Showing posts with label Moxie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moxie. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Animal Crackers - Miss Moxie

Howdy - 

Another hard post. Hubby says maybe I shouldn't do these post, but sometimes our fur children are part of this blog family just as much as our own family. This week we lost Miss Moxie. She has been getting older, and the last two weeks she has been really not feeling well. First off she didn't suffer, she just got old and weak. Nearly 16 for a outside farm dog is pretty good and we did our best to make sure she had the best life possible. She gave us lots of love and we gave it right back.

She was one of the neighbors dogs puppies - Three of the puppies were kept by the neighbor, who was never home due to work. So we took care of them. The neighbor moved off when they were still young and we adopted them. Heck they spent most of their time here with us. Niner and Nally were the other two doggies, we loved them too, time and wandering off and taking on coyotes and snakes were to much for them. Moxie... she was the sweetheart and never left far from the house at all. She adopted the donkeys as her siblings. Knew to stay just far enough away - but always close enough to "watch over" her family. 

She has been a special part of our family - will be missed terribly - driving onto the property our hearts sink not seeing our normal greeting. 

Always in our drive ears up and tail wagging. 
And I just love that grin of hers. I just had to call her name and she would come running and smile at me. 
She always followed us around the property as if she was taking count and checking on everyone just as much as "Dad". She was fed the the best we could usually all beef hot dogs, or hamburger patties, she never would eat that nasty dry dog food. She loved chicken too, especially shredded chicken tacos or nuggets! She had her cushy bed on the front porch under the porch light and with a heat lamp in the winter. She hated to be contained. Once she wandered in the back yard and the gate got closed and it was a really bad bad reaction. 
She knew she live on our property and this is where she stayed happily.

We were blessed to have been the ones chosen for her to live with and for us to love so much. Everyone that met her loved her.

Miss Moxie you will always be the best farm dog ever! We already miss you and will always remember you and love you! 

HUGS and

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Animal Crackers - Memories

Howdy - 

 Ok, its been a long week, and honestly I just didn't feel up to going out and getting photos this week. It was hot and humid and most all my fur children were off in the shade chillin' - 

I decided it has been a long time since I did a Memory Post... I know lazy, but its been a week.. :0) 

First up this photo of Moxie.... I adore coming through our gate and seeing this girl laying in the drive waiting for us - 

When she isn't in her place, the first thing I do is get out of the truck and yell out for her to come. She is older now, and her hearing isn't what it use to be so sometimes she doesn't hear us coming through the gate as well - but once she hears us... she is there with her ears up and a grin, and lots of loving!

One of my older favorites is this photo of my man and our "new puppy" Libbie. Man we miss Libbie so much. This photo is one that pulls my heart - love it. 

She was such an adorable puppy!  And my guy is pretty handsome as well! 

We Miss You Libbie! She gave us over 15 years of joy!

Ok, hubby wasn't thrilled when I showed this photo the first time. But come on! It is a great photo!! I love the look in Porche's eyes.... Gottcha!!

There are so many great photos of our donkey's and babies on first day with Hubby. Could have posted so so many - This is one of the last... Hubby with Jolene and her baby Josie.

So so cute! We need some new babies don't we? Hoping this year all goes well and we can breed and get us MORE BABIES!! 

This is Hannah and Juliet. Not a perfect photo... but I love that these two have become bonded and are BFFs! They are always together. ALWAYS

Goats... There are so many great photos. I'm not sure why this one of Penelope is marked as one of my favorites. But I just love it. This girl is always right in my face wanting attention, now that she is all grown up and not quite as cautious with her Mom shadowing over her that it. She is so sweet!

And if you were to ask what is my all time favorite goat photo? This would have to be it! Baby Olive Oyl. We miss her too... she was such a loving goat. And such a friendly little kid. I snapped this photo of her after an afternoon nap... is that a stretch enjoying the sunshine or what? 


So adorable! I am sorry it lamed out this week, but really personally I needed some sweet memories to go back and enjoy. I do hope you enjoyed them as well. 

HUGS and have a blessed weekend!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Animal Crackers - HUGS

Howdy - 

Yesterday I approached Cocoa and Valentine as they were enjoying some Donkey Hugs... and scratches. But Cocoa always cautious stopped and kept an eye on me. Always gotta keep a watch on "people" I know I'm "Mom" but still have to be on guard. We have no clue what her early life was ... but from the day we have had her she has been treated like the Queen around here. But its her personality to be cautious and jumpy... so we think maybe not so nice.

Now Valentine - He is my big baby and usually will always let me get some lovin' 

As I was talking to Valentine. Jealous came up - Teddy was trotting fast at me. He is suppose to ALWAYS have first head scratches. ALWAYS

And as I told him - if he hadn't been in the back trying to sneak stray pieces of Alfalfa from the goat pen he would have been there to notice I was out giving attention. LOL It was all good he got lots of scratches, and then I realized I now couldn't touch anything else cuz he is was one sticky donkey. Why? I really don't want to know - sigh Lots of soap and water are needed!

Moxie and I have had a rough week. This dog is spoiled like royalty. Fed the best, Bed on front porch, and when we had the ice storm and lost power and water for days a few years ago.... we nearly froze to death, but Moxie was toasty warm on the porch under gas heat lamps. She is a very timid girl when it comes to doing anything "to her". Medicines, picking her up for any reason, looking at boo boos whatever - It is a loud NO. Not sure why, but she just is that way. We talked about making her an inside dog once... she would freak out. She got closed in the back yard once and nearly had a stroke. She owns this property and loves to roam on her land with all HER animals. This last week she really HAD to have her Flea treatment. I sent Hubby out with it behind his back in one hand and her breakfast in the other hand. Heck I even added some of my Boars head Turkey meat to the plate! Well she got her treatment - flew off the porch and then I worried all day as she would not come anywhere near the house. Usually she gets upset for an hour or so... but she was really mad and even that night would not come anywhere near me at all. She always comes to see me! I was sick to my stomach and nearly in tears cuz she hid from me all day and I imagined she ran off for good. But Hubby came home that evening and she finally showed herself. 

She was still a little upset with me the next day... but at least she would let me love on her a little before she ran off. And you can see the look on her face. That is not her normal happy smiling look at all! I'm taking out chunks of chicken to her for dinner so that should help a little bit maybe. 

Went out by the chicken coop, and Guinea was standing still!!! Not running the coop fence at all. She was just standing there in a group of the chickens to see if I was bringing dinner... sorry Dad will do that later Guinea... But I did snap real quick! She is getting pretty old now... But still doing good and loves living in with the chickens. Oh and then she starting running the fence again -

Chickens are finally doing great at their "JOB" We have lots of gorgeous eggs in blue and brown. Late bloomers, but happy now! 


Oh and I thought I would show an update on Hubby's Tomato Plants. The rain this last week has really given them the right stuff cuz they have jumped in size big time! Can't wait for fresh Tomatoes!!

Hope you enjoyed - I guess you are still out there enjoying? I wondered the other day if anyone would miss me showing off my kids each week? Hmmmm

HUGS and

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Animal Crackers - Before Breakfast

Howdy - 

 Well this week I got out before breakfast!! Early Early..  

 Macie did end up calling out and getting excited that I was out so early... until she realized that I was not there to bring her breakfast. 

As I was walking out they were all giving me the look... Breakfast please. NOW. They didn't believe me that "Dad" was coming out right behind me.

Ellie Mae was trying hard to be so calm and wait. It really was tough though. As soon as they saw Hubby coming out of the backyard towards the hay barn.. everyone was trotting and moving towards the barn.

Juliet was giving me her look... And that look has more personality! Ha! She is so funny, love that big silly girl!

And what a fabulous pose! Of course it only lasted seconds - as the hay bale hit the ground and it was more than she could handle! I got a slight glance as she turned and ran off - "Bye Mom.. breakfast time!" 
Crissy knew that the goats were next! She stood in her favorite spot keeping a close watch - chewing on her cud... no reason to hurry it takes a few minutes to feed those other girls. Then our turn. 

Moxie followed me to all the pens as she always does. But it was early remember. She laid down each time I stopped. Looking down at her I asked if she was still sleepy. Then I got the Moxie belly rub pose. Even if covered in grass and dirt it is a must... you have to stop and rub that belly!!

One more photo.. had to show off a present from a dear friend. She found this vintage sterling pin and said it had to be mine. Oh my I love it! Looks like Raffie's smile donkey pose! 

 Such a sweet friend! I love it!

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - and it started off with Animal Crackers Smiles! 

HUGS and -

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Animal Crackers - Beautiful

Howdy - 

She is beautiful isn't she? My Old Little Puppy. She must have her Momma's genetics as her eyes are getting cloudy and her hearing is going. And her hair is getting grey. But she is loved even more than ever. 


My old Puppy - :0) 
Went out early yesterday morning to take photos the three big donkeys were getting a little drink with their breakfast.

Now keep in mind that bucket was full.. and by the time all three got a drink it was 1/2 a bucket. Yea buckets are filled more than once a day around here. 

Malory was still chowing down on her breakfast.  That is one big bite! 

Jorge always stop eating and comes to say hello and get loving. Such a handsome guy! 

Then I hear a horrible racket!! Uh AJ that is why you don't have a nice hut!! 

Dad fixes it all up and then you bang your horns and head on everything, until ... well things look like this! Take care of you house! 

Heading back in and my sweet little friend has made the entire walk around the property to visit everyone with me. She is so sweet.

Such a loving little girl. Adore her! 

Hope you have a furry friend to hug! And have a blessed weekend. 

HUGS and


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Animal Crackers - Love when they stop and pose!

Howdy - 

Love when my fur children actually stop and pose for me! Patti was posing so pretty with her front leg up and her ears long and tall. Such a pretty old girl. With Lacey standing behind her coming at me -


I had tried to get Lacey to pose for me first but she was too busy... When you have an itch you have to scratch I suppose! 


Must be nice to be able to reach around like that though! 

Another great pose - Vicki stood perfectly still for a portrait shot.

And as normal her shadow Pepita was close behind her. She hates to be very far at all from Vicki.

I found Sweet Pea enjoying the weather and taking a little nap in some of their breakfast. Cozy bed of hay. 

The weather was so nice I think if we had a hammock I might have joined her in an outside nap! That is probably why there isn't a hammock - Hubby and I both would want to snooze in it to often instead of working! 

Now this isn't napping here... 

I have zoomed a long way to capture this one. Miss Moxie waiting for me to head towards the back gate. So if she lays right in front of it I just have to stop and rub on her belly right? That was her plan, she laid there about 10 minutes waiting and it all worked out. I stopped and did just as she wanted. :0) 
Ending today with some pretty nature - One of Hubby's Miniature roses - These are so beautiful! 

These roses are just loaded with buds another week and it will be completely full of roses. But even just the single is stunning! 

Thank you so much for visiting this week - 

HUGS and

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Animal Crackers - Sunset Photoshoot


Sometimes its good to head out and take photographs at a different time of day. Sunset photos can be really stunning and you can get some stunning photos. Ok honestly here... we were out running around doing errands... things got longer than expected and well... we barely got home before the sun was down! LOL but sunsets do make some pretty photos! 

Lacey and her gorgeous long ears with sun going down behind her. So beautiful. She is such a tall girl, or is it those ears that make her look tall?

But Patti says I have long ears too! LOL Yes they all have long ears. Some are just better at showing them off! I love this angle of photo with the donkeys.

Their level you could say. They are so beautiful. 

Here is Mom and daughter - stunning in the sunset. Little Josie really is showing that stunning black fur. She's all grown up now, but very close with her Mom Jolene. Jolene probably thinks too close at times! Ha!

Sweet Vickie off in the background. She was just interested to see if "Dad" was coming out with some dinner. They have pretty much finished off this round bale now. We do make them eat ALL of it - as the price is so high no wasting any! No worries Vickie ... another bale is coming real soon!

Oh Miss Moxie... sigh... Had a couple of long sleepless nights with this girl this week. New Years Day she was not well at all. Now the fireworks freak her out a bit every year, but this was different. She was sick. Really had us extremely worried! 

She was slow to eat. Not like her at all. She wouldn't come to us. Not like her at all. She was slow moving and NO tail wagging. Not like her at all. She was not happy and bouncing at all! She was sick! For a couple of days and nights we checked on her day and night ... finally middle of the week she starting acting like herself again. And Now I think she is 100% herself. Not sure at all what she gotten into, but I don't think she will have it again. 

A rare photo of Old Outside Momma Cat! She is so hard to get to sit and let me take a photo of her, without bolting and hiding.


The life of an outside cat is usually a pretty tough life. Now she has her cat house - beds - fed daily and when really cold Hubby will get heat lamps for her house. So hard... but with some cushy comforts. I don't really know how old she is... OLD though. But still meows and talks to Hubby, and rarely she will sit and let me take her photo and she will say a word or two for me. She is a skittish thing - but still loved and part of the farm family. 

Speaking of kitties and family - Snapped a cute photo of one of the inside kitties. Porsche was holding down my fresh out of the dryer sheets...

I was asking her if those were hers to sit in.. I think this is the look of "Why Yes they are!" Didn't argue - she did seem to be enjoying them. Not that any of our fur children are spoiled or anything - :0) 

Hope you have another Animal Crackers Smile this week. All my fur children love you visiting and getting to know them each week. 

Have a blessed weekend and hug a furry friend! 

HUGS and