Showing posts with label Codes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Codes. Show all posts

August 31, 2015

Washington State University Bans Speech, Threatens Punishment

As a state university these guidelines, with punishments threatened, violate the First Amendment. It also indicates black racist rhetoric promoted by the White House and his previous Attorney General. They have this paranoid thought pattern that only black people suffer. All white people are wealthy and powerful and all black people are poor. Does that include the current White House and its hundreds if not thousands of six figured salaried bureaucrats? The hundreds of multi millionaire black athletes and celebrities and drug dealers? Hello. Why are these racist professors allowed to spew their offensive hatred and get paid with taxpayer funds? And the clueless journalists do not know the motive for young black thugs shooting policemen and innocent white people? Ahem!

[From article]
Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.
According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”
The punishment for repeatedly using the banned words, Breikss warns, includes “but [is] not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and— in extreme cases— failure for the semester.”
[. . .]
our society has come to associate ALL unauthorized border crossings with those immigrants originating from countries south of our border (and not with Asian immigrants, for example, many of whom are also in the country without legal documents and make up a considerable portion of undocumented immigrants living in the country).”
“The socio-legal production of migrant illegality works to systematically dehumanize and exploit these brown bodies for their labor,” Fowler continued.
[. . .]
Streamas—who previously generated controversy by calling a student a “ white shitbag” and declared that WSU should stand for “White Supremacist University”—also demands that students “understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice.”
Later in the syllabus, Streamas goes even further and accuses Glenn Beck of being an “insensitive white.”

Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’
Peter Hasson
Texas Campus Correspondent
on Aug 29, 2015 at 9:45 AM EDT

January 31, 2015

What The White House Really Meant

One of several phrase translations

NOW it makes more sense: John Stossel translates Obama’s #SOTU speech
Posted at 9:54 am on January 21, 2015
by Twitchy Staff

November 23, 2014

Gay British Man Who Broke German Code In World War II Celebrated in Film, Review

Alan Turing 
Photo: Getty Images

[From film review]
But his lifelong passion would become multiple-use computing machines, which would eventually become known as Turing machines — and the predecessors of the modern day computer. “His work was asking all the big questions,” says Moore. “He was as much a philosopher as he was a mathematician. What does it mean to be a human being? What does it mean to be alive? Why do we consider one thing alive and another thing not alive?”
[. . .]
Turing constructed a machine that would break the code every day. His success was hailed as one of the main reasons for Britain’s victory.
“Churchill said that Turing had the single most important achievement of anyone during the war,” says “Imitation Game” director Morten Tyldum. “It saved millions of lives. And it was all kept secret. He was never thanked or recognized for it. And he was later prosecuted by the same government, the same people.”

The shocking true story behind ‘The Imitation Game’
By Sara Stewart
November 23, 2014 | 5:27am

October 15, 2014

Harvard University Employees Harass Elder Tenant

Published October 10, 2014 3:43 PM ET; Last updated October 15, 2014 7:33 PM ET

Recall that I never requested any work from Harvard University Housing. They created a fantasy to justify an illegal entry to my premises. It was a trespass, perhaps a burglary. But with a $36 billion endowment and an army of media image makers it is easy to fool the public, the police and the politicians, who are always eager to obey wealthy powerful images.  

Your work order has been Completed.
1 message Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:34 AM
To: roybercaw
Please do not Reply to this email as this account is not monitored for incoming mail.
  Information is now available for the work request you submitted for: 85-02 Go check apartment temp
  The status of this service request is currently:  Completed
  Additional information about this request can be viewed on line.
  HU Housing tenants living in affiliated housing should log in at as a registered user.
  Harvard University Housing

Updated October 10, 2014 4:45 PM ET

[Sent Friday October 10, 2014 at about 12:10 PM via City Inspectional Services online form.]

Unless Harvard University (my landlord) has an exception as per CMR it is my belief that heat must be provided to residential tenants beginning on Sep. 15th each year. They do provide heat continuously to other tenants. But for some reason several times per year my unit (#2) does not get heat when the rest of my building at 85 Prescott Street, Cambridge does get heat. On Friday October 10, 2014 there was heat to other units but not to mine. When I call to complain the receptionist usually asks me, "Why are you the only one?" I write and speak about Harvard University criticizing them on occasion. Perhaps that is why. The persons also tamper with electricity, cable TV service, DSL online computer services, and hot water. It is how they express their dissatisfaction. Harvard University employees (police and superintendents) regularly retaliate for my protected legal expression. I'm aware that it is a violation of the Massachusetts civil rights felony statute. But police do not respond to my complaints. If you set up an appointment to inspect the problem I suspect it will be a waste of your and my time. Whoever is tampering with the heat system will restore the heat when it is supposed to be on before you arrive. Perhaps someone from your office speaking with a responsible person at Harvard may solve the problem. Thank you for your attention.

* * *

At about 1:00 PM I went to do an errand, returning at about 2:30 PM. I saw a paper tag hanging on my door handle, from Harvard University Housing. It was a report of an entry to my apartment for "maintenance." But I have never given Harvard University permission to enter my premises without permission except for an emergency. The tag stated that "TA" was in my apartment at about "1:35" [PM?] on date "10/10." The message written is "Apt temperature is 75 degree. Check apt temperature for report of apartment being cold."

This appears to be evidence of two crimes. One is criminal trespass if not burglary. Entering my premises without permission is a crime. Checking temperature is not an emergency.

Secondly when I complain to the City of Cambridge's Inspectional Services department using their online form, or any method, it takes about 7-14 days to get a response. Unless the Harvard University criminals who harass me every day committing repeated felonies were monitoring my computer communications, which I am aware that they do, it is not possible for the city to contact Harvard and have a Harvard employee respond to my complaint in one hour. The City of Cambridge closes at noon on Fridays. That adds another layer of delay.

But also I did not complain about the apartment being cold as per the above message. In the early morning hours it was cold. But at 1 in the afternoon with the sun shining, blasting on my windows the apartment gets warm. The complaint was that there was heat in other apartments but not mine on that day.

This suggests that someone is tampering with my computer transmissions which is a felony under the US Code. It is one of several daily felonies these police criminals commit every day.

But the Inspectional Services Department has limited jurisdiction.

[According to the weather service the temperature for Boston at about 11:54 PM on Thursday October 9, 2014 was 57 fahrenheit. At 8:54 AM on Friday October 10, 2014 it was 54 fahrenheit.  At 12:54 PM Friday October 10, 2014 it was 62.

At about 12:49 PM, 39 minutes after I sent a form message to the City Inspectional Services, the below email arrived in my inbox. Thus Harvard received  a "work request" from unknown and responded within 54 minutes. But again without permission entering my premises for a non emergency.] 

GmailRoy Bercaw

Your work order has been Scheduled.
1 message Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:49 PM
To: roybercaw
Please do not Reply to this email as this account is not monitored for incoming mail.
  Information is now available for the work request you submitted for: 85-02 Go check apartment temp
  The status of this service request is currently:  Scheduled
  Additional information about this request can be viewed on line.
  HU Housing tenants living in affiliated housing should log in at as a registered user.
  Harvard University Housing

January 10, 2014

Italian Police Decipher Crime Family Code

[From article]
The secret document was found by detectives in Rome during an investigation into the murder of a member of the ‘Ndrangheta mafia, which is based in the southern region of Calabria, the toe of the Italian boot.
It refers to a pledge of “blood and honour” that is required of those wanting to become part of the ‘Ndrangheta, which has grown rich and powerful from cocaine trafficking, extortion and other criminal activities.

Italian police decipher 'Mafia code' in initiation script
Italian detectives decipher mysterious encoded document and discover that it is a secret Mafia initiation rite

By Nick Squires, Rome
7:23PM GMT 09 Jan 2014

August 16, 2012

Drone Product Code of Conduct From Police Chiefs

This code of conduct is curious. The FBI collects information obtained contrary to law and cannot use it it court. But nothing stops them from sharing this ill gotten product with journalists who can and often do destroy the reputations of the persons involved. That was Obama's election tactics in IL and why he is frustrated in the current campaign.

[From article]
The nation’s police chiefs have adopted a code of conduct for their use of drones, including letting any images captured by unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, be open to inspection by the public,

Police chiefs adopt drone code of conduct
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 22, 2011

Senior Texting Codes

Since all the "kids" have all their little BFF, WTF, LOL, etc. here are some codes for seniors:

ATD - At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friends Funeral
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM - Covered by Medicare
CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
FYI - Found Your Insulin
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL - Living on Lipitor
LWO - Lawrence Welk's On
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas
ROFL...CGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing...Can't get Up!
WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA - Wet the Furniture Again
WTP - Where's the Prunes
WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil
GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!

May 13, 2010

Russia Got NATO Codes After Polish Crash