Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Cold Freebie Friday!!!

Please be sure to scroll down and see my most recent post!!

Happy TGIF everyone!!

Well, I think winter has arrived!! I know some of you are suffering with snow an severe cold. It's cold here too!! Today, Brittany is in the spelling bee at school. I'm so thrilled that she beat out 23 other students to get into the school spelling bee!! I feel terrible that she is so nervous! I wish I could take away the worries and fear that she feels, but I know I can't. So my heart and prayers are with her as she tackles those words!!

Anyway, it's Freebie Friday at Digital Delights and we have this adorable image for you to play with!!

To grab yours, just head over to the SNR or PCP group!

We also have some fabby new releases available at Digital Delights as well. Make sure you check them out!! Well I have a full day that I better get started on!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you have a wonderful day!!