be entirely different from the one used to tow a campervan, for instance. If you are looking for a trailer hitch, the experts at the shop would be able to help you choose the trailer hitch that meets your needs.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO

The inevitable has arrived. Steve Jobs is leaving Apple as CEO.

(CNN) -- It's a moment many tech fans hoped never would come: Steve Jobs' resignation from the helm of Apple, which he co-founded from his family garage in 1976.

As that news hit early Wednesday evening on the East Coast, people rushed to online social networks to mourn the apparent end of Jobs' career; talk about what this means for the future of Apple products like the iPhone; and wish him good health.

"The end of an era!" one Twitter user wrote.

"I pray it's not bc (because) of his health," said another.
Continue reading on CNN..

Watch video of Apple milestones..

Source: CNN

Monday, August 22, 2011

A different kind of Bearings

I'm supposed to talk about bearings, of the hardware type like those in the image, but a different kind of bearings came to mind after a girlfriend's call. This girlfriend has just signed up for her company's treasure hunt. This year, they'll be heading south with Malacca as the destination. Last year, they headed east to Kuantan and the year before that, it was north, Lumut. So far, her team (usually of 4) has not won any prize yet. Hope they win something this year.

I haven't tried treasure hunting but another girlfriend who has joined several open treasure hunts earlier never tires of it. The ability to read maps, a keen sense of observation and a quick mind could be winning factors, I think, as they help in you getting your bearings right in an unfamiliar environment.

Talk about bearings, I once took a wrong turn coming out of Nilai, a town south of KL, and had to drive all the way to Seremban on the North-South Expressway because there is no allowance for a U-turn along that stretch of the highway. It was way past midnight when I got home. (Seremban is some 40 miles south of Kuala Lumpur which is usually an hour's drive.) That kind of explains why I haven't tried treasure hunting. LOL!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

GPS for Bikers, the Zumo 665

More and more people are installing GPS into their vehicle and I am talking about here in Malaysia. Though they may not be cheap gadgets to own, they are useful especially for people who often travel to unfamiliar places either for leisure or for work. Do you have one in your car too?

There are even GPS specially made for motorcycles. One popular biker GPS model is the Zumo 665. Among other features, this motorcycle-friendly navigator is equipped with stereo Bluetooth and XM satellite radio. Featuring a bright 4.3" touchscreen color display, the zumo 665 puts all the information you need in an easy-to-read format as you travel down the road. It also has a glove-friendly intuitive interface that makes entering information as easy as shifting gears.

Happy biking!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Practicality of a Wireless Intercom system

Intercom systems like countless other instruments and innovative gadgets of our time, help improve our life. Through the intercom, communication is instant and more effective besides eliminating the need for shouting across the house. A family member in the basement would be able to instantly talk to another on the second floor at the push of a button.

Wireless intercom systems are becoming popular not only for homes but for the office and outdoors as well and are preferred over wired systems. One reason to use a
wireless intercom system is that the cost of retrofitting a building for a wired intercom system is high whereas a wireless intercom has the advantage of a simple installation. The unit only requires to be plugged into an AC power outlet or easier still, a battery is used to have it working.

Yet another reason that wireless intercoms are preferred over wired intercoms is the portability of a wireless intercom which accounts for its many uses, such as in sports and security services.

One of the challenges of a wireless system is the possibility of interference as radio frequency wireless systems may get interference from other wireless devices. However, the practicality of using a wireless intercom system and other positives far outweigh this challenge. offers a large selection of wireless intercom systems for use in the home, office, or outdoors. There are portable wireless intercoms, wall flush-mount wireless intercoms, outdoor waterproof intercom systems, and long-range wireless intercom systems. Check them out. They are offering huge discounts just as we speak.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Security cameras in the city

If you are planning to visit Kuala Lumpur and may be unsure as to how safe it is, be assured that the city is a lot safer now than a few years ago. This is because of the many security cameras that have been installed in many parts of the city and other cities around the country.

According to stats published in the papers, the crime rate has gone down significantly since these cameras were installed. Still, it is advisable to always be alert to your surroundings when you are out and about, especially ladies. Better to be safe than sorry.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Coffee mug with a difference

Good heavens! Is this a camera lens? Not really. It's a coffee mug impersonating a camera lens rather.

This lens, err, mug, features a rubber grip focus, zoom rings, a working auto-focus switch and a cap for easy hot beverage transport. Cool, eh? Kinda reminds you of the aquarium converted from a tv monitor.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Champagne, anyone?

Here's a gift idea for a housewarming gift, a wine opener, not just any wine opener, but a Rogar Estate wine opener - just like the one in the picture. Rogar wine openers are on sale now so every purchase comes with a great saving.

Come to think of it, every home should have a wine opener. Probably not that realistic this part of the world but you never know because wine-drinking has become popular here of late and every home has a reason to celebrate every once in a while and opening a bottle of champagne or some other bubbly beverage is a most fitting affair.

Why Rogar wine openers, you may ask. Rogar International Corporation founded in 1975 in Abilene, Texas, through their ongoing goal of designing, manufacturing and marketing only top quality products has become a leader in the sales of antique-style wine openers, wall-mounted and hanging pot racks along with other high end quality products. is a full service retailer for all Rogar Wine Openers and Replacement Parts. They generally have all wine openers in stock and ready for immediate delivery. In addition, should you ever need replacement parts for your wine opener, they can assist you with any parts, components, and general product knowledge.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Funny Ad of a Human Barcode Reader

Going through the supermarket checkout counter the other day reminded me of the KitKat advertisement on tv. Remember the guy who uses his teeth as a barcode reader? That ad cracks me up every time. I'll say he is as good as the Symbol LS2208 bar code reader I saw online.

I remember when barcode was first introduced here in Malaysia, companies were scrambling to have their staff trained to be able to use the new equipment setup. That is many years ago and now barcoding is part of our life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Do you drink water straight from the tap?

Yeah, do you drink water straight from the tap? I do. We are lucky that water here in Malaysia is clean enough though we have been advised to boil the water before consumption.

I'm not sure if it's a culture here or just in Chinese society, but I do know that all Chinese families (I mean local immigrant Chinese) drink boiled water - boiled water that has been let to cool.

Families in recent years have added another source of water into the household - filtered water. With pollution all around us, most households have installed water filters and they do help to eliminate pollutants making water cleaner thus tasting better.

When it comes to water filters, people are more familiar with Diamond this part of the world forgetting that there are other just-as-effective water filters. The GE SmartWater gswf Refrigerator water filter is one. So, are you using a water filter at home?