Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024


 It's still winter at high altitude.

Even the donkeys downtown are getting sick of the snow.

However, inside there are blooms.

We've had some celebrations.

Our twin sons turned 56 the end of April.
There was still plenty of snow for their AT skis.

My 80th birthday was May 9th.

The family paid a surprise visit to help me celebrate.

photo taken by Neve's brother, Caden

Our granddaughter, Neve, graduated from high school in May.

Neve in her traditional Korean Hanbok - professional photo

She'll begin a pre-Med degree in the fall. 

While attending graduation in Denver, we enjoyed spring.

photo taken in New Zealand by a friend

Last but not least, our oldest grandchild, Ben, will marry his fiance, Paula, in July.

pond in Frisco, CO, where the snow is mostly melted

There are many good things to celebrate!

I hope good things are happening in your life, too.

Thank you for visiting.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

March at High Altitude

 I'm an early riser.

Often, I watch the moon set as the sun rises.

Weather permitting, I take a morning walk on the county road near my house.
It's an unpaved road, plowed in winter, and it doesn't get much traffic.

It provides distant views of Bald Mountain.

A couple weeks ago, I started noticing mountain lion tracks.
I'm always alert when outdoors, but the tracks gave me a little surge of adrenalin.
Lions prowl mostly from dusk to dawn, and it would be unusual to encounter one midday.
I'm still seeing tracks but so far no lion!

A large tree just off our property blew part way down this winter and is now supported by a nearby tree.
I check every morning to see if it has finally crashed to the ground.
So far, it's still standing, with the smaller tree holding it upright.

Sometimes, at dawn, the sky offers a brief, breathtaking display.

Remember: there is always One Good Thing!

I hope you're well.
Thank you for visiting.

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Monday, October 30, 2023

Change of Seasons (Again)

I just changed my blog header to fall, and suddenly winter arrived!

It started snowing during the night of October 28 and continued over 24 hours.

Temperatures plummeted to -2 F (-19 C).

Bob was up before dawn plowing our driveway.
He wore what we call "The Eskimo Coat" which he's had for about 40 years.
He says it's the warmest coat he owns (including his much newer ski coats).

Now the sun sparkles like diamonds on the snow, but it remains cold.

I'll sow wildflower seeds onto the snow this week. 
I'm not changing the header quite yet.

A white world is my One Good Thing today.

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

High Altitude Spring

Living above 10,000' (3,000m) of sea level means winter triumphs over spring.
Snow remains in deep drifts on our property and dominates the landscape as far as we can see.  

little pink cloud heart above Red Mountain

Several days above freezing trick us, so Bob puts the screen in our kitchen window.
I like to open it for some fresh air while I'm preparing food.

of course it started to snow again so the window remains closed

Bob leaves from our back deck for the ski area.
Peak 9 closes April 16, so that's the end of his ski season for another year.

We had family visiting over the two weeks of spring break and over Easter Weekend.
Outdoor activities were on the agenda.

oldest grandson (20) and youngest grandson (10) framed between their dad's skis

On Easter Sunday, our son spotted mountain lion tracks on the trail coming home from the ski area.

When I'm walking, I'm alert for moose, bears, and lions.
Bears are roaming though we're still getting snow. They're grumpy and hungry from their long hibernation. Cow moose give birth the end of April into May and are even more dangerous than usual protecting their young. Lions stalk for whatever food is available. They're rarely seen though they prowl quietly nearby.

I pay attention to tracks in the mud

I'm an early riser.
Some mornings, I say hello to the moon before daybreak.

I'm thankful to greet each new day.

I experience many Good Things and hope you do too.
Thank you for visiting.

My ankle continues to heal and get stronger. 
When the snow finally melts, I hope to begin hiking.

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Friday, February 17, 2023

Healing Thoughts

Good News!

My physical therapist told me last week I could begin exercising outdoors.
As soon as I returned home from his office, I got myself ready for a walk.
I left from the house and walked a half hour on the plowed dirt road nearby.

I was careful.
I was v-e-r-y slow....
I was exhilarated!

At one point, I realized my face was wet with tears.
How embarrassing - I was crying tears of joy.
I pulled myself together and kept striding.

Now, I go for a walk nearly every day.
I take a hiking pole but only use it if there is an icy patch.
I'm able to walk over an hour most days.
My ankle is stiff by evening, but I see improvement daily.
I continue meeting with my PT.

storm clouds hide Red Mountain

Winter landscapes are constantly changing.
Clouds move in and bring snow.

Each dawn bestows the gift of a new day.

This photo is for a blog friend who loves foxes.
She recently received a troubling diagnosis, so I send her healing thoughts.

My One Good Thing today is the body's ability to heal.
I wish you strength.
I wish you sunshine.
I wish you healing.


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Friday, December 23, 2022

Goodbye 2022

I spent November and December inside because of my torn ankle tendon. The cast was removed 2 weeks ago. I must use extreme caution bearing weight again. My left leg/ankle/foot are weak from disuse. Range of motion is a problem. So, I begin prescribed rehab exercises carefully at home. Slowly, day by day, I feel less discomfort. Early in 2023, I start rehab at my Physical Therapist's office. Tendons are slow to heal. 
It's a lesson in patience for me.

It's very,very cold in Breckenridge, CO.

Our streets and sidewalks are icy and snow-covered.
Walking outdoors is not an option for me.

Instead, I do floor exercises and ride a stationary bike.

I'm lucky to have spectacular views of the outdoors.

Nature beckons me.

Patience and gratitude are my good things today.

morning moon over Imperial Peak

I tell myself to stay present.
Thank you for visiting.
Stay well!

Goodbye 2022.

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Monday, November 14, 2022

A Setback but Still Good Things

 There are good and bad times in every life. 
Sometimes life feels easy and sometimes it seems hard.

About a week ago, I had a major setback with my ankle. I tripped in the house and felt something snap. I knew I'd reinjured the tendon. An MRI confirmed that the tendon is now torn. I'm in a soft air cast for at least a month and in a brace at night. It's a walking cast, but the DR prefers I stay off it as much as possible. I'm mostly sitting with my leg elevated.

scattering wildflower seeds 

Bob is running himself ragged taking care of me, cooking meals, and doing all the chores. 
Yesterday, he scattered wildflower seeds while I "supervised" from a chair on the deck.

Snow is starting to accumulate. I admire the falling flakes from inside the house.
Obviously, I can't venture outside in icy/snowy conditions.

I try to focus on the many good things in my life:
a husband who takes care of me
books that help pass the time
family and friends who offer love and support

A former student heard I was ailing and sent 2 dozen roses.

They were quite spectacular.
I still have a few in bud vases to enjoy.

I watch the moon set to the west.

A rising sun casts a glow over Red Mountain to the south.

Can you find 3 moose in the photo?
Only the ears and head of one of the calves are visible through the middle evergreen.
The twin calves are huge though they were only born this spring.

Wild things still wander near the house.

I'm grateful for these Good Things.

Thank You for visiting - I hope you're well.
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