Showing posts with label paint.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paint.. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 September 2014

canvas art - she was a modern girl with a vintage soul

 Hello ☺ I've been doing a little bit more canvas art and thought I'd share this cute piece with you all.
I recently purchased a book called Vantastic by Kate Ulman from the Fox Lane blog.
A beautiful book all about their travels in a caravan!!  I was inspired by the cover to create a canvas with a retro caravan as the theme ................. and I just love how it turned out. 
 Lots and lots of layers of paper, dressing making pattern paper and paint.
 I found this cute little quote and felt it suited the canvas and also says a little bit about me ☺

So this little canvas sits proudly in my home and makes me long for another camping holiday ................................

Thanks for coming by.
Creating with love + happiness ♥

Thursday 28 August 2014

canvas art - life is beautiful

 Hello there ☺
I've been getting all creative with paint, paper and canvas.  Today I'm sharing a recent canvas!  I'm teaching this one at my kids school - so I took a few photo's to share here!
 It's an 8x8" canvas - I've done a few layers here with paper, dressmaking paper, modelling paste and paint.

 Here is the cute little owl which is the main design on my canvas.  I've paper pieced it on to the canvas and added in details of rub-on's, stamping and black pen.
 Adding in the little details is always the fun part .....  a cute little wooden heart and a little bit of bling ☺
 a few words added in ......................................
 ................. and here it is all complete!
Mixed media is a lot of fun - I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a few more of these as time allows ☺

Thanks for coming by.
Creating with love + happiness ♥

school @ home

Hello, I definitely wanted to record this little moment!  School @ home due to stay at home restrictions because of COVID-19.  It was certai...