Friday, May 7, 2010

first haircut

Alexander recently had his first haircut.  I don't know what it is about first haircuts... but I always put them off.  Not only are they super squirmy at that age but it seems that after that first cut they lose some of their baby-ness.  This boy was long overdue for a cut.


And just so you can really tell how long it was: 



What a handsome little guy.  He's getting too big, too fast!!!  I can't believe in a few short weeks he'll be one!


  1. Ahhh, he IS so cute! What a handsome little guy. And he is almost a year . . . how is it that eventually our kids end up being the same age?

  2. Oh my goodness-already so big and to flipping cute!

  3. He is such a darling little boy. He is always so happy. Does he ever cry? It seems like he always has a smile on his face.

  4. He is such a darling little boy. He is always so happy. Does he ever cry? It seems like he always has a smile on his face.

  5. Holy he really almost one?

    I can't put off first hair cuts. Stringy, uneven ends drive me bonkers. I cut hair by a month or so just to trim up the ends. And then it starts and I cut it all the time. (Until they are 4 and really, really really hate hair cuts...then I put it off as long as possible.)

    HE looks cute BOTH ways.
