Showing posts with label vince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vince. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Inverted Ziggurat (P.2)

[continued from here]

“Of course there’s the little problem that everything down below is now submerged.”

Hmm…the party hadn’t thought of that. Fortunately, the wizard Keraptis had, and there was a drain in the floor leading to a gradual decline in the water level over a half hour or so. The party was fine with waiting, using the time to scale down the ledges (having tied off the rope to the door). Standing at the crack and looking at the four grinning, hungry polar bears, the party found itself a group divided.

Gustav: “I say we kill the polar bears.”

Party: “Are you kidding? They have ‘claw-claw-bite!’ They’ll kill us!”

Gustav: “I want a polar bear hat!”

This went on for awhile, but while a some abstained and most were against a straight up fight, no one had any real suggestions of how to circumvent polar bears in a non-combat fashion.

This was JB’s cue to go soft again.

“Normally, I wouldn’t suggest this,” says I, “but I know some of you haven’t played B/X for awhile, and you may have missed the Speak with Animals spell on the cleric list…um…3rd level spell, I believe.”

Well, of course, this was the perfect suggestion and the entire party over-ruled Gustav’s quest for a bear trophy. Not that he didn’t try, “Make sure you tell them we are their masters…maybe we should kill one just to show them our might for a better bargaining chip!” or “If they won’t let us pass, I’m ready with my warhammer.”

However, Alster was able to get a positive reaction roll from the bears…at least enough for them to let the party by on a “live and let live” basis. However, I did mention to Gustav that one surly mother of a bear seemed to be giving him the hairy eyeball, silently taunting him with a snaggle-toothed leer.

“I do NOT take the bait,” said Gustav.

Using a combination of the waterwalking ring and rope (duh) the party made it to the floor of the chamber, basking in the glow of the permanent Sweet T’s continual light. Tito himself needed a bit of help getting down to the chamber floor. “If I can’t actually DO anything,” asked Randy, “what’s the good of being raised from the dead?”

“You can provide moral support?”

“Um…no one has to carry your body out?”

From where they stood, they could see a vault set in a wall and a corridor leading away in the opposite direction. The vault obviously held some sort of booty…maybe even Blackrazor itself!

“Or maybe Quentin's in there,” suggested Sly. “Quentin! Are you in there?”

Terril cast detect traps on the vault. The lock glowed sinister red in color. “Oh, man…I can disarm that!” said Sly. And he did, removing a small, strange device that had no discernable purpose. With a flourish, he twisted the vault lock to reveal…a cascading pile of silver, along with a jeweled bracelet. Jackpot!

Brian wasted no time sweeping the silver coins into his bag of holding. I don’t recall who took the bracelet (probably Sly, maybe Sweet T). However, no black blade could be found.

“Hmmm…the poem said, ‘beneath the inverted ziggurat.’ I wrote that part down,” said Sly.

Maybe it’s down the drain, suggested someone.

The party pried up the drain and stared at the hole that went straight down. It looks like a tight fit, says I…maybe just wide enough for a Halfling? The party looks at Brian.

“Oh, no…I’m not going down the hole!”

Eventually the usual plan is formed, a rope is tied around the halfling’s waist and he soon crawling head first into the bowels of the volcano…

“It’s getting pretty tight, and the air is even warmer than up above, but by wriggling your body you can press forward. There’s a pretty bad smell…maybe sulfur?”


“Just a little further…there’s probably a chamber or something.”

“You crawl a little farther. The hole…I can’t really call it a tunnel…kind of ‘jukes’ to one side and then continues deeper. You can just…manage…to squirm…”


“Blackrazor’s got to be down there! Just a little further!”

“Okay, you can’t really move your arms, but by wiggling your fingers…” (I make little penguin wing motions) “…you can inch a little more. A lot of heat now…sweat pouring off your face…”

Get me out of this f***ing hole RIGHT NOW! Goddammit! YOU go down the hole!!”

The party (a little reluctantly) pulls the Halfling up with the rope. Brian is not amused. Someone suggests that they “make camp” on the floor of the chamber. As they prepare to bed down, a watch is arranged. I start rolling for wandering monsters.

I forget who had first watch, but it isn’t long before the invisible foot prints are back…circling the party, kicking up sand, splashing through the water…and then gone. Needless to say, the guy who saw it all was a little disconcerted and woke everyone up (they hadn’t been asleep that long).

Did the party question the bears? Maybe…I know they (the bears) had little useful to say (they were used to getting fed by Mr. Invisible). The party decided to go back to sleep, and Sly offered to take next watch.

When the encounter came up, I had Sly roll to see if the party was surprised. Since he rolled a “2” (and was thus surprised) I ruled he’d dozed off. I rolled randomly to see which party members were attacked by the two wights that wandered upon them unawares.

Sly and Borgnine.

Even though the party was “sleeping” a failed surprise roll just means the monsters get a free attack roll, not an “auto-hit,” so I rolled to attack. Only Sly was hit. The dwarf was startle awake by something cold caressing his cheek…the thief was awakened by soul-searing cold as his life force was wrenched from his body! Welcome to level 6.

Round two: “A corpselike figure with sunken eyes giving off an unholy glow crouches over you clutching at your body, groping at you with pale, blue-tinged hands. What do you do?” Both were attempting to kick the thing away while yelling for the rest of the party to get the hell up! The wights won initiative for the round and both were successful in their attack rolls, draining the dwarf to level 6 and the thief to level 5.

“Wait…so I’m getting worse?” asked Vince.

“Ha! You’re lower level than me now!” laughed Randy.

“That’s what you get for falling asleep on watch!” said someone else(maybe Matt…he really hadn’t liked going down the hole).

The clerics rise up pulling their holy symbols and blast the wights into oblivion.

Somehow, the party decided to get back to “sleep,” though a double watch was set, and they got little rest on the damp hard sand. No more wandering monsters troubled them.

Upon awaking, and after passing around the healing magic, the party decided to explore the only other egress available to them…the southward leading corridor.

It ended in a door.

After watching the newly diminished thief fail his “hear noise” roll, the party kicked open the door ready for anything. What they found was a bedraggled-looking Quentin Nogg.

“More tormentors come to taunt me? I will serve neither you, nor your feeble master!”

No, no…the party explains. They are here to rescue the halfling. They gaze around the room at the sumptuousness of the surroundings. “Bribes,” explains Quentin. “The wizard Keraptis killed my party and captured me. His indoctrination process failed, and so he’s kept me here for several weeks, hoping that I will agree to be his loyal slave. You’re welcome to any of his ‘treasure’ offers.” He gestures to a disorderly heap of loot that includes a suit of human-sized plate mail.

Gustav asks if he can have the plate mail, seeing as how his own is pretty toasty. “It won’t fit me,” says Quentin. Matt asks, “If this is cursed armor, I won’t know it till I’m in combat or something, right?” Right. “Eh, I’ll put it on anyway.” Okay.

Terril, feeling all this is perhaps too good to be true casts Detect Alignment on Quentin.


“What about Blackrazor?” Brian wants to know. “We were supposed to find Blackrazor down here!”

“It is here,” says the Halfling, “Keraptis said he wanted me to ‘guard’ it.” Quentin pulls a beautiful mahogany case…about the size of a sword…from beneath a large cushion, opens it, and pulls Blackrazor from the satiny lining of the case. The light within the room seems to disappear in the darkness of its length, giving back only the sparkling of constellations deep within the blade’s black metal.

“I don’t think you should be carrying Blackrazor,” says Brian pointedly.

“And why should I not?” says the Halfling with a look that says ‘come and take it from me.’

Brian decides to start scooping treasure into the bag of holding instead.

***EDIT: So sorry, folks...THAT is where we left the game! Hope you weren't waiting for more action, 'cause that's all she wrote for last Thursday. The players decided that finding Quentin and Blackrazor was enough of a feather for one evening, and everyone was anxious to get home to their families (we ran a little late)...but this is where I plan on picking up the thread three days from now. Stay tuned! ***

Monday, October 18, 2010

Gallery of Rogues

AKA Big Ass B/X Session Part 1

So this past Thursday, I moved my weekly B/X game out of the bar and over to Gary’s Games for a special “one-night” only demonstration in honor of their 20th Anniversary celebration. Well, the game play was moved out of the bar…about half of us showed up at Baranof’s beforehand to get our drink on PRIOR to moving over to Gary’s. Though, I responsible DM that I am, refused to do shots beforehand (it had been a long day at work and I didn’t want to fall asleep at the table), limiting myself to a couple beers.

And it was just as well I got lubed up…we had a full table that evening. I had been hoping for 5 or 6 players, including Tim (the store manager at Gary’s who had expressed an interest in playing). Instead, I got seven (7) players PLUS Tim (who would have made eight). However as Gary’s was busier than anticipated, Tim ended up playing with the Emerald City Gamefest out front (where he could ring up sales). And I don’t fault him at all, as the ECGF folks are a whole bunch of fun to play with.

And I had my hands full, anyway. Seven people! I haven’t run a game that large since college when I ran a Vampire game in the dorms for a couple-three sessions (a game that was immensely dissatisfying for a number of reasons). And that was close to 20 years ago… This was me running as a Dungeon Master with seven dudes (no ladies), two of whom had never played ANY role-playing games ever!


I have to say up front that it’s certainly a different atmosphere from what one might expect…or from what I expected, anyway. All of us are around the same age (mid-30s). Most of us are married. More than half of us have children and/or are expecting new babies. And I’m the only guy at the table that did NOT have to get up and go to work the next day!

Welcome to the new Gen X “poker night with the boys.” Our wives have apparently given us all Thursday nights off so they can watch Project Runway (I know that’s what MY wife is doing) while we drink beer, roll strange-shaped dice, and pretend to be pointy-eared adventurers.

We live in interesting times, certainly.

As per my standard M.O. we played B/X D&D, with all weapons doing D6 damage. The following House Rules were in effect:

- Two-handed weapons do +1 extra damage
- All classes can use all weapons unless prevented by size (dwarves and halflings)
- Everyone rolled on the Random Hat and Random Relationship tables

Um…and that was it. Despite any optional rules I’ve presented here (or read about elsewhere), I find that uber-simplification helps my game run a lot smoother. And as any fencing instructor should tell you smoother = faster.

Since we weren’t playing B2 this week, everyone had to make new characters. Each character received 75,000XP to start, making them all 7th level except for the Elf (6th). Standard equipment lists were provided (thanks to Vince for writing these up beforehand!) and a pack of 3x5 cards with magic items were distributed amongst all the players (thanks to AB for doing the 3x5 cards); each PC received a total of 3 magic items.

So here’s our Magnificent Seven:

[starting at the DM's left hand and going clockwise around the table]

Vicente (AKA “Vince”): Vince is my brother’s buddy and sometime employer; a former resident of the Hill Top ‘hood of Los Angeles, he looks a bit thuggish with the old gang tats and grim expression. Vince had never played an RPG in his life and didn’t even know what I meant by “roll a six-sided dice” (which one is that?). Vince played a thief named Sly who was armed with a dagger and a crowbar (the latter actually being a standard equipment item from the Expert set, but knowing Vince…). Random headgear roll gave him a mohawk...he and AB's character had once loved the same woman, now deceased. Magic items: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Leather Armor +2, Potion of ESP. Oh, yeah...and Vince was the only Chaotic party member.

AB (AKA “Ables”): My brother and a veteran of these Thursday night meet-ups. He rolled ability scores that were off the charts (five at 13+!), including an 18 strength, and would have kept crowing about it had I not pointed out the other players all wanted to punch him. Decided to play a rakish fighter named Farnsworth. Random headgear was a Greek-style helm...he and Luke's character were half-siblings, only recently discovered. Magic items: Flaming Sword +1, Plate Mail +1, Shield +2, Wand of Enemy Detection. His sword's name is Blaarthislaarv.

Luke (no AKA): Rolled up a cleric named Alster. Just about the opposite of his half-brother, four of his six abilities are less than 10 (and Intelligence is 10), with Wisdom being his one saving grace. Headgear was a wimple...I don't recall his relationship with Matt. Magic items: Shield +3, Staff of Healing, Potion of Gaseous Form.

Matt (AKA “Matt #2”): I gave Matt a hard time for being dressed like it was hunting season (all camo gear), but he's cool enough to put up with my shenanigans. Rolled a rather pedestrian fighter named Gustav...pedestrian except for his fancy top hat! I don't recall his relationship to Matt #1. Magic items: Sword +1, +3 versus enchanted monsters, Ring of Protection +1, Potion of Giant Strength. Gustav was also a walking arsenal with a battle axe and war hammer in addition to his magic sword.

Matt (AKA “Matt #1”): I think Matt really digs these game nights. He met up with Vince, AB, and myself for a beer beforehand, and seems quite social. His halfling, Brian Leftfoot, wasn't very strong but had a ton of hit points (Constitution 17!). No hat, but a fine set of dreadlocks...his relationship with Josh was that they shared the same horse for years until it recently died (this led to a number of off-color jokes...). Magic items: Bag of Holding, Ring of Water Walking, Sword +1, +2 versus spellcasters (no name).

Josh (AKA “Randy”): New guy and co-worker of Luke and the Matts. He had played B/X D&D back when he was a kid (circa age 10), but his only recent experience has been playing some 3rd+ edition stuff with Luke a few years back. Rolled up a dwarf with a ridged hat named Borgnine (see why the halfling and dwarf could share a horse?). A heavy hitting tough guy (and other than Luke, the only Lawful party member). Magic items: Battle Axe +2, 12 Crossbow Bolts +2, Ring of Fire Resistance.

Randy (AKA “Josh”): Another new guy and co-worker of Luke and the Matts, and yet another guy who had never played any RPGs before aside from the computer variety. As you might be able to tell from the "AKAs," I had a little difficulty remembering which new guy was which, much to my chagrin. Fortunately, it was easy enough to remember their character's names...Randy's elf was named Sweet Tito, for example. Grungy haircut and a Charisma of could I not remember Sweet T? Especially when his relationship with Vince's thief, Sly, was that the two shared a secret, psychic bond and could hear each other's thoughts. Magic items: Spear +1, Scarab of Protection, Rod of Cancellation.

[I've had this particular telepathic "relationship" come up in play before, though between a PC and NPC character (which is really NOT how the relationship table is supposed to work anyway). Everyone was a little curious/amazed that there even was a possibility that something with such a "practical" application could be rolled up randomly...until I pointed out that this mainly just allowed the players to "kabitz in-character." Plus, since the "ability" came up between the least experienced role-players, no one seemed to resent their "advantage"]

And that was pretty much it...we were set to begin play.

Which is, frankly, amazing. I dare ANYONE to try to to get through a character generation session with seven players creating new characters, five of those players being unfamiliar with the rules (two being completely new to role-playing at all!)...all in under an hour! That's what we managed...and everyone had a name, an idea of their character's personality, a couple relationships to the other PCs at the table, and at least some idea of what their characters looked like (all the characters sketched images of their characters on their character sheets, even without asking...they ranged from stick figure to comic book, but all incorporated their hat in the mix).

That's the power of B/X. We ended up starting a little late, went through a bit of a meet-and-greet and then sat down to chargen...and still ended up being ready to play by 9:20 or so (it was hard to hell as the clock at Gary's counts backwards and has weird sigils on it)...plenty of time to play! Sure, I had a few 3x5 cards with magic items made up beforehand (three from every category in B/X, though for some reason, no one was interested in any of the scrolls...) and everyone received a "standard" equipment list (with a couple bonus options), but still players got to pick their own spells, and even using 6th and 7th level characters, this didn't take long (thanks to the limited B/X spell list).

All right, enough gloating. Let me tell you what happened next...
; )