Monday, August 2, 2010

Youtube Super Chart and Debate

This is a really cool chart that I found on the internet. I spent a solid hour analyzing it.

Credit and Bigger Image:

In other news, I am planning on trying out for my college’s debate team. We do Parliamentary Debate, and I was wondering if anyone here knew any good books on Parli.

I did Parli debate for years at my middle school and high school, but I haven’t had the opportunity to debate at all this past year, and so I am woefully out of practice. I really need help getting back into “debate shape” if I want any hope of making the team.

To be perfectly honest, I have no need to make the team. If I didn’t make it, I would be fine, but I think being a part of a team, even if it’s a debate team, would make my college experience a little more enjoyable.


Pierre said...

That chart is so cool, I spent a while looking at it too!

Good for you for trying out for the debate team. It will definitely make your experience not just more enjoyable but more memorable. Good luck!

J said...

Can't give you leads on a parliamentary debate sourcebook, but here's an historical note: The earliest colleges and universities in this country had "literary societies" that all the students belonged to and engaged in such debate. Usually there were two on each campus which maintained a rivalry. You might google "college literary societies" and read what you find. At my university such societies were the precoursers for all student government, the campus newspaper, and the fraternity-sorority system. Their books endowed the university library. It's a shame they no longer command their former prominence.

naturgesetz said...

The chart works for me, sorta. It got me to Improveverywhere, and I liked the video(s?) by them that I've seen. It would have been better if it had got be to a Gilbert & Sullivan site, but it's still good.

In my college, the big thing was the intercollegiate debate format where there was an assigned topic for the year, and teams of two would go around prepared to uphold the either side. Supposedly it was good training for prospective courtroom lawyers, and maybe it was. But it always struck me as immoral because it did the same thing as the rhetoricians Socrates objected to — it trained people "to make the weaker case appear the stronger." It taught them to uphold an argument they believed was faulty, in other words to lie persuasively. I hope parliamentary style debate doesn't require you to say things you don't believe in.

JP said...

I did debate for a while during my sophomore and junior years, it was fun though we did policy debate not parliamentary. I'm considering it too next year in college.

Good luck on getting on the team!

J said...

Update--That great genius Thomas Jefferson wrote a book called A Manual of Parliamentary Practice. It's in paperback, and Amazon sells it for less than $10, or you can download it for Kindle. Jefferson originally wrote it for use in the U.S. Senate.

Anonymous said...

You'd be awesome in debate.

Anonymous said...

hey u disappeared again... hope you are doing well... write back to us (blog)... you can always talk to us about anything...just got worried having seen tyler clementi in the news.. hope you are doing well... take care...

Seth said...

Hi! It's Sethboyardee here. Sorry to be rude and drop this comment here a bit selfish of me, and completely off subject - but I've recently returned to blog land after being killed by Google and was hoping you could mention me, follow me, and especially link to me.


Also I will be rebuilding my link list so let me know if I can reciproacte. Thanks again!!

Have a good one!

Stephen Chapman said...

Whatever happened to your lovely blog?!

remember 5 on the fifth on my blog?

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