left biblioblography: gay rights
Showing posts with label gay rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay rights. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Homophobes Gone Bonkers: Kim Davis Is Wagging The God (Whoops, I Mean Dog)

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

kimdavishypocriteJesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress.  If it passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a prick to touch an asshole.  ~Judy Carter

Up until now, I’ve kept my big yap shut about the latest ‘salvo’ from the religious right, mostly because it’s…well, sad and ridiculous.

It says a lot, however, about how damaged our society is, that anyone would cheer for some homophobe’s ‘belief’ rather than be outraged that such a two-faced hypocrite hasn’t been fired for her refusal to do her job.

And this latest little bit of news…well, it’s pathetic.

Kim Davis Sought Support From Lawmakers Months Before Marriage Equality Decision

If there is anyone left in the world who views the Kim Davis as a simple county clerk standing up to the might of the United States government for the love of God and the U.S. Constitution, this article should dispel those notions.

From Vice News:

Five months before the Supreme Court's landmark decision declaring same-sex marriage legal in all states, Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk in Kentucky who was jailed last month for defying a federal judge's order to issue same-sex marriage licenses, wrote to state lawmakers asking them to back legislation that would exempt her and other county clerks from having to grant anyone a marriage license.

Davis sent the letter to legislators about two weeks after she took office. In it, she sought support for "possible" legislation "that would give county clerks the option to exempt themselves" from issuing marriage licenses. She wanted clerks to have the option to not only refuse licenses to same-sex couples, but to refuse them to "all parties, as to not discriminate anyone."...

"I can not ask my deputies to issue or be a party to 'the implementation of a contentious societal philosophy change' (per Florida clerk with same views) if I myself would not," the 49-year-old county clerk wrote to dozens of lawmakers. "I know the deadline is close for presentation of bills on the floor, but in light of the Supreme Court's decision to look at this in April, I feel it imparitive [sic] that we be ready to stand with our uncompromising convictions, holding strong to our morals."

Davis' communications prove that not only was her protest premeditated, she was aware of the possibility that she might have to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples before she took the job. She spent the months leading up to the marriage equality decision gathering support from lawmakers for her push against Gov. Steven Beshear and her own constituents. When she didn't get what she wanted as quickly as she wanted it, she took the nuclear option of unilaterally denying people marriage licenses. We've all seen the fallout of that.

In addition, Davis asked lawmakers for a clear exemption to deny anyone a marriage license, whether they were part of a same-sex couple or otherwise. This is not a "reasonable accommodation", this is a carte blanche for a civil servant to not do one of the key aspects of her job while still pulling down a hefty salary.

This is not a story of David and Goliath. This is a low-rent House of Cards meets reality TV culture in which political machinations are used to make a nationwide spectacle.

It’s enough to turn anyone into a hardened, jaded cynic. The entire event orchestrated well in advance, cloaked to look like a spontaneous ejaculation of faith.

I suppose Christians have to have it that way, but there are better means of foreplay, self or otherwise.

Oh, and the bunch of them plagiarists:

Survivor Condemn Mike Huckabee, Kim Davis for 'Eye of the Tiger' Usage

So they stole a popular song that WAS NOT public domain (them thar Fox viewers, ain’t none too keen on doing homework), and they bore false witness.

They broke their own rules. Wish that was shocking. But, putting impossible constraints on human nature, that is what the religious do.

Yeesh. Some salvo. More like a sprinkler. And it doesn’t help that Davis actually lied about her meeting with the Pope.

People shouldn’t make rules they can’t keep. How does this keep escaping them? All this does is confirm something I already knew: that intelligence is most definitely NOT a criterion in natural selection.

Till the next post, then.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Don’t Rest On The Laurels Yet–Christian Radicals, Still A Threat

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

oopsydoodle"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." –attributed to Thomas Jefferson

Yes, panic-mongering is exhausting. Sometime I just get worn out worrying over these things. But these people are a very real, very dangerous threat. And here’s something that should get some furrowed brows going…

10 Plans Christian Radicals Have For America

A fundamentalist Christian ideology called Dominionism is currently infiltrating a segment of the Christian Right. As a political movement, it seeks to overthrow democracy and transform America into a biblical theocracy. Also known as Christian Reconstructionism, it cuts across denominational lines but does not represent mainstream American Christianity. Many Christians even see it as a heresy and perversion of the gospels.

Within the movement are differing views, and its broad complexity should caution us from labeling it as a monolithic conspiracy. Liberals are often accused of exaggerating the Dominionist threat and are called paranoid conspiracy theorists. But whatever the true numbers of those who hold this radical doctrine, they exert a powerful influence on policy makers of the right wing.

10 The Seven Mountains Mandate

Dominionists believe that Jesus Christ is not going to return until He has gained control of the world’s nations through Christians. This is how they interpret Jesus’s command “Occupy till I come.” The Dominionist blueprint for “reclaiming America for Christ” is spelled out in the Seven Mountains Mandate—Christian takeover and control of the “seven mountains” of society: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion. Lance Wallnau, a leading Seven Mountains theologian, explains that Christians must install a theocracy governed by “true apostles” to battle Satan and his Antichrist.

Wallnau envisions the conquest of the Seven Mountains as a covert operation. He said, “[A] very small minority of people . . . as small as 3–5 percent . . . can control how the agenda works in a nation and thus create or dominate the culture.”

The Seven Mountains concept was first enunciated as a supposed revelation from God given simultaneously in 1975 to two “generals” of the faith, Loren Cunningham of Youth With A Mission and Bill Bright of the Campus Crusade For Christ. In all likelihood, they plagiarized it from a TV talk by theologian Dr. Francis Shaffer. The mountains are portrayed as “mind molders” by which the “rulers of darkness” influence people, leading to such trends as gay marriage, pornography, and abortion.

9 Capture The Republican Party

Perhaps most of us are wondering why, in spite of the Constitution, there seems to be a religious test for those seeking public office in the US. The Republican Party in particular has made it an unwritten premise that a candidate’s faith is a matter of public debate. Local party meetings feature activists determined to bring “biblical principles” into government. How did the party of Lincoln become, in the words of an insider, “more religious cult than a political organization”?

To conquer the Seven Mountains, Dominionists are stealthily infiltrating the GOP and increasing their political influence. Recent presidential candidates Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann have ties to Dominionist groups. In 1979, GOP strategist Paul Weyrich politically mobilized factions of fundamentalist, Pentecostal, and charismatic churches under the umbrella term “Moral Majority.” It was led by Rev. Jerry Fallwell. Weyrich made no secret of its goal: “We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about simply spreading the gospel in a political context.” The clout of the Religious Right became apparent in the 1980 elections, when it unseated liberal Democrats in the Senate and helped propel Ronald Reagan into the White House.

The Moral Majority is no longer around, but Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition has continued its work. “We want . . . as soon as possible to see a majority of the Republican Party in the hands of pro-family Christians,” Robertson declared in 1992. He and fellow pastors have schools and universities to train Christians how to run for public offices and how to influence policy once in power. Robertson named his institution Regent University because its students are destined to take over the government as Christ’s “regents.” Robertson himself made a losing bid for the presidency in 1988.

Robertson did not mince words: “We are not going to stand for those coercive utopians in the Supreme Court and in Washington ruling over us anymore. We’re not gonna stand for it. We are going to say, ‘we want freedom in this country, and we want power.’ ”

8 The End Of Pluralism

In a disturbing rant, Randall Terry, founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, said: “I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good . . . Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.”

Once Dominionists are in power, only one religion and lifestyle will be recognized—fundamentalist Christianity. Democracy and Christian nationalism are diametrically opposed. While theocrats will invoke the religious liberty guaranteed by the Constitution to further their agenda, they have no intention of keeping it when they win. Gary North, one of the movement’s ideological founders, made their goal clear: ” . . . a Bible-based social, political, and religious order, which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.” They view the system that treats everybody equally as the greatest obstacle in their plans.

Secular humanism and all systems that bypass biblical knowledge will have to go. The “us vs. them” mentality that treats the rest of the non-Christian world as satanic will make pluralism impossible. Rick Joyner admits, “At first it may seem like totalitarianism, as the Lord will destroy the antichrist spirit now dominating the world.” But he assures those willing to be deluded that the Kingdom of Christ “will move toward increasing liberty.” That would be “liberty” as defined by a Fascist dictionary somewhere.

7 Undermining The Constitution

The US Constitution, the bedrock upon which pluralism thrives, will obviously have to be abrogated or else reinterpreted under the Dominionists. In its place will be a government based on Old Testament laws. The Law of Moses features, among other things, 1) the death penalty for idolaters, i.e. non-Christians, 2) the likelihood of the reinstitution of slavery, 3) abolition of the income tax in favor of the tithing system, and 4) elimination of the prison system in favor of the system of restitution for non-capital offenses.

Dominionists themselves are divided on how to apply these archaic biblical laws to modern America. Not all of them are keen on reintroducing slavery, but some do think that its legalization would be a good thing. While a majority support the death penalty, they differ on the method of execution. Strangely, though polygamy was permitted in ancient Israel, they define marriage as between one man and one woman. It is also unclear what they will do in the “Jubilee Year,” when estranged property is supposed to revert to its original owners. Will they give back the land to Native Americans (the Christian ones, of course)? Will they return Hawaii to the Hawaiians?

The Christian Right has the means to exploit loopholes through the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), its legal advocacy arm. Founded by Pat Robertson and armed with a $30 million annual budget, it seeks to overturn rulings the Right abhors, like Roe vs. Wade. It is also noteworthy that ACLJ supported the Bush administration in its holding Guantanamo detainees without charges and without trial.

In a Public Policy Polling survey released on February 24, 2015, an astonishing 57 percent of Republicans favor abandoning the Constitution to make the US a Christian nation. Only 30 percent are opposed, and 13 percent are not sure.

6 Death Penalty For Gays And Rebellious Teens

Being a worshiper of false gods (i.e., non-Christian) is not the only capital crime under Mosaic Law, besides murder and rape. Dominionists believe those deserving the death penalty include homosexuals, children who struck their parents, brides who were unchaste before marriage, juvenile delinquents, psychics (“false prophets”), adulterers, and blasphemers. Executions would be made public with full participation of the community, like square dances and quilting bees. Gary North prefers stoning as the method of killing because stones cost nothing and are readily available.

North laments that our humanist society paints the Mosaic Law as barbaric. He himself has no problems executing rebellious teens: “The integrity of the family must be maintained by the threat of death.” What’s more, North says that those accusing a suspect of a capital crime must be among the executioners. For citizens to arm themselves in self-defense is a mark of their judicial sovereignty, North asserts, something gun control advocates want to take away. He extends this concept of judicial sovereignty to executions. He doesn’t want people to delegate the task to agents of the state. Participation in public executions is “an act of citizenship.”

How does this system propose to deal with perjury and false accusation? Perjury would be considered a crime against the accused, not against the court as in the present system. False witnesses will suffer the same penalty supposed to be imposed on the accused had they been found guilty. North believes that the Mosaic system of justice will actually reduce perjury in courts.

5 Historical Revisionism

David Barton is a pseudohistorian obsessed with altering historical facts to portray America as a Christian nation founded on biblical principles. This makes him a darling of the Right, with an enthusiastic Mike Huckabee proclaiming him America’s greatest historian, who should be writing the curriculum for the schools. Huckabee suggested (in jest, presumably) that all Americans should be “forced at gunpoint” to listen to Barton. To Glenn Beck, he is “the most important man in America.”

Such accolades come in the wake of Barton’s best-selling books, which claim that the Founding Fathers were devout Christians inspired by colonial preachers to found a society based on the biblical model. Barton teaches that America’s constitutional government was patterned after the ancient Hebrew “federative republic.” He accuses academics of hiding these truths from the average citizen.

In response, academics and even fellow conservatives have exposed Barton’s lies and errors. Barton is caught distorting or even inventing quotes placed on the lips of deist Founding Fathers to prove his point. One blatant example of Barton’s deception is his quote of John Adams’s letter to Benjamin Rush in 1809. In it, Adams says: “There is no authority, civil or religious—there can be no legitimate government—but what is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it—all without it is rebellion and perdition, or, in more orthodox words, damnation.” Barton makes it sound like Adams was proposing a government led by the Holy Ghost. But Barton has left out the last part of the quote, in which Adams mocks the very notion: “Although this is all Artifice and Cunning in the secret original in the heart, yet they all believe it so sincerely that they would lay down their Lives under the Axe or the fiery Fagot for it. Alas the poor weak ignorant Dupe human Nature.”

Barton makes the tortuous argument that the Constitution, which never once mentions God, is in fact a godly document because it makes a passing reference to the Declaration of Independence which does mention a “Creator” (a deist Creator, alas for Barton). Barton was also forced to admit that he fabricated out of thin air a supposed quote from James Madison in which the staunch advocate of church-state separation was made to beseech Americans to “govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

David Barton is a propagandist masquerading as a historian. Though exposed as a fraud, he remains unrepentant.

4 Abolition Of Medicare And Social Security

Dominionists base their economics on Deuteronomy 28, the “Blessings and Cursings” chapter of the Pentateuch. They believe that wealth is a sign of God’s favor, and poverty and illness are visitations of His displeasure and wrath. The poor and sick deserve their lot. It is God’s way to prick their conscience and provoke introspection. Therefore, governments who seek to alleviate their plight are contravening God’s will. Poverty is not seen as a problem to be solved. This is why Dominionists view Social Security and Medicare as evil programs that take money from others to give to those being punished.

In a 700 Club interview, economics professor Dr. Walter Williams gave this rationalization: “I think Christians should recognize that charity is good. I mean charity, when you reach into your pocket to help your fellow man for medical care or for food or to give them housing. But what the government is doing to help these older citizens is not charity at all. It is theft. That is, the government is using power to confiscate property that belongs to one American and give, or confiscate their money, and provide services for another set of Americans to whom it does not belong.” The Right’s creed of “personal responsibility” has no place for such economic safety nets. If you die of hunger, that’s your fault. Or, in the case of senior citizens, your children’s or family’s fault for not taking care of you.

If on the other hand, you’ve become filthy rich—well, the Lord must be mighty proud of you. So for the government to lay more taxes on you to even out the playing field is an abomination. It is God’s intention that the rich get richer. Charismatic pastor Larry Huch predicts an “end-time transfer of wealth” to blessed Christians who are destined to become God’s bankers. The Dominionists’ promotion of laissez-faire economics of minimum government intervention in business, and repudiation of its licensing and regulatory powers, can thus be seen as self-serving.

3 Abolition Of Public Education

Christian theocrats are aware that they cannot hope to spread their miseducation through the present public school system, which propagates secular knowledge and values. In its place, they want a Christian-sponsored educational system that will assure that children are indoctrinated into fundamentalism, have daily prayers, teach creationism, do away with sex education, and propagate David Barton’s false history.

“I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we don’t have public schools,” wrote the Rev. Jerry Fallwell. “The churches will have taken them over again, and Christians will be running them.” Michelle Bachmann once started a charter school to replace the “godless” secular schools but was forced out of the board of directors when she proselytized the students.

Before a takeover happens, Christian parents are urged to take their children out of public schools to be homeschooled instead. A glimpse into a Dominionist homeschool gives us an idea on what American kids could expect to learn once Dominionists have taken over:

Government: “All governments are ordained by God, but none compare to government by God, theocracy.”

Economics: “We present free-enterprise economics without apology and point out the dangers of communism, socialism, and liberalism to the well-being of people across the globe.”

Science: ” . . . the universe as the direct creation of God and refutes the man-made idea of evolution.”

Math: “Unlike the ‘modern math’ theorists, who believe that mathematics is a creation of man and thus arbitrary and relative, we believe that the laws of mathematics are a creation of God and thus absolute . . . [These books provide] mathematics texts that are not burdened with modern theories such as set theory . . . ”

2 Female Subservience

We read in Ephesians 5:22: “Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord.” This forms the basis of women’s roles in the proposed theocracy. Simply put, it will mark the end of gender equality and women’s rights. Women will be relegated to the home, pleasing their husbands, taking care of the kids, and making more babies, or as a critic put it, “dishwashing, suckling and sex.” The Dominionist newsletter Chalcedon Report deplored the situation in America today: “The devastating curse of women ruling over men is getting the press it deserves today . . . Our nation is under judgment. As the home goes, so goes the nation.”

Young girls are taught that their place is in the home and that any desire for a college degree or a job outside the home is prideful and sinful. Homeschooler Doug Phillips says, “Daughters, by no means, are not to be independent. They’re not to act outside the scope of their father, and then later, their husbands. As long as they’re under the authority of their fathers, fathers have the ability to nullify or not the oaths and the vows. Daughters can’t just go out independently and say, ‘I’m going to do this or marry whoever I want.’ ”

Once married, they are encouraged to “pop out some kids” to swell the ranks of Christian soldiers. So says Leah Smith in her to-do list for dominion, where she prompts Christian mothers to “get busy” and outstrip the Muslim birthrate (six kids per household average). Besides household skills, girls should learn apologetics, theology, and evangelism. Smith tells the ladies to “go back to being women, with joy and celebration” as slaves of men.

1  World War III

If Dominionism poses a threat to American democracy, it is even more dangerous to world peace and stability. Dominionists taking over the US would give America’s nuclear stockpile to religious fundamentalists with an apocalyptic mentality. And recent news has shown us that religious fanaticism and military firepower are a lethal mix.

Consider Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who can be described as a Christian Jihadist. He believes in holy war against Islam, with the US military as God’s army. He reports seeing demonic entities in photos of fighting in Somalia, enemies who “will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus.” Incredibly, this intolerant warmonger became deputy Undersecretary of Defense for intelligence. With people like Boykin in command positions, World War III just might be the mother of all religious wars.

With a mindset that regards Israel as an important player in the prophetic end-times drama, the Christian Right is also against a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Palestinians are illegal occupants of the land God gave to His chosen people and there could never be a compromise, a two-state solution.

Dominionists can also self-righteously justify overthrowing foreign governments not Christian enough to their liking. Since the US already has a long history of such interventions, only a change in rationale from political to religious is needed.

The gap between the US and Europe may also widen, with Christians mistrusting the secular and irreligious tendencies of their trans-Atlantic allies. The end of the European partnership would have detrimental effects on global economy and security.

Freaked out? I sure am. Almost to the point of going out and purchasing ordinance – because these fucking nutters aren’t ‘hearing the voice of gawd’, these assclowns are just plain hearing voices. Which makes them psychotic AND dangerous.

They’ll try to take my constitutional rights away, but I will put up one helluva fucking fight when they do. Even at gunpoint.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tempest In A Teapot: The Paper Tigers Of The GOP

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

papertigerPaper Tiger: Paper tiger is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhilaohu (紙老虎). The term refers to something that seems threatening but is ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge.

Well now, it’s been about two weeks since Obergefell v. Hodges, and we were promised civil disobedience and/or war. Let’s just see who’s been threatening what:

James Dobson (another person on my top ten I’d-like-to-slap-some-smarts-into-you list), has predicted civil war and the imminent collapse of Western civilization.

Rick Joyner (another nobody who can’t get a regular job) says that this in preparation for the coming of the Antichrist.

Mike Huckabee, everyone’s least favorite Republican (Young Earther? Shouldn’t be in office then), has been calling for civil disobedience. Sorry Fucked-up-bee, having Chuckles Norris on your side means shit in the real world.

This is the one that really pisses me off: black pastor groups rallying people for this nonsense. It’s bad enough there should be some kind of sympathy there (yeah, slavery and sexuality are different, but the principle remains the same), but skin color is not a precondition for deciding who gets civil rights – yes, everybody is aware that the African American population spearheaded the civil rights movement, but it’s not just about race. Anyone wants to get into that, fine – just read the definition.

So I’ve been waiting (only kinda joking) for war to break out, civil disobedience to spill over into the rioting streets, people tearing each apart, etc. All the signs of an imminent impending collapse.


Honestly, it’s kind of anti-climactic. We were promised sturm und drang, didn’t even get a light sprinkle. Maybe it’s too early in the game to tell, but thus far, the world just keeps on spinnin’.

Republicans are all mouth and trousers, it seems. Not really a surprise, though.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, July 04, 2015

Happy Fourth Of July To A Freer America

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

gawdwilljudgeThis is perhaps the happiest I’ve been (ideologically) in a long while.

On June 26, 2015, the Scotus ruled on Obergefell v. Hodges, coming to an historic landmark ruling that allowed same-sex marriage.

Because let’s face it: the only real argument against same-sex marriage is a religious one. Prior to the advent of Christianity, homosexuality was not only a recognized lifestyle, it was no huge deal to most of the ancient world. It was actually recognized in a few countries back then. It wasn’t until the Roman emperor Constantius II laid out a death sentence for this sort of ritual, that it became anathema. Then the Christians cracked down on this kind of behavior, because it was banned by their ‘holy book’. In fact, these alleged purveyors of the ‘religion of love’ indulged in some pretty horrific shit like:

In the thirteenth century, in areas such as France, male homosexual behavior resulted in castration on the first offense, dismemberment on the second, and burning on the third. Lesbian behavior was punished with specific dismemberments for the first two offenses and burning on the third as well.

(Though how someone would engage in that act after castration is a mystery.)

And so it was written, so it was done. As the evil priests of that old whore Christianity demanded, people were pre-programmed to hate and feel disgust at something we know now is not an ‘abomination’, but the expression of love two people felt for each other, regardless of genitalia, two adults whose business (sexual or otherwise) is theirs alone, not to be repressed and destroyed because of small-minded delusion.

And this rampant homophobia is embedded deeply in our culture. Teenagers still use the word ‘FAG!’ to denigrate some poor lonely isolated individual who is disliked (yeah, I got some of this ugly nonsense directed at me at that age, fucking un-fun.), and people have been savaged (and likely still are) over a sexual preference that is only disgusting if you have some serious insecurities about your own sexuality.

As an anecdote: back in the 80’s (or as I like to call it, the last century) I went to see the film Cruising. Mind you, I was still a young man, still chock full of ridiculous nonsense. I had to walk out, because the gay sex made me queasy and uncomfortable. Now, I can sit through Game Of Thrones (or Spartacus), see two men kiss (or more), and just shrug, thinking ‘good for them!’ I don’t fast forward to the hetero- scenes, I usually just wander off and come back at whatever time I feel like.

It makes me happy, to see that there’s a little less discrimination in our world.

But of course, the American Taliban is up in arms. That’s no surprise. In fact, the plethora of willful ignorance makes me want to get a Louisville slugger and start re-arranging knee-caps. But regardless of emotional vitriol, the Christians do have a good weapon: they can cry like little fucking babies because they didn’t get their way. It’s always all right when the rulings are in their favor, but they roll around on the floor, beating their heels and fists against the ground in temper tantrums like the ignorant spoiled children they are. And of course, scream their favorite delusion of  ‘Persecution!’ (as Jon Stewart once pointed out, ‘How can you be persecuted when you’ve been in charge for 2000 years?’)

And all I can say is; if you are forcing your religious beliefs down my throat, how is that in any way American?

Till the next post then.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

And The World Changes A Little More For The Better..


As you all likely know, a profound change for the better has happened in this country. Gay marriage is now legal.

It is a pivotal instant in history, one that will have tremendous impact on our lives. One more piece of religious tomfoolery has been removed from our culture, one less evil excuse for tribalism, one more level of civilization has been added.

Let’s do a tally. I wonder what that fuckwit from last week is up to? Soaked thoroughly in kerosene, contemplating dropping the match while he belts out “Closer my lord to thee?”

No such luck. All mouth and trousers, tra-la tra-la. Still waiting for the bonfires, but self-immolation was apparently merely incendiary rhetoric, what a surprise (yawn).

More of the what-the-FUCKs!

Conservatives, however, reacted angrily, with nearly every Republican candidate for president excoriated the ruling. Perhaps the strongest condemnation came from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who just declared his candidacy. He said the decision would lead to an “an all-out assault on religious freedom guaranteed in the first amendment” and later suggested eliminating the Supreme Court entirely.

“The Supreme Court is completely out of control, making laws on their own, and has become a public opinion poll instead of a judicial body,” he told an Iowa crowd during a speech.

“If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court.”

Seriously, I want this fuckwit out of office. Right now. Because this is what the Rethuglickan party is: a bunch of selfish, narcissitic incompetent fools, who throw fucking temper tantrums whenever thwarted. Nobody anywhere has demonstrated that this would infringe on anyone’s freedom. In fact, demanding an adherence to one particular rule from one particular religion is called…? What? Can’t hear you. That’s right: a violation of Separation of Church and state. so basically, these assholes have been infringing on the public’s freedom of (or from) religion. So boo-fucking-hoo, guess what? They’re the violators.

But enough of that. It’s a better world today than it was a week ago. Today, two consenting adults are allowed to marry. Religious discrimination has taken a mighty blow: that we might topple it with many more.

Till the next post, then.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Burn Baby Burn! Homophobes Gone Loopy!

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

christhomophobeHard to believe but true:

Texas pastor Rick Scarborough is willing to be burned to death to oppose gay marriage

Move over, couple who promised to get a divorce if gay marriage was legalised, because one Texas pastor has taken his opposition to marriage equality one step further.

Rick Scarborough, a Baptist pastor and Christian political activist, has said he would be willing to be burned to death in his fight against gay rights.

He made the bizarre pledge while speaking to EW Jackson, a right-wing minister and politician, on the National Emergency Coalition show, a podcast linked to Jackson's group, Staying True to America's National Destiny (STAND).

Speaking about his commitment to traditional values in the face of public condemnation, Scarborough said: "We are not going to bow, we are not going to bend, and if necessary we will burn."

Scarborough did not specify whether he was talking about self-immolation, or being burned for his views by other people.

On the same show, the preacher made another pledge to sacrifice himself for his views, this time talking about the 'persecution' of lay Christians who oppose gay rights - such as the Oregon bakers who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding.

He said: "The preachers need to get out front, the leaders need to get out front, out front of these ordinary citizens and say: 'Shoot me first.'"

When not making boldly suicidal claims on internet radio shows, Scarborough can be found running Vision America, an organisation that aims to "inform, encourage and mobilise pastors and their congregations to be proactive in restoring Judeo-Christian values" to America.

He has previously called AIDS "God's judgement", and is the author of the 2006 book, Liberalism Kills Kids.

Oh wow. Talk about stupid hate-mongers. I’d like to attend that (if he went through with it that is: I’d never tie a human being to a stake and set them on fire, because I’m a secular humanist, not a homophobic shitheel), if only to chuck Molotov cocktails into the flames. It would be nice if these nincompoops martyred themselves en masse: saves time, money, resources, protect the children and the gay people from the rantings of hairy-eyed fanatics.

But one of the facets of any civilization is that dissenting voices should not be stifled, that even that obnoxious jackass Scarborough gets to have a say, however repugnant and ignorant his opinion may be.

But maybe someone should pelt this moron with a water balloon filled with urine, or something like that. Before you object, remember this asshole?

So pretty much, let them talk, let ‘em squawk, but take no shit off these losers. I’m more and more tempted to go out in the field and start shouting these delusional panderers down.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, May 09, 2015

Frivolous Lawsuit # 666–Outlaw The Gays!

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

religious freedom cartoonAn infinite God ought to be able to protect himself, without going in partnership with State Legislatures. Certainly he ought not so to act that laws become necessary to keep him from being laughed at. No one thinks of protecting Shakespeare from ridicule, by the threat of fine and imprisonment.
-- Robert Green Ingersoll, quoted from, Some Mistakes of Moses, Section III, "The Politicians," in Works, Dresden Edition, Volume 2

Hilarious. You’ve probably heard about this already -

Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals

An Auburn woman claiming to be an ambassador for God and his son, Jesus Christ, is suing all homosexuals.

Wonderful. We should legislate based on the voices in her head.

Sylvia Driskell, 66, asked an Omaha federal judge to decide whether homosexuality is a sin.

Exactly why we have Separation of Church and State.

Citing Bible verses, Driskell contends “that homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet(?)”

Gay people hide in the closet because of small minded xenophobes like you, Sylvia.

Driskell wrote in a seven-page petition to the court that God has said homosexuality is an abomination. She challenged the court to not call God a liar.

Sorry, imaginary friends can’t lie. They don’t exist.

“I never thought that I would see a day in which our great nation or our own great state of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some people(’s) lewd behavior.”

(She said somewhat enviously)

Driskell could not be reached by phone. She is representing herself in the lawsuit.

As per the adage, a fool for a lawyer then.

And of course, the sequel:

Federal judge dismisses Nebraskan's suit against all homosexuals

A federal judge will not allow a Nebraska woman to be a legal spokeswoman for God and his son, Jesus Christ.

Judge John Gerrard dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday filed against all homosexuals.

Sylvia Driskell, 66, of Auburn, Nebraska, had asked the court last week to decide whether homosexuality is a sin.

In a strongly worded opinion, the judge said it is not up to the court to decide whether homosexuality is sinful.

Gerrard said Driskell lacked subject matter jurisdiction and cannot sue a class of unidentified defendants. Driskell did not set forth a factual or legal basis for a federal claim.

"The United States Federal Courts were created to resolve actual cases and controversies arising under the Constitution and the laws of the United States," Judge Gerrard said. "A federal court is not a forum for debate or discourse on theological matters."

Gerrard declined to allow Driskell an opportunity to amend her complaint.

Another whiny over-imaginative nutcake deciding what’s best for everybody else. Scarier still, she likely wondered why no one else around her could hear the trumpets blasting.

What this poor woman needs, is institutionalizing. Or likely a change in her meds.

You’d think their ‘gawd’ could do a little better at picking lawyers, though…

Till the next post then.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Because Another Word For ‘Republican’ Is ‘Deranged’

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis


Does this sort of news frost your hide? It should:

Rand Paul: ‘The First Amendment…Doesn’t Say Keep Religion Out of Government’

Rand Paul, a Republican senator from Kentucky and a prospective 2016 presidential contender, told religious leaders at a private prayer breakfast last Thursday that the First Amendment “doesn’t say keep religion out of government.”

“The First Amendment says keep government out of religion. It doesn’t say keep religion out of government,” Paul said, according to video captured by CBN News. “So, you do have a role and a place here.”

He went on to say that the Senate opens every day with an invocation, which shows that there is a place for prayer in government.

“Religion is part of our daily life and a part of our government,” Paul said. “It always has been.”

The politician, who delivered his comments at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington where about 50 preachers were in attendance, went on to discuss the “moral crisis” that he believes is running rampant in America, urging his audience not to expect Washington to solely solve the problem, and imploring everyone to get involved.

“The moral crisis we have in our country — there is a role for us trying to figure out things like marriage,” he said. “There’s also a moral crisis that allows people to think that there would be some sort of other marriage … really there’s a role outside and inside government, but I think the exhortation to try to change peoples’ thoughts also has to come from the countryside, from everywhere outside of Washington.”

Paul went on to call Washington, D.C. the most “disconnected city on the planet from the people,” and said that America is desperately in need of “another Great Awakening” that sees thousands of people seeking and calling for reform in unison.

Sure, it’s probably just another politician’s lie, so what? I’ll tell you what.  It’s bad enough that the lobbyists buy them off, but it’s insult to injury to tell people that they have to be religious. Because that’s where this sort of thing leads to. Obviously this ditz is talking about gay marriage being a ‘moral crisis’ (geez, how do these people live past 40, they’re always so paranoid about shite!). That ‘unidirectional argument’ was used by David Barton, a known huckster who’s been revising US history (and had his books pulled off the shelves because they were riddled with errors!), a charlatan who is still conning his customer base dollars out of uninformed rubes who think that if they heard it from a fellow Christian, then it must be true!

And the crazies will continue to queue up for the presidency. The cycle of stupidity still flops about in a circle. The sooner the Republicans are gone, the better. They just muddy the waters, and then call them crystal clear despite the silt. The only solution is clear: the GOP has got to go. Chased off the stage amid jeering laughter. (Perhaps pelted with rotting vegetables? Nah –fun thought though.)

Till the next post, then.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

‘Slay The Gays’ Legislation?!? In California?!? Say It Ain’t So!

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
homophobic logicMind boggling, to say the least:

Matthew Gregory McLaughlin, California Lawyer, Proposes Ballot Measure Allowing Execution of Gays

A group of California legislators has filed a complaint against a lawyer who is proposing a statewide ballot initiative that would allow gays and lesbians to be "put to death by bullets to the head."

Matthew Gregory McLaughlin, an Orange County attorney, filed the so-called Sodomite Suppression Act on Feb. 24 with the state's Office of the Attorney General. McLaughlin's proposed law would also ban gays — whom he refers to as "sodomites" — from holding public office.

Under his proposed law, people found guilty of spreading "sodomite propaganda" would be fined $1 million or see jail time.

But the state Legislature's LGBT Caucus is asking the State Bar to review McLaughlin, who is listed as active and permitted to practice in California. They believe he's violating the State Bar's requirement that attorneys act in "good moral character."

"We are shocked and outraged that a member of the State Bar would so callously call for the disenfranchisement, expulsion and murder of members of the LGBT community," the caucus wrote in its complaint dated March 10 and obtained by NBC News.

"We believe that this measure not only fails constitutional muster, but that such inciting and hateful language has no place in our discourse, let alone state constitution," it said.

Anyone can file a prospective state ballot measure at a $200 fee, and the public has 30 days to respond before the attorney general publishes a summary of the measure, according to state rules.

McLaughlin, who could not immediately be reached for comment Friday, faces an uphill task to actually see his proposal on a statewide ballot. The initiative must gather the number of signatures equal to 5 percent of those who voted in the last election for governor — or about 366,000 valid names.

Now I can’t seem to find any info on this McLaughlin clown (besides the furor he’s created), but I’m betting this blowhard is a Christian Republican. And while we all have a right to do something this repulsive (hey, it is a free country, file under free speech), we have options too: sign this petition to disbar this assclown. Yet another risible atavistic throwback to a more barbaric time, McLaughable is a shame to the country, his profession, and the whole damn species.

Man, these jackasses are tiresome – they can’t wait to shove their bankrupt ideologies down your throat in the name of their sky-daddy, and dictate the comings and goings (cough!) of our genitalia. Wait for your ‘gawd’ to come down and rain hellfire on earth – please. Because the brighter among us know that simply is not gonna happen.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Because Not Being Able To Discriminate Is The Same Thing As The Holocaust

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
HolyWar3Endlessly entertaining, the religious among us are pretty much comic relief. Like this asshole:

Anti-LGBT Campaigner: Gay Activists Sending Us to Concentration Camps

During an interview on June 20th, the leader of an anti-LGBT group in Texas said that gay activists want concentration camps for those who refuse to sell wedding cakes to gay couples and discriminate against them.

Raging Elephants Radio host Calver Kamau Imani asked Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values, to comment on a Colorado baker who refused to sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples earlier this year.

“And so the homosexual couple, whether it’s man and man, woman and woman, whatever, they go to this specially created commission to deal with this, file a complaint against the business, and so the commission says ‘No, you’re gonna make this cake, plus, you’re going to go to concentration camp… Is that what you’re telling us, Jonathan?” asked Imani.

“That’s right, that’s right…You know, they tried to do something like that here in Texas — I think it was a bill by Senator Rodney Ellis that dealt with hate crime stuff, where they would’ve forced you to participate in an event of the quote-unquote community that you had offended. I mean, this is what they want. I mean, there’s no question. I’ve seen it… I’ve seen them try to do it with legislation here in Texas at the state level. It is a goal of theirs to put people in jail that disagree with homosexual marriage, without question or the homosexual lifestyle,” responded Saenz.

According to Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation (GLAAD), which is a non-profit organization that promotes the image of LGBT individuals in the media, Saenz has defended the proposal of ex-gay therapy as a proven scientific measure in Texas. However, Texas Republican Party discredited the proposal calling it “reparative therapy” in its party’s platform that was released earlier this month.

It’s a relatively simple equation. Paranoid schizophrenic? Don’t worry! You will never ever have to be medicated, or locked away for everyone’s safety AND yours – you can always get a job with the Republicans, or a fake job like a priest or minister.

And then they can tend to the Christian refugees at the ‘Wouldn’t Sell A Cake’ Camp.

But morons like Saenz? I honestly, seriously, wish for a method where I can smarten people like this butthole by slapping I.Q points into them. He’d be a genius by the time I was done. Oh well.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sharia Sucks Dick: Brunei Bites A Big One

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

sharia-law-explainedThe only problem with Islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of Islam. – Sam Harris

(Hat tip to the Atheist Republic)

Should this surprise anyone, anymore?

Brunei Introduces Stringent Islamic Penal Code

Brunei introduced a stringent Islamic penal code on May 1 that refers to Sharia punishments and includes the severing of limbs for theft and death by stoning for adulterers. Earlier, the United Nations has voiced deep concern over Brunei’s plans to implement such laws as the country already abides by a graver form of Islamic law than neighboring countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. The organization wanted Brunei to delay the changes so it could ensure the new laws comply with international human rights standards.

The state ruled by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has prospered economically on oil and gas exports. Almost 75 percent of Brunei’s population comprises of Malay Muslims with the rest comprising Christians and Buddhists.

“Today I place my faith in and am grateful to Allah the almighty to announce that, Thursday 1 May 2014, will see the enforcement of Sharia law phase one, to be followed by the other phases,” said Bolkiah.

The new penal code was supposed to be implemented in April but it was delayed by a week. Now, it will be introduced over three years with offences in the first phase covered by fines and prison sentences. The second phase will include amputations and the third phase will include stoning for crimes like adultery and homosexuality.

While announcing the penal code in 2013, 67-year-old Bolkiah referred to it as “a part of the great history of our nation.” After his announcement sparked a controversy across social media in February, Bolkiah warned internet users to stop attacking his plans.

Earlier, judges were given discretion in sentencing and it is unclear to what extent the penal code would apply to non-Muslims. Brunei’s civil courts abide by British law and the Sharia courts were earlier restricted to preside over family matters like inheritance and marriage.

“Under international law, stoning people to death constitutes torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and is thus clearly prohibited,” said spokesman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville.

Colville fears the revised penal code may encourage further violence and discrimination against women due to deeply entrenched stereotypes.

The hypocrisy is staggering. These shitheads (maybe not these specific shitheads) have repeatedly tried to get special dispensation from the U.N  - it’s a two-way street on human rights.

I really like this statement: After his announcement sparked a controversy across social media in February, Bolkiah warned internet users to stop attacking his plans.

I guess their imaginary friend is going to reach over the Interwebs, and start throttling me for smirking at this moron’s spasmic dance? I’d be happy to see that, let me tell ya.

Hard to believe such barbarity exists in the 21st century?

Till the next post, then.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Allegories Gone Stupid: More Homophobia Hiding Behind A Mask Of Love….

(Hat tip to the Friendly Atheist)choicestraight
Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

It is a continual source of amazement for those of us who aren’t entirely too jaded: here we have a malevolent, nasty, petty psychopath who for the entire duration of the Old Testament behaved in such a way that by today’s standards, would be put under heavy antipsychotic meds and locked up in an asylum for the criminally insane.

“But wait!” we are told, “these are New Testament times!”

So this gawd character forces himself on some woman, gets laid, has a kid, and suddenly he’s completely mellowed out?

How odd. How very….human.

And thanks to this outdated horse manure, we have the Christians to thank for polluting our children’s minds with anachronistic barbaric stupidity masquerading as heart-felt worry.

And here is the intro to the Day of Dialogue – a day where heteros get to gang up (nicely! with LOVE!) on LGBT folks.

As a high school or college student, do you wish your classmates could hear more of the story—like the truth about God’s deep love for us and what the Bible really says about His redemptive design for marriage and sexuality?

The Iliad has more authenticity than that wretched grimoire.

Wouldn’t it be nice if a deeper and freer conversation could happen when controversial sexual topics are brought up in your school?

It’s called Sex Education – something most religious parents veto when presented with a permission slip.

The good news is, it can—and that’s where Day of Dialogue® comes in. In contrast to the whole idea of silence, this is a day that encourages open dialogue.

Christlation: “We’ll force our beliefs on you in the name of looovvveee

Watch the Day of Dialogue video Focus on the Family firmly believes that the truth will rise to the surface when honest conversations are allowed to happen.

My anecdotal experience is, that religious folks tend to run in the other direction when confronted with any truth.

And that’s why we’re so excited that we’ve become the sponsor for this event. The Day of Dialogue gives you, as a student, the opportunity to express the true model presented by Jesus Christ in the Bible—who didn’t back away from speaking truth, but neither held back in pouring out His incredible, compassionate love for hurting and vulnerable people.

The mythical man-child who contradicted himself consistently? Where the fuck was he during the Holocaust, anyways?

His example calls us to stand up for those being harmed or bullied while offering the light of what God’s Word says.

Yeah, because being mythical means you don’t have to do shit.

And the event gives you a chance to express this balanced perspective in a loving and peaceful way.

By telling people that some imaginary friend is going to shovel them into a furnace? Yeah, rrriggghhttt…

This year, Day of Dialogue happens on April 10—so make plans to participate in your school or college.

There should be a law keeping these hairy-eyed fanatics OUT of our schools.

You can also join us on our Facebook page and on Twitter to get updates, as well as to check out students’ feedback and interact with Day of Dialogue fans.

Well, it’s a few days late, but what the hey. Maybe some of us should go to their Facebook page, and start another ‘dialogue’, one where their utterly infantile nonsense is exposed as witless ignorance, not the youthful sweetness they hide behind.

Even after the event, you can still keep the conversation going at your school and in your neighborhood with the D.O.D. Weekly Challenges and teen-friendly articles and accompanying conversation-starter questions. Get the Dialogue started!

It’s more like the Day of Dipshits. It’s more frightening that they are brainwashing children (don’t get me wrong, I like kids, but for the most part, they’re thick as shit and believe everything they’re told, which is why we as adults make decisions for them, and why they don’t get to decide their own curricula).

The resources and manpower spent on these ludicrous displays of infantile servility would be best served focusing on eliminating hunger, and house the 10 million-odd children gone homeless world-wide. But oh no, here in America, we spend our resources like a drunken sailor on leave on idiocies like homophobia and stifling women’s reproductive rights.

The sooner we’re done with this nonsense, the better.

Till the next post, then.


Sunday, February 02, 2014

More Muslim Madness–Sharia Sucks Dick Part Two

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
jesusandmohomoIt is sickening, that something like this should happen anywhere on the planet, but there it is.

'Nobody thinks I'd dare show my face here' – inside a Nigerian sharia court

The man who threw the first stone was a taxi driver, his skinny shoulders poking through a faded red football shirt. He hurled a rock with such force it splintered as it crashed into the side of the sharia court. The next one sailed in through an open window, hitting a spectator on the head.

"God will punish homosexuals!" the taxi driver screamed as the crowd joined him in pelting the building.

Inside Upper Sharia Court 4, officials sprang into action, unsurprised by the violent turn in the trial of seven men accused of being homosexual in the ultraconservative Nigerian state of Bauchi. Judge El-Yakubu Aliyu's white scarf, a symbol of wisdom, was trampled in the dusty ground as he was bundled into a back office for his safety.

Among the viewers trapped in the court was John, a gay rights activist, who wondered if he had made a terrible mistake in attending the trial. On the run since a sweeping anti-gay bill was passed this month, John had ignored the advice of everyone he knew by sneaking into his home state at dawn. "Nobody thinks I'd dare show my face here, so I have the element of surprise," he had said earlier, directing a rickshaw along labyrinthine back routes to avoid detection.

The legislation had whipped up an undercurrent of homophobia in the sleepy north-eastern state, where sharia law already outlaws sodomy, and prompted an exodus among gay men. But John, who secretly founded the state's first gay association in 2007, said he couldn't stay away. "It's my job to help these men," he added. He hoped to speak to the judge privately and pay the men's bail using money he had scraped together from donations.

Rabid homophobes. Just fucking great. As if there’s not enough of these animals to go around already. Angry, sickening hatred and raging tribalism.

In fact, the savagery goes even deeper:

It had begun with a message posted on a website last June. Edward, a bread-seller, began talking with a user named "FynBoy" on 2go, a popular instant messaging service. The two connected instantly; weekly messages became daily messages, until they were talking constantly. In December, FynBoy made a plea: "I love you and I can't stop thinking of you. I want to meet you," he wrote to Edward.

Where to meet in a rural state that had outlawed being gay? Using their homes could endanger their families. Hotels were risky, as frequent arrests across the country showed. Edward never considered another risk, a betrayal that took on cataclysmic proportions in a virulently anti-gay climate. By the time he had messaged to say he had found somewhere, FynBoy had placed two of his own calls. One was to friends connected with a local vigilante group. The other was to the Hisbah – the religious police.

FynBoy came to Edward's friend Barry's house. At first Edward and FynBoy sat on the bed, in the room with no light, and talked in whispers. Then FynBoy touched Edward's arm and asked him to undress. He wanted to take a picture on his battered phone, for a memento.

As Edward undressed, FynBoy picked up his phone. Within minutes, a group of neighbourhood vigilantes were swarming into the mud-brick alleyways. "It was a trap," said Edward later, shaking as he recalled the beating the men inflicted on him. "I don't know why they did it. I can't sleep when I think of it."

They dragged him outside, naked, and demanded the numbers of every other "dirty gay" he knew. They agreed to let him go in exchange for testifying against his friends in a court. "We know where you live," they warned him, before leaving him barely conscious in a sewage-filled gutter.

Completely despicable, what some ignorant shitheads will do to satisfy their hatred and release it. Do entrap someone in such a way as to do violence over an imagined affront – it turns the stomach.

It cannot be too soon, that this mental disease called religion is gone.

Till the next post, then.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Allegories Gone Wild–Gay Rights As Omens?

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis
redefinemarriageInteresting past time, isn’t it? Playing connect-the-dots with a book written by madmen and liars (yes, it’s the bibble I’m speaking of), anyone can get that folderol to agree with their warped perspectives.

Case in point:

Pastor: Obama is paving the way for the Antichrist

Already no stranger to controversy, the Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Dallas megachurch pastor, is coming out with a book that claims President Barack Obama is clearing the way for the Antichrist.

Jeffress, head of the 11,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas, writes in his book “Perfect Ending” that he does not believe Obama is the Antichrist, yet he links Obama’s support of gay marriage to the coming of the Antichrist. Many Christians believe Jesus’ Second Coming will feature a confrontation with an enemy called the Antichrist, based on interpretation of passages 1 John and 2 John.

“For the first time in history a president of our country has openly proposed altering one of society’s (not to mention God’s) most fundamental laws: that marriage should be between a man and a woman,” Jeffress writes, according to an advance copy provided to RNS.

“While I am not suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he was able to propose such a sweeping change in God’s law and still win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world leader will be able to oppose God’s laws without any repercussions.”

Jeffress said on Wednesday (Jan. 8) that he’s particularly concerned with issues such as the current battle over whether organizations will have to provide free contraception to employees.

“I’m not saying the president is an evil man who’s trying to destroy our society, but Americans are willingly giving up their freedom for what they’re told is a greater good,” he said. “A future world dictator will assume power under the guise of the greater good of the world.”

Jeffress said whether it’s the National Security Agency’s surveillance on American phone calls or the implementation of Obamacare, he sees a gradual encroachment on Americans’ freedom.

“How it can be that this leader is able to usurp freedom of speech with little or no opposition?” he said. “People will be conditioned to surrender personal rights for the so-called greater good.”

Last year, Pat Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network that Islam is the Antichrist, and he has linked security cameras to the end times and “the mark of the beast.” Christians have interpreted Revelation 13:16-18 to mean that there will be a marking of humans, or a “mark of the beast.”

Pointing to the idea of the Antichrist has not been uncommon for so-called “dispensationalists,” who understand God to work in a series of “dispensations,” or periods in history. In the 1960s and 1970s, dispensationalists “had a field day identifying who was the Antichrist,” said Scot McKnight, a New Testament scholar at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Ill.

“Mercy, when I was in college, the dispensationalists were doing this all the time: Henry Kissinger, etc., were all identified as the Antichrist. Gorbachev was one, especially with that funny birthmark (of the supposed beast) on his head,” McKnight said. “People today have stopped identifying the beast and the Antichrist because the former generation was completely wrong, obviously.”

A dispensationalist, Jeffress says what happens in the future should impact what Christians do today.

“It is foolish to try to identify the Antichrist, but what we can do is see how what is happening now is paving the way for what may come in 10 years or may come in 1,000 years,” he said.

In his book, Jeffress makes his case that Christians should study prophecy more closely. “Evangelist Billy Graham once observed that ‘the most neglected teaching in the church today is the second coming of Jesus Christ,’” he said.

Though he never lived in Dallas, Graham was a longtime member of First Baptist Dallas before he switched memberships in 2008 to a church closer to his home in North Carolina. Graham joined First Baptist Dallas during his first Dallas crusade in 1953. At the time, the Rev. W.A. Criswell led the church, considered by many to be the pre-eminent church in the Southern Baptist Convention, according to The Dallas Morning News. Jeffress has been senior pastor of the church since 2007.

The outspoken Jeffress has made controversial claims about Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Catholics and gays and lesbians in the past. He ignited a controversy at a summit hosted by the Family Research Council when he introduced Texas Gov. Rick Perry by calling Mormonism a “cult,” referencing the faith of Perry’s opponent for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, before the 2012 election.

In a sermon at First Baptist ahead of the 2012 election, Jeffress urged people not to vote for Obama, saying that the president was making it “relatively easy for the Antichrist to take over.”

Jeffress wasn’t claiming that Obama is the Antichrist, and said he was not questioning the president’s faith. “But what I am saying is this: the course he is choosing to lead our nation is paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist.”

Last year, former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow was scheduled to speak at First Baptist but pulled out after the resulting controversy.

The church owns and operates a school, a college, several radio stations and Dallas Life, a mission for the homeless on the southern edge of downtown Dallas. Last year, the church completed a $135 million building campaign to renovate its downtown campus.

Holy shit. It seems like the crazy parade never stops marching: they toss their shredded sense to the wind, like ticker tape. At least this con man gave himself some room claiming it could be ten or a thousand years (as I recall, there’ve already been a few of those pronouncements, also all dead wrong). And instructing his parish on how to vote? Should be an automatic cut-off on being tax-exempt.

As for this alleged anti-christ – *that’s a long wait for a train that ain’t comin’.

And these antiquated ideological dinosaurs, these whiners of things past, their goal is no different than any other philosophical bully: to have it their way, because to them it is the ONLY way.

This war of attrition, this education of the masses, will be a long arduous road.

Till the next post, then.





* Yes, a Firefly reference


Saturday, January 18, 2014

More On The Madness Of Muslims: Sharia Sucks Dick

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasis

jesusandmohomoI still wonder at the stupid gullibility of people who want to treat this (or any, for that matter) religion with any sort of respect whatsoever. If this hypothetical divine being cares so fucking much about who and/or how people fuck, then we’d all have some extra layers of tissue flaps that would server as a natural chastity belt.

And as if it’s not bad enough that Nigeria is considered the email scam capitol of the world, this sort of garbage does not shine well on them.

The Nigerians who dare to speak of love as a tide of anti-gay hatred rises

The party had just started when the gunshot pierced the music. Instantly the men scattered, knowing what it meant: a police raid.

They had gathered in a hotel in the northern Nigerian state of Bauchi, renting out almost a whole floor for a surprise birthday party. But in the minaret-dotted city, where sharia in theory requires gay men to be stoned to death, such stolen moments are fraught. Someone had tipped off the Hisbah – the religious police.

As officials stormed in on that night in 2007, John (not his real name) felt numb with fear. He ran to a room, switched off the lights and crawled under the bed. "They checked room by room. They opened the door and flashed a flashlight, but they thought it was empty." They arrested 18 others.

A week later, John went to Friday prayers at the mosque. He prayed for 18 of his friends who faced sodomy charges in a sharia court. He prayed for their lawyer, who was forced to sneak into the first hearing via a side door as a mob threatened to stone him for defending "gay marriage". He prayed for strength to do what he had decided to do next.

"That incident really gave us the courage to start doing something. We couldn't hide any more," recalls John. And so, in one of the most conservative states in Nigeria, he started holding underground meetings with other gay people. They supported each other when neighbours accused them of being "demons". Sometimes money was pooled together to pay bail or buy condoms, handed out to those who couldn't afford them. Mainly, though, they helped each other cross the lonely horizon of living each day in denial, finding solace in mutual acceptance.

For years, they gathered in secret. But last week Nigeria's president, Goodluck Jonathan, signed the same-sex marriage (prohibition) bill, unleashing a wave of homophobia that threatens to sweep away seven years spent building a fragile haven. The far-reaching law targets not only homosexuals but also those who support their rights, or who fail to report gay people. At least 40 arrests last week swelled the number of those incarcerated to almost 200 across Nigeria, rights groups told the Observer.

One by one, John and his friends fled the city.

"More than 90% of Nigerians are opposed to same-sex marriage. So, the law is in line with our cultural and religious beliefs as a people," said Reuben Abati, the presidential spokesman. The president's approval ratings soared after months of dismal news about corruption, political violence and a radical Islamist insurgency in the north.

From his location in hiding, John thinks about what to do next. "I'm not comfortable here at all. I cannot stay here doing nothing."

In a hotel room in the capital, Abuja, two women in hijabs are visiting Dorothy Aken'ova to buy goods considered contraband: sex toys. Providing a rare place where society women feel comfortable enough to buy roleplay lingerie without being judged is just one way Aken'ova tries to liberate her sexually repressed country. Another is hiring lawyers to defend men or women arrested for being gay.

The mother of three has filled her week with phone calls, trying to find lawyers willing to represent those in detention. One man was arrested after his landlord said it was suspicious he shared a flat with another man.

"The lawyers who accept these jobs will charge the skin on your bum. But then the cost of armed guards to accompany them isn't cheap," Aken'ova sighs, before telling the two giggling women the price for bottles of massage oil.

Money – sometimes out of Aken'ova's own pocket – is no longer the biggest problem. Simply persuading someone to take up cases is much harder, with many fearing they will be targeted by association. "As soon as I mention gender minority rights, people ask me: 'Are you a lesbian?' You can tell they're willing to immediately dissociate with you if you answer in the affirmative," says Aken'ova, whose quick smile blossoms as brightly as the tattooed flower on her right biceps.

Such reactions are common across Africa, where populist bills have cracked down on homosexuality, often tightening colonial-era laws. International pressure against such moves has fuelled anti-gay sentiment, with leaders using anger at perceived western interference as an escape valve. The Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, last week said gay people were the product of "random breeding" in the west when "nature goes wrong", but blocked an anti-gay bill after months of pressure from international donors. Unlike Uganda, about half of whose budget is supplied by western donors, Nigeria is flush with petrodollars and can defy such pressure.

For campaigners, the problem starts with the title of the bill. "People read it and think: OK, I agree with this. They don't question what else is inside that bill," says Aken'ova, who has never heard of anyone campaigning for gay marriage. "It's not [just] anti-gay people; it's anti-people."

Last year, a lawmaker said of the bill: "You have a right to your sexual preference but by trying to turn it into marriage do you realise you could be infringing on the human rights of the other person who finds it repulsive?"

So far, they haven't been the victims. Last week Ibrahim Marafaa, a 47-year-old teacher who was arrested before the bill was signed, was publicly flogged and fined 5,000 naira (£20) after "confessing to his abnormality".

"If he feels an injustice has been done, he has the right to appeal within 30 days," said Alhassan Zakaria, the sharia lawyer who oversaw the whipping.

Down south, too, floggings aren't uncommon. Lagos-based rights worker Olumide Makanjuola recounts how a friend of his agreed to be flogged in a bid to "whip the devil out of him". "He just wanted to stop being the subject of hatred," Makanjuola says, very softly.

Immaculately dressed and dreadlocked, he talks energetically, at incredible speed, despite several nights awake fielding dozens of phone calls.

Earlier he spent an hour talking to family members to reassure them about his safety. Then two friends called to say they're leaving the country. One, a doctor, asked if he could be prosecuted for treating gay patients.

Last year Makanjuola documented a case where four men suspected of being gay were publicly stripped, beaten, tied together and paraded naked in a south-western village. The police said they had no evidence of the incident, captured on camera by a jeering mob, but opened investigations to find out if the men were "sodomites".

Makanjuola refuses to believe the mob's anger was about homosexuality which, he says, was a scapegoat for their desperation in a country where mismanagement and corruption have left most people jobless and poor.

"They're a clear example of people who are frustrated by the system. But they should be directing it at our leaders who are buying houses in London and Dubai using looted funds," he says.

Others have little truck with that argument. "Being gay is due to lack of parental care," says Abdullahi Sani, a policeman who took time off work to attend the lashing in Bauchi. "Twenty lashes is child's play compared to the offence. The victim has ceased to be a normal human being. He has lost sight of God."

Sani should get a hundred lashes for his lack of compassion and humanity. Jonathan Butplug is a weak little tool. Nigeria is facing something most nations (sometimes including our own) suffer from – a lack of education. Something most religions claim to provide, but fail horribly.

Always thought scapegoating was a Jewish thing – apparently not.

Till the next post then.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Some Folks Just Won’t Mind Their Damn Business – Mormons Up In Arms

Cross posted @ the Atheist Oasismormon-archaeologists

These damn crazies just get right up my nose:

The Mormon church won't drop its opposition to gay marriage

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (more commonly known as the Mormon church) recently reneged on its commitment to stay out of the gay marriage fight.

For those who need a reminder, the LDS church was the major force – financial and otherwise – behind California's Proposition 8 that passed five years ago to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. While the supreme court overturned Prop 8 this year, the issue is still very much alive in many states.

The image conscious Mormon church received such a pounding from all it did during the Prop 8 campaign that they decided they better play nice and quit all their gay-bashing. The church's own pollster Gary C Lawrence told the Washington Post that after Prop 8, the Mormon church lost 5% of its public support and was tied with Muslims as the least popular of major religions in America.

While the church's image suffered badly, the other reason the Mormon church was sitting out last year's gay marriage debates was so that it would not jeopardize in any way shape or form what was deemed the "Mormon moment". That was their long-held desire to elect the first Mormon US president, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. That plan went up in smoke after he lost badly to President Obama a year ago.

Now that Romney is not a factor anymore, the Mormon church is back fighting same-sex marriage. We discovered two letters that were read to all Mormon church members in Hawaii as the state was considering whether to legalize same sex marriage. The letters signed by high-ranking Mormon leaders asked church members to give of their "time and means" in order to defeat a bill. Fortunately, Hawaii didn't listen to the Mormon church. It passed the bill earlier this month, becoming the 15th US state to allow gay marriage.

People are, of course, allowed to have their own views on same sex marriage or any other issue. But it gets complicated when an official religious organization meddles and lobbies so prominently in politics. I sent a letter to the Hawaii Ethics Commission asking them to investigate whether there were Mormon church employees who had worked over five hours in a month to defeat the bill, or if the church had spent more than $750 on lobbying expenses. If the church met either threshold, they would be required to register more of their employees as lobbyists. We are awaiting the results of that investigation.

The Mormon church even pulled out its top law professor, Lynn Wardle, from church-owned Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. They flew him to Hawaii to testify against the gay marriage bill. Professor Wardle has long been the church's leading legal mouthpiece in fighting gay marriage across the country.

The recently released official Mormon church documents published by Mother Jones, show that church has been acting more like Exxon-Mobil or AT&T than a religion. They have had up to 23 lobbyists in 23 states all over the country working to pass laws and constitutional amendments banning gay marriage and opposing each and every marriage equality bill.

It is astounding that the Mormon church appears to use tax deductible donations given to the church to lobby and run political issue campaigns. Official LDS church documents show the measures the LDS church took to keep its involvement secret and obscure the source of its funds.

Perhaps it's time that the US Department of Justice and the IRS take a closer look at the Mormon church's political activities to determine if its tax-exempt status allows for this. If the Mormon church wants to act like a corporation and not a religion, then its income should likely be taxed.

This is a serious consideration for this century: if churches involve themselves in politics, they should lose their tax-exempt status. Imagine that – Utah might actually crumble to its knees if that happened. Hell, the Catholic Cee might very well pack up their belongings in toto and leave for the Vatican, stranding their followers.

One can only hope.

I for one would like to see religion finally brought down to an even-playing field – a country where nobody get free passes graded on societally favored delusions.

Till the next post then.