Guy over at Dragonsfoot got a copy of my book in the mail and is enjoying it so far. Good thing he ordered it prior to the negative posters telling him it was a waste of money! Got a couple new orders today, so that's neat-o.
Work on the new book progresses. I've got several regular Baranof players working on interior artwork (yes, they are officially committed...sorry, guys). I told Josh that if he'll finish one of his pictures I'll throw it up on Ye Old Blog as a teaser. I think that probably made him MORE self-conscious.
The writing's going well, but it's looking a lot bigger than I'd originally hoped/planned. This one was supposed to be shorter and cheaper than the B/X IS just a book of goodies after all. However, the spell lists are only half done...well, more like two-fifths...and just by themselves, they're nine pages so far. That's a crap-load of text...and that's with writing spells that say, "this is just like the 3rd level cleric spell of the same name." Filler, right? But there's a ton of new spells, too...really cool ones (in my opinion) and none of 'em can
[all right feeding begun...AND complete]
NONE of 'em can get left on the cutting room floor. "Numerical completeness" and all that.
I like symmetry...what can I say?
The issue might be...just might mind you...the whole "completeness" notion. After all, these are characters with their spell lists set from levels 1 to 36...or from 1 to 9 in the case of the single demihuman caster class. After all, I don't want to have to do a "companion" book for this supplement.
But it sure is a lot of spells.
In fact, I should try to knock out a few more tonight before I turn in (yeah, right). I'll check back with y'all tomorrow.
Hasta manana!
; )