Sunday, January 23, 2011

And then there were FOUR...

... children, that is.  Yes, that's right, we are expecting! We are so excited to be adding another member to our family in July. I thought I should let  you in our little secret since we're having the ultrasound this week and it was so much fun to see your guesses when I was expecting Alexander.  So go ahead look on my sidebar and make a little guess as to the gender of this baby.

ps. We've also put our home on the market in order to buy a bigger one for our growing family.  Any advice for first time home sellers?


  1. so exciting! congrats congrats!

  2. Congratulations...wonderful news. Good luck on the sale of your home too. It is a great time to buy a bigger place with prices down.

  3. Congratulations! And good luck selling your home. I wouldn't have any advice there though, since we haven't ever been through that process ourselves before.

  4. congrats jeanine!!!! im thinking another boy!

  5. Hooray!!! I totally knew it!! I said- wow, Jeanine hasn't been blogging a lot and now they are selling their house- I bet she is pregnant! And you really are!! Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys- I'm glad you are finding out too, can't wait to hear! We are sending all the girl vibes we can your way!!

  6. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I am DYING to find out what you're having so I can start shopping for your girly-girl. I hope I get a text as soon as you find out.

  7. Congratulations! I too hope it's a girl, because I just think everyone should have at least one of each. Your boys are adorable though, so either way, that will be one cute baby!

  8. So so so happy for you! I'm guessing boy. Cant wait to find out.

  9. congrats to you guys! We are excited for you!

  10. We are voting for a girl. Jacob needs another neice.

  11. wow!!! you are ambitious!!! You seem to be a great mom though, so I am sure #4 will be no prob! Congrats!

  12. congrats!! so exciting, i was wondering why you guys were selling your house! cant wait to find out what you are having.

  13. Congrats! I guess you are having a girl! Good luck with everything, hope you are able to sell and find what you are loking for!

  14. Congratulations!! Big news! I think you're due to have a girl (no pun intended)...although your boys sure are cuties!

  15. Congratulations! I'm going to guess a GIRL, just to add some variety! :) Is this why you're moving? More room? What an exciting time!

  16. Oh my goodness I feel like you just had your third and now on your your fourth! Congrats!!!

  17. Oh Jeanine, I'm so excited for you. Maybe you'll get a girl this time around! And if not, you'll just have 4 very happy little boys who are all best friends. Good luck on the house-selling. No advice, sorry!

  18. Yay congrats! I am guessing a girl this time. I just have a feeling about these things. Ha. HAHAHA. Ok, I don't.

    xoxo Laura

  19. Congratulations Jeanine!! What exciting news. Can't wait to find out what you'll be having! :)

  20. A HUGE congrats! I'd send lots of girl wishes your way, but we all know girl wishes from me wouldn't do you any good. (Plus I don't want to lose a member of the all boy club.)

    I look forward to finding out.

  21. Oh, Jeanine! Just the news I needed today!! I'm so excited!!!!!

  22. that's fantastic!! I am so EXCITED for you and have to say that I hope you have a GIRL!!! can't wait to hear what the sex is!! and good luck on selling your home!! love you!

  23. Congrats Jeanine! I hope you guys sell your house fast!

  24. YEA!!! so excited for you. I guess I'm a little late finding out. I hope you're feeling well. You'll have to let me know how having 4 kids goes.

  25. Yikes, another one. But you certainly look like you enjoy it, and do a great job! Congrats.
