Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nutshell's Challenge #13

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are having some enjoyable Spring-like weather wherever you are. Real life continues to challenge me!! LOL I guess that's what it's supposed to do!! I pulled a tendon in my knee and I'm stuck in this knee brace for an undetermined amount of time. There is a possibility that there is a small tear in the tendon under the kneecap. This is so hard to navigate with!! Getting in and out of the car is a pain. I also can't sit at my computer or craft table except for very small amounts of time. I have to spend a lot of time in the recliner with my leg up. I'm a go, go, go person so this feels like prison!! LOL But things could be worse, so I'll wear it and get over it...eventually!

It's time for our Nutshell's Challenge #13. We have some super prizes to give away this challenge, so be sure to get your entries in!!
Challenge #13 is to make a shaped card (anything other than a square or rectangle). That's it!! How simple is that?

I used a Nutshell's digi image for my teacup card.
Remember you must use ANY line of stamps that we carry in our Nutcrafter's store to qualify for the prize!!! That makes it nice and easy for everyone to participate!! So go over to Nutcrafter's and see our selection of stamps from lots of different companies such as The Greeting Farm, Stampavie, Magnolia, Ladybug & Friends, High Hopes, Buddy Bear and Sarah Kay. You can also get our Nutshells, Harriet Hurst and our Digi Images. You're sure to have something you can use to win yourself a great prize.

All you have to do is make your creation and leave a link in the comment section of the Nutshell's post with a direct link to your project, not your blog, your project prior to April 21 (this is a two week challenge).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nutshell's Challenge #11

Happy Wednesday and St. Patrick's Day everyone! It's time for Nutty Nutshell's Challenge #11!!! I'm a week late with our challenge post. I have had computer failure and RL issues as well. You don't realize how badly you miss your PC until you don't have one!!! Anyway, we're going to go ahead and do the challenge this week and you will have until March 20 to get your entries in. There will be a new challenge on March 21.

This week we're doing a Sketch Challenge. We are using a sketch by the lovely Maria at Stamping Inspirations. She has given me permission to use one of her sketches for our challenge. The link to her blog is She does amazing projects.

I used Luna Cupcake Fairy for my card. She is part of the new release Cutie Pie Collection. She is so sweet and cute. I love her! She looks good in green for St. Patty's Day don't you think? I colored my image with my copics and used glitter to add a little sparkle to my card. I used pop dots for dimension (even though you can't see them!!

I was able to enter my card into a few challenges!! Yay!!
Creative Inspirations-Yellow, white, green
Cupcake Craft-Going Green

The winner of our challenge will win a choice of two digi stamps from our newest release (Spring Harriet, Easter Buddy Bear, Easter Nutshells Bo). Aren't they adorable??

Thank you so much for stopping by today!! I love your comments and look forward to them very much!! I've been without a computer for about a week so I am very behind visiting everyone. I'm in the process of getting caught up visiting all of your beautiful blogs, but as you know, it takes a while!! I'll get there though! Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nutshells Challenge #5

Happy Nutshell's Wednesday everyone!!

Today is Nutty Nutshell's Challenge #5. If you haven't entered this challenge, you really should try to do so. It is so easy to enter, you don't have to have Nutshell's stamps!! I have a list of stamps that we sell in the Nutcrafter's store below and you can go to the store and see which stamps that we sell. We have a large range of stamps and I'm sure that you have a stamp or stamp set that you can use in the challenge. The prize package for this challenge is awesome. See the goodies below!!

For this week's challenge, we are going to use ribbon on our creations using ANY line of stamps that we carry in our Nutcrafter's store!!! That makes it nice and easy for everyone to participate!! So go over to Nutcrafter's and see our selection of stamps from lots of different companies such as The Greeting Farm, Stampavie, Magnolia, Ladybug & Friends, High Hopes, Buddy Bear and Sarah Kay. You can also get our Nutshells, Harriet Hurst and our Digi Images Pink Frosting - our Breast Cancer Awareness set and our Christmas Angel digis. These are too, too cute! With our huge range of images, you probably have something you can put some ink on!!

We have an awesome prize package for this challenge!!! Check this signature set out from The Greeting Farm, these beautiful blossum flowers and these tag charms!! I wish I could win, this is an awesome prize package!!

For my card, I used one the digi Angels for the Digi Angels Set. This is a great set that comes with 4 cute Christmas Angels. I colored her with my copics and glittered her wings. I made a tag card and used my ribbon to wrap it like a gift with a bow at the top. I used some cute patterned paper and attached my Angel with pop dots. So cute!! I like how she turned out.

This is my blurry shot that shows her glittery wings!! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!! I really appreciate you more than you know. Please go over to Nutshells and enter our challenge. It is a great challenge and wonderful prize package. Please be sure to stop by tomorrow and see what I have to show you. I know I'm behind with my comments and visits to your beautiful blogs, I'm trying to catch up so don't write me off yet!! I'll get to you as soon as I can. Have a wonderful day!!