
maandag, april 28, 2008

Moeder /Mother

the quilts are finished and I think we did a good job we all have an other story to tell and it gives so much more to a quilt
my quilt the green one, my 3 children the very dificult way to raise the children and to let go

Willy made the red quilt with the harts the love for her child endles love. I think it is a beautiful quilt

Sandra her very special quilt is for her multiple disabled dauther She’s got a progressive disease
so her shadow for the future is dark , she also hase 2 wonderful boys so there are 3 buterflys
for here 3 children .

I am so glad that I met these wonderful Girls we always have so much to talk about and the day,s we spend together are so inspiring, the great gifts of friendschip .

donderdag, april 24, 2008

New challange

This is howe Willy presented the new challenge to us ,,for me in green ,,
She is a great artist I hope she wil let you see al the wonderful things she is making on her one blog very soon

boot trip and more

This sarterday we are going on a boot trip the quilt shop were I gave some workshops is having 2 boottrips and this saterday I go with them to give some demo with paint sticks ,, I sure hope we wil have nice weather and there wil be many quilters for more info , Quiltkabinet ,

And Arlee found out abouth this page there is my Fiber art journal with the page Arlee made for me and the page from Samantha

And the new challange from Willy, we had an other wonderful day the mother quilts are done and the one Willy and Sandra made are beautiful
the new theme is are favorite toy , I have been thinking on this all day long and I got started ,out of the blue,I am not sure at all about it but this is all just a feeling and I let it go and I wil see .
I wil keep you informed.

maandag, april 21, 2008

city and guilds

2 little pieces I am working on for the City and guild the first is a bais strip applique the spirit of the rose the second one is free cut curved pieces it is made from hand dyed fabric and the centre of the rose is hand embroiderd
I wil put more work on the free cut curved pieces
I think it needs it ,,,,,,,,


Here I am in park Guell in Barcelona and in the house of Gaudi .I am still amazed of the great work of Gaudi .
yes it is me in the mirror I did not know I was on this picture so a little surprice
But live goes on and there is work again and the course (city and guild ) it is great fun but it takes time
And this wendsday is the day we wil go to Willy . Sandra here bag is ready ,,, you can read all about it on here blog ,there is always so much to talk and to show these days are so wonderful and I always get so much inspiration I am so very happy that I met these lovely girls
Willy is preparing a new challange ?????? the one Sandra gave us is finished so we get to see the finished quilts,,,
I wil keep you informed

zondag, april 13, 2008

little bag

yes I am very busy but there is not so much to show, so here is a little bag I made, it is for my tomtom .My old one brook down and the new one is a bit bigger so I did not have a good bag for it .
you can buy one But I prefer to make one .
I also have to visite al of your blogs it I am so far behind reading and seeing al the wonderful thing you are creating .
Thanks all of you for the nice comments and for visiting my blog and the nominations for the awards are wonderful thank you so much
I hope to have more time this week to get things in order again
warm regards

maandag, april 07, 2008


Wauw an other award,,,, this one is given to me by Maureen thank you so much maureen
But now the difficult part of the award ,I have to pic 5 blog and that is not easy there are so many blog I love and there are so much wonderful artist on the net
wel after good thinking

1)You have to pick 5 blogs who deserve this award for their creativity,design,interesting material and contribution to the blogging community no matter what language.
2)Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to the blog to be visited by everyone.
3)Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and the link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4)Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of arte y pico blog Llinked in my title) so everyone will know the origin of this award (cut and paste the info into your blog to make things easier)

back home

This was my house for a week, we are home now an tomorow we have to go back and work .
we hade a wonderful holliday in Barcelona ther is so much to see and so much to do ,I wil let you see more but this wil do for now .
If you can go and visite this beautiful city ,,,,,

zondag, maart 30, 2008


I am of for a little holliday
I wil be back next sunday
we are going to Barcelona
see you all soon
warm regards Emmy

dinsdag, maart 25, 2008

more from Mother

The last challenge we are working one is , Mother, it is the theme Sandra gave us ,
we are as you know by now , Sandra, Willy, And my little persone .
We wanted it to be a secret but we are not so good in keeping secrets .

Mother, 3 cirkles for 3 children the connection to the Mother and the long and hard way a Mother hase to go sometimes to the growing up and to let go of her children .

I wonder if you can see the meaning in this quilt of the Mother
it is stil in progres and I dont know howe to finish it But there is first much more embroidery to do

Ther last picture is a close up of the embroidery

maandag, maart 24, 2008

sneak peak

Working on a quilt here is a little glims of the quilt it is still in progres and at the moment work is very slow .
I still have a lot of embroidery to do and there are so many things waiting to be finished ,
and next week we are going on a little trip to Barcelona .
Margaret has nominated me for an award as a blog that brought her inspiration and made her appreciate the blogosphere! Thanks Margaret.
I have to do the same so I am carefuly looking at all the blogs I read .
here are 10 blog I wil nominate


Little book cover for the TIF challenge
and a ATC made on the embellisher with fantasie yarn I got from Sandra .Willy and I were visiting here saterday it is always so very nice to see the girls

zondag, maart 23, 2008

Bag,, for Dutch bag ladies,,

We are a group of 8 ladies
and this challenge was to make something from these fabricks

I made this bag from the pieces of fabrick I used al the pieces
Yesterday we hade a meeting in Tiel we were showing the work we made
al different and very lovely .
Next meeting wil be in Amsterdam .

woensdag, maart 19, 2008

after long and hard thinking

2 maybe 3 years ago I found on the net the City and Guild course and I was thinking on doing this course but something was holding me back .
And now I did it ,,,,,, yes I did it
Laura and Linda Kemshall are given this course my Tutor is Marie Roper and I started last week ..
wil keep you informed about this adventure .

I dont have any pictures at this moment I wil be back soon with more news and pictures

woensdag, maart 05, 2008


some days i sit in my little room and notting come,s out of my hands and some days it goes like crazy this is one of those days

dyeing and making book covers preparing for tommorow, I wil give an other workshop ,

All little bits and pieces turned out to be a book cover

I hope there is more inspiration see you later

maandag, maart 03, 2008

dye day

fabric and embroidery yarn dyeing some in a plastic bag and in a vase the results from the vase are so lovely the first photo,s are from the vase the last photo is yarn out of the plastic bags the fabric is hanging to dry I show you the results later

the colors are so beautiful

yarn from the vase

yarn from the plastic bags

zondag, maart 02, 2008

a busy week

It hase been a very busy week taht is way it took so long for a new item on my blog

the little bag I made today it is from a UFO ,wendsday I went to Heerde to meet my lovely friends Willy Sandra and Beb these days are so very wonderful lots of ideas and we talk al day long .Willy gave me the idea for the little bag thank you Willy .

there is an other thing a finished I can,t show you it is for the Dutch Bag Ladies a group of ladies we get a challanga every 3 months .

Issue 3 from Fiber and Stitch is out and workshop on the web hase new lessons , you see there are many new things to attend to . and it is March already a new challenge from Sharon b

Do you ever notice the little things, the small moments, the details in life? This months challenge is to do just that, pay attention to the tiny details. Sometimes the small things become emblematic for something larger.

I found this qoute and I think is very great for this challenge ,I also love the colors this month

Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it ...........

maandag, februari 25, 2008

Miss Doodle

I got this lovely gift today it is from Andrea,, a wonderful little heart from Paris, there lives Andrea .
and I got Miss Doole she is so very adoreble
Let me tel you about Miss Doodle
Miss Doodle lives in Paris, France, has a huge wardrobe and changes clothes often. Otherwise she is a very thoughtful person. Miss Doodle was born on January 31st in the metro in Paris and belongs to the "Stickpeople". She is easy going, romantic and very busy. For her, every day is an adventure. She keeps one feet on the ground and the other one in the clouds.
you can read al about Miss Doodle on here blog,

zondag, februari 24, 2008

Mother Earth and a little box

Mother yes that is the theme I am working on.
This is just a little try out it is not what it is going to be, that is still a surprice

The first picture is a little box I made from one of the cirkles
I wanted a box with a zipper but this was not a good idea I let the zipper were it was and made a also a lid this is much better for the next box I know howe to do it

donderdag, februari 21, 2008

mask for Kim

Afrikan mask for Kim it is the last one for this swap yes yes I know I dont want to do swaps ...
but ,,,,,,,,, if I see one I like Wel I MUST cant help it
this one was lovely Thank you all
I hope kim wil like this page it wil go on the mail next week

Corryna Corryna.

Thank you corryna I love this all memories

woensdag, februari 20, 2008

Lovely mail

The first oiece of art is from Carol a mandala made for me for the FAF page swap thank you carol it is wonderful

The next wonderful card is from Corryna it is a bit special she put fabrick in the ground and left it there I dont know for how long the fabrick is painted by the dirt
then she FME it and added beads from here grandmother
I love this card thabj you so much corryna

when I say here name I always think of a song,,,, Corryna Corryna
it is from way back I cant remember the name of artist that sing this song ... if any of you know the name please let me know .

zaterdag, februari 16, 2008

TIF challenge feb.

Here is the TIF challenge for februari my memories by my grandma the walks we took
I always loved the colors in the evenings
A little piece of handdeyd cooton and embroidery some fantasie yarn
I dont have a picture left of this memorie you have to do it with this

vrijdag, februari 15, 2008

working late

Making Act’s and postcards from scraps and ufo, s .
Just cutting up old pieces of an quilt that turned out to be a little bag and the these little pieces,,, well you can see Act’s and postcards .

I have to send some of these to cyber friends I really hope they like the cards

Now I am off to bed tomorrow I want to make more I hope I have inspiration

see you .....