Showing posts with label fox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fox. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2023

Healing Thoughts

Good News!

My physical therapist told me last week I could begin exercising outdoors.
As soon as I returned home from his office, I got myself ready for a walk.
I left from the house and walked a half hour on the plowed dirt road nearby.

I was careful.
I was v-e-r-y slow....
I was exhilarated!

At one point, I realized my face was wet with tears.
How embarrassing - I was crying tears of joy.
I pulled myself together and kept striding.

Now, I go for a walk nearly every day.
I take a hiking pole but only use it if there is an icy patch.
I'm able to walk over an hour most days.
My ankle is stiff by evening, but I see improvement daily.
I continue meeting with my PT.

storm clouds hide Red Mountain

Winter landscapes are constantly changing.
Clouds move in and bring snow.

Each dawn bestows the gift of a new day.

This photo is for a blog friend who loves foxes.
She recently received a troubling diagnosis, so I send her healing thoughts.

My One Good Thing today is the body's ability to heal.
I wish you strength.
I wish you sunshine.
I wish you healing.


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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Hello Again

 It's been a long time since I've posted.

Winter continues its hold on us.

Snow storms pass through.

We're happy for the moisture in the snowpack.

One of our huge lodgepoles fell onto our deck last week. 
The ground thawed for a few days and high winds brought it down.
Since then, we've gotten more snow.

Winter always leads the dance with spring through May.

The fox doesn't mind the snow.

He's still wearing his winter coat.

Waldo is still smiling.
I hope you are too.

Thank You for visiting.

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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Winter's Blessings

We get a few inches at a time to freshen the white.
There have been no major storms this season. 
We always hope for more.
We depend on winter snowpack to lessen summer drought.

Jack (17) leaves from the back yard to go skiing.

Family visits nearly every weekend.

walking the logging road behind the house

Sam (9) and I hike in lemony light.

He's a good companion, chattering about what he sees.
I enjoy viewing the landscape from his perspective. 

Do you see Bob at tree line? He's on touring skis.

The forest cut is complete.

Red Mountain at sunset from our back deck.

I'm becoming accustomed to open spaces and new views.

a pink dawn colors fresh snow

Morning light  creates unexpected beauty.

Foxes pass through several times a day.
Notice how this small fox is looking directly into Sam's eyes.
They both keep perfectly still and calmly watch each other.
Perhaps the fox is Sam's spirit animal.

Bob works hard between storms, raking the roof and clearing snow.

breaking trail on the snowshoes

Winter's changing landscape is my one good thing today.
We're thankful for the blessing of white.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021


We're having a longer transition period between fall and winter than usual.

dawn from front deck

Though we get small snow squalls, temperatures remain mild.

same dawn from back deck

I watch dawn add soft pastels to the sky.

Sometimes, a fox sees me stirring and comes to say hello.

Though I don't feed the wildlife, animals are accustomed to me.

I speak softly to wild visitors.

our house is just to the left of Bob in the trees

The state forest service is doing a clear cut in the forest behind our house.

Our landscape is changing drastically as trees give way to mountain views.

little boys and their toys

Heavy equipment operates from dawn to dark just off our land.
It's an adjustment, but I'm grateful for the fire break.

Soon we'll be able to use our touring skis.
Until then, we hike the trails carefully.
The snow is slippery, and ice is forming in Lehman Creek.

goodbye - see you soon!

We're grateful for our health and for the beauty that surrounds us.
Look for one good thing - pass it on....

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Celebrate Life

It's been a month since I posted.

Sometimes, a break from the computer is necessary.
I welcome quiet into my mind and heart.
I change my focus.

There is still snow around my mountain home.
However, as temperatures rise, I begin dreaming of blooms.

Just down the street, daffodils raise their bright faces.

We took a  day trip across Vail Pass into Pitkin County.
In two hours, we said hello to spring.

At home, flakes continue falling.
I can't hike in the forest until more snow melts.

But, each morning, as usual, I rise to greet the dawn.
Finally, for a few weeks, there are less tourists visiting.
So, I walk 5 miles through quiet neighborhoods.
I appreciate the stillness.

"Hi Barb!"

I say hello to fox and moose.
I'm watchful for bears, but so far I haven't seen any.

Three of my grandchildren graduate from high school in May.
They'll fly away toward their own special interests.
I'm proud of them.

On May 9, I celebrated both Mother's Day and my 77th birthday.
I think double 7's might be lucky for me.
We make our own luck, of course.
I told Bob I'm going to continue celebrating for awhile.

I give thanks for life, for love, and for all of my blessings.

A little girl in my neighborhood paints rocks and places them for others to find.
I appreciate this message.
I hope you do, too!

Thank you for your visit.

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Monday, March 29, 2021

Spring in the Mountains of Colorado

dawn after overnight snow

We live at 10,000' (3,048M) above sea level in the mountains of Colorado. Spring doesn't announce itself with blooming trees and flowers. Instead, snow comes and goes through May. Temperatures rise and fall, melting and refreezing snow already on the ground. 

When we get fresh snow, we go into the forest on our skis as soon as we awake. Bob breaks trail, and I glide behind him. Our skis barely whisper through the soft powder. The ancient trees murmur in the breeze.

We enter an enveloping silence.

Beauty surrounds us.

The large male fox, returning from a night of hunting, often visits in the early morning. 

Unlike the tiny female, he never gets too close to the house. He's curious but remains very alert. I haven't seen the female in awhile, so maybe she's waiting to give birth in the den. A few days ago, the male trotted through the snow carrying a vole in his mouth. Perhaps he was going to deliver breakfast to his mate. 

There is sunshine today, but snow is forecasted for tonight. Our son, Gregg, will arrive soon for an overnight visit. (He's pictured in my Header photo.) He's not been able to stay with us for over a year. We plan a celebratory dinner. Thankfully, we received the second vaccine two weeks ago. Though we remain cautious, we hope to have family visit us occasionally.

The beauty of our surroundings and the love of family are my good things today.

I hope you're also experiencing many good things.

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