Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

A Teaser from Touch of Love

An Empty House

No matter how many times I turned the key in the lock I was always disappointed to find the room within always empty. I kept hoping for the day he would return. I promised him I would wait as long as it took until he came back to me.
For months I missed my husband, I missed sleeping next to him every night, and I missed seeing him every morning as he dressed for work. I was forced to accept the fact that it wasn’t our bed he fell asleep in every night. Someone else was preparing his meals, greeting him when he woke, and someone else was listening to him when he needed to talk. So many days and weeks passed while I cried myself to sleep every night… simply alone.
Life had changed. I never suspected that he would leave me, that he would leave our home.

A Chelle Cordero short
story collection

An Empty House: You never know what tomorrow will bring. This is a personal essay about coping with and moving on with the “New Normal”.
The night before our 41st wedding anniversary my wonderful and loving husband was rushed to the hospital with a stroke. It was just after midnight on our anniversary that the Dr said the next 48 hours would be critical. He spent months in rehab and I feel very blessed that he was able to come home. This man has always been my hero (and the man I have based every one of my book heroes on!). It’s been a journey and we are on this road together...

Buy Links








Also Available through

Indigo,, Angus & Robertson, WHSmith, Thalia,
Tolino, Streetlib, 3M, Baker and Taylor, Follet, Overdrive, Gardners,
Chegg, Google Play, and other online retailers

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Touch of Love... is Here!

~~ All Ebook Editions ~~

Touch of Love

Short Story Collection
 by Chelle Cordero

An Empty House: You never know what tomorrow will bring. This is a personal essay about coping with and moving on with the “New Normal”.  The Lost Love: Rejected for her Mexican heritage by the teen-age boy she had a crush on, Lindsay put it behind her. So how come, when they wind up at the same college years later, Lindsay can’t get over her anger at the humiliation? And will Brad ever forgive himself for his callous behavior? The Dead Guy in the Park: An almost end-of-shift call leads a paramedic and her partner to a dead guy in the park. All she has to do is pronounce him so that the coroner can come get the body. What could possibly go wrong? *includes a bonus Spanish edition El Difunto del Parque translated by Marianna Carranza Rekindled: Cynthia and Daniel were college sweethearts torn apart by tragedy. A lifetime later they bump into each other again — Is this their second chance at love?  A Date with Mistletoe: Sometimes you find that it’s the “Unanswered Prayers” that are the best things to ever happen. When confronted by the man of yesterday alongside the man who means the world to her, there is no doubt in Rachel’s mind that she has the best.  He is My Brother…: Who can help save the life of a beloved family member? Prayers, hopes and a personal plea for help. Always, One More Time: Disowned by her parents because of an interracial love affair, Callie Sanders is left alone to raise her son after his father, Jimmy Bernerd, dies fighting in a war on the other side of the world. Desperate to give her son a family she goes to the Bernerd household — what she finds is a second chance at love, acceptance, and family.

Touch of Love

Short Story Collection
 by Chelle Cordero
Grab your copy today!

Also Available through
!Indigo,, Angus & Robertson, WHSmith, Thalia, Tolino, Streetlib, 3M, Baker and Taylor, Follet, Overdrive, Gardners, Chegg, Google Play, and more!  

Author Chelle Cordero
Chelle Cordero writes stories of Passion and Suspense. Vanilla Heart Publishing has published eleven Cordero novels: Bartlett’s Rule; His Lucky Charm; Within the Law; Courage of the Heart; Final Sin; Hostage Heart; A Chaunce of Riches; Common Bond, Tangled Hearts; Hyphema; and Karma Visited. She is currently working on her next novel and promises another action packed adventure and heartwarming love story. Chelle has been writing both fiction and non-fiction for the bulk of her adult life and has been with Vanilla Heart Publishing since early 2008. Her books have earned many plaudits which includes: Bartlett’s Rule was named one of Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s Top Ten Reads for 2009; Final Sin was an Honorable Mention in the Fiction Category of the 2010 NY Book Festival and a 2009 Pushcart Prize nominee.; Hyphema won the Dec 9, 2011 Friday Book Cover Vote on the Shades of Love website; A Chaunce of Riches was Winner of D. Renee Bagby’s readers’ choice for The Best Overall First Chapter, April 2010; and Hostage Heart, Final Sin and A Chaunce of Riches had top ten finishes in the 2009 Preditors’ and Readers’ poll. Chelle was also featured in “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading” published by The Author’s Show in 2010. Chelle Cordero maintains an author’s blog at, and a promotional blog at Her website offers information on all of her books and her appearances. Bloggers and the media are welcome to visit Chelle’s media room at with downloadable photos and other information. Be sure to LIKE Chelle’s FaceBook page at and follow her on Twitter at You can email Chelle at ChelleCordero(at) Chelle lives in the northeast with her husband, Mark, and family. They have two adult offspring. Jenni and Marc (& Trish); they also live with three mischievous and spoiled pussycats, one of whom has taken up permanent residence on Chelle’s desk. Chelle is a full-time freelance journalist for multiple publications; her articles appear regularly throughout North America and she writes a monthly column on NYS Emergency Medical Services issues as a (former) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (First Responder News).

Vanilla Heart Publishing

Ebooks And Audiobooks and Paperbacks, Oh My!
TWITTER @VanillaHeart

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Coming Soon! Annie’s Karma em breve em Português!!

Cobrir a revelar!

Annie e o Carma

Chelle Cordero

Depois visitou Karma, Annie Furman move-se de seu passado e seu futuro com o sub-xerife Dave Turner. Ela presentes – ou é a maldição dela? – crescer mais forte, e ela descobre que ela não está sozinha no Reino de viagem astral. Dave salvou a vida dela, agora ela tem que lutar contra outro ‘viajante’ para salvar a Dave… se ela sobrevive.

Em breve em Português!

ANNIE’S Karma  Sneak Peek Video (English)


Chelle Cordero

Chelle Cordero writes stories of Passion and Suspense. Vanilla Heart Publishing has published eleven Cordero novels: Bartlett’s Rule; His Lucky Charm; Within the Law; Courage of the Heart; Final Sin; Hostage Heart; A Chaunce of Riches; Common Bond, Tangled Hearts; Hyphema; Karma Visited; and Annie’s Karma. She is currently working on her next novel and promises another action packed adventure and heartwarming love story. Chelle has been writing both fiction and non-fiction for the bulk of her adult life and has been with Vanilla Heart Publishing since early 2008.

Her books have earned many plaudits which includes: Bartlett’s Rule was named one of Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s Top Ten Reads for 2009; Final Sin was an Honorable Mention in the Fiction Category of the 2010 NY Book Festival and a 2009 Pushcart Prize nominee.; Hyphema won the Dec 9, 2011 Friday Book Cover Vote on the Shades of Love website; A Chaunce of Riches was Winner of D. Renee Bagby’s readers’ choice for The Best Overall First Chapter, April 2010; and Hostage Heart, Final Sin and A Chaunce of Riches had top ten finishes in the 2009 Preditors’ and Readers’ poll. Chelle was also featured in “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading” published by The Author’s Show in 2010.

Chelle Cordero maintains an author’s blog at, and a promotional blog at Her website offers information on all of her books and her appearances. Bloggers and the media are welcome to visit Chelle’s media room at with downloadable photos and other information.

Be sure to LIKE Chelle’s FaceBook page at and follow her on Twitter at You can email Chelle at ChelleCordero(at)

Translator for the Portugese Editions

Selma R. Silva

Selma R. Silva has been a translator and interpreter since graduation in 1984, She was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil and had the chance to study languages since her early teen years. Years of hard work, travel and research have led to the perfect time and place to delve into the rewarding experience of literary translation.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Annie’s Karma by Chelle Cordero Now Available in Print and All E-book Editions

The story continues...
Annie's Karma,
the sequel to Karma Visited,
is available!

Simultaneous Release!
Print and All E-book Editions


Annie’s Karma by Chelle Cordero

Annie Furman moves on from her past and into her future with Undersheriff Dave Turner. Her gifts – or are they her curse? – grow stronger, and she finds out that she is not alone in the realm of astral travel. Dave saved her life, now she has to fight another ‘traveler’ to save Dave… if she survives.


Annie’s Karma Sneak Peek Video



 Annie’s Karma is a super followup novel to Karma VisitedI was intrigued by many things that evolved and expanded throughout the book, not the least of which is the incredibly detailed (although fictional, I must guess) accounts of astral travel, alongside the thriller aspects of the story.
~ Karen Mayes, Beta Reader

Annie’s Karma

 by Chelle Cordero

 Grab your copy today!










Smashwords for All E-reading Devices

Also Available through

!Indigo,, Angus & Robertson, WHSmith, Thalia, Tolino, Streetlib, 3M, Baker and Taylor, Follet, Overdrive, Gardners, Chegg, Google Play, and more!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Die Letzte Sünde von Chelle Cordero NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN GERMAN!

Die Letzte Sünde
von Chelle Cordero

Die Letzte Sünde
von Chelle Cordero

Deputy Sheriff Commander Jake Carlson hat alle Hände voll zu tun ... er ermittelt in einem brutalen Mehrfachmord, sein Sohn hat Probleme in der Schule und er selbst hat eine rachsüchtige Exfrau am Hals. Er trifft die junge, freigeistige Notfallsanitäterin Julie Jennings. Als Julie zum Objekt einer Obsession wird, schweben sie beide in Gefahr ...

Für Matt und Julie hatte ihr Dienst begonnen wie viele andere. Sie wurden zu einem kleineren Verkehrsunfall gerufen, zu jemandem mit Schmerzen in der Brust und zu einem Krebspatienten, der zur Behandlung ins Krankenhaus musste. Viele der Gemeinschaften im Norden des Staates New York hatten Notfalldienste unter Vertrag, um dem bestehenden Rettungsdienst unter die Arme zu greifen und auf medizinische Notfälle zu reagieren. Ob bezahlt oder nicht, der qualifizierte Dienst schickte immer Rettungsassistenten, die mit den meisten Notfällen umgehen konnten. Wenn die Notfallsanitäter ausgesandt wurden, machten ein weiteres Paar Hände und Infusionen oft den kritischen Unterschied.

Dieser Notruf kam über Funk für ein Brandopfer, also war keiner der Polizisten, Feuerwehrmänner, ehrenamtlichen Rettungshelfer oder Sanitäter darauf vorbereitet, was sie in diesem abgelegenen Werkzeugschuppen vorfanden. Von außen wirkte das ergraute Holz friedlich genug, und das eine kleine Fenster war schmutzverkrustet. Julie dachte nicht, dass sie unter normalen Umständen den Schuppen eines zweiten Blickes gewürdigt hätte. Aber das hier war alles andere als normal. Niemand hatte mit der Horrorszene im Inneren gerechnet.

REVIEW (English Edition)
Cordero Delivers!

Chelle Cordero strikes a winning combination of romance and suspense in this medical crime thriller. Detailed research and characterizations coupled with a break-neck pace create a hard-to-put-down-read.
 Kathy-Diane Leveille

Die Letzte Sünde Links

Also Available through:
3M, Baker and Taylor, Follet,  Overdrive, Gardners,         Chegg          , StreetLib, and Google Play       




Foto von Mark Engelman

Chelle Cordero schreibt Geschichten voller Leidenschaft und Spannung. Vanilla Heart Publishing hat neun Cordero-Romane veröffentlicht: „Bartlett’s Rule”; „His Lucky Charm”; „Within the Law”; „Courage of the Heart”; „Final Sin”; „Hostage Heart”; „A Chaunce of Riches”; „Common Bond, Tangled Hearts” und „Hyphema”. Sie arbeitet derzeit an ihrem zehnten Roman und verspricht ein weiteres, actionreiches Abenteuer und eine herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte. Chelle hat den Großteil ihres Erwachsenenlebens sowohl Romane als auch Sachbücher geschrieben und arbeitet seit Beginn 2008 mit Vanilla Heart Publishing zusammen.
Ihre Bücher haben viel Beifall erhalten, unter anderem: „Bartlett’s Rule“ zählte zu Carolyn Howard-Johnsons zehn besten Büchern 2009, „Final Sin“ war unter den ehrenhaften Erwähnungen in der Romankategorie des NY Buchfestivals 2010 und wurde für den Pushcart-Preis 2009 nominiert. „Hyphema“ gewann am 9. Dezember 2011 die Abstimmung zum besten Bucheinband auf der „Shades of Love“-Webseite, „A Chaunce of Riches“ gewann den D. Renee Bagby-Leserpreis für das beste erste Kapitel im April 2010 und „Hostage Heart“, „Final Sin“ und „A Chaunce or Riches“ erreichten die Top Zehn in der „Preditors‘ and Readers‘“-Umfrage 2009. Chelle war auch unter den „50 großartigen Autoren, die man gelesen haben sollte“ 2010, herausgegeben von The Author’s Show.
Chelle Cordero unterhält einen Autorenblog auf und einen Werbeblog auf Ihre Webseite bietet Informationen zu all ihren Büchern und Auftritten. Blogger und die Presse sind jederzeit in Chelles Medienzimmer auf willkommen, in dem herunterladbare Fotos und andere Informationen zur Verfügung stehen.
Chelle lebt mit ihrem Ehemann Mark und ihrer Familie im Nordosten der USA. Sie haben zwei erwachsene Kinder: Jenni (& Jason) und Marc (& Trish). Sie teilen ihr Heim mit drei schelmischen und verwöhnten Katzen, von denen eine Chelles Schreibtisch zu ihrem Stammplatz auserkoren hat. Chelle ist als freiberufliche Journalistin für mehrere Publikationen tätig – ihre Artikel erscheinen regelmäßig in Nordamerika und sie schreibt als eine Rettungssanitäterin im Staat New York eine monatliche Kolumne zu Themen der Rettungsdienste im Staat New York in den „First Responder News“.


Translator for the German Editions
Katharina Klamt

Katharina ist Übersetzerin und versucht sich in ihrer Freizeit an der Schriftstellerei. Ihr erster Roman soll 2016 fertig werden, aber sie wird stets von Kurzgeschichten abgelenkt. Ihre Karriere als Übersetzerin begann in der Videospielindustrie, in der sie ihre Leidenschaft für Videospiele mit ihrer Liebe zur Sprache verbinden konnte. Wenn Katharina nicht gerade ohne Vorlagen Figuren von fragwürdiger Qualität häkelt, spielt sie gerne RPGs und Strategiespiele oder liest, besonders Fantasy, Thriller und humorvolle Bücher.

Katharina is a translator and aspiring writer, currently attempting to finish her first novel but constantly distracted with short stories. Her career as a translator started in the video games industry where she could combine her passion of gaming with her love for language. When Katharina’s not busy messing up crochet figures without patterns, she enjoys playing RPGs and strategy games or reading, especially fantasy, thrillers and humorous books.

E-Books und Hörbücher und Taschenbücher





Saturday, April 27, 2013

Living, Breathing, Writing - like having an artist in residence

This book is available for download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes. Books must be read on an iOS device



In celebration of Volume 1 going to print edition due to demand, Chelle Cordero and Vanilla Heart Publishing have put together another complete month of lessons about the craft of writing and being a writer, from time management to social networking, organizing queries to publication, and more. Includes more than 50 brain-starting exercises and prompts to help you get those words on paper.

Available on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. 
Category: Language Arts & Disciplines 
Published:Aug 05, 2011 
Publisher: Vanilla Heart Publishing 
Seller: Smashwords 
Print Length: 87 Pages 
Language: English

Based on the highly successful Amazon Kindle Blog

Product Details

Living, Breathing, Writing  

by Chelle Cordero - Blog Subscription