Posts tonen met het label Stencils. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Stencils. Alle posts tonen

maandag 19 april 2021


Hallo allemaal, vandaag heb ik voor jullie een 5-tal babykaartjes....jongetje en meisje.....ik heb ze de afgelopen tijd gemaakt maar nog niet geplaatst op mijn blog.....
Hopelijk vinden jullie ze weer leuk.....en kan ik jullie wat inspiratie geven....

Hello everyone, today I have 5 baby cards for you .... boy and girl ..... I have made them recently but not yet posted on my blog .....

Hopefully you like them .... and I can give you some inspiration ....

Dit schattige meisjes kaartje is gemaakt met scrappapier, precies in de bloemen heb ik het plaatje van de baby geplakt. Houten letters geplaatst boven het plaatje en wat hartjes het zegt genoeg lijkt me......

This cute girl card is made with scrap paper, I glued the baby's picture exactly into the flowers. Wooden letters placed above the picture and some hearts, it seems enough ......

Bij dit baby kaartje voor een jongen heb ik het lekker strak gehouden, een printje van een paar babyvoetjes gebruikt en een tekstje die ik gevonden had op pinterest. Paar waterdruppeltjes tussen de Baby en Boy houten letters geplaatst en ik vind hem wel af....

With this baby card for a boy I kept it nice and tight, used a print of a few baby feet and a text that I found on pinterest. A few water droplets placed between the Baby and Boy wooden letters and I like it...

Ook bij dit baby boy kaartje heb ik gewerkt met scrappapier en met stencils, beetje texture paste gebruikt en de houten letters erbij geplaatst. Paar pareltjes ertussen en klaar is mijn kaart.

On this baby boy card I worked with scrappaper and stencils. A little texture paste was used and I placed the wooden letters. And I placed a few pearls in between and my card was done.
Dit lieve kaartje heb ik gemaakt voor de buren, er is een schattig baby meisje bij hun geboren ook hier gebruik gemaakt van scrappapier en houten lettertjes die ik bewerkt heb met glitters van Nuvo, eronder hangt een klein hangertje met een rose strikje....

This sweet card was made for my neighbours, a cute little baby girl was born in their house. I used scrappaper on it and chose the wooden letters, I worked on them with Nuvo Glitter. Underneith a little embellisment with a pink ribbon. 
De achtergrond van dit baby kaartje heb ik bewerkt met stempels en distress inkt. erg leuk weer om te doen, ook weer eens een keertje mijn ponsen te voorschijn gehaald om een leuk randje erop te plaatsen. En de tekst heb ik van Pinterest, erg leuk al zeg ik het zelf.

The background of this baby card is worked on with stamps and distress ink. I had a lot of fun making it. And yep I used my  Punching tools to place a nice border on my cards. The sentiment comes from Pinterest, A very cute one.

Ik zou graag mee willen doen bij de volgende challenges:
I would like to join into the following challenges:

Hopelijk vinden jullie de babykaartjes leuk en kan ik jullie op deze manier voorzien van wat inspiratie. 

I sure hope that you like all the babycards and I hope that I can give you some inspiration this way

Dank je wel voor jullie bezoekje aan mijn blog, wordt zeer gewaardeerd. 
Thank you so much for you visit to my blog, I really appreciate it a lot.

maandag 3 augustus 2020

Art Journal-Rozen 2

Hallo allemaal, ik heb mezelf weer heerlijk kunnen uitleven in mijn Art Journal.....

Krijg er maar geen genoeg van he, het bewerken van art journal pagina's en natuurlijk deze prachtige ROZEN van #Mariola Budek ingekleurd en erin verwerkt. Zo leuk om te doen....en hoe heb ik dat nou gedaan dan vraag je je misschien af.....

I cannot get enough of working in my Art Journal Pages and these georgous Roses from Mariola Budek. I just love them. I have colored the Roses and I have placed them in my Art Journal......and how did I do it, you might wonder....

Allereerst heb ik de Rozen ingekleurd met waterverf  en heb ik de bloemen afgemaakt met wat glitterrandjes van NUVO en wat witte randjes met een pen. Daarna ben ik  begonnen met de achtergrond van de 1ste pagina en deze te bewerken met verf, acrylverf in dit geval, beetje gespeeld met Gesso ...aangezien ik het een beetje lichter wilde hebben....en allerlei stenciltjes en stempels gebruikt van Art By Marlene, geweldig leuke stempels die je zo mooi kunt verwerken in je art journal of op kaartjes natuurlijk.  Uiteraard heb ik ook nog wat Crackle verwerkt op de achtergrond. 

First of all, I colored the Roses with watercolor and I finished the flowers with some glittery edges from NUVO and some white edges with a pen. Then I started with the background of the 1st page and edit it with paint, acrylic paint in this case, played with Gesso a bit ... since I wanted it to be a bit lighter .... and used all kinds of stencils and stamps from Art By Marlene, great fun stamps that you can use so beautifully in your art journal or on cards, of course. Of course I also added some Crackle in the background.
En voor de 2de pagina heb ik hetzelfde gedaan als bij de 1ste. Alleen de Rozen heb ik ingekleurd met oranje tinten en iets geel. Ook weer wat glittertjes gebruikt hier en daar en de achtergrond is bewerkt met Distress Inkt en stencils van Elizabeth Craft Designs met crackle en de Tekst is van Art By Marlene ...hebben jullie de Stickersheets wel eens gebruikt? Die zijn ook zo gaaf en er staan zoveel mooie teksten in. 

And for the 2nd page I did the same as with the 1st. I only colored the Roses with orange tones and a little yellow. Also used some glitter here and there and the background is edited with Distress Ink and stencils from Elizabeth Craft Designs with crackle and the Text is from Art By Marlene ... have you ever used the Stickersheets? They are also so cool and there are so many beautiful texts.

Hier het resultaat van de 2 Art Journal Pagina's. Dezelfde Rozen met 2 compleet verschillende achtergronden. 

Here are the results of the 2 Art Journal Pages. The same Roses with 2 completely different backgrounds.

De materialen die ik heb gebruikt zijn van:
The materials I used are from:

#Artbymarlene, sentiments, stempels, Art journal
#JenineSiemerinkmindfullartcollection, stencils, stempels
#Mariolabudek, afbeelding Rozen
#Stamperia, stencil
#TimHoltz - distress inkt, texture crackle paste, stencils

Ik wil graag meedoen met de volgende challenges:
I would like to join into the following challenges:

Thank you for checking out my blog and if you want to leave me a little message that would be very much appreciated. Thanks a bunh xxx

maandag 14 september 2015


Hey there crafters, It is Sunday today, anddddd 
you know what that means eh?.....Today there WE HAVE a brand new challenge over at the 

Our generous sponsor is Premium Art Brands and wow she has a fabulous prize for one winner 

The theme for the challenge is


This is what I have made......

I have altered a box for my beautifull birthday girl. And made it into a Jewelry Box.

I started out with Gesso and another layer of Light Modelling Paste, with the stencil Butterfly from Premium Art Brand. I colored it all with the Light Pearlescent Panpastel which is her favourite colour. 

On Top I placed a wooden heart colored with Irisdescent Paste and with my girls name on top. 

The inside of the box has 5 little spaces where jewelry can be safed. And also a mirror to check it all out.

The rest of the Jewelry Box is also colored with the Pearlescent Pan and White Coarse. And all around the box I placed Lace.

The products that I have worked with are: 

So you wanna have fun too, than I suggest you come over to the We Love To Create Challenge Blog and join into the fun.....and check out my amazing teamies creations, your gonna love what your about to see.....

Thank you for checking out my blog and if you want to leave me a few words I would really appreciate it a whole lot.....

I would like to join into the following challenges:
Creative Corner, Anything But a Card
Southern Girls, Challenge Layer it Up
Simply Papercraft, Challenge #13, Anything Goes
Crafting From the Heart, Challenge #77, Anything Goes
Craft Your Passion Challenge #279, Anything Goes

woensdag 26 november 2014


Hallo bloggers, hier even een berichtje van mij en wat je kunt doen met het mooie Sterren Stencil van Dutch Doobadoo die te koop is bij Hobbyactief....

And for our English visitors....

Hey there bloggers here is a little message from me, it is all about what you can do with the fabulous Stars Stencil from Dutch Doobadoo and yep it is for sale at Hobbyactief

Allereerst welkom bij het Hobbyactief Blog, wat leuk dat je even een kijkje komt nemen. Ik hoop dat ik jullie wat inspiratie kan geven wat je kunt doen met een stencil van Dutch Doobadoo. Dit keer heb ik gekozen voor het Sterrenstencil.

First of all welcome at the Hobbyactief Blog, so nice of you to drop by and take a peek. I sure hope I can give you some inspiration what you can do with a stencil from Dutch Doobadoo. This time I have chosen the Stars Stencil.

Ik ben begonnen om een Tag te snijden van Cardstock, je kunt verschillende afmetingen nemen. Wat jou past.of leuk lijkt.... de eerste laag van de Kerst Tag heb ik bewerkt met Pearlescent PanPastel, dit keer de blauwe Pearlescent PanPastel. Daarbij ook de Witte PanPastel en als laatste laag de White COARSE PanPastel om een beetje een glimmende laag achter te laten.

I started out with cutting a Tag from Cardstock. You can decide for a small one or a bigger one, it depends on what YOU want.....the first layer for the Christmas Tag is worked on with the Pearlescent PanPastels. This time I used the Blue Pearlescent PanPastel. I also used the White Pan and the last layer is the White COARSE PanPastel to give the Tag a bit of a shimmer. 

Oke dus de eerste laag is PanPastels, daarover heen heb ik de Modelling Paste genomen en de sterrenstencil daarmee gebruikt. Bovenop tevens een laagje Crackle om het af te maken.  Deze Tag is een voorbeeld zodat jullie kunnen zien wat je allemaal voor leuke dingen kunt doen met de stencils. Ik vindt het enorm leuk om stencils te gebruiken. 

Oke so the first layer is PanPastels, on top I have worked with Modelling Paste and the Stars Stencils used with that. This Tag is an example to show you what you can do with the stencils. This way you can see all the different things you can use the stencil for. It is a lot of fun if I say so myself. I just love using stencils. 

Voor de mensen die nog nooit een stencil gebruikt hebben, je legt de stencil op het stuk wat je wilt bewerken en daarover heen smeer je als het ware de Modeleer pasta of Modelling Paste totdat je een afdruk van de stencil in het papier hebt gemaakt. Voorzichting de stencil eraf halen en laten drogen of je kunt gebruik maken van je Heattool.

For the people who have never used a stencil before, you lay down the stencil on the piece of paper you want to work on. On top of the stencil you put the Modelling Paste and brush it over the stencil untill you have the print you want. After your done you take of the stencil from the paper carefully and you let it dry, you can even used your heattool to be even faster with it. 

Bovenop de sterren heb ik nog een laagje crackle gebruikt en daarna heb ik de afbeelding geplaatst, een vintage afbeelding en wat sneeuwvlokjes van Dutch Doobadoo geplaatst, tekst, pareltjes en boven aan de Tag nog wat lint of kant.

On top of the stars I placed some crackle, afterwords I placed the image on the Tags, a vintage image, some snowflakes from Dutch Doobadoo. Some sentiments, pearls and on top of the Tag Ribbon and Lace.

Dank jullie wel voor jullie bezoekje aan het Hobbyactief blog en veel plezier met freubelen.....
Thanks so much for your visit on the Hobbyactief Blog and have fun crafting.....

Een aantal producten die ik heb gebruikt zijn:

I would like to join into the following challenges:
Clear it Out Challenge Blog: Winter Wishes
Everybody Art Challenge, Challenge #302

zondag 2 februari 2014


There ya go.....It is Sunday today, so you probably know what that means eh? Another fabby Challenge over at the 

Our generous sponsor is Premium Art Brands and wow she has a fabulous prize for one winner 

Right then, on to this weeks challenge which is 

ANYTHING GOES or USE A STENCIL from Premium Craft Brands...

This is what I have made......

 I have altered a journal and worked with the fabulous stencil with the HUGE butterfly and roses, I just love this stencil I think it is beautifull to work with and onto a journal. Premium Art Brands have some gorgeous stencils. You can find them here. (Just click the linky and you will find fabulous stencils you can work with wonderfully).

First I played with Gesso and to get the right dept of the butterfly and rose I played with the Light Modelling Paste, then worked with the Metallic PanPastels this time the Golden ones, and on top I placed the Glassy Gel. 
Played with a few sentiments from Tim Holtz they are called #Hashtags and I love them lots....I have placed some metall corners and my project is finished for this weeks challenge.

I hope you like it, I am pleased about it.....and you wanna have fun too, then I suggest you come over to the Premium Craft Brands Challenge Blog and do join into the fun, your gonna have fun I am sure of it. While your their you can check out my amazing teamies projects, they made it for your inspiration....

Have fun

Hugs Terry xxxx

zondag 12 januari 2014


Hey there guys, it is Sunday today so that means we have another fabby Challenge over at the 

Our generous sponsor is Premium Craft Brands and wow she has a fabulous prize for one winner 

Right then, on to this weeks challenge which is 

Anything goes OR Silver Lining
This is what I made

I had fun working on a agenda for 2014. 

The front's background and the back of the project has been worked on with the Roses Stencil, with Gesso, Modelling Past, lots of Silver Metallic PanPastels and crackle. For decoration I placed a few butterflies
This is the inside of the agenda and I played with inks...and ribbon...

The Roses from the stencil combined with the Gesso and Modellling Paste pop out more because of the Modelling Paste and Silver Metallic PanPastels. On top I worked with Crackle as you can I had lots of fun making my project and if you wanna have fun you can join into the fun over at the Premium Craft Brands Challenge where my amazing teamies made some fabulous projects for your inspiration, so come on over and check for yourself guys.....

Have fun

Hugs Terry xxxx

zondag 27 oktober 2013


Hey guys back again with a fabby new challenge over at the Premium Craft Brands Challenge Blog......
This time the theme is Shades of Grey....I know you can make something fabulous for this week, come on over and do join into the fun and check out my teamies fabby projects they made for your inspiration.....

Before we get to our challenge inspiration don't forget our October Blog Candy which is still up for grabs! 

Simply share our candy on your blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Mars and the Moon and back with a link to this blog 
and leave us a comment under this post and we will choose one random winner on 7th November to win this gorgeous prize which is worth over £120!! WOW - that is a LOT of stash!!

In the candy is a fantastic Pan Pastel set including a palette tray and Sofft Tools, 3 Maimeri Mediums and Gesso. 2 Stencils/Masks and 4 Stamp sets (A6) - all fantastic products you will love and use over and again! Don't forget to leave us a comment - we will check that the winner has shared AND FOLLOWED US to be eligible so don't try and bend the rules! ; )

Oke now here we go...

I was playing with 3 Tags and made a Tag Card with them. You can fold the 3 different tags in a way to make a card out of it.

This is the first side....I worked on the background with lots of Gesso, Modelling Paste and the honeycomb stencil..that is one of my favourites....I added the fabulous butterfly from Wendy Vecchi and worked on it with Embossing Ink and yep.....PanPastels...and the sentiment something small.....

This is the second Tag and the sentiment says For You, they are from the lovely chitchat stickers...the background is made the same way as the first Tag....

The Tag in the middle was embossed and worked on with the same ingredients....except the butterfly has a layer of Utee to finish it. On top I placed three ribbons ...

This picture is just for you to show that you can fold the Tag Card in a few different ways.......

 And where there is a front there is a back too eh? This is the back of the Tag Card and you can see that I kind of left enough space for some writing in the middle. So I had lots of fun making this Tag Card and you wanna have fun too....then come on over to the Premium Craft Brands Blog and do join into the fun. 
Don;t forget to check out our generous sponsors shop where you can find all the information about the fabulous Metallic PanPastels and the mixed media. You will love all the amazing products that our sponsor is showing you on the webshop. Just click the linky and it will take you there.....Have fun....

I would like to join into the folllowing challenges:
Crazy 4 Challenges: C4c209 Absolutely favourite stampset. Wendy Vecchi Butterfly

Hugs Terry

zondag 13 oktober 2013


Hey there guys, it is Sunday so that means we have another fabulous NEW challenge over at the 

First of all we wanna thank you for joining into the fun with the Challenge from last week....fabulous entries you all......

Some Challenge Rules........
1. You do NOT need to use Pan Pastels or our other products on your entries as long as you follow the challenge theme - obviously we'd love you to use the products but realise not everyone has them.
Each challenge runs from Sunday 8.00 am and ends the following Tuesday at noon GMT - this gives you 9 days to add your entry and join in with us. 

The winner of each challenge will be chosen at random by a random number generator.
Please note: Due to postage costs the Random Winner Prize will be posted to a UK postal address only - but overseas entries are still welcomed and will be included in the Top 3.

In addition to the random winner the Design Team will also choose their favourite Top 3 entries for that week who will all be able to proudly display their winners badge and may be asked to Guest Design for us. Overseas entries are welcome and will be included in our Top 3.
So we hope you like the changes and it has made it easier for you all to enter! 
So because the current challenge is still running, we don't have a winner to announce this week - the week 39 winner and Top 3 favourites will be announced next Sunday so make sure you follow our feed or sign up to get the emails when we post.  
Remember to join our Facebook group too, Premium Craft Brands, where we have daily inspiration and share some of our favourite makes & hints and tips every day, it's a great place to be. 

So this weeks challenge is.....Falling Leaves....

And has everything to do with Autumn...

I have worked on a Birdhouse but made it into a Autumn Falling Leaves house...the background was worked on with Gesso, modelling paste and a stencil from Wendy Vecchi.

allmost forgot to tell that I offcourse used some embossing folders to give the leaves some extra texture.

I worked on the bricks with Embossing powder and on top another layer of white Inkspray..and offcourse Metallic PanPastels, they give such a nice shine over the project.

The butterflies are colored with the GraphIt Markers, yessss I got to play with the fabby markers and they are really great guys.....and on top to seal them I embossed it with Utee. The leaves are from Wendy Vecchii's Art Parts and I sprayed them with Ink, embossed and on top I played with glossy accents and Crackle accents and to finish I played some more with the Metallic PanPastels......and some text to totallyy finish my project....I hope you like it. It was really difficult to take a deacent picture with all the shiny
products on my project lol.....but I think this is the best picture I could take......
So you guys wanna have fun too, then I suggest you come over to the Premium Craft Brands Challenge Blog and do join into the fun. And while your their please do check out my amazing teamies creations and their individual blogs, your going to be amazed by all the lovelyness....

Have fun
Hugs Terry xxxx