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Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Sunday, March 06, 2016

More On The Madness Of Muslims: The Bloody Hands Of The Boko Haram

Feel the white-knuckled outrage:

Boko Haram carnage in Nigeria: over 60 dead, «the children were burned alive»

At least 65 people were killed in the attack committed by militants of the Islamist group Boko Haram on the outskirts of Maiduguri in northeast Nigeria.
According to the armed forces of Nigeria, were attacked the village of Galore, located a few kilometres East of Maiduguri.
AFP referring to escaped the massacre of the bacoor Alumina eyewitness reports that the militants threw the incendiary bomb hut, and inside were heard the cries of the dying, including children.
According to him, the massacre lasted about four hours.
It concluded that in the crowd of inhabitants who had fled to a neighboring village, exploded three suicide bombers.
The real number of victims may far exceed current estimates, as are murdered in the surrounding Bush where they were hunted by extremists.
Boko Haram («Western education is a sin» in the Hausa language) — an Islamist group operating in the North and North-East of Nigeria. The militants also attacked the neighbouring countries of Niger, Cameroon and Chad, reminds «Interfax».
Boko Haram is seeking to establish an Islamic Caliphate and the imposition of Sharia (Islamic law) throughout Nigeria. It is against Western education, democracy and the principle of separation of powers, and also against wearing Western clothes and all the other elements of the «alien» culture. The extremists frequently attack Christian communities and churches and educational institutions.
In March 2015 the group has sworn allegiance to the terrorist organization «Islamic state» (banned in Russia).

Mad dogs all. Xenophobic psychopaths who hide their inhumanity behind religion. Bloody handed bastards who have abdicated reason for the crazy voices in their heads telling them to wash away the ‘sins’ of others in blood, to ignore the cries of the innocent dying, to revel in wrongness because ‘Allah’ (peanut butter and jelly be upon him) had some pedophiliac illiterate dictate astonishing nonsenses.
The desert does not create great men: it parboils their brains and puts sand up their asses, driving them insane, giving them crazy ideas about how to conserve bodily fluids.
The Boko Haram are rabid animals, unworthy of the designation ‘human’.
Till the next post then.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

More On The Madness Of Muslims– Pakistan, Land Of The Pedophiles

Because there are fewer crimes more disgusting than this:

Pakistani clerics block ‘un-Islamic’ child marriage bill

Pakistani lawmakers have withdrawn a proposal to impose harsher penalties on those who arrange child marriages after it was scuttled by a religious body who branded it "blasphemous" and against Islam, sources told AFP Friday.
The proposal, which would also have raised the legal age of marriages for females from 16 to 18, called for "rigorous" punishment up to two years in prison for those who organize child marriages, still common in some parts of Pakistan.
Marvi Memon, a member of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), had moved to amend existing child marriage legislation in the lower house but was forced to withdraw her bid after it was rejected by a parliamentary committee on religious affairs, a source familiar with the development told AFP.
A representative from the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) had dubbed the amendment to the Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Bill 2014 as "anti-Islamic" and "blasphemous" during the committee meeting, the source said.
The CII was formed in 1962 to advise parliament on the compatibility of laws with Sharia.
Its recommendations are non-binding, and it has drawn widespread criticism in the past for other rulings -- including in 2013, when it suggested making DNA inadmissible evidence in rape cases, instead calling for the revival of an Islamic law that makes it mandatory for a survivor to provide four witnesses to back their claims.
"Marvi wanted deletion of the word 'simple' punishment for those involved in arranging child marriages to 'rigorous' or 'two-year' punishment in the actual legislation," the parliamentary source, who did not want to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter, told AFP.
"Marvi also wanted the age for girls' marriage to be raised from 16 years to 18 years, which does not in any way violate the teachings of Islam," the source said.
The original law stipulates the age of marriage at 16 for women and 18 for men but Pakistani religious scholars believe it is not in accordance with Islamic teachings.
They say there is no specific age limit for marriage in Sharia as an individual can marry when he or she reaches puberty and puberty cannot be defined by age.
Rights activists strongly criticized the rejection of bill.
"It is a pity that the committee came under the pressure of the council's unjust ruling," leading rights activist I.A. Rehman told AFP.
Branding the decision "absurd", he warned the council was paving the way for its own disbandment and calling its stance a setback to efforts to safeguard human rights in Pakistan.

As if there’s not enough sick old perverts getting their hands on children, they also get religious sanction? Seriously, this is one fucked up religion. Not bad enough that women get treated like shit over there, now the children are subjected to the sick desires of some ancient  pedophile who is incapable of courting a full grown woman – oh wait, they all get married off at puberty. Can any of these deviants get off on another adult? Probably not. And the real reason behind this horrific nonsense is that some mullah or sheik or whatever gets tired of their current ‘squeeze’, so they go out and marry another child.
And don’t give me any of that moral relativist bullshit – don’t care that it’s part of their religion or culture or whatnot. Messing with kids is the act of a coward – a psychosexual crippled braindead set of nerve endings that has to rationalize the ugliness with religion.
Short eyed shitbags. Sickening.
Till the next post then.


Sunday, February 07, 2016

More On The Madness Of Muslims: The Evil Of Honor

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

I have said this many times here, and on the old blog: the litmus test of any civilization (or an ideology, let’s add that too) that determines its worthiness, is the treatment of women and children. And it’s not enough these mad dogs take children as sex slaves, but that they slaughter other adults to enforce their barbarism.

Case in point;

Her Father Shot Her in the Head, as an ‘Honor Killing’

WHETHER it wins or not, the Oscar nominee with the greatest impact — saving lives of perhaps thousands of girls — may be one you’ve never heard of.

It stars not Leonardo DiCaprio but a real-life 19-year-old Pakistani woman named Saba Qaiser. Her odyssey began when she fell in love against her family’s wishes and ran off to marry her boyfriend. Hours after the marriage, her father and uncle sweet-talked her into their car and took her to a spot along a riverbank to murder her for her defiance — an “honor killing.”

First they beat Saba, then her uncle held her as her own father pointed a pistol at her head and pulled the trigger. Blood spewed, Saba collapsed and her father and uncle packed her body into a large sack and threw it into the river to sink. They then drove away, thinking they had restored the family’s good name.

Incredibly, Saba was unconscious but alive. She had jerked her head as the gun went off, and the bullet tore through the left side of her face but didn’t kill her. The river water revived her, and she clawed her way out of the sack and crawled onto land. She staggered toward a gasoline station, and someone called for help.

About every 90 minutes, an honor killing unfolds somewhere in the world, usually in a Muslim country. Pakistan alone has more than 1,000 a year, and the killers often go unpunished.

Watching the documentary about Saba, “A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness,” I kept thinking that just as in the 19th century the central moral challenge for the world was slavery, and in the 20th century it was totalitarianism, in this century the foremost moral issue is the abuse and oppression that is the lot of so many women and girls around the world.

I don’t know whether “A Girl in the River” will win an Oscar in its category, short subject documentary, but it is already making a difference. Citing the film, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan has promised to change the country’s laws so as to crack down on honor killings.

Saba’s story underscores how the existing law lets people literally get away with murder when honor is the excuse. After doctors saved Saba’s life — as police officers guarded the door so her father didn’t return to finish the job — she was determined to prosecute her father and uncle.

“They should be shot in public in an open market,” she told the filmmaker, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, “so that such a thing never happens again.”

The police arrested Saba’s father, Maqsood, and the uncle, Muhammad, and their defense was that they did the right thing.

“She took away our honor,” Maqsood said from his jail cell. “If you put one drop of piss in a gallon of milk, the whole thing gets destroyed. That’s what she has done. … So I said, ‘No, I will kill you myself.’”

Maqsood said that after shooting Saba he went home and told his wife, “I have gone and killed your daughter.” He added: “My wife cried. What else could she do? I am her husband. She is just my wife.”

Perpetrators of honor killings often are not prosecuted because Pakistani law allows families of victims to forgive a killing. So a man kills his daughter, the rest of the family forgives him, and he’s off the hook.

Tremendous pressure was applied to Saba by community elders to pardon her father and uncle. In the end, her husband’s older brother — the head of her new family — told her to forgive and move on. “There is no other way,” he said. “We have to live in the same neighborhood.”

Saba complied, and her father and uncle were released from prison. “After this incident, everyone says I am more respected,” her father boasted. “I can proudly say that for generations to come none of my descendants will ever think of doing what Saba did.” The families still live near each other, although the father insists he will not try again to kill Saba.

The way to reduce honor killings is to end the impunity. Saba tried to do her part, and let’s hope Prime Minister Sharif does indeed end the legal system of forgiveness.

“I wanted to start a national discourse about the issue,” says Obaid-Chinoy, the film’s director. “Until we send people to jail and make examples of them, honor killings will continue.”

Since 9/11, the United States has spent billions of dollars reshaping Afghanistan and Pakistan with the military toolbox; I suspect we would have achieved more if we had relied to a greater extent on the education and women’s empowerment toolboxes.

A starting point would be to encourage governments to protect teenage girls from fathers who want to murder them. Chipping away at this broad pattern of gender injustice is in the interest of all of us. It is our century’s great unfinished business.

Yep, keep adding to the list of mad dogs who should be taken out back and shot in the head. That’s all these two psychotics deserve.

The foremost item is the hypocrisy: both Christianity (free will? HA!) and Islam (not supposed to compel religion, bone up on the fucking thing sometime) is that regardless of their words and teachings, imans and priests (ministers too, if you’re being pedantic) regularly force others in one way or another, to conform to the ‘norm’ or face harsh penalties. And the people in charge of these things tend to be hairy-eyed squalid lunatics, eyes full of an imaginary glory and afterlife.

Butchering and raping women and children is NOT the heroic act of some ‘divine vessel’ – it is the act of a disconnected mentally unhinged individual (or more). If these buttplugs had been doing this in the name of the Almighty Bob, they’d have been castigated and imprisoned. But because they hide under the umbrella of religion, there are no consequences.

If you kill women and rape children, I could care LESS why. You did it. And everyone should get equal treatment. So this makes you a savage, regardless of the WHY of it. A voice told you to? Get help, or get out. A book told you? What, are you a gullible child, to blindly follow it, and cause mayhem and slaughter to those around you?

No more free passes for these psychos, boys and girls. Different culture? Don’t care. Different country? Don’t care. There is no afterlife, so we have to correct this. Here. Now.

And don’t give me that ‘violence doesn’t solve anything’ crap. Yeah, and Hitler was soooo amenable to reason and rationality that Chamberlain managed to avoid World War II.

Till the next post.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

More On The Madness Of Muslims: Because When You’re An Animal All That Counts Is Blood And Guts

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

These sort of atrocities deserve to be denounced, and the perpetrators deserve to be put down like the rabid dogs they are:

  Syria says IS group killed 300 in attacks in country's east

  BEIRUT (AP) — Syria's government said Sunday that Islamic State militants slaughtered 300 people in an "appalling massacre" committed in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour in daylong attacks that saw the extremists make significant advances in the contested region.

  The state-run SANA news agency said that most of those killed in Saturday's attacks were elderly people, women and children while opposition activists said many of the victims were Syrian soldiers and pro-government militiamen and their families.

  The killings are some of the worst carried out by the extremist group, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq and has killed thousands of people in both countries.

  The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which documents all sides of the Syria conflict through activists on the ground, said late Saturday that at least 135 people were killed. It said around 80 of them were soldiers and pro-government militiamen and the rest civilians.

  It added that many of them were shot dead or beheaded.

  The Islamic State group controls most of Deir el-Zour province and much of the capital with the same name, while the government controls several districts in the northern part of the city and the adjacent military airport. Most of the casualties took place in the area of Baghaliyeh near the city.

  The Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV, which is close to the Syrian government, also reported a massacre and said IS killed dozens of people, including women and children, and threw their bodies in the Euphrates River. It said the group took more than 400 civilians hostage.

  The reports could not be independently confirmed.

  The IS-affiliated Aamaq news agency had reported a large-scale multi-pronged attack on Deir el-Zour that began with a suicide bombing. On Sunday, it reported that the group expanded its control of areas west and northwest of Deir el-Zour, adding that around 110 Syrian government forces were killed and at least five others captured.

  It said the group seized control of Baghaliyeh and surrounding areas during the fighting.

There will be those who declare that ‘radical Islam’ must go. But the issue is, how to separate the moderates from the extremists? On one hand we have a religion that seems to enable psychotic assholes, on the other, it is nigh impossible to dictate to other humans what they should think, believe, or behave in matters ordinary or spectacular.

All religion will have to be proclaimed and proven obsolete. People who flip out and start sputtering fanatical foam will need medication. Yet we cannot medicate the entire species – it draws far too close to fascism for peace of mind.

And Muslims – the extreme ones – advocate slavery, slaughter, behave no better than any barbarians from history, show no signs of ‘enlightenment’ (none that would fit in any 21st century civilization), declare themselves the sole inheritors of the ‘truth’, and take whatever they want by force. No surprise there – it’s what the Christians used to do, and still try to do, even in this day and age.

All ‘western’ religions are bullies by nature. The proponents of such will (at any early opportunity) force their ‘truth’ on others by sword or bullet or torture, where applicable.

It is both saddening and maddening, that the mad dogs are at it again.

Till the next post then.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Republicans Gone Retarded: The ‘Donald’ Trumps The 1st Amendment

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

Honestly, I know I bang on about Islam, how it’s barbaric, how it’s a vast steaming pile of supernatural crap – and yes, there are occasions where I advocate the actual shooting of some of these people, but not full scale (there are millions of Muslims I don’t have a real problem, I can’t tell them what to do, think, say etc.). But in this country, there are no (and should never be) a ‘thought’ police, or better yet, a ‘secular’ police. Just like there shouldn’t be a ‘morals squad’ anywhere in the known world.

And when it comes to reality, maybe the ‘Donald’ should actually become an apprentice to a politician with ethics (yeah I know, an oxymoron) or somebody who actually understands the constitution.

  Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.

  (CNN)Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called Monday for barring all Muslims from entering the United States.

  "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.
      Trump, who has previously called for surveillance against mosques and said he was open to establishing a database for all Muslims living in the U.S., made his latest controversial call in a news release. His message comes in the wake of a deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by suspected ISIS sympathizers and the day after President Barack Obama asked the country not to "turn against one another" out of fear.

      Trump's comments are likely to roil the Republican presidential race, forcing many of his opponents for the nomination to engage in a debate over whether there should be a religious test to enter America.

      But his proposal was met with enthusiasm by many of his supporters, who showed their approval via social media as well as at his rally on Monday night.

      "I think that we should definitely disallow any Muslims from coming in. Any of them. The reason is simple: we can't identify what their attitude is," said 75-year-old Charlie Marzka of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

      Moreover, the Muslim travel ban will likely do little to dent Trump's own popularity among Republican primary voters. The billionaire businessman has dominated the GOP contest for months despite repeated controversies that would likely sink other White House hopefuls.

      "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine," Trump said in a statement. "Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life."

      Trump's campaign added in the release that such a ban should remain in effect "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

      The release pointed to an online poll from the controversial Center for Security Policy, which claimed that a quarter of Muslims living in the U.S. believe violence against Americans is justified as part of a global jihadist campaign. Critics have questioned the reliability of the organization's information. It also pointed to a Pew Research poll, which the campaign declined to identify, which the campaign claimed points to "great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

      Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told CNN on Monday that the ban would apply not just to Muslim foreigners looking to immigrate to the U.S., but also to Muslims looking to visit the U.S. as tourists.

      "Everyone," Lewandowski said when asked if the ban would also apply to Muslim tourists.

      "Great surveillance and vigilance must be adhered to," said Trump in an additional statement Lewandowski provided to CNN. "We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening and the percentage of true hatred is too great. People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again."

      Trump confirmed that his policy would not apply to current Muslims in the U.S. during a Fox News interview on Monday evening.

      "I have Muslim friends, Greta, and they're wonderful people. But there's a tremendous section and cross-section of Muslims living in our country who have tremendous animosity," he told Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren. "It does not apply to people living in the country, except we have to be vigilant."

    That old trope from Franklin seems salient: 'Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.'

    And all I can think when Donald Chump blathers on is, ‘Oh, great. ANOTHER moronic Republican president who’s going to fuck this country right up.’

    There oughta be a law. No, better yet, there should be a test. See if any of these mental midgets are qualified to hold office. And denial of reality should be an automatic flunk. You know, people who deny climate change, evolution, all those key NON-ISSUES.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, December 06, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Self-Radicalizers?

    Muslim-Cartoon1This latest tragedy has been splashed across the pages lately (Web pages? Does that metaphor still work?)

    California shooters likely planned multiple attacks

    U.S. investigators are increasingly convinced the California shooters planned multiple attacks, given their stockpile of weapons, and are looking at whether the Pakistani woman involved radicalized her American husband, officials said on Sunday.

    Investigators believe the weapons cache collected by Tashfeen Malik, 29, and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, points to more attacks but they do not have evidence on other possible targets, a senior U.S. government source told Reuters.

    The couple stormed a gathering of his work colleagues in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday, opening fire with assault-style rifles and killing 14 people. The pair were killed a few hours later in a shootout with police.

    U.S. authorities were trying to learn what contacts Malik might have had with Islamic militants in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, where she grew up, the official said on condition of anonymity.

    They lack clear evidence that the wife was radicalized overseas or that she in turn radicalized her husband, though they are actively investigating that, the official said.

    Authorities are investigating the shootings as an act of terrorism. President Barack Obama scheduled an Oval Office address Sunday to outline how the country is responding to the broader threat of terrorism.

    Malik's estranged relatives in Pakistan have said she appeared to have abandoned the family's moderate Islam and become more radicalized in Saudi Arabia, where she moved as a toddler.

    She returned to Pakistan and studied pharmacy at Bahauddin Zakaria University in Multan from 2007 to 2012.

    "There's a serious investigation ongoing into what she was doing in Pakistan and in Saudi," U.S. Representative Michael McCaul said on "Fox News Sunday." "We think that she had a lot to do with the radicalization process and perhaps with Mr. Farook's radicalization from within the United States."

    "The wild card here is the wife Malik," said McCaul, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. He said investigators were also looking at where they got the money to acquire the guns.

    U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said U.S. authorities have no evidence that the shooters were part of a larger terrorism cell but were working with their counterparts overseas to gather information about their lives.

    "We are trying to learn everything we can about both of these individuals," Lynch said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "It will be a long process, it will be an exhaustive process."

    "And we are trying to learn as much as we can about her life before they met, after they met and frankly, after she came here as well. What we are trying to focus on again is what motivated these two individuals."

    McCaul said it was unclear what ties the couple had with the Islamic State, which has said the pair were "followers." At a minimum, he said, the militant group inspired the attack. Malik is believed to have pledged allegiance to the group in a Facebook posting shortly before the shooting.

    "We have the computers. We have the devices. We are currently going through the forensics," he said. "The investigation is ongoing to find out what is precisely the connection between ISIS, say, in Raqqa and in the United States, and what was going on."

    McCaul also noted that Farook had a large arsenal of semi-automatic guns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and pipe bombs.

    "We are looking at the terrorist financing aspect to this case. I believe on his salary, he was not able to buy this on his own," said McCaul.

    U.S. officials have acknowledged they had no information about the couple before the killing other than routine matters related to Malik's immigration status in the United States.

    Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, said the case illustrates the difficulties in detecting self-radicalized attackers. "That's a very real challenge and it's one that preceded ISIL and I presume one that will endure beyond ISIL and its defeat," she said on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS."

    The savage lie of the afterlife prompts events like this. If these two crazies had no belief in it, they likely wouldn’t have gone off and shot a bunch of innocent people. In fact, in all the major shootings and crimes, white collar or otherwise, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who DIDN’T believe in an afterlife. Some cheap rationalization of how it would be ‘judged’ or weighed or whatnot. The Pavlovian component is undeniable (unless you’re religious, in which case everything is subject to interpretation and then denial) – these idiots wanted to impress their slave master Allah. And of course, like all of the big 3 in monotheism, this requires blood.

    Judaism is now barely a blip on the radar press-wise, Christianity is slowly (TOO SLOWLY) mellowing out, now we’re stuck with the last of the savage creed, Islam.

    What we need now as a species, is to stop sugar coating reality, stop blindly obeying our less rational impulses (most adults should be able to, but can’t), and put aside this primitivistic nonsense. Our ancestors were for the most part, assholes. History was written by drunken teenagers. We are at this point now so much farther ahead than some of these pompous assholes they call ‘prophets’ – you know, those weird crazy assholes that wandered in out of the desert, driven so mad by heat and dehydration that their drooling gibberish should have earmarked them for a lunatic asylum, not a leadership role.

    Shooting someone doesn’t make someone’s epistemology correct. Nor does self-sacrifice. The only point religious violence makes, is that fantasy ideology makes for the worst of the worst, blood sacrifices made to a mad bloodthirsty imaginary friend.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, November 15, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Paris And The High Cost Of Accommodationism

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    islamiccrazyBy now you’ve heard the news (unless you’re living in a cave) – Paris was savaged by a pack of mad dogs bent on asserting their dominance over an unwilling world:

    Paris attacks: Authorities hunt for a French national

    Paris (CNN)Authorities are hunting for a Belgium-born French national who is suspected to have been involved in the Paris terror attacks.

    Belgian and French officials want to find Salah Abdeslam, the French prosecutor's office told CNN. Belgium has issued an international warrant for him.

    French police released his photo and warned people not to interact with him, saying that he is dangerous.

    Salah Abdeslam is  suspected of being involved in the attacks.
    Meanwhile, the death toll has risen to 132, according to news agency Agence France-Presse, citing hospitals. At least 352 people were wounded, many of them seriously.

    Investigators are working around the clock. The Islamic terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the slaughter.

    Reflecting just how nervous Paris is right now, a panic broke out Sunday evening in a crowd gathered at a memorial erected at one of the sites of Friday's terror attacks.

    Video showed mourners suddenly spooked, though it's still unclear why. People ran away screaming. Some jumped over lit candles of the memorial, others grabbed their children and sprinted away. The panic ended quickly and police have cleared the memorial, saying no one is allowed to gather, at least for the time being.

    It's possible that suspects directly involved in Friday's Paris terror attacks remain at large, a French counterterrorism source close to the investigation told CNN on Sunday.

    A number of arrests linked to the attacks have been made in Belgium, but it is unclear whether they include the occupant or occupants of an abandoned car with weapons inside found in eastern Paris, the source said.

    The outrage, the horror, the utterly unnecessary loss of life – it almost defies description. Almost.

    The roots of all the big 3 – Judaism, Christianity, Islam – the roots are soaked in the blood of innocents. Where some psychopath romps in the fields of ‘divinity’ – bloodshed is soon to follow. The Koran says, ‘do not compel religion’ – this rule is broken regularly, buried away under an onslaught of ‘re-interpretation’, hypocritically rejected because it doesn’t suit the needs of the interpreter, doesn’t bend to the need for control and slaughter.

    It seems that we as a species really need to redefine the overly-liberalized concept of ‘belief’. For too long this has been used as a free pass…from religious exemptions for child abuse to genocidal madness. Too long we have ignored the obvious dissonance between belief and reality, too long have we dwelled in fear because of a carte blanche rule that these mad dogs use to their advantage.

    Living in fear is no way to live at all. Living under the rule of some hairy-eyed lunatic chained to an antique piece of esoterica? No thanks.

    And this latest act of terror? We should use every means to find these cowardly little shits, and bring them to justice, rough or otherwise. These people have abdicated their humanity, and have shown the rest of the world how a human being can lose his/her humanity.

    And I say this again: the concept of the afterlife, it poisons everything. It’s a good likelihood that if this afterlife was NOT a hard and fast rule in just about every culture, terrorist attacks would dwindle to near zero, because no afterlife? No fucking WAY would anyone strap those bombs on and harm innocent people unless there was a big reward in it for them. Religious people deny that, but it’s the truth.

    This is what we have. There is no afterlife. Time to treat each other equally, time to stop killing others over some trifling medieval esoteric guesswork unsupported by either reality or empirical reasoning.

    Time to just…stop.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, November 01, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Overpopulation Is NOT The Answer!

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    no_more_than_2_children_per_familyThere is an ongoing attitude in our species – MORE is BETTER, especially when it comes to having children. The medieval concept that some cosmic babysitter is going to come swooping in and clean up our collective messes is simply stupid. And the religious concept? Why, we need more ‘believers’ because they’ll lead the charge against the un-believers! Let’s face it: religious people need soldiers because they’re always at war with someone. And all this is just an extension of sexual dimorphism, which has run its course, and we should just discard.

    One of the more ridiculous statements ever heard: “I want to have a MILLION kids after we get married!”

    This sort of short-sighted idiocy is all too prevalent. The presumption is that there always has been and always will be, room on this planet. The assumption that women are just around to be uteri with heads is just bullshit. It’s this attitude that fosters the rape culture of the Big 3: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

    And this medieval attitude is expressed in this headline:

    Muslim men having '20 children each' because of polygamy, peer claims

    Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, says that Sharia Law is leading to 'shocking' discrimination against Muslim women.

    Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 children each because of polygomy and the rise of "religiously sanctioned gender discrimination" under Sharia Law, peers have warned.

    Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, highlighted a series of "shocking" examples of the impact of Sharia law on Muslim women in Britain as she called for them to be given greater protection under equality legislation.

    She disclosed one case in which a 63-year-old man tried to divorce his 23-year-old wife and arrange her marriage to a Pakistani man who needed a visa.

    He asked a gynecologist to "repair the hymen" of his wife so she could remarry, and stood to make £10,000 "for effecting the arrangement".

    "Such shocking cases surely cannot be allowed to continue," she said. "The rights of Muslim women and the rule of law in our land must be upheld."

    In other examples, Baroness Cox revealed that Muslim men divorce their wives by simply saying or writing "I divorce you" three times.

    She added: "My Muslim friends tell me that in some communities with high polygamy and divorce rates, men may have up to 20 children each.

    Clearly, youngsters growing up in dysfunctional families may be vulnerable to extremism and demography may affect democracy."

    She put forward proposals to close a loophole in the Equality Act which she said enables Sharia courts to practice sexual discrimination.

    Baroness Deech, another cross-bench peer, supported the bill and said: "We must not tolerate the sweeping of violence against women or children under the carpet by any religion in the name of faith."

    Labour's Baroness Donaghy, a former chair of the arbitration service Acas, also backing the Bill, said it was not that long ago that women were unequal before the law.

    "We cannot afford to go backwards and tolerate a situation where any woman is living in fear and isolation.

    "More needs to be done. This is not confined to Sharia law or Muslim religion. These parallel laws which discriminate against women have existed and may still exist in other religions."

    Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of MigrationWatch, said Britain was entirely different to Muslim countries, adding: "Those who come must accept that."

    The independent crossbench peer said: "We must be prepared to insist that there can be only one law.

    "We must get away from what I call the Rotherham complex where the authorities were so afraid of offending a minority community that they turned a blind eye to the appalling abuse of young mainly British girls."

    Lord Faulks, the justice minister, highlighted a government review of the operation of Sharia Councils but said that new laws were not needed as there are already protections in common law and existing legislation.

    All of this nonsense is insane. Women aren’t inferior beings to be treated like chattel, no matter what some book of fairy tales says. Religious polygamy was created to forge armies of believers, because religious people are always at war. This is just sexual dimorphism taken to an idiotic level. The concept of ‘if there’s more of us, we WIN” is short-sighted and moronic.

    And for those readers who say, ‘so what?’, here is some alarming news:

    The human population has been growing continuously since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1400, although the most significant increase has been in the last 50 years, mainly due to medical advancements, increases in agricultural productivity and the historically unique availability of abundant cheap energy. The rate of population growth has been declining since the 1980s. Most contemporary[clarification needed] estimates for the carrying capacity of the Earth under existing conditions are between 4 billion and 16 billion.[citation needed] In 2013 the human population was 7 billion. By 2025 the world population is expected to grow by an additional 1 billion. Depending on which estimate of overpopulation is used, human overpopulation may or may not have already occurred.

    The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth, circa 1994, has stated that many environmental problems, such as rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and pollution, are aggravated by the population expansion. Other problems associated with overpopulation include the increased demand for resources such as fresh water and food, starvation and malnutrition, consumption of natural resources (such as fossil fuels) faster than the rate of regeneration, and a deterioration in living conditions. However, some believe that waste and over-consumption, especially by wealthy nations, is putting more strain on the environment than overpopulation.

    The fact is, we as a species WILL run out of room, very very soon. This ridiculous concept of some imaginary cosmic baby-sitter coming down to ‘clean house’? Never gonna happen. Instead, imagine your grand-children and great grand-children being stacked like cordwood while they’re still alive, millions (perhaps billions) fighting and struggling, breathing and eating the only worthwhile occupation.


    Sunday, October 04, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Who Cares Where The Beef Is

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    jesusandmomuslimviolenceIt’s a sad day in the 21st century, when something this ridiculous and trite leads to tragedy:

    Muslim man beaten to death over rumours he had eaten beef in India

    Mohammad Akhlaq was attacked by around 100 people and despite being taken to hospital, police said "his life could not be saved"

    A 50-year-old Muslim man was beaten to death over rumours he had eaten beef, a taboo in India, a Hindu-majority nation.

    Mohammad Akhlaq was dragged from his house on the outskirts of the capital and attacked by around 100 people on Monday night, a police officer told AFP.

    "When our team reached the spot a crowd was there outside his house. They (police) managed to rescue him and take him to the hospital, but his life could not be saved," said senior police superintendent Kiran S.

    Indian police said on Wednesday they had arrested six people and "deployed additional personnel to contain any further repercussions".

    Mr Akhlaq's 22-year-old son was also seriously injured in the attack and was in intensive care at a nearby hospital.

    Killing cows is banned in many states of India, a majority-Hindu country that also has sizeable Muslim, Christian and Buddhist minorities.

    In March, the state of Maharashtra toughened its ban to make even possessing beef illegal, a move seen by religious minorities as a sign of the growing power of hardline Hindus since nationalist prime minister Narendra Modi came to power.

    The rumours that the family had eaten beef began when a calf was reported missing in Dadri village, 22 miles from New Delhi.

    "An announcement about the family consuming beef was made at a temple, after which the mob descended on the man's house," said Kiran.

    The Indian Express quoted Mr Akhlaq's daughter Sajida as saying the family had mutton in the fridge and not beef.

    "They accused us of keeping cow meat, broke down our doors and started beating my father and brother. My father was dragged outside and beaten with bricks," she told the daily.

    Horrible. Wish it was unbelievable but over the last decade of watching religious crazies do all sorts of maniacal acts, this is not exclusive to Islam. Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, the list goes on. The vast collective cognitive dissonance of our species may very well cost us our existence. The hairy-eyed psychopaths, the imams, the priests, the ministers, are going to lead us to another extinction event, and all because none of them can agree on an epistemology or an afterlife.

    And all of them seem to lust for blood and fire, to purge the other, twisted tribalism declaring supremacy and demanding subjugation.

    I for one will never submit. Fear is their weapon – I will not live in fear. Intimidation is their tool – I will not be intimidated. Terror is their objective – I skin my teeth back and growl at it.

    I am infidel. I am kafir. And proud of it. There is no afterlife. So I will live this one as it is all we have.  And all the charlatans of history shall not convince me otherwise.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims–Even MORE Proof Islam Is A Rape Culture

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasispedomohammed

    As if there weren’t enough, the evidence is still mounting:

    ‘He Said That Raping Me Is His Prayer to God’

        “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God. … He said that raping me is his prayer to God.”

    These extraordinary statements come from girls who were kept as sex slaves by jihadis of the Islamic State, as reported in a lengthy and revealing New York Times piece that was published Thursday.

    Not only does the piece illustrate the horrifying ordeal that Yazidi and other non-Muslim women endure at the hands of the Islamic State when they are forced into sexual slavery, but — most surprisingly — the article explains in detail how these monsters believe they are pleasing their bloodthirsty god by destroying these girls.

    Reported the Times’ Rukmini Callimachi:

        In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

    Both before and after he raped her, he prostrated himself in Islamic prayer:

        “He told me,” the girl recounted, “that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God.”

    This was no isolated incident. A fifteen-year-old girl who had been forced into sex slavery recalled:

        “He kept telling me this is ibadah” – that is, worship of Allah. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”

    All this is reminiscent of Hamas’ statement:

        “Killing Jews is worship that draws us closer to God.”

    What kind of god is this?

    What kind of moral blindness has overtaken non-Muslim leaders? They sit and drink tea and “dialogue” with Muslim clerics while being careful to avoid mention of anything like this — if they’re even aware of it at all — much less ask them what they’re doing to combat within Muslim communities the theological basis for sex slavery.

    It must be faced: in Islamic texts and teachings, such a theological basis manifestly exists.

    The Times quotes Kecia Ali, an academic Islamic apologist at Boston University:

        In the milieu in which the Quran arose, there was a widespread practice of men having sexual relationships with unfree women.

    “Unfree women”: for some reason, Ali doesn’t want to say the word “slave.” She goes on to claim:

        [I]t wasn’t a particular religious institution. It was just how people did things.

    However — and surprisingly, considering the track record — the Times had the integrity to cite Cole Bunzel of Princeton University. The article noted that Bunzel points out:

        [There are] numerous references to the phrase “Those your right hand possesses” in the Quran, which for centuries has been interpreted to mean female slaves. He also points to the corpus of Islamic jurisprudence, which continues into the modern era and which he says includes detailed rules for the treatment of slaves.

         There is a great deal of scripture that sanctions slavery. You can argue that it is no longer relevant and has fallen into abeyance. ISIS would argue that these institutions need to be revived, because that is what the Prophet and his companions did.

    Religion of peace my homesick ass. Pedophiliac fanatics is what these ass clowns are. As a left wing liberal atheist, I’m supposed to tolerate such behavior? I used to be against the death penalty, but this psychotics are obviously mad dogs, and should be put down toot sweet.

    Women should off limits. Children should be off limits. Female children ARE NOT CHATTEL, just because some musty old tome written by some illiterate pedo says so.

    Religion: giving excuses to sociopaths for centuries to date.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, September 13, 2015

    Never Forget, Never Forgive: The 14th Anniversary Of A Tragedy

    This Friday marked the historical tragedy of 9/11 – a tragedy we should never forget. This then was the wake-up call our country needed…would that we hadn’t needed or experienced it.

    The largest red flag since the Holocaust, it is more proof that indeed, there is no one looking down on us. If there were, the clouds should’ve parted, and ethereal hands come down to slap those planes down.

    But it was more than that. Never more clearly has the message been delivered: religion is toxic. Religion poisons the mind. It breeds psychotics by the boatload, or gives them unwise shelter. It devalues our lives by valuing a vague promise of something other. It suppresses the natural sex drive of people (and look how fucked up some of us are because of that). It teaches hate and tribalism wearing the mask of love. It lowers the sense of self-esteem by deeming all unworthy. And it is all vague guesswork – there is no proof that can be replicated in a lab, no bat-phone to the great beyond. It is all wild speculation, and that, simply put, is no good.

    The religious were put on notice that day, regardless of which one, that there are things beyond the pale, that no amount of sincere belief can change.

    Till the next post then.


    Saturday, May 02, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Because Religion Is The Cancer, Not Just Islam

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    jesusandmofatwahSo I came across this via Atheist Republic:

    Fareed Zakaria Confronts Bill Maher for Criticizing Islam

    Journalist Fareed Zakaria confronted political commentator Bill Maher earlier this month about his frequent and ruthless criticism of Islam. Zakaria slammed Maher, saying his atheistic views are just as radical as the religious views he criticizes, and what is worse is that he does only so to receive applause lines and never with the intention of reforming religion.

    When Maher began to reiterate how Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas while discussing Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Zakaria put his foot down, saying Maher was not going to win over the minds and hearts of his audience by continuously insulting Islam and telling Muslims that their faith “sucks.” Zakaria also stressed there needs to be some sense of respect in how an argument over such a subject is framed, especially when the arguer claims to focus on reforming religion.

    Maher then confusingly asked Zakaria if he truly doubted that most followers of Islam have considerably backward beliefs. Zakaria responded, saying most Muslims do not have considerably backward beliefs, as religious views vary from nation to nation. He also mentioned a couple of his own criticisms regarding Islam before concluding that all Maher is doing is only helping him receive applause lines.

    When Maher expressed disappointment with what Zakaria had to say, the latter said Muslims feel disappointed all the time when people like Maher critique Islam.

    These idiots are becoming increasingly tiresome. This is just a variation on the old ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy. Despite the incredibly voluminous digital evidence that mobs of religious fervor (regardless of denomination) are mostly violent, this Zakaria wants to whitewash the bloody roots and branches of his particular worldview. Maher quite accurately points out in the video (which has proven resistant to being embedded in this post), that the moderates who aren’t participating are usually in the background nodding their heads (and making disapproving clucking noises, nothing else), are somewhat culpable as well. Inaction is a consequence of choice as well. Of course the extremists are incredibly violent, enough so that any more passive ‘moderates’ are likely to stay quiet, but there is a limit to everything in this world, and this particular M.O is stretching those limits.

    Islam is based on Judaism (let’s face it: Muhammad syncretized like crazy, and just re-told the campfire stories of Israelite shepherds with an Arabic slant, and changed a few names and details), which is another bloody storied religion. The ‘chosen of gawd’ assholes went around committing genocide on the advice of their daft shamans (which might be the crucial reason the Arabs hate the Jews now), and if you want to follow in the footsteps of bloody maniacs, then you my friend have more than a few marbles missing. Of course it doesn’t help when the youth of your nation are told when to eat, shit, sleep, pray, and can only have sex when they’re married to a person they’re told to marry, well, combine that with excessive heat and sand grinding in every orifice and opening in your body, well, you’d be a quite a bit more than bugfuck crazy too.

    Less talk of ‘reforming’ a religion, more about the extraction of this cancerous tumor, with intense criticism as chemo.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, March 15, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Heading Off The Blasphemers

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    BeheadHardly a day goes by without some seriously bad press on the alleged ‘religion of peace’. This time, some brave person went out of his way to illustrate just how ruthless Islam is:

    Saudi Man Sentenced for Tearing Up Quran and Hitting It With Shoe

    A man in Saudi Arabia who posted a video of himself tearing up the Quran and hitting the shredded book with his shoe has been sentenced by state authorities; he will be beheaded for abandoning his Muslim faith in this manner. The unidentified man, who is in his 20s, was recently sentenced to death by the country’s Sharia Court on grounds of apostasy, which is handed down to any Muslim that fails to honour Islam, the official religion of Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia’s interpretation of Wahabism demands capital punishment for a number of crimes, including rape, murder, drug smuggling and armed robbery. It is also meted out to those who involve themselves with internationally condemned crimes such as sorcery, idolatry, blasphemy and apostasy.

    These executions are usually carried out in public in the witness of commoners.

    According to human rights groups, the judicial system in Saudi Arabia suffers a lack of transparency as well as a proper process, which is why defendants are frequently denied basic rights, including access to suitable legal representation. While the government has made little to no reform with regards to its judicial system, it continues to insist how fair its practices are. No improvement has been seen in the number of people that are executed each year. In fact, in 2014, the number of executions carried out by Saudi authorities went up to 87 from 78 in 2013, with seven individuals being killed within the first two weeks of this year itself.

    Wait – hold on: ‘It is also meted out to those who involve themselves with internationally condemned crimes such as sorcery, idolatry, blasphemy and apostasy.’

    Sorcery? Are you fucking kidding me? Hasn’t it been well established that ‘sorcery’ and anything resembling it is just horse manure? This is just a case of one nonsense persecuting yet another nonsense. As for that ‘capital punishment for rape’, I’m betting that since they live in a rape culture, the victim is probably executed.

    But as long as these assclowns are oil rich, nobody’s going to do anything about it. Religions like this tend to mostly favor sociopaths who use it to wield and manipulate the impoverished masses.

    Till the next post then.


    Saturday, January 10, 2015

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Serious Censorship

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    islam-religion-of-peace-cartoonTo speak specifically of our problem with the Muslim world, we are meandering into a genuine clash of civilizations, and we're deluding ourselves with euphemisms. We're talking about Islam being a religion of peace that's been hijacked by extremists. If ever there were a religion that's not a religion of peace, it is Islam. – Sam Harris

    More death, pain, and madness at the hands of Islamic extremists – at this juncture, these sort of events are now to be expected at the hands of the proponents of their ‘peaceful religion’.

    Charlie Hebdo hunt: Bloody end to sieges

    Two sieges in France have been brought to a bloody end, with three gunmen and four hostages killed.

    Two brothers who killed 12 in an attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine on Wednesday were shot dead as they fled a warehouse north of Paris, firing at police.

    Shortly afterwards in eastern Paris, anti-terrorist forces stormed a kosher supermarket where hostages were being held by a gunman with reported links to the brothers.

    The gunman and four hostages died.

    French police believe the captives were killed before the assault on the Hypercasher supermarket near Porte de Vincennes, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters late on Friday.

    Four hostages were seriously injured and 15 were rescued unhurt. Two police officers were injured.

    The operation was launched after the end of the siege in Dammartin-en-Goele, 35km (22 miles) north of Paris.

    The two brothers there, Cherif and Said Kouachi, came out of the building firing at police and were killed. Two police officers were injured.

    One hostage there had earlier been released and a second employee, who was hiding in the building's cafeteria, was freed by police after the shooting ended.

    Obama: "The US stands with you today, stands with you tomorrow"

    French President Francois Hollande described the events as "a tragedy for the nation".

    In a televised address, he thanked the security forces for their "bravery [and] efficiency", but added that France still faced threats. "We have to be vigilant. I also ask you to be united - it's our best weapon," he said.

    "We must be implacable towards racism," he added, saying that the supermarket attack was an "appalling anti-Semitic act".

    "Those who committed these acts, these fanatics, have nothing to do with the Muslim faith."

    Meanwhile, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said there had been a "clear failing" in French intelligence.

    "If 17 people die, this means mistakes have been made," he said, including those killed in attacks on Wednesday and Thursday in the toll.

    Sorry president Hollande, but the religion itself is composed mostly of fanatics. He should probably get up to speed finding out about all the human rights violations in Pakistan, extremist armpit of the world. Or that puckered starfish, the KSA.

    A dozen people slaughtered. Over a cartoon. Un.fucking.believable. More mentally deficient mad dogs that need putting down.

    This is the line where religion departs from all reason: where a belief, no matter how ridiculous, is more precious than a human life. Whether in the taking of one or fucking one up, these illusions are becoming increasingly difficult to rationalize (or they should be) even for the more moderate among the religious.

    Till the next post then.


    Sunday, October 19, 2014

    More On The Madness Of Muslims–It’s Either Silence Or Stoning, But Play Along Or Die

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
    islam-religion-of-peace-cartoonSometimes we take our liberties for granted. In America, you can (almost) get away with the hard word, the harsh criticism, and the most nonsense you’ll usually receive is a verbal slap on the wrist and speeches about civilized discourse.

    But in some countries, the inmates are running the asylum. Witness:

    The Lahore court’s decision to uphold Asia Bibi’s death penalty is far from just

    In November 2010, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five, was sentenced to death in Pakistan. Her crime was allegedly insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument with some Muslim neighbours. The case caused an international outcry; politicians and international human rights organisations took it up; lawyers appealed. Today, the Lahore high court upheld the death sentence.

    Bibi’s case shone a spotlight on Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws. The existence of blasphemy laws is not itself unusual. All over the world, different countries restrict what citizens can say about religion; Britain had a blasphemy law until 2008. What is exceptional in Pakistan is the extremity of the penalties, and the light burden of proof. Blasphemy carries a maximum penalty of death, yet the law sets out no standards for evidence, no requirement to prove intent, no punishment for false allegations and, indeed, no guidance on what actually constitutes blasphemy.

    The accuser can refuse to repeat the offending statement in court, and judges can choose not to hear evidence in case it perpetuates the blasphemy and offends religious sensibilities. This means that in some cases, the accused can go through a whole trial without knowing what they are supposed to have done or said.

    The law is open to massive abuse. As such, it is frequently used to settle personal vendettas and to persecute minorities. Bibi’s alleged blasphemous comments were supposedly made after co-workers refused to share water that she had carried; they said it was unclean because she was a Christian (this is a hangover from the caste system, as most of those who converted to Christianity in pre-partition India were members of the lower castes). She has always maintained her innocence, claiming that these neighbours simply wanted to punish her. The British citizen Mohammed Asghar, who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, also faces the death sentence for blasphemy. Allegations were made against him in 2010 by a tenant with whom he was having a dispute. No concessions have been made for his mental health condition.

    Despite these obvious flaws in the legislation and the way it is applied, reform is not coming. When Bibi’s case came to prominence in 2010, three politicians – Salmaan Taseer, Shahbaz Bhatti and Sherry Rehman – all from the Pakistan People’s Party, which was then in power, took up the case and called for reform. The consequences speak for themselves. Taseer was shot dead by his bodyguard in January 2011. In March the same year, Bhatti was killed by Taliban assassins. Rehman was forced into semi-hiding. The then prime minister shelved all reform, cowed into retreat by the potent mix of extremist threats and mob violence.

    Blasphemy excites strong emotions among parts of Pakistan’s public like no other issue. Many people accused of blasphemy are killed by mobs before they even make it to trial. (According to the Islamabad-based Centre for Security Studies, at least 52 people have been killed over blasphemy offences since 1990). Taseer’s assassin was showered with rose petals when he arrived at the courthouse for his murder trial. Many took this as evidence of the way that extremist groups have infiltrated elements of Pakistani society, exploiting the public’s strong religious sensibility and pushing it further towards intolerance.

    The power of extremist groups, and the acquiescence of politicians, has had a big impact on the direction of public discussion in Pakistan. The targeting of anyone who speaks out about blasphemy laws has had a chilling effect, and even outspoken liberal voices are reluctant to make the case for reform publicly. Several years ago, while living in Karachi, I wrote on the subject for one of Pakistan’s leading liberal English-language newspapers. The editors decided not to publish it because the subject was deemed too risky.

    While this self-censorship is entirely understandable in a country where the authorities provide little protection, it gives extremist ideas the space to flourish and grow. Without people in the halls of power willing to stand up and call for change, there is little hope for Bibi, Asghar and the hundreds of other disenfranchised people sentenced to death under these excessive and nonsensical laws.

    A minor squabble over whose imaginary friend is better is cause for a death sentence? Hello, Earth to Pakistan: it’s the fucking 21st century, you fuckwits. The hypocrisy is staggering – these morons insisted on being treated with deference, and refuse to return the favor to others.

    The best bet in dealing with this asininity is to sanction these bozos. Refuse to do business with them until they get their shit together. No more death penalties because some Islamic idiot got butt-hurt.

    Till the next post, then.


    Saturday, July 19, 2014

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Islamic Taxation With Representation

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

    "kill the disbelievers wherever we find them" (2:191);moandjesuscompulse

    "fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem" (9:5);

    "slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter" (5:34).

    These idiots won’t stop until they drag us all back to medieval barbarism:

    Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

    Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement issued by the Islamic State (Isis) and distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul. The al-Qaida offshoot that led last month's lightning assault to capture swathes of northern Iraq said the ruling would come into effect on Saturday.

    In the statement, Isis said Christians who wanted to remain in the "caliphate" declared earlier this month in parts of Iraq and Syria must agree to abide by terms of a "dhimma" contract – a historic practice under which non-Muslims were protected in Muslim lands in return for a special levy known as "jizya". "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the announcement said.

    A resident of Mosul said the statement, issued in the name of the Islamic State in Iraq's northern province of Nineveh, had been distributed on Thursday and read out in mosques. It said that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which the group has now named Caliph Ibrahim, had set a Saturday deadline for Christians who did not want to stay and live under those terms to "leave the borders of the Islamic Caliphate". "After this date, there is nothing between us and them but the sword," it said.

    The Nineveh decree echoes one that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the former name for the Islamic State, issued in the Syrian city of Raqqa in February, demanding that Christians pay the jizya levy in gold and curb displays of their faith in return for protection.

    The concept of dhimma, governing non-Muslims living under Islamic rule, dates back to the early Islamic era in the seventh century, but was largely abolished during the Ottoman reforms of the mid-19th century.

    Mosul, once home to diverse faiths, had a Christian population of around 100,000 a decade ago, but waves of attacks on Christians since the 2003 US-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein have seen those numbers collapse.

    The Mosul residents who saw the Islamic State announcement estimated the city's Christian population before last month's militant takeover at around 5,000. The vast bulk of those have since fled, leaving perhaps only 200 in the city.

    The ‘Caliphate’ is just another name for tyrannical ideological theocrat. This is the 21st century, this shit’s gotta stop.

    What someone needs to do, is take a squad into Iraq, and dust these assholes off. Not a big fan of US foreign intervention myself, but if these fucks take Iraq, they’ll be on to Libya next, and then who knows?

    And all this because of some charlatan named Abe decided he was the father of the ‘chosen people’ (whatever that nauseating neologism is supposed to mean, besides enabling the worst kind of tribalism ever).

    Till the next post then.


    Saturday, June 28, 2014

    More On The Madness Of Muslims–To Compel, Or Not To Compel?

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
    militant_atheistThis should be no surprise for anyone:

    Saudi Arabia Defines Atheists as Terrorists

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has shocked many by announcing in a royal proclamation that under new laws, being an atheist and spreading atheist ideas is now a terrorist action. The Interior Ministry of Saudi Arabia has issued new guide lines about what exactly defines an atheist, which includes, “calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based.”
    The changes in law have come, the authorities in Saudi Arabia claim, to prevent dissidence and unrest within the country and to better protect their law-abiding citizens. They are specifically to prevent protests and other actions that could “harm public order.” However, it is perhaps more accurate to say that there is concern within Saudi Arabia that their citizens are traveling to Syria to aid in the fighting there, and then returning with new ideas about how a government should interact with its people. The re-definition of atheist is thought to be an easy way of tarring the names of those that the government of Saudi Arabia wishes to remove and criminalizing anyone that has thought or speech that contradicts the government’s official positions.

    The effects of these changes in law, however, are not limited to new arrests that may occur in the future. They also apply to those that are currently in prison in Saudi Arabia. This could greatly alter the resolution of cases against inmates that are considered dissenters by the Saudi Arabian government. On the other hand, it has been argued that in many legal cases, these new definitions have been used for a while to convict people of slight offenses.

    Saudi Arabia is understandably concerned about terrorism. After all, eighteen of the nineteen 9/11 bombers were from Saudi Arabia. This move, however, has caused outrage amongst human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, which monitors actions taken to limit the rights of citizens. The laws will merely aid officials within Saudi Arabia that are currently carrying out systematic campaigns of fear, intimidation, panic, and investigation of their own population.

    Oh, fuck that.

    Saudi Arabia is a foremost exporter of Wahabbi terrorists, and is a main financial backer for Al-Qaida. And they’re ‘understandably concerned about terrorism’? The KSA has a horrific record of human rights violations – let’s never mind they treat their women like shit.

    The ugly fact is…until petroleum is rendered worthless, these crazy asshats are going to do whatever they please, because in our world, it is all about paygrade.

    Till the next post, then.


    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    More On The Madness Of Muslims: Globalizing Jihad

    Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
    islam-religion-of-peace-cartoonThis is so disturbing on multiple levels…

    The terrifying rise of Isis: $2bn in loot, online killings and an army on the run

    1. Who are they?

    Isis is the (slightly confusing) English acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, a Sunni jihadist group whose sudden capture of Mosul, Tikrit and extensive swaths of Iraqi territory last week has triggered a new crisis, complete with atrocities targeting Iraqi army soldiers and volunteers. Known in Arabic as Da'ash, it grew out of the Islamic State in Iraq, an al-Qaida affiliate which, in turn, came into existence after the 2003 US-led invasion.

    The leader or emir (prince) of Isis is a 43-year-old Sunni, known by his nom de guerre as Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, or Abu Dua. His real name is Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai. He was held prisoner by US forces from 2005 to 2009. US military sources have quoted him as saying when he was released from Camp Bucca in Iraq: "I'll see you guys in New York." According to some accounts he was radicalised by his experience of captivity. But others describe him as having been a firebrand preacher under Saddam Hussein's rule. He studied at the University of Baghdad, and was listed as a terrorist by the UN in 2011.

    It is a measure of Baghdadi's success and charisma that Isis has become the group of choice for thousands of foreign would-be fighters who have flocked to his banner. Late last year, he announced the creation of a new group that would be merged with a rival al-Qaida affiliate active in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra. That was disputed both by Nusra and Osama bin Laden's successor as the leader of al-Qaida "central", the Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri. Baghdadi, who has been described as more extreme than Bin Laden, refused an order from Zawahiri to focus the group's efforts in Iraq and leave Syria alone.

    In the areas of Syria it controls, Isis has set up courts, schools and other services, flying its black jihadi flag everywhere. In Raqqa, it even started a consumer protection authority for food standards. It has established a reputation for extreme brutality, carrying out crucifixions, beheadings and amputations.

    Estimates of Isis numbers range from 7,000 to 10,000. Its rank and file members are drawn from fighters who were previously with al-Qaida, some former Ba'athists and soldiers of the Saddam-era army. What is far harder to quantify – and a highly significant question – is how much support the group has from Iraq's wider Sunni community, the people who lost their power and influence when Saddam was overthrown.

    "Isis now presents itself as an ideologically superior alternative to al-Qaida within the jihadi community," says Charles Lister, of the Brookings Doha Center. "As such, it has increasingly become a transnational movement with immediate objectives far beyond Iraq and Syria."

    Worrisome? It gets worse:

    2. What do they want and what's their link to al-Qaida?

    Last February, al-Qaida disavowed Isis, saying it was "in no way connected to it", that it had not been informed of its creation, and was not responsible for its actions. Isis was deemed too extreme for al-Qaida.

    The fallout between Isis and al-Qaida is not surprising. The ISI's methods and attitude – including indiscriminate bombings in civilian areas and the imposition of its harsh, ultraconservative interpretation of Islam – had long prompted debate within jihadi circles. Several of the letters found among the so-called Abbottabad papers (a stash of correspondence recovered from Bin Laden's Pakistani hideaway after his killing in 2011) question or criticise the group and warn that it might have a negative impact on al-Qaida's reputation.

    In one 21-page letter, dated January 2011, the American jihadist Adam Gadahn advised the al-Qaida leadership to "declare its discontent with the behaviour … being carried out by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq, without an order from al-Qaida and without consultation". Al-Qaida didn't take Gadahn's advice. The rift only grew, spurred by the rise of Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria.

    Although they are now open rivals, ironically all three groups – Jabhat al-Nusra and Zawahiri's al-Qaida on the one hand, and Isis on the other – share the same goals: the creation of an Islamic state in Syria (and Iraq) and the return of the borderless Islamic caliphate, which ended in 1924 after the fall of the Ottoman empire.

    ‘Too extreme for Al-Qaida?’ Can you say “Uh-oh”, boys and girls?

    3. Where does Isis get its money from?

    Since the end of 2011, Islamic charities and rich individuals in the gulf have been funding insurgent groups in Syria. As the role of Islamist groups within or linked to Jabhat al-Nusra and Isis has grown, many of these donors have directly or indirectly provided money that reaches jihadist organisations. According to a policy briefing by the Brookings Doha Center last month, much of the charity-based and private fundraising for the insurgency in Syria focuses on particular areas of the country, most of which involve jihadists.

    Until late last year, it was possible to find the international depository banking details for donations. Now this has been replaced by mobile phone contact information and WhatsApp accounts used to coordinate donations and sometimes even physical street addresses from where the money is collected.

    Isis has secured massive cashflows from the oilfields of eastern Syria, which it had commandeered in late 2012, some of which it sold back to the Syrian regime. It has also made money from smuggling raw materials pillaged in Syria as well as priceless antiquities from archeological digs. An intelligence official told the Guardian that Isis took $36m from al-Nabuk, an area in the Qalamoun mountains west of Damascus, including antiquities that are up to 8,000 years old.

    Computer sticks taken from an Isis courier by Iraqi forces before the fall of the northern city of Mosul revealed that Isis – before the city's capture – had cash and assets worth $875m (£516m). After the fall of Mosul, Isis looted the banks and captured military supplies that have boosted the group's coffers to about $2bn, according to Iraqi officials.

    Gulf donors support Isis out of solidarity with fellow Sunnis in Syria as President Bashir al-Assad has unleashed his military to crush opposition to his rule. The US has tried to put pressure on the governments in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar to crack down on funding for extremist groups, but these regimes say donors are justified in backing rebel forces in Syria because the US failed to act against Assad, especially when he crossed the "red line" laid down by President Barack Obama with the use of chemical weapons.

    Two billion dollars is a lot of cabbage. Oil money combined with grand theft to spearhead religious fanatics. Always a bad recipe.

    Now here’s the scarier part:

    4. How do they use social media and how effective is their campaign?

    Jihadists have always embraced technology. Ever since 9/11, the global jihad movement has used the internet to disseminate information, create its own narrative and incite supporters.

    The traditional repository of this activity was password-protected forums where jihadists and their supporters could be connected in a safe environment to share information and discuss events. Most importantly, it allowed forum administrators to control the debate by deleting problematic posts and suspending troublesome users.

    Web forums are less important these days, giving way to platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In this respect, Isis has harnessed the power of these platforms better than any other jihadist movement today. Online, it has created a brand, spread a seductive narrative and employed powerful iconography. This strategy has been responsible for inspiring thousands of men from all over the world to join the group.

    But Isis also realises that it cannot control the narrative the way its predecessors once could. Social media, coupled with the ubiquity of smartphones, has meant that individual fighters can now film and upload events to the internet in an instant, often with little thought. Isis is not always happy about this. Just a few weeks ago, the group crucified two men in Manbij, Syria, for alleged apostasy (although supporters say the men were regime spies). A Spanish foreign fighter who had promised his followers a video of the spectacle had to make do with only providing pictures of the sadistic act. "Our leadership forbade anyone from filming it," he said.

    This is not the first time Isis has warned its members about their online activity. Earlier this year, the group chopped off the hand of a man in Raqqa. It was a dark, torrid affair with the swordsman requiring several attempts before finally severing the man's hand. After understandable public outcry, the group has now prohibited anyone from filming similar events. It still goes on, of course, but anyone brandishing a smartphone will be censured.

    In many senses, this represents the "pluralising" of the global jihad. Whereas we had one or two voices to analyse in the past, we now have hundreds. Individual fighters offer a stream of consciousness from their world, tweeting about their experiences, sharing pictures of daily life and bragging about their military accomplishments. These men are frequently unguarded and clumsy, offering an insight into parts of Isis that the group would no doubt rather keep hidden.

    Putting these accounts into perspective is important. Although Isis maintains an institutional presence on social media, far more popular are the personal accounts of individual fighters or "disseminators" – sympathetic individuals (typically based in the west) who tweet in support of the group and its aims. These disseminators are among the most vociferous and zealous activists, compensating for their absence on the battlefield with their ferocious support online.

    We often talk about the "social media strategy" of jihadist groups. At the official level, with institutional accounts, there is clearly a plan: to rebut criticism, promote the group's narrative, and spread its image as a benevolent vanguard. They recognise this as a necessity. But savvy organisations such as Isis are also acutely aware of the dangers of allowing individual fighters unfettered access to social media. The real challenge for these groups in future years will not be how they use the internet, but how well they can manage it.

    Smart sociopaths. Oh joy.

    Is this then the price we pay for accommodating these nutjobs? Driven crazy by too much sun, sand-drenched pores, little to no sex, and blindly following the teachings of a fraudulent, illiterate pedophiliac from the 5th century, do these hairy-eyed lunatics represent our future, one of a Sharia-driven government, a theocracy from the dankest dungeon of medieval times?

    They will take my democracy when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

    Ideological mad dogs are in the same slot as real ones: they need to get put down.

    Till the next post, then.