
Posts tonen met het label forest quilt. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label forest quilt. Alle posts tonen

zondag, november 14, 2010


November is here lots of rain and wind 
but also many festivities in the 2 months to come
we have Sinterklaas
He arrived yesterday a great day for the children

dinsdag, november 02, 2010


I got  a request from Tineke  she likes to see the whole forest quilt

well here it is ,,,,

zondag, oktober 31, 2010

WInter Time

I did not like this piece in the forest quilt now it is better

this corner is also getting better
It is winter time the clock is back one hour
it is getting dark around 5
lighting the candles and stitching
have a great evening

zondag, oktober 17, 2010


A new block for the forest quilt
adding wool  to the quilt
it feels very soft and warm

dinsdag, september 21, 2010

no work just play

plenty of time to spend in my little room playing with cloth
It is my holiday and on Friday we go on a trip to Cyprus .

here is is autumn lots of rain and wind
on Cyprus it is sunny and warm
love to go to there 

for now I am working for the course  by Jude Hill
the first will be integrated in the forest quilt 
the second is just a try but i like it
the soft colours go well together

oant sjen

zondag, september 12, 2010

dream on

dream on, dream on, dream on,
dream yourself a dream come true
dream on, dream on, dream on,
and dream until your dream comes true

woensdag, september 08, 2010

from a distant

whose eye is it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Gentle eyes that see so much,
paws that have the quiet touch,
Purrs to signal "all is well"
and show more love than words could tell.
Graceful movements touched with pride,
a calming presence by our side -
A friendship that takes time to grow -
Small wonder why we love them so.

to look at it from a distant
and  see what the next step to take

and now i see the bear ,I have to work on
give him a face
make him a live

vrijdag, augustus 06, 2010

summer day

a lovely summer day stitching in the sun
more progress in the forest
the birds and a little snail