
ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY

ibuEiymann's GIVEAWAY
uolls nak tak discount 15% evrytime sopeng kt tmpt2 neh..?? klu nak, click photo above hokeyy.. xde tarikh tutup.. harap maklum..
Showing posts with label NazRin's family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NazRin's family. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Invitation to E'IZZ EIYMANN NAZRIN's 3rd Birthday Bash!!

STICKY ENTRY until 11 April 2010


designed by MyKhalish

Salam all

You are cordially invited (who? me? yes, u lahh!!)

E'izz Eiymann Nazrin bin Mohd Nazrin

3rd Birthday Bash

11 April 2010

11.30 am to 2.30 pm

No. 16A, Putra Villa,
Jalan Seri Putra 7/5,
Bandar Seri Putra,
43000 Bangi,

Barney (Purple & Green)


11.30 am:
Guests registration for doorgift

12.30 pm:
Cake Cutting

12.00 noon - 2.30 pm:
Clown activities
Lucky draw
Best dress award

Come join the party..the more the merrier, rite..?

For RSVP, kindly confirm by leaving your name here.. those who want the Invitation card & map, pls leave yr email here too..

Thank you so much!

Papa Eiymann & ibuEiymann

for record, Eiymann was born on 12 April 2007, 9.27 am

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eiymann's 3rd Besday Bash preparation: uolls ade info tak pasal mender2 neh...??

salam uolls...ahkak b'siaran kembali (tetibe sajork ahkak..?? mklumlh x lame lg nk msuk era 3 series.. ekeke).. act. byk benda nk dihapdetkn..byk wehh senarai-mnunggu-entries.. smpi dh x taww nk hapdet yg mane satu dlu..huhu..

well..bln Apr. nnt insya Allah weolls nk wat Eiymann's 3rd Besday Bash.. might be dgn tema Barney.. so, skg neh ibuEiymann lar plg gelabah nk wat preparation..lg 2 bln wehh.. thn2 dlu 8 bln b4 besday bash dh bz ngn preparation situ-sana-sini-sinun..

kt sini ibuEiymann nk mintak jasa baik uolls larr tlg bgtau info2 psl mender2 kt bwh neh.. or klu uolls tokey juai mender2 neh or wat service neh lg baguih noo konpem dpt discount kan..ekeke..

1. Barney Mascot

yg penting nk Barney mascot, klu ade Baby Bop or BJ pun baguih gak kan.. (picca by Google)

2. Barney Pinata

dh try carik kt Ballon Bouquets tp non adoo (picca by Google)

3. Personalized named stickers (nk letak gmbr Barney, Eiymann & nama Eiymann)

4. Banner

5. any Barney's accessories

6. Photographer

for the time being, mender2 neh yg tgh duk cari.. pas neh klu ade any hapdet, will let uolls know hokeyy..tenkiu in advance pd sesape yg bg info..jasa uolls ku kenang.. ahakss!!

Eiymann was born on 12 April 2007.. insya Allah The 3rd Besday Bash will be held on 11 April 2010.. sila pangkah calendar uolls hokeyy..

Saturday, February 6, 2010


ibuEiymann is currently in hiatus mode..
will be blogging soon..
uolls miss her..??
she missesssssss uolls, either..

handsome Eiymann in a white tuxedo


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fotogedixx: Aidiladha

salam all..neh entry agak lain dh tamat citer Aidiladha, ku bru nk t'hegeh2 tempek fotogedixx Aidiladha weolls..haha.. Aidiladha kali neh weolls braya kt KL sajork.. umh my parent n parent in law..meh layanzzz..

NazRin's family in silver-pink suit


wpun ibu vogehh..BREASTAURANT alwiz open 24/7 utk Eiymann

Danish yg gebus-gebas (he only 4 mos old..seyesly!!)


Eiymann & Alisha



ermmm...mlm Aidiladha tue weolls sempat beronggeng ke MV..tujuannye utk sopeng shoes hubby..puas cari sana-sini-sinun, last2 jmpe gaks yg b'kenan..



hubby's new shoes

klu dtg MV, x naik menatang neh..x sah..

E i y m a n n

sajer nk tempek gmbq neh..nk tnjuk kt uolls pndngn dpn & blkg pakai oblong Tie Rack ikut ::style-caR::

ibuEiymann: insya Allah dlm ms t'dkt neh ku akn buat tutorial pakai OBLONG TIE RACK (neh ats p'mintaan ramai yerr..bkn ku syiokk2 sndiri nk wat tutorial..mklumlah, ku sedar diri ini bru ber TRANSFORMASI)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Salam Aidiladha..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eiymann won 2nd place in 1st Birthday Moment Giveaway!!

Alhamdulillah..rezeki lagi..x sia2 ibu submit pnyertaan last minute..ekeke.. dis tym Eiymann won 2nd place in 1st Birthday Moment Giveaway organized by Mummy_Ayu.. neh lar Momento yg dipertaruhkan..

klu uolls nk tgk keputusan penuh kat SINI..

nk tgk full entry bout dis contest yg ibu submit tuh kat SINI..

congratezz to all winners..thnxx to Mummy_ayu, juries & sponsors..

Monday, November 9, 2009

EIYMANN's 1st Birthday Moment..

whooooottt...!!! whooottt...!! kali neh ibu nk join satu giveaway yg sgt menarik, 1st Birthday Moment Giveaway yg dianjurkan oleh Mummy Ayu sempena besday Iris Nur Delisha, MOMENT yg dipertaruhkan adlh..

Name: E'izz Eiymann Nazrin bin Mohd Nazrin

DOB: 12 April 2007

Tarikh Kejadian: 12 April 2008

Masa: 3-6 pm

Tempat Kejadian: Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi

Theme: White & Denim

Bob The Builder Cake: Tracey Cake House

Bob The Builder Cupcake: Onepiecebakery

Photographer: Sutan & Zaimi from Cyberphotog

Clown: Rizal from Beyond The Clown

Activities: Unlimited Ballons for all guests & Games

neh 1st tym ibu jd event manager tuk bsday Eiymann..approx 8 mths b4 besday bash ibu dh buat pelbagai preparation..mmg xcited wehh nk smbut 1st bsday anak.. alhamdulillah the besday bash went well n ws a blast bsday bash fr my lil' Prince Eiymann..

klu uolls nk layanzz mcm-mcm-ado-momento 1st besday Eiymann leh scroll kt bwh lg erk..ouh ya..hdh utk dis Giveaway bakal ditaja oleh NOTTI NETTI & Mummy Ayu yg dirahsiakan.. so, klu uolls nk join gaks Giveaway neh click sajork banner kt bwh neh..


dlm duk godeks2 cari gmbr tuk Giveaway neh, rs mcm nk share ngn uolls gaks momento Eiymann's 1st besday bash..meh layanzz..

Birthday Invitation Card, Banner and the canopy

Bob The Builder cake & cupcakes

Goodies bag for kids (left) & adults (right)

Pressie from Papa (left) & pressie from ibu (right)

Pressie from Ummi-chik, Mummy-Lang & Mama-Yong

Pressie BEFORE (left) & AFTER (right)

Majlis dimulakan dgn bacaan doa selamat oleh ayahanda

Sang a besday song

Cake cutting

Clown in action

Game: Tiru gaya clown

Game: Tiup belon smpi pecah

Game: Musical Chair

Besday Boy

NazRin's family

ibu & Papa Eiymann

Anak Papa

ayahanda & bonda

my siblings



last but not least..cube uolls tgk gmbq kt bwh neh..??


ibuEiymann: ouh, Eiymann's 3rd Besday Bash 5 bln lg..ibu lum prepare ape2 pun..huhu..

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