Showing posts with label Random Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random Five. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2014

Breckenridge, Colorado - Random Facts

A bit of Breckenridge randomness:

Breckenridge gets an average of 300 days of sunshine a year.

Main Street, Breckenridge, Feb 28, 2014

Lately, snow is more the average.
We left town this morning in a snow squall to meet our sons for breakfast.

Breckenridge has a population of about 3500 permanent residents.

thankfully, this is not a permanent resident

During peak seasons, the town's population swells to 40,000.

sometimes, it's hard to find a seat 

Skiing and other snow activities draw visitors in winter.
Biking and hiking are popular summer sports.

Pop Pop with Sam

bike chains?

Obviously, some people bike year-round!

Wildflowers carpet mountain meadows through July and August.

Black Powder Pass in August

High altitude affects some people adversely.
Breckenridge is at 9600' above sea level.
Mountains rise over 14000'.

original photo of me (taking a photo) by my friend, Helen
edited in Waterlogue

Keep hydrated, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and acclimate slowly.
Bring your camera to record the awe-inspiring scenery.

Joining with my friend, Nancy, for
Random Five

Breckenridge is definitely One Good Thing to me!
(photos edited in the Waterlogue app)

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Week of Randomness

We're still in the midst of remodeling.
Patience is a much-needed commodity.

I removed everything from my entry wall for the painters.
My husband suggests I replace the antique photos of relatives
with some of my own photography.
Mmmm - we'll see.

I admire the perseverance of the Bristlecone Pine.
Though gnarled and bent, it yields and endures.
(However, lately, I'm less like the tree and more like the cones - bristly!)

Early in the week, I hiked a path of gold.
Thank goodness for the time I spend outdoors.
It renews my spirit.

Snow clouds approached yesterday as I took my walk.
This morning Angelica, my garden angel, wore a white shawl and muff.

I met a black bear on the trail this week.
I wrote about the encounter at Live and Learn.
I'm glad to say both the bear and I survived.

Thank you to my blog friend, Nancy,
who hosts