
ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY

ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY
uolls nak tak discount 15% evrytime sopeng kt tmpt2 neh..?? klu nak, click photo above hokeyy.. xde tarikh tutup.. harap maklum..
Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dating for dis month: The Time Travaller's Wife, Marciano Shoes & Durian Pancake neh dh lame weolls tgk..last week..smpena our dating day tuk bln November.. The Time Traveler's Wife neh diadaptasi dari novel yg ditulis Audrey Niffenegger.. mmg bestseller novel neh..It is a love story about a man with a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel unpredictably, and about his wife, an artist, who has to cope with his frequent absences and dangerous experiences..

memule tgk movie neh, aku pun agk fenin nk paham jln citer..asyik duk tgk Eric Bana yg hensem tu sajork.. whooopppsss...!! dh smpi tgh2 bru nk paham jln citer..then, bile smpi ending siap meleleh air mata lg..sob..sob..sob..pengajaran dr movie neh, sayangilah pasangan kita semasa dia ada.. bak kata Mr.Hubby, citer neh mmg lain dr yg lain..mmg kreatif!!

klu uolls blum tgk lg movie neh, pi lar tgk wehh..mmg HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (bold ngn urup besaq lg wehh)..sesuei tuk psgn yg bru kawen atau dh lame kawen sekali pun..

the movie

the novel


foto-gedikk wajib adooo..

ouh..yerr..saje nk share ngn uolls.. i ws eyeing dis MARCIANO shoes.. sgt godjess+malatopss.. mmg jatuh chintan pdg pertama..sempat gaks aku menerai kt butik Marciano, The Gardens.. unfortunetaly, x leh beli lg dis shoes..quite pricey gaks..approx. 7 rat.++ (after less 15% coz i'm a GUESS VIP Member)..yerp, aku mmg ade sejarah ter-sengaja beli kasut mahal.. dat tym 9 rat.. pastu aku rs nyesal laks..huhu..x mo sejarah b'ulang kembali.. TETAPI, dis shoes tlh-buat-aku-mroyan-nk-beli-evrytime-lalu-kt-butik Marciano iteww..adehh, ade sesape leh tong-tong duhet beli tuk aku..?? <<---ayat x agak2 Puan e-caR neh..

neh lar MARCIANO shoes yg sgt godjess+malatopss

ade 2 kaler..lilac & brown

santekk kan..??

last but not least..evrytime pi Mid Valley, neh lar makanan wajib tayang beli.. mmg terbau2 kesodapannyerr..sodapp wehhh..sumpah tarak tipu punyerr..smbil mnaip neh pun, ku dh terbau2 smbil meleleh air liur wehh..

nie haaa...DURIAN PANCAKE.. 6 ketuii spoloh hengget..

tu sajork cheritera tuk arinie..ptg nnt nk terjah umah mak..nk melantaks derian, moktan, manggis..mak ngn ayah bru blk dr tepen bwk 2 guni buah2 iteww...hehe..

ibu: Eiymann, ptg nnt kite pi umah maktok mkn durian, rambutan, mangosteen hokeyy..
Eiymann: Papaya ada tak..??
ibu: ........ (speechless)

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