Showing posts with label pansy plates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pansy plates. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013


I always forget just how pretty pansies are...if you forget too, this post is for you, there are pansies everywhere...
These are so lovely and paired with
the pale pink glasses, wow, they
are amazing..
The soft pink stemmed glasses are from Italy and were purchased from a thrift store, very inexpensive..I think they could be used as a sherbet glass or any kind of a dessert, but today they are just pink glasses...
I love the way the short pansy  glasses look like window panes....I purchased these 4 glasses and 4 plates from the GW 2 years ago and I think they were 5.00 or 6.00  for the whole set, I thought they were perfect for summer, spring and even Easter....
The individual plants are a simple 6 pk from the Armstrong nursery and I potted them in the cups that go to the fondue set...not like we're gonna use the fondue set this month...funny how fondues were a hot item, then out, then kinda back in...not all the way in

The tiny little white plates under the plants  I purchased in a stack for 2.00 at the GW.

When I am doing these tablescapes, it always strikes me that there is  a mixture of old and new, great bargains mixed with gifts and purchases from the past and a few that are new, I  hope they blend  together making it look interesting and inviting...
The napkins, I have used many times, they are from the old Linens and Things...I liked that store, too bad they had to close...
When the mailman comes to the door to deliver the mail, the window is right there and I am sure he thinks I am nuts, always setting a table...

Do you see the sweet little lady bug on the pansy  plate, I  love the attention to detail in so many of my  plates....can you tell I love dishes... my mom was the same way... she loved cups and saucers and pretty plates..she also liked silverware and depression glass....I did not begin tablescaping until long after she passed away, she would have loved it...I can just hear her saying, use these, use these, add, it needs more you got makes me smile cause I know  she is  smiling...watching me play with the dishes....

 I still say this could be a stained glass window, what do you think?  I set the plants to the side on the plate so you could see the wonderful pansies on the  plates...
 The basket chargers are from Pier 1... I purchased them a couple of  years ago, they are so well made  I use them often...and they still look like new....The cute flatware is from Ross....

These sweet little tin water cans are
from Pottery Barn, just the cutest
napkin rings, I think I will use them
this summer in the patio for a little
garden luncheon.....yay   I may have used them last summer, I might have to go back and check....The cloche is actually a cheese board cover...on a cake plate....
 I hope this little Pansy table gives you some inspiration...I am still on my quest not to purchase new things for the tablescapes...the plants of course don't count, they will go in the pots outside...I will also be doing a posting of my backyard in the summer, I know many of you have ask me to show more of it last year and I just didn't get around to doing it...

The cute little orange flower is peeping his head out, what a perfect  pop of color...

 The large tray in the center of the table is from Marshals last year.  I change the items on the tray and I usually just keep it there to kinda keep things corralled...

Thank you for stopping Around the House for a little visit and see these pretty flowers, I hope you were inspired to bring the outdoors in and get some spring...Go ahead be a Pansy....
joining a stroll thru life              between naps on  the porch     wow us wed    lets dish
a french country cottage     commomground