Showing posts with label Supercuties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supercuties. Show all posts

Friday, 29 May 2015

Supercuties - Little Horse cross stitch design

Supercuties - Little Horse cross stitch design

Hi all heres a little horse from a series of sketches I did a while back. They are called Supercuties since that's what my Niece decided they should be called.
This time I made two different sized versions, one cushion sized and the little one below is 50 stitches across just right for a little card or patch for a book.

Colour Used in these areas: DMC Number Anchor Number
Black Outlines 310

Brown Main body colour 301

Yellow Mane and tail 307

Light yellow Hoof and part of saddle 3078

Blue On saddle 813

White Eye 5200


This design was originally charted in Anchor colours so to get the closest to the original picture. DMC colours are converted from Anchor.

In this design I tried to ensure that there were as few colours as possible to keep it simple to cross stitch for those who don't want to have to but loads of threads just for one design. When I first started stitching I found such designs so daunting because I'd  need to buy and change between so many different threads
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