Monday, December 14, 2009

The Start of the Holiday Season!!!!

We are getting ready for this crazy season and are so excited. 

We've decorated the Tree!!!

Had our Annual Carter Family Party/Grandma Carter's 80th birthday party!

Seen Santa and told him what we want! And we all loved him!!!

and we have even made Gingerbread houses. 

I think we are doing pretty good. Now for the rest of the season!!!

It's begining to look like Christmas?!

Well as much as it can in St. George. It is starting to get cold and we have been getting ready for Christmas.  I love this time of year for a lot of reason's but mostly it just seems like you get to see alot more of family and we just hang out and have alot of fun.  The girls showed Addi how fun it is to play in the leaves.  She thought it was so fun and didn't want to come inside even though she kept showing me her red hands and shivering!

Tiffany has been bringing her kids over lately and it has been so much fun for me I just love having my nieces and nephews it is a blast for me.  I haven't figured out why it is easier for me to entertain all of my nieces and nephews all at once than to just have my 3 girls.  Maybe it's just because I love all of them so much and I also just love having kids around sometimes it just makes me happy. Addi is starting to figure out what toys she likes to play with and which ones she is willing to share it is really funny to watch her with Lexie because she loves giving her toys and then taking them back.  Thankfully Lexie hasn't figured out what she is doing yet but she will very soon.  Addi loves playing with Lexie I think they are going to be Best Friends when they get older it will be so much fun. 

Thanksgiving 2009

 This year we spent Thanksgiving in Payson with Cory's Family it was great for a lot of reason the First reason we got to see Cory and just be with him for a couple of days it was great. The second reason we haven't seen Cory's Grandma and Grandpa Curtis for awhile and it was really good to see them. We just love that family they are so great to us. We had so much fun eating and hanging out with Family.  Cory did get to come home for the weekend and be with us in St. George so that was also a plus.

Addison was Cory's sidekick the whole weekend she wouldn't let him out of her sight.

She loves her daddy!

Monte, DeLilah, Guyla and Keith just relaxing

Our 3 girls and their Cousin Austin they are all going to be the best of friends when we move to Payson

Monte and DeLilah Cory's grandparents

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's going to be a LONG 2 weeks!!!

As most of you know, or maybe don't know Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks! This is when the girls and I will get to see Cory, 2 weeks it doesn't seem very long but when you have to be away from your bestfriend and the one you love the most it is so hard. Cory got a new job in Payson. We are really excited. We get to start over and this time it will be wonderful. You know when you just feel good about a choice, and you just know that it was the right one, that is how I feel about this job. Right now it is hard because, well I am pretty much a single mom which is the hardest thing ever expecially with Kadence she is acting out really bad and just keeps asking for her dad. It is the saddest thing I feel so bad and cry everyday for her. I knew it would be hard with her but I had no idea. I just keep telling myself it will all be over soon. Right now Cory is staying with his Aunt Cindy and we are so greatful for her and Walley I can never thank them enough. We are hopeing that after Christmas the girls and I will beable to move to Payson with Cory in our OWN house. We are so excited for this adventure and can't wait to start our new lives.

Monday, November 9, 2009

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For Halloween this year it was a lot of fun. We carved pumpkins and made cookies it was a lot of fun and then, between parties at school halloween carnival at the high school and trick-or-treating it was a blast. The girls loved dressing up Kadence was a Cheerleader, Megan was Queen of Fairies and Addi was a Ladybug. Cory's cousin Minon and her family were in St. George for a baseball Tournament so they came trick-or-treating with us. It was so much fun to have them down.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We found the Culprit!!

I took Addi to the Allergist today and we found out why she breaks out in hives. First off she is allergic to cats and horses which is really sad because Cory's parents have both and they are their lives but that isn't what is breaking her out and she will just need to take benadryl and zyrtec when we go there so that isn't a big deal.  She breaks out because that is her skin type.  I didn't know there was such a thing as a HIVEY skin type but there is so the things that will break her out are viral infections such as colds, sinus infection, UTI, and so on, pretty much just being sick will break her out, and for the sad one her nerves they say sinse this is her skin type she will most likely break out when she gets nerves, scared and over excited. The example he gave me "When she gets to the point of likeing boys she will get nervous when a cute boys walks by her or stops to talk to her and she will break out."  If that isn't the saddest thing I don't know what is!?  He did say she can and probably and will learn to control her nerves so she doesn't have the out breaks and I beat she will grow out of it. The good thing is it isn't life threatning she doesn't need an epie pen so that is very good news.  We just need to make sure we always have medication with us.  So all in all it is no big deal, that is until she's a teenager!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sorry there are no pictures with this post.  You will understand the more you read.  For the Deer hunt this year we went camping/hunting with cory's family and what a weekend.  Opening morning was pretty good the guys all went out, didn't see anything but they had fun like always, as we were eating lunch Cory said he didn't feel very good so he went in to lay down and with in an hour he was throwing up, had a really high fever and could barely move for Cory to be like this on the deer hunt we knew he was really sick he didn't even want to go back out for the afternoon.  Then at about 1 o'clock Addi broke out in hives really bad worse than the ones she had a couple of weeks ago her eyes were swollan shut, her lips were huge and her ears were triple the size it was horrible, so I gave her some benadryl but it didn't help so with Cory being sick Guyla and I took Addi  in to Cedar City's ER which is 1 1/2 hours away this was the longest drive of my life and once again they told me they couldn't tell me what she is allergice they gave her another steroid and sent us on our way, so we went back out Sunday morning and Cory was feeling a little better thank goodness.  The rest of the time was fun we just hung out, rode around in the Rhino the girls built a hut in the trees and had a lot of fun. I wish I would have taken pictures but I was kind of busy taking care of sick people.  Hopefully next trip wont be as eventful. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ages and Stages!! (long post)

I wanted to write somethings that the girls are going through right now in this stage of thier little lives 1 so I can look back and see how innocent and fun they were,  and 2 so when they are grown and asking me advice on there kids I can laugh and tell them they were the exact same way.  No really I want to remember them as they are now, because time goes by so fast and I think that we get so busy in the right now, that we don't sit back and take it all in so we can remember, and I really want to remember the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 

Megan is in first grade her teacher is Mrs, Manning and she loves her,  she says that she is the best teacher ever and never wants to leave first grade but, that is what she said in Kindergarten about Mrs Bryner.  She loves to do homework.  At the begining of every week Megan is sent home with homework for the week and it is due on Friday well we are suppost to do 1 work sheet front and back a night but Megan insists on doing it all on monday which I love because she just wants to learn so much and I am so glade that she loves homework. All of the other night we do worksheets out of scholar books I have purchased so she still gets homework everynight. She loves to play with Kadence and wants her to do everything with her, she doesn't even really like to go to her friends house unless Kadence wants to go.  Megan is very emotional right now everything makes her mad or she is in tears.  When she gets mad she doesn't really throw a tantrum she just stomps her feet and runs away from me.  Megan loves to help when she wants to.  She loves to do dishes, laundry and her favorite is cleaning bathrooms as long as it is on her schedule.  Megan is an artist she loves to draw and color if we can't find her she is in her room writing letters to us, coloring pictures or drawing a new art piece.  We love Megan so much and she is a blast to be around.   I can't wait to see what she conquors in her life.  She will be amazing at whatever she does.

Kadence well were do we begin with her.  She is in Preschool at "Smarty Pants Preschool"  her teacher is Miss Dani, Kadence loves school and also loves to learn she is reading a little and is picking up on everything so quickly.  She is the loving one of the bunch with a lot of fight.  She loves her little sister and can't get enough of her it is a constant fight of telling her to put Addi down. She wants to help so much also like Megan as long as it is convienant for her.  She loves to dance and show me her "MOVES" as she calls them.  She knows everything just ask her. (ha ha) She is very dramatic and her facial expressions are to die for.  I get a kick out of her everyday either for what she says or how she says it.  She is our TANTRUM thrower, she throws her self on the floor for everything even if I just ask her to pick something up, down she goes with such drama.  She has a lot of energy and loves to play pretty much anything she doesn't have a favorite thing to play it is just whatever she comes up with that day.  She has a big emagination and can come up with quite the stories, I love to listen to them because they seem so real and you really could believe everything that she said if you didn't know what was really going on.  She LOVES her dad and that is an understatment, if he is around she wants to be right with him whether it is outside helping or right in his lap if you see Cory, Kadence isn't far behind.  I can't wait to see what she comes up with next, and where she will go with her imagination and her future. 

Addison is 16 months and a goer.  She is always on the move and doesn't stop until she is in her bed sleeping which I don't even think she really stops in there.  i have never seen someone wake up as happy as she does even if she only sleeps for 20 min shes happy.  She is starting to say a couple of words not a lot bit still it is some.  She loves to play with her sisters and wants to be with them all the time.  If she isn't occupied with the other girls she is probably being held by me.  She always wants me to carry her and just be with her.  She will run in front of me put her hands on my legs and make me stop walking so I will pick her up.  She loves the bath and has figured out if she puts her face in the water she can blow bubbles.  She waves to everyone, she loves to say HI and BYE.  She loves her binkie but she only gets it when she goes to bed so when we say " Lets go Night Night"  she gets the biggest grin waves to everyone around her and runs as fast as she can toward her room.  I love it, it is hilariuos.  She doesn't sleep very good at night and only takes one nap a day but she is still happy and that is all that matters.  Addi is a climber she loves to climb on the kitchen table so we are always having to watch her.  She will probably be the first with a broken bone.  She is the happiest baby I love having her around she always makes it a little brighter no matter what is going on in the day. 

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Up date on Addi's hives.

Well it has been very interesting. I ended up going to instacare Friday because none of the medicine was helping and my doctor of course wasn't in his office on Friday. The Dr. at instacare gave me a steroid and told me if she gets a fever then I need to take her to the ER so we went home started the steroid at about 6:30 Friday night she got a fever, so we ended up at the ER. We all know how the ER is it totally sucks. It was 2 hours and a PA (physicians assistant) came into see her he said well I have no idea what it is, so he gave me an order for an epie pen in case she stops breathing, just what every mom wants to hear and told me to have an allergist see her on Monday. Not loving all of this well today she looks so much better the hives are gone and she is back to her normal self. It was the saddest things I think I have ever seen on any of my kids, so here are a couple more pictures and my reason for going to instacare. I think the we have found the culprit for this horrible thing. I was given Gerber Daisies for my birthday on Tuesday from my WONDERFUL husband and BEAUTIFUL daughters and this all started Wednesday night. Well I guess I am hoping that is the reason and we won't have to deal with this again. It is way to said to see.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Addi has hives?

Today Addi woke up from a nap and was covered in what I would say are great big welts, all over her body. I gave her some benadryl and they looked a little better then she went down for an afternoon nap and got up with her face, legs, back, belly pretty much everywhere was covered with these red welts so we went into the Dr. and he said yup looks like hives to me. Hives? from what I haven't changed anything at all. It is so sad she is finally realized that they itch, so she keeps rubbing them and I can't do anything for it. The pictures don't give it justice but they really are so bad, red, swollen and they just keep spreading. Hopefully they are gone by tomarrow or she gets to take a steroid for them great fun. I hate when kids are sick or have something like this you can't really do anything for them but wait it out. Poor little Addi I swear she gets everything.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

**We love TinKerBell**

Kadence decided she wanted a Tinkerbell Party my first thought was isn't she getting to old to have a Tinkerbell party and now I am thinking I hope she wants a Tinkerbell party for every birthday so maybe that way she will stay little and innocent forever. She had so much fun first on the 9th she started preschool and because her birthday was the next day we took treats and of course it was a Tinkerbell cupcake cake.
Kadence on her first day of Preschool
The Tinkerbell Cupcake Cake.
So for her party we had everything Tinkerbell the cake, plates streamers you name it, it was Tinkerbell even most of her presents she was so excited she could hardly stand it. It was a lot of fun and like I said I hope she always loves Tinkerbell. She is so much like her cute and sweet with a little spunk in her.
The Cake
Blowing out her Candles
Eating and it is Yummy!
The Gifts all in Tinkerbell wrapping of course

Happy Birthday Kadence (BUG)

Happy Birthday Kadence. I can't believe you are 5. You are the sweetest little thing ever you have so much energy and want to make everyone happy. You love your daddy so much that you can't hardley leave his side when he's around. You want to be the second mommy and are so helpful with Addi and everything around the house. We love having you in our family you are the best sister and daughter we love you very much.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Little kids just crack me up!!!

Over the weekend we were in Minersville visiting Cory's parents and just hanging out. We had just finished lunch when Kadence (4 years old) put her hands up and showed me some seeds and said "Mom can I plant these seeds."
I said "No, because you don't know what they will grow so we won't know how to take care of them while they are growing."
Kadence " Yes huh they'll grow sandwiches!"
me "What? How?"
Kadence "Well the seeds come off of my sandwich bun, so that's what they will grow."
We had Arbys so the seeds where sesame seeds. I just love kids and the smart things they say and how much they learn from just watching and listening. I love you kadence don't ever change you are the funnest kid to have around.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So true are these statements!!!

I stole these from my friend Emily Chapman, thanks Em

Anger and Love have no limits;
choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life.....
Things are to be used and people are to be loved,
but the problem in today's world
is people are used and things are loved...
During the day, be careful to keep this thought in mind:
Things are to be used, but People are to be loved ...
Be yourself....
This is the only day we HAVE.
Have a nice day..Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Pictures Galore!!!

I went and got the girls pictures taken awhile ago by my cousin Shanell and her husband Dusty and got them back today. I am really excited there are some really cute ones. The girls started to have a bad day and Addi wasn't about to have more taken but we ended up getting some good ones.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

1st Grade here we come!!!

Megan started 1st grade today. She was so excited and then we got to school and the nerves started. She doesn't have any of the same kids in her class that were in her kindergarted class but she makes friends fast so I'm not to worried about her. I can't believe she is going to be gone all day. I have thought all summer how nice it would be for her to be at school all day she gets to bored at home and she wanted to start school so bad so when today came I thought I would be excited but actually I was so sad I think 1st grade is harder than Kindergarten. I know she will do so good in school she is so dang smart and absolutely LOVES school. Good Luck Megan we love you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

We had a lot of fun this year for the 4th of July. We went to Minersville to be with Cory's parents. We went to the parade and then played at the park. When we got back to Keith and Guylas the girls went for a horse ride while Addison and I took a nap. Keith and Guyla have a horse walker and the girls think that it is a swing set so of course they had to hook the swings up to it and played even Addi loved it, then Megan got on and the swing and it broke, bloodied her nose and that was the end of the swinging, but if you ask Megan she still had the best time ever. Later that night we had fireworks Addi didn't really care about them, she was playing in the back of the black truck and having a blast then of course we watched the fireworks it was really nice because Minersville had the fireworks this year and we watched from the front yard of Keith and Guylas house it was a blast.

Addi swinging on the Horse Walker

Playing at the park Addi loved this
Megan jumping in the bounce house at the park
Kadence jumping in the bounce house at the park
Addi playing at Grandma and Grandpas House
Addi and Cory playing with Chett (we sure to do miss him and can't wait to get him back)
Addi and Kyler watching chett outside
Cory pushing the girls on the hand truck after moving bails of hay.

Fun times with our Family

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