Showing posts with label lemon citrus green tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lemon citrus green tea. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I was searching for some way to showcase these lovely crystal napkin rings in the shape of birds on a branch with a leaf, each one is a little different....then I came upon a way to sparkle up this old bird cage......

I added some crystals from an old chandelier and some recycled bathroom knobs and it looks right at home with the little sparkly birdies......

This will be a lovely afternoon luncheon with a little lemon citrus green tea......Yummmmm


I think I will have to round up all these birds as soon as lunch begins, I don't think I will be happy if their little noses are bumped off......

The leaf on each piece is placed a little different and are cleverly used to make the napkin rings stand up .....

I'm sure you all recognize the salad plates, they are Lenox, I love the butterflies and ladybugs and the lacy edge....of course the Gibson white plates..I had to laugh today my daughter Michelle always says "I love it when you use those white plates, they look just like paper plates" because of the ribbing around the edge I guess, funny how people see things so differently...who knew..

I love the lady bugs so much, I am doing a special blog with my ladybug dishes, wow they are so pretty, I am missing a couple of pieces but I am always on the lookout...I hope you will stop by and get some good luck....

Mr. S. said"only you would think to use those old broken cabinet knobs for a bird cage".....oh well I think you have to use that pent up creativity somewhere ....I think it's better then creating a mess " oh I guess I do that too" lol

I have used this little bird bath for a sugar holder, seems to fit right in.....

The crystal napkin rings are from the sale table at Pottery Barn.....

I used my trusty gorilla glue to glue a knob to the top of the bird cage, you gotta have a lotta sparkle for a V.I.P. BIRDCAGE

I was only watching a little TV while putting this gotta have a break......

I thought I would give you a little closer look at the birdcage with the little crystals attached, I also made the bars look a little rusty by painting them a brownish color instead of the white color they were.....

Don't forget the Target Birds......


The large sage green Charger plates are Mikasa and are from the Assistance League and were 1.oo each....they are very large and heavy, love the soft green....

Thanks for stopping by for a visit, I do appreciate all of you that leave such encouraging wonderful comments....and when you come for the first time and choose to be a follower, wow, it's very exciting for me to know you love the tablescapes and like looking through the pictures...Thanks Susan between naps on the porch for hosting Tablescape Thursday....