Showing posts with label bald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bald. Show all posts

19 May 2014

Withered leg

No, he didn't have a withered leg.
Ballpoint pen, 17 x 27cm. Click to enlarge.

16 May 2014

The stand-in model

The model was late so this guy stood in to begin with.
Pencil 9 x 14cm. Click to enlarge.

02 May 2014

16 April 2014

Eight Men of Sheringham

Eight fine men of Sheringham, Norfolk: Greasy Hat, Bumshee West, Cutty Doker, Darruck Odden,Teapott Grice, Black Tad, Barwick Pearcue and Dogless Bishop.
Pen, pencil and gouache. A4 size. Click to enlarge.

12 April 2014

The Head Ping

Searching for the Black Box of Creativity in the Ocean of the Unconscious.
ArtSet on iPad. Click to enlarge.

30 March 2014

Rome and New York

From the sketchbook, a guy in New York and below, a chap in Rome.
ZenBrush on iPad and ArtSet on iPad. Click to enlarge.

24 March 2014

20 March 2014

22 February 2014

The Hotline

I've installed a special hotline so that I can reach myself at any time.
Procreate app on iPad. Click to enlarge.

14 February 2014

Slave Dave

My friend Dave is raising money for a charity project in Vietnam. He's going there himself to help build a school or somesuch, and asked me to draw a picture for his fundraising website. So I made this.
Sketches app and ArtStudio app on iPad.