Showing posts with label GFG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GFG. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Theme-a-licious March check in

Time for Theme-a-licious update - the February theme was fantasy and fiction. I am a big fan of these but to my surprise I did not have too many WIPs with such motifs. I decided to work on two of my HAEDs.

I started with Childhood Dreams and it really feels good to put these photos side by side a only now I realize the progress I have made. This is a really big chart and it takes a lot of stitching to be able to see the progress without comparing it.

Czas na Theme-a-licious - tematem na luty było fantasy i postacie mityczne. Jestem wielką fanką fantasy, ale wśród moich WIPów nie ma smoków ani jednorożców. W ramach tematyki fantasy skupiłam się na moich HAED.

Zaczęłam od Childhood Dreams i dopiero obejrzenie zdjęć przed i po koło siebie pozwala ma zobaczyć, ile zrobiłam. Ten schemat jest ogromny; patrząc na tamborek miałam wrażenie, że nie ma prawie żadnego postępu.

The second WIP I worked on is Goblin's Fae Guide. I did about 1000 stitches, in case you can't see them they are mostly in the bottom right corner :) I have been working on this since 2008, maybe next year I will be able to finish. There are 8 completed pages now, I want to finish 4 more by the end of this year.

Drugą pracą był Goblin's Fae Guide. Zrobiłam około tysiąc krzyżyków, zdecydowaną większość w dolnym prawym rogu. Zaczęłam ten schemat w 2008 i w przyszłym roku chciałabym go skończyć. Teraz gotowych jest osiem stron, do końca roku planuję skończyć kolejnych cztery.

 Goblin's Fae Guide before
Goblin's Fae Guide after
This month's theme is 'March Madness' - work on something different each day. I am hoping to do exactly what the theme is so if I suceed you will see a couple of new starts and some WIPs that haven't made it out of the drawer for a really long time. On March 1st I worked on Goblin Fae Guide, so the picture is above, I think today I will work on Halloween.

Temat na następny miesiąc to 'Marcowe szaleństwo' - trzeba codziennie wyszywać co innego. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się wytrwać, jeśli mi się uda zobaczycie kilka nowych startów i WIPy, które bardzo dawno nie były wyciągane na światło dzienne. Pierwszego dnia pracowałam na Goblin's Gae Guide, myślę, że dziś zajmę się Halloween.

Also I wanted to thank you for kind comments about Hugo :) He's 3,5 months old now and he is growing so fast :) My older cat is still adjusting to his presence but is now accepting him. I am still hoping they will be friends one day as the reason we brought Hugo is for Stefan to have a companion when we are at work. Anyway, here's a current picture of Hugo :)

Chciałam podziękować za komentarze o Hugo :) Ma teraz 3,5 miesiąca i bardzo szybko rośnie. Mój starszy kot nadal sie do niego przyzwyczaja, ale już go akceptuje. Mam nadzieję, że się zaprzyjaźnią, kupiliśmy Hugo, żeby Stefan miał towarzystwo jak jesteśmy w pracy. Oto najnowsze zdjęcie Hugo:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Page 2 finished / Skończyłam drugą stronę :)

I was surprised myself when I compared the before and after photo, so I will post the before again :) I thought that I was missing much less on page 2.

Byłam nieco zaskoczona, kiedy porównałam zdjęcie pracy przed i po - wydawało mi się, że miałam mniej do wypelnienia:

It would have taken me much less time to fill the blank spots but of course I kept moving to other pages. I find filling the small blank spots incredibily boring, mostly because I can't really see any progress so I just fill one color on the page I'm supposed to finish (it's usually 1-2 stitches) and continue this color on another page. Anyway, here's my after:

Samo wypełnienie brakujących krzyżyków na drugiej stronie zabrałoby mi znacznie mniej czasu, ale jak zwykle nie ograniczałam sie do jednej strony. Wypełnianie tych punkcików jest dla mnie strasznie nudne i męczące, myślę że to dlatego, że prawie nie widać postępów, więc wypełniam brakujące miejsca w jedynym kolorze na stronie, którą mam skończyć (zazwyczaj jest to 1-2 krzyżyki) i kontunuuję ten kolor na jakiejś innej stronie. Oto rezultat:

It's almost the end of the month and I'm only half way done with my goals - just checked them and realized that I have 7 Polish goals and 8 English ones, so in Polish I'm even more than hald done LOL I already did 2500 stitches on QSMB, I'll take a pic of her on Saturday as I have her at work. I think that if I'll focus on the exchanges and MMM1 now, I should be able to do most of what I have planned.

Już prawie koniec miesiąca a ja jestem dopiero w połowie mojej listy planów - właścieiwe jestem już za połową mojej polskiej listy, która ma 7 punktów (angielska ma 8, zapomniałam przetłumaczyć ostatniego LOL). Zrobiłam już 2500 krzyżykówm na QSMB, zrobię zdjęcie w sobotę, ponieważ jest u mnie w pracy.
Myślę, że jeśli skupię się teraz na MMM1 i wymianach uda mi się zrealizować większość tego co miałam zaplanowane.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I should have posted this much earlier but I couldn't find the cable for my camera. Anyway, here's my progress on GFG:

I managed to finish page 1. I'm very close to finishing page 2 now, I would have done it for sure if I hadn't stitched on pages 3,8 and 9. It's really hard for me to focus on filling these small gaps so after filling one or two I move to other pages where I have bigger areas of color.

On Wednesday I finally started my Chatelaine MMM1. I'm way behind as most people already finished MMM2 and the group for MMM3 started on Oct 2nd.
I love how it's stitching up and I'm very glad that I ordered the complete kit as it turned out that I love stitching with NPI silks. They're so soft and shiny :)))
I will move to part 2 after doing all stitching on part one as I have to order Nymo thread to attach the beads.

Here it is:

I'm stitching on a fabric I got on ebay - it was supposed to be 32 count but now after I measured my stitching at 35x35 and put it into stitch calculator it turned out that it's something between 33 and 34 count. I don't really mind but I was planning to stitch MMM3 and MM4 and I have enough fabric for just one more.

Unfortunately this is my uni weekend which means that I won't get much done - my goal is to finish part one by Monday

Friday, September 26, 2008

The first one

After ages it took me to figure out how to edit the HTML code so I like how the side panels look it's finally time to start blogging. This will be an excellent way to keep track of my stitching progress. I decided to write this blog only in English at least for now - most of my stitching friends are English speakers. I've seen stitcher's blogs written in both English and their native tongue but I'm way too lazy for it :) I promise to write in both languages when I will be writing about stitchers and crafters meetings I've recently started to attend.

This weekend I will be working on Goblin's Fae Guide. I have started it in March and as it was my Monthly SAL challenge piece and I was quite happy with my progress until I forgot to post my after SAL pic on the BB and I was out of the challenge - unfortunately, this is very typical for me... I haven't touched it at all this month and luckily I found out in time that this month's themed SAL on the BB is background SAL so I signed up for it and I'm hoping to finally finish pages 1 and 2.

This is my before pic: