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General Info
Atomic Symbol Atomic symbol::Bh
Atomic Number Atomic number::107
Atomic Weight Atomic weight::264 g/mol
Chemical series transition metal
Appearance solid
Unknown Image for Meitnerium.png
Group, Period, Block 7, 7, d
Electron configuration [Rn] 5f14, 6d5, 7s2
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 13, 2
Electron shell Bohrium.png
CAS number CAS number::54037-14-8
Physical properties
Phase solid (predicted)
Density Density::unknown g/ml
Melting point Melting point::unknown
Boiling point Boiling point::unknown
Isotopes of Bohrium
iso NA half-life DT DE (MeV) DP
267Bh syn 17s α 8.83 263Db
270Bh syn 61s α 8.93 266Db
271Bh syn 1.2s α 9.35 267Db
272Bh syn 9.8s α 9.02 268Db
274Bh syn 54s α 8.8 270Db
All properties are for STP unless otherwise stated.

Bohrium is the 107th element in the periodic table and was named after the famous Danish physicist, Niels Bohr. The element was officially discovered in 1981 by German Scientists. It is listed as a transition metal on the periodic table and is presumed to be a solid at room temperature. The element is not found naturally in the world and must be created in a particle collider. It is a highly radioactive element with a maximum half life of approximately 61 seconds and eleven known isotopes. There are currently no known uses for Bohrium and it is still undergoing scientific experiments. For this reason, there is also little known about the properties of the element.


Although not much is known about Bohrium, there are certain properties that can be predicted. It is presumed to be a metal and a solid at room temperature. At this point there is no real way of testing how it would react with other elements, but it is probable that it would have similar reactions to Rhenium and Technetium which are in the same family as Bohrium. It is a highly radioactive element, which means upon being created, it will rapidly decay into alpha particles that are dangerous to humans and most other life forms.[1] [2]

There are eleven currently known isotopes for Bohrium. The most stable isotope is 270Bh with a half life of approximately 61 seconds. Because of the decaying nature of Bohrium, the isotopes actually decay into another element called Dubnium. Every isotope produces a corresponding Dubnium isotope. [3]


A particle collider known as the Large Hadron Collider, near Geneva, Switzerland.

Bohrium is a man-made, synthetic element that does not occur in the world naturally. It was first reported to be seen in 1976 by Soviet scientists. After it was originally reported, the German scientists Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenber, and their co-workers made the actual discovery of the element in 1981. It was created in a particle collider by bombarding Bi-204 (Bismuth) with Cr-54 (Chromium). The Bismuth is a thin layer covering a rapidly rotating cylinder and it is bombarded with Cr-54 ions.

The first reported isotope of Bohrium was said to have lasted for two milliseconds. After being created, it rapidly decays into radioactive alpha particles, making it very hard to observe for an extended period of time. [4] [5]


There are currently no uses for the element Bohrium. It has only been created a few times and most of the information about it is unknown. As of right now it is still an experimental element that is only used in scientific research. [6]

Name History

Danish physicist Niels Bohr

Bohrium is named after the famous Danish physicist, Niels Bohr. Bohr was important because he devised a new atomic model that said electrons could only exist in definite energy levels around the nucleus. The energy levels that he proposed are still used today and are called principal energy levels. He won a Nobel Prize in 1922 for the amazing work that he did. [7]

The German scientists who officially discovered the element proposed that it should be called Neilsbohrium with the symbol Ns. Noting that famous people's first names are not used in any of the other elements, the IUPAC suggested that it should be called Bohrium. This name was agreed upon and element 107 was officially named Bohrium. [5]


A video of the place where Bohrium was made and how it was made.


  1. Unknown. Bohrium Royal Society of Chemistry. Web. Date-of-access 10-24-13.
  2. Winter, Mark. Chemical reactions of the elements WebElements. Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.
  3. Unknown. Bohrium Wikipedia. Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.
  4. Helmenstine, Anne. Bohrium Facts Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Winter, Mark. Bohrium WebElements. Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.
  6. Gagnon, Steve. The Element Bohrium It's Elemental. Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.
  7. Unknown. Niels Bohr - Biographical Web. Date-of-access 10-23-13.