
ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY

ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY
uolls nak tak discount 15% evrytime sopeng kt tmpt2 neh..?? klu nak, click photo above hokeyy.. xde tarikh tutup.. harap maklum..
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My GLAMour Picture Contest

nii..noo..nii..noo..nii..noo..beri laluan..beri laluan utk ku nk join contest laks (nnt weolls hapdet lagik fotogedixx Aidilfitri hokeyy)..dis tym ku nk joins My GLAMour Picture Contest anjuran Reflisia..neh pun last minute joins contest..kul 11.59pm kang tutup dah..mane taww ade rezeki last minute kan (verangan sajork)..

punye lar byk gmbq GLAM yg buat ku fenin nk filih (yerp, haku mmg ferasan!)..memule nk tempek gaks gmbq vogehh+hoverr ku di Aidilfitri, tp takut uolls muntah laks asyik tempeks gmbq yg sama lg..last2 ku pilih gmbq neh utk dipertaruhkn..








Model GLAM: e-caR NazRin
Sempena: 1st Anniversary (Leize Bridal House)

Nape pilih gmbq neh..??
(hrp maklum, knytaan2 di bwh neh bersifat masuk-lif-tekan-sndiri.. pls read wif yr own risk!)



The Model

enuff said!

klu uolls nk joins contest neh leh click banner pmpuan yg mlompat kt bwh neh:

sajork nk tempeks gaks gmbq selingan-GLAM-1st Anniversary weolls..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4 tahun lepas..pada tarikh ini..

2nd July 2005

Hepi 4th Anniversary to us..may our marriage will lasting for eva..ameen..

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