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Showing posts with label FREE preview. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Die Letzte Sünde von Chelle Cordero NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN GERMAN!

Die Letzte Sünde
von Chelle Cordero

Die Letzte Sünde
von Chelle Cordero

Deputy Sheriff Commander Jake Carlson hat alle Hände voll zu tun ... er ermittelt in einem brutalen Mehrfachmord, sein Sohn hat Probleme in der Schule und er selbst hat eine rachsüchtige Exfrau am Hals. Er trifft die junge, freigeistige Notfallsanitäterin Julie Jennings. Als Julie zum Objekt einer Obsession wird, schweben sie beide in Gefahr ...

Für Matt und Julie hatte ihr Dienst begonnen wie viele andere. Sie wurden zu einem kleineren Verkehrsunfall gerufen, zu jemandem mit Schmerzen in der Brust und zu einem Krebspatienten, der zur Behandlung ins Krankenhaus musste. Viele der Gemeinschaften im Norden des Staates New York hatten Notfalldienste unter Vertrag, um dem bestehenden Rettungsdienst unter die Arme zu greifen und auf medizinische Notfälle zu reagieren. Ob bezahlt oder nicht, der qualifizierte Dienst schickte immer Rettungsassistenten, die mit den meisten Notfällen umgehen konnten. Wenn die Notfallsanitäter ausgesandt wurden, machten ein weiteres Paar Hände und Infusionen oft den kritischen Unterschied.

Dieser Notruf kam über Funk für ein Brandopfer, also war keiner der Polizisten, Feuerwehrmänner, ehrenamtlichen Rettungshelfer oder Sanitäter darauf vorbereitet, was sie in diesem abgelegenen Werkzeugschuppen vorfanden. Von außen wirkte das ergraute Holz friedlich genug, und das eine kleine Fenster war schmutzverkrustet. Julie dachte nicht, dass sie unter normalen Umständen den Schuppen eines zweiten Blickes gewürdigt hätte. Aber das hier war alles andere als normal. Niemand hatte mit der Horrorszene im Inneren gerechnet.

REVIEW (English Edition)
Cordero Delivers!

Chelle Cordero strikes a winning combination of romance and suspense in this medical crime thriller. Detailed research and characterizations coupled with a break-neck pace create a hard-to-put-down-read.
 Kathy-Diane Leveille

Die Letzte Sünde Links

Also Available through:
3M, Baker and Taylor, Follet,  Overdrive, Gardners,         Chegg          , StreetLib, and Google Play       




Foto von Mark Engelman

Chelle Cordero schreibt Geschichten voller Leidenschaft und Spannung. Vanilla Heart Publishing hat neun Cordero-Romane veröffentlicht: „Bartlett’s Rule”; „His Lucky Charm”; „Within the Law”; „Courage of the Heart”; „Final Sin”; „Hostage Heart”; „A Chaunce of Riches”; „Common Bond, Tangled Hearts” und „Hyphema”. Sie arbeitet derzeit an ihrem zehnten Roman und verspricht ein weiteres, actionreiches Abenteuer und eine herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte. Chelle hat den Großteil ihres Erwachsenenlebens sowohl Romane als auch Sachbücher geschrieben und arbeitet seit Beginn 2008 mit Vanilla Heart Publishing zusammen.
Ihre Bücher haben viel Beifall erhalten, unter anderem: „Bartlett’s Rule“ zählte zu Carolyn Howard-Johnsons zehn besten Büchern 2009, „Final Sin“ war unter den ehrenhaften Erwähnungen in der Romankategorie des NY Buchfestivals 2010 und wurde für den Pushcart-Preis 2009 nominiert. „Hyphema“ gewann am 9. Dezember 2011 die Abstimmung zum besten Bucheinband auf der „Shades of Love“-Webseite, „A Chaunce of Riches“ gewann den D. Renee Bagby-Leserpreis für das beste erste Kapitel im April 2010 und „Hostage Heart“, „Final Sin“ und „A Chaunce or Riches“ erreichten die Top Zehn in der „Preditors‘ and Readers‘“-Umfrage 2009. Chelle war auch unter den „50 großartigen Autoren, die man gelesen haben sollte“ 2010, herausgegeben von The Author’s Show.
Chelle Cordero unterhält einen Autorenblog auf und einen Werbeblog auf Ihre Webseite bietet Informationen zu all ihren Büchern und Auftritten. Blogger und die Presse sind jederzeit in Chelles Medienzimmer auf willkommen, in dem herunterladbare Fotos und andere Informationen zur Verfügung stehen.
Chelle lebt mit ihrem Ehemann Mark und ihrer Familie im Nordosten der USA. Sie haben zwei erwachsene Kinder: Jenni (& Jason) und Marc (& Trish). Sie teilen ihr Heim mit drei schelmischen und verwöhnten Katzen, von denen eine Chelles Schreibtisch zu ihrem Stammplatz auserkoren hat. Chelle ist als freiberufliche Journalistin für mehrere Publikationen tätig – ihre Artikel erscheinen regelmäßig in Nordamerika und sie schreibt als eine Rettungssanitäterin im Staat New York eine monatliche Kolumne zu Themen der Rettungsdienste im Staat New York in den „First Responder News“.


Translator for the German Editions
Katharina Klamt

Katharina ist Übersetzerin und versucht sich in ihrer Freizeit an der Schriftstellerei. Ihr erster Roman soll 2016 fertig werden, aber sie wird stets von Kurzgeschichten abgelenkt. Ihre Karriere als Übersetzerin begann in der Videospielindustrie, in der sie ihre Leidenschaft für Videospiele mit ihrer Liebe zur Sprache verbinden konnte. Wenn Katharina nicht gerade ohne Vorlagen Figuren von fragwürdiger Qualität häkelt, spielt sie gerne RPGs und Strategiespiele oder liest, besonders Fantasy, Thriller und humorvolle Bücher.

Katharina is a translator and aspiring writer, currently attempting to finish her first novel but constantly distracted with short stories. Her career as a translator started in the video games industry where she could combine her passion of gaming with her love for language. When Katharina’s not busy messing up crochet figures without patterns, she enjoys playing RPGs and strategy games or reading, especially fantasy, thrillers and humorous books.

E-Books und Hörbücher und Taschenbücher





Saturday, November 29, 2014

At First Glance - Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / 11/30/14

Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

See more at the
WeWriWa blog

I'm continuing with snippets from The Meeting, a part of The Many Faces of Chelle Cordero, a short-story collection which exemplifies (I hope) the diversity of my writing.

The story begins at a Charleston SC train station in 1942. America, still reeling from the Pearl Harbor attack, entered the war and soldiers in uniform were going off to Europe and the Pacific to fight. Life continued on the home-front.

Last week two young ladies, both Southern born and bred, were saying a tearful good-bye at the train station. A young MP riding in another car was about to step onto the platform.

It felt good to stretch his legs as he stepped down from the train onto the platform. He watched as two women tearfully hugged each other and found himself unable to stop staring at the woman left on the platform. She was beautiful.
He lit his cigarette and took a drag and then walked over to the woman.
Jeannette was aware of the soldier‘s stare and tried not to let it affect her. He was a handsome man, but it just wasn‘t polite to be scrutinized so thoroughly like that. He came even closer and she tried to look in the other direction.

 For more WeWriWa snippets, go to

The Meeting
From a random meeting in the south during WW2 to a
marriage and love that lasts for an eternity.




 AllRomance Ebooks 



The Many Faces of Chelle Cordero is a single author collection of short stories featuring Introduction, Pussycat Tails, Holiday Happiness, Not Alone, I Swear That Raccoon Just Knocked on the Door, Stormy Weather, A Mother’s Love, More Than a Friend, The Meeting, The Vacation and a special bonus section.

...and in time for the holidays!

A short story about finding holiday happiness whenyou didn’t realize it was right there with you all along.
just 99-cents - click HERE to buy

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Introducing The Meeting ~ Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / 11/23/14

Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

See more at the
WeWriWa blog

I'm moving to another story from The Many Faces of Chelle Cordero, a short-story collection which exemplifies (I hope) the diversity of my writing.

This snippet is from The Meeting which begins in 1942 at a train station platform in Charleston, South Carolina.

“Make sure you send me a letter as soon as you get there,” Jeannette stopped to dry her eyes, “you just know how I am going to miss you.”
“Oh honey, I‘ll write to you every day,” Melanie hugged the best friend she always shared everything with. Their mommas had taken them for walks in their baby carriages together, they were there for each other‘s first dates, they consoled each other when Melanie‘s big brother left to go fight the big war, and they stayed up late reading letters from Melanie’s ill mother. “Oh I wish I didn‘t have to leave you.”
“You tell your momma to get well so you can bring her home again.”
“Last call for Greensboro,” the train engineer poked his head out to remind passengers to get their luggage loaded.
In another car an M.P. checked the cuffs of the prisoner he was transporting from Georgia and then motioned to another soldier on the train.

“I‘m going to step off and have a smoke,” he was satisfied the prisoner wasn‘t going anywhere.

 For more WeWriWa snippets, go to

The Meeting
From a random meeting in the south during WW2 to a
marriage and love that lasts for an eternity.




 AllRomance Ebooks 



The Many Faces of Chelle Cordero is a single author collection of short stories featuring Introduction, Pussycat Tails, Holiday Happiness, Not Alone, I Swear That Raccoon Just Knocked on the Door, Stormy Weather, A Mother’s Love, More Than a Friend, The Meeting, The Vacation and a special bonus section.

from the book's dedication...

To my parents, Marcy & Reva, their relationship was the epitome 
of the love story and the inspiration for "The Meeting"

Saturday, November 15, 2014

One more snippet from NOT ALONE - Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / 11/16/14

Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

See more at the
WeWriWa blog

A few weeks ago I began running snippets from the story Not Alone from my short story collection, The Many Faces of Chelle Cordero.Told in 1st person POV we learned that someone had died and everyone was blaming Jordan, including the narrator. Here is one more snippet from the story and we'll find out a bit more of what happened... Next week I'll move on to another story - but read to the end of this post if you are still interested in finding out how this story goes.

Kimmie’s dad came by to pick up the rest of his daughter’s things; we shared a suite in the dorms. He hugged me and thanked me for the friendship I shared with his daughter. He told me how much it meant to him and his wife to hear me talk about Kimmie during the memorial service. Then he asked me to help keep Kimmie alive by never forgetting her. When he left, the tears began to fall again and I stared at a picture of my best friend while I cried.
Maybe I didn’t really, or maybe I did, but I heard Kimmie’s voice telling me that Jordan needed me. I thought that maybe I was losing my mind, it could have just been the desperation I felt, but I knew that I heard her voice. So I went over to Jordan’s off-campus apartment; I stared at his door for a few minutes before I actually knocked.

 For more WeWriWa snippets, go to

Not Alone

Sometimes forgiveness seems impossible, but then so is turning your back on a friend.




 AllRomance Ebooks 



NOT ALONE is available as a FREE
audio preview of my short story collection

Download Chelle’s audio story NOT ALONE
from this short story collection [FREE]
(narrated by Wendy Tremont King)