Showing posts with label biro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biro. Show all posts

19 May 2014

Withered leg

No, he didn't have a withered leg.
Ballpoint pen, 17 x 27cm. Click to enlarge.

17 April 2014

Seven Men of Sheringham

Seven Sheringham men: Coaley Briggums, Dermotte Fannymore, Kreasey Binks, Farrow Bottle (the pianist), Farrow Middleton Little (cousin of Whydrawanything), Blitchams Pugaloff and Sir Brough Duffle.
Mixed media. A4 size. Click to enlarge.

16 April 2014

Eight Men of Sheringham

Eight fine men of Sheringham, Norfolk: Greasy Hat, Bumshee West, Cutty Doker, Darruck Odden,Teapott Grice, Black Tad, Barwick Pearcue and Dogless Bishop.
Pen, pencil and gouache. A4 size. Click to enlarge.

14 April 2014

Bad Hair Day

We had the bad hair model sucking energy out of the room.
Pen and ballpoint pen. 21 x 13cm. Click to enlarge.

25 January 2014

New Model Army

We had a new model in lifedrawing yesterday. His head moved and fingers twitched, but I forgave him.
Biro 23 x 16 cm. Click to enlarge.

20 December 2013

12 November 2013

The Drawer Drawed

The old lady onthe right was drawing the nude lady on the left.
Biro. A5 size. Click to enlarge.

11 August 2013

The Geyser Geezer

I walked from Gaza to Giza to set my watch by the giant Geyser Geezer.
Top: Biro and watercolour 8 x 11cm
Bottom: Ink and watercolour 10 x 22cm
Click to enlarge

09 March 2013

Crucifixion of a Narcissist

Today's model was excellent to draw, albeit something of a narcissist. He suggested the religious pose.
Biro, A4 size. Click to enlarge.

19 August 2012

Golemish Biro

Someone suggested using biro, so I did.
Ballpoint pen 35cm x 28cm. Click to enlarge.

04 June 2012

The Enchanted Kettle

I supped from The Enchanted Kettle and before I knew it I had delivered a fresh Moon to the Hawaiians. Unfortunately the islands were abandoned: the inhabitants had been severely traumatised by reading Tales Told to Polish Children. Several queer and lowly creatures carried my brushes away.
Watercolour, gouache and biro. A4 size. Click to enlarge.

20 March 2012


A new departure for me is drawing with red and blue biros. No 3D specs required.
Biro 26cm x 21cm. Click to enlarge.

20 June 2011

19 June 2011

12 February 2009

Cafe folk

Fat man on phone, French lady, and Hampstead housewife with her familiar. All customers at my local cafe.
Biro, ink and watercolour. 13cm x 10cm. click to enlarge.

09 February 2009

Pencil Sex

Never Mind The Bollocks - It's The Sex Pencils
Pen and ink with watercolour. 10cm x 10cm. Click to enlarge.

10 November 2008

Cubes etc.

Snail worship, cube haunting and a plan for a tiny book.
Biro, pencil, felt pen. 18cm x 24cm. Click to enlarge.

22 November 2007


Inspired by Morgenstern, the Gallows Moon and Human Snail.
Pen and wash with biro 10cm x 8cm / Wood engraving 8cm x 6cm. Click to enlarge.

01 September 2007


Towards an heraldic alphabet.
Biro and water colour.21cm x 12cm. click to enlarge.