Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

she likes it...maybe

So upon reading a Dizzy post from a friend this week I decided I would follow her example and give it a go.

I listened to NPR this morning on my way into work...and I actually ENJOYED it. For those who know me know that although I do my best to keep up with the news I claim no political affiliation whatsoever. Although I have been known to agree with both sides on occasion.

The main reason I don't listen is because I'm a music and pop-culture junkie. I realize it's good to know what's going on in the world, but honestly the state of the world is so depressing I have adopted an "ignorance is bliss" approach. Not to mention by being in the middle politically makes it hard to listen to a station that is known for being RADICALLY liberal-well any radically left or right station actually. That and the fact the NPR broadcasters have the most boring voices. EVER.

But I enjoyed this morning, so hopefully it will be something I can listen to during my commute. Plus I'm not gonna lie. I totally feel smarter just by saying I listened to NPR this morning...