Saturday, March 1, 2008

Weekend Break

No, not taking off anywhere, just taking off a couple of days to catch up with things around the house and garden while the weather is warm and sunny!

So I'm hanging up my blog on this pretty hanger seen at SuzAnna's ~ will be back soon with guest room makeover pics.

Meanwhile, some more lovely items from SuzAnna's Antiques. If you happen to be fortunate enough to live near, or drive close to Raleigh, North Carolina, this is a MUST stop. Susie and Anna, owners, their wonderful 'decorating diva in residence' Linda (more about Linda in an upcoming post - she was here at my house yesterday!), and the other great dealers, consignors, and assistants at the shop, are all fabulous. Then there are the kindred spirits one meets while treasure hunting there................artists, decorators, gardeners, realtors, vintage dressed gals, flight attendants, pretty children with their moms, grandmas, even cute guys!

Next to SuzAnna's is a great new spot, Sam's Country Porch. Sam's a real Southern gentleman and a bit shy, I only got a back view! He has great antique and vintage items too - I found some great old books there last week.

Sam's Country Porch Antiques
.........'til next time.............enjoy your weekend.


  1. What a charming site!
    Now if we were in your neighbourhood there would not be time for blogging
    I am sure that DW would be dragging me around to all those lovely places, to single out a treasure or maybe just reminisce
    Don't tell her but I would go willingly
    There's nothing like a good traipse
    I just love the images at the head of your blog too

    Cousin Jan

  2. What a great place!!
    I wish I could shop there.
    Enjoy your weekend break!

  3. What a darling hanger! We must meet at SuzAnna's - perhaps this coming week? I'll call you! I'm still in Roanoke and we are FREEZING! The frigid wind is just whipping all around us. That didn't stop Leah and I from doing some shopping here though - I love shopping in Roanoke!
    See you soon!

  4. This looks like a wonderful place to shop, Mary! I'd probably be there everyday!

    Thank you so much for your lovely comments about my time off ... I've noticed a difference in just a week and I'm still managing to keep up with everyone ~ just not everyday! :)

    Have a great weekend!!

    ~ hugs, Lynda xox

  5. I've often thought I could live in north Carolina. Never been -- just from photos and what I've read. Now I KNOW I would love it.

    karen eileen

  6. I'd love to come treasure hunting with you..they look such great places.I hope you have a good weekend, whatever you get up to;-)Sal

  7. What a great place, wish we had something like that here in Indiana....not near me that I know of...can't wait to see pics of your room makeover.

  8. What a cute hanger to hang us up on. Good luck on the finish of you room.

  9. I would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I always enjoy seeing pictures of that lovely store!

    The weather has been gorgeous and I've been working outside too. Hope you've had a lovely and productive weekend!


  11. Great antiques! I enjoyed seeing them too!



  12. I hope you are enjoying your "days off". I'm sorry I missed your blog anniversary. I have enjoyed your blog so much this past year. I'm looking forward to reading much more.

  13. Hope you enjoyed your days in the sun!

  14. You are so right! What beautiful items they have indeed! I especially like the sunny pictures though. :) I am very ready for spring! Love the hanger by the way!!!


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