Thursday, April 17, 2008

emerging artist

I have a bunch of these little workbooks for William that focus on colors, shapes, letters, what-have-you. Today he was really into them and drew this picture. If you can't tell, it is a "long-neck" (and a tree)--or for those of you who don't speak Land-Before-Time-eese--a brontosaurus. And it is the first picture that I could tell what it was before being told. And that's all I have to say about that.


  1. love it! Hunter loves to draw. I could see the long neck after you pointed it out. You never know, he could be the next Van Gough (sp?)

  2. I knew what it was immediately (although I can't see the tree). Good job William!

  3. I could tell it was a dinosaur before I read what it was. William's a good artist.

  4. Land Before Time... what a classic! Is it even on DVD? I gotta get a copy of that!

    Great picture, William!

  5. I totally could tell what that was too! How exciting for you to be able to see what he was trying to draw! Thats awesome!

    Arent there like 9 or 10 of those land before time movies. I lost count after #4.

  6. That is fantastic. PArker is good at coloring in the lines, but not free hand. Way to go William.

  7. You're does look like a Long Neck! What a little artist you've got on your hands. :)

  8. I love Little Foot and Duckie, oh and spike. Sarah always reminded me of a mean sibling so I didn't like her very much. Oh yeah and Petrie. What a good picture, I can totally see it.

  9. I can totally see the "long neck"!! Way to go William!!

  10. It looks really good. I totally knew what is was. What a smart little guy.

  11. What a great idea. William is a great little artist.
