Showing posts with label Harvard University Housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvard University Housing. Show all posts

August 19, 2015

Broken Door At Harvard University Property, Needs Maintenance

Locked front door at 85 Prescott Street remains open unless sufficient force is used to close it.
Image captured Saturday August 15, 2015

After enough tenants moved in and out of the building this summer, the last one left it vulnerable to remaining open defeating the purpose of having a locked door.

February 24, 2015

Package Deliveries Stolen From Harvard University Housing

Harvard University Housing is the latest name for bureaucracy managing apartments owned by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Problems with package safety in those buildings, include but are not limited to: (1) campus police, residents and building superintendents leaving doors propped open; (2) contractors roaming the halls, looking for what they can steal; (3) UPS, DHL and FedEx leaving packages outside locked doors; (4) superintendents and police employees (not just HUPD), going into apartments without permission; (5) packages delivered to wrong addresses.

Police Respond to ‘Uptick’ in Package Thefts
February 24, 2015

February 3, 2015

Non Emergency Health Hazard At Harvard University

Harvard University Housing employs a contractor who brings empty dumpsters for residents at 85-95 Prescott Street in which to place their trash. After the first snowstorm on January 26-27, 2015 and before the second snowstorm on February 2, 2015, the trash hauler brought a new style dumpster, or it was a new trash hauler. In any case this new type dumpster has a side door that does not open. 

After the snowstorm too much snow accumulated making it difficult if not impossible to open the top door. Residents began placing their trash alongside the dumpster providing food for raccoons, rodents, squirrels and birds during this period of extreme cold. Though this is a health hazard it is not an emergency. In keeping with the Housing division email on February 2, 2015 it will wait until after the snows end.   

These images were captured at about 3:30 PM on Tuesday February 3, 2015 the day after the second snowstorm. 

January 31, 2015

Harvard University Heats The World, Part 2

Al Gore (Harvard College. A.B. 1969) Is Angry That Harvard University Wastes Energy

"No challenge  poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change," said Obama in his State of the Union speech Tuesday [January 20, 2015].

Global warming be damned. What would Al Gore think? Or the White House? Harvard announced the highest amount of fund raising among colleges this year, beating out Stanford University for the top spot. Haven't seen who leads in wasting energy, helping to deplete the planet of its natural resources. Perhaps if you have surplus money you do not need to worry about such things. 1,700 to 2,000 of the one percent, who traveled to the World Economic Forum on climate change (Ahem!) in Davos, Switzerland arrived by their own private jet planes.

Thinking locally, Harvard University, in one building alone may have wasted scores of gallons of fuel oil this winter (2014-2015) alone. On a 15 degree Fahrenheit night between two heavy snowstorms in January 2015, this hall window was open as wide as possible.

It was on the fifth floor, drawing heat from all lower levels of the building on a windy cold night. One would think that the highest fund raising university, the most prestigious university in the United States would be able to learn from recent alerts about wasting energy, at least in one building alone.

Alas in this dumbed down nation, even the best and the brightest, the richest university in the nation, has no institutional memory from two weeks ago. Here is a previous entry on this blog about the same building, posted and sent on January 9, 2015, to university administrators and their sustainability devision.

Once again those who wander the streets say thank you to Harvard University, especially to  Harvard University Housing experts, and the university sustainability team, for making Cambridge a warmer place when it is freezing cold. Not that the highly competitive and materialistic nature of Harvard University is genuinely warmer to humans. But that is another story for another time and place.

Harvard University campus police, building superintendents and graduate students can earn academic and economic credit, for harassing a 70-year-old man that they say is "crazy." What more do you need to know about Harvard University? No wonder Harvard is worshipped globally. It appears the university faculty teaches how to prey on vulnerable humans, how to exploit them. Is that why they get so much money, to encourage more of that behavior while preaching morality.

Wasting energy is a minor offense. But then Harvard University affiliates have superior standards and greater moral knowledge than ordinary humans. Harassing a vulnerable elder citizen and wasting energy has a higher meaning and effect, than ordinary civilians, unaffiliated with Harvard University, can understand. Campus police need to practice harassing elder citizens. It is what they will have to do when there are too many old people.

One of the topics listed on the university sustainability site is

"Energy & Emissions Focused on reducing building energy use, improving the efficiency of our energy supply, and investing in renewable energy."

That sounds like what they do. Oh wait!
In case any logicians are reading this post, who may ask, "Why didn't you simply close the window?" Here is the answer. The window that is open is above the one you can see in this image. It is on the stairway. One must be at least 12 feet tall to reach the window to close it. I am not even six feet tall.

January 9, 2015

Updated: Harvard University Heats Up The World

Posted January 8, 2015 2:00 PM ET; Last updated January 9, 2015 8:13 PM ET

Bulletin! Breaking News! On Friday January 9, 2015 between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM the knob for the door to the south stairway at 85 Prescott Street was repaired. 

But see also a subsequent (January 31, 2015) negligent waste of energy in the same building at this link. Who knows how long that window was open.

Harvard University has a substantial sustainability program. Here's a link to their web site, with a link within to Harvard University Housing.

The images on these pages are extraordinarily beautiful. Great photography. Here's one concern about the effectiveness of their dedicated professionals. Below are images of one door in a Harvard University Housing owned and operated building (85 Prescott Street). Students, faculty and staff live in this building. Over the past eight years the door knob to this door (first floor south stairs) fell off more than a dozen times. Complaints to the maintenance office were usually responded to and the knob was placed back onto the door. 

The University frequently sends out printed and digital memos reminding residents to conserve energy. The university spent money reducing water flow in the faucets. They brought curly light bulbs which allegedly are more efficient. But when it comes to recognizing waste of heat energy not so much. Bureaucracies have always focused mainly on sustaining themselves. No different at Harvard University which is growing into the largest education bureaucracy in the world. 

Oh yes, the door. In summer months having this door open allows the warm air to travel up the stairway to the door to the roof and leave the building keeping it cooler. But in the winter? Well the warm air generated by steam radiators (see one about three feet from the doorway), also travels to the stairway, rises up to the roof, goes out into the atmosphere warming the world. Thanks Harvard.

The door knob can be seen to the left of the throw rug.

One person is assigned to maintain each building. The superintendent refers to it as "My building." But he seldom scans the premises to see if there are problems. Lights go out for months until one concerned resident notifies the maintenance office. It is almost as if they expect this resident to do the work of the superintendent without pay. The same resident, on three occasions, asked one of the superintendents to fix the door knob when they were at the building for other matters. After a few days the knob fell off again. It remains that way for weeks if not months like other minor problems needing repair. 

Radiator can be seen a few feet from the door.

But this one wastes energy 24/7 during winter months. See, the real purpose of the sustainability division is to maintain itself. Superintendents spend some of their time harassing residents who complain about needed repairs. On one occasion the campus police stopped and questioned the same resident when he tried to stop tenants from providing food for rodents in the area around and inside the building. HUPD also spends some of its time harassing the same tenant. Who does he think he is telling us what to do?

It indicates how important it is to keep proper priorities. The bureaucracy must be free from diversions. It must remain focused on "Job One," maintaining itself. Saving energy, keeping premises clean, and replacing burnt out light bulbs, not so much. Stopping waste of energy is not a high priority for the sustainability office at Harvard University. Just keep that in mind, bud. Keep sending out emails to the university community. The primary focus is to maintain the image of the office of sustainability. That is why so many PR flacks are essential.

October 23, 2014

One Hand Saves While The Other Wastes Energy

Do wasteful energy practices of Harvard University Housing indicate that the for profit division of the university has an exception from this goal?

University Sets New Goals for Curbing Consumption, Waste
October 22, 2014

October 15, 2014

Harvard University Employees Harass Elder Tenant

Published October 10, 2014 3:43 PM ET; Last updated October 15, 2014 7:33 PM ET

Recall that I never requested any work from Harvard University Housing. They created a fantasy to justify an illegal entry to my premises. It was a trespass, perhaps a burglary. But with a $36 billion endowment and an army of media image makers it is easy to fool the public, the police and the politicians, who are always eager to obey wealthy powerful images.  

Your work order has been Completed.
1 message Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:34 AM
To: roybercaw
Please do not Reply to this email as this account is not monitored for incoming mail.
  Information is now available for the work request you submitted for: 85-02 Go check apartment temp
  The status of this service request is currently:  Completed
  Additional information about this request can be viewed on line.
  HU Housing tenants living in affiliated housing should log in at as a registered user.
  Harvard University Housing

Updated October 10, 2014 4:45 PM ET

[Sent Friday October 10, 2014 at about 12:10 PM via City Inspectional Services online form.]

Unless Harvard University (my landlord) has an exception as per CMR it is my belief that heat must be provided to residential tenants beginning on Sep. 15th each year. They do provide heat continuously to other tenants. But for some reason several times per year my unit (#2) does not get heat when the rest of my building at 85 Prescott Street, Cambridge does get heat. On Friday October 10, 2014 there was heat to other units but not to mine. When I call to complain the receptionist usually asks me, "Why are you the only one?" I write and speak about Harvard University criticizing them on occasion. Perhaps that is why. The persons also tamper with electricity, cable TV service, DSL online computer services, and hot water. It is how they express their dissatisfaction. Harvard University employees (police and superintendents) regularly retaliate for my protected legal expression. I'm aware that it is a violation of the Massachusetts civil rights felony statute. But police do not respond to my complaints. If you set up an appointment to inspect the problem I suspect it will be a waste of your and my time. Whoever is tampering with the heat system will restore the heat when it is supposed to be on before you arrive. Perhaps someone from your office speaking with a responsible person at Harvard may solve the problem. Thank you for your attention.

* * *

At about 1:00 PM I went to do an errand, returning at about 2:30 PM. I saw a paper tag hanging on my door handle, from Harvard University Housing. It was a report of an entry to my apartment for "maintenance." But I have never given Harvard University permission to enter my premises without permission except for an emergency. The tag stated that "TA" was in my apartment at about "1:35" [PM?] on date "10/10." The message written is "Apt temperature is 75 degree. Check apt temperature for report of apartment being cold."

This appears to be evidence of two crimes. One is criminal trespass if not burglary. Entering my premises without permission is a crime. Checking temperature is not an emergency.

Secondly when I complain to the City of Cambridge's Inspectional Services department using their online form, or any method, it takes about 7-14 days to get a response. Unless the Harvard University criminals who harass me every day committing repeated felonies were monitoring my computer communications, which I am aware that they do, it is not possible for the city to contact Harvard and have a Harvard employee respond to my complaint in one hour. The City of Cambridge closes at noon on Fridays. That adds another layer of delay.

But also I did not complain about the apartment being cold as per the above message. In the early morning hours it was cold. But at 1 in the afternoon with the sun shining, blasting on my windows the apartment gets warm. The complaint was that there was heat in other apartments but not mine on that day.

This suggests that someone is tampering with my computer transmissions which is a felony under the US Code. It is one of several daily felonies these police criminals commit every day.

But the Inspectional Services Department has limited jurisdiction.

[According to the weather service the temperature for Boston at about 11:54 PM on Thursday October 9, 2014 was 57 fahrenheit. At 8:54 AM on Friday October 10, 2014 it was 54 fahrenheit.  At 12:54 PM Friday October 10, 2014 it was 62.

At about 12:49 PM, 39 minutes after I sent a form message to the City Inspectional Services, the below email arrived in my inbox. Thus Harvard received  a "work request" from unknown and responded within 54 minutes. But again without permission entering my premises for a non emergency.] 

GmailRoy Bercaw

Your work order has been Scheduled.
1 message Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:49 PM
To: roybercaw
Please do not Reply to this email as this account is not monitored for incoming mail.
  Information is now available for the work request you submitted for: 85-02 Go check apartment temp
  The status of this service request is currently:  Scheduled
  Additional information about this request can be viewed on line.
  HU Housing tenants living in affiliated housing should log in at as a registered user.
  Harvard University Housing

September 3, 2013

People Self Segregate; Harvard Promotes Diversity, and Segregates Its Housing

[From article]
Individuals and groups of all sorts have always differed from one another in many ways, throughout centuries of history and in countries around the world. Left to themselves, people tend to sort themselves out into communities of like-minded neighbors.
This has been so obvious that only the intelligentsia could misconstrue it — and only ideologues could devote themselves to crusading against people's efforts to live and associate with other people who share their values and habits.

That may be true but Harvard University promotes diversity and multiculturalism for their campus and for the world. Yet they segregate their housing portfolio, restricting it to only full time Harvard affiliates. Within the buildings they move elder tenants into one segregating it further by age. Is that an example of how the intelligentsia corrupts its own standards? Or is it how the liberal elite sets standards for others but exempts itself from the standards?

Jewish World Review
Sept. 3, 2013/ 28 Elul, 5773
Unintended Consequences
By Thomas Sowell

July 25, 2013

Harvard University: Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever. Harvard helps to dumb down the population.

Posted July 24, 2013 9:03 PM ET; Last updated July 25, 2013 1:15 PM ET

Big deal: Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. details the Fair Housing rule at a recent speech given to the NAACP

[From article]
The goal is to help communities understand "fair housing barriers" and "establish clear goals" for "improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation."
[. . .]
HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said "the American Dream still isn't within equal reach of all communities. He lamented the lack of diversity in America's boardrooms, schools, and the nation's 'strongest neighborhoods.'"
[. . .]
Under the proposed rule, the neighborhood data provided by HUD will be used to evaluate patterns of integration and segregation, racial and ethnic concentrations of poverty, and access to "valuable community assets." HUD wants to know if existing laws and policies -- such as zoning, financing, infrastructure planning and transportation -- create, perpetuate or alleviate segregation.

Unapologetically Harvard University segregates its housing portfolio prohibiting non Harvard affiliates from renting units in their buildings. Their response was "Are we the only ones who do that?" Under an agreement with the Cambridge City Council and long term now retired Cambridge City Manager Robert W. Healy (who now works for Harvard doing fund raising), Harvard was allowed beginning in 1995 to stop permitting non Harvard people from renting Harvard property. They agreed to not evict any non Harvard person in place in 1995, from their premises without cause.  Nonetheless they did harass some women tenants who left their belongings and their premises behind when threatened by Harvard's real estate thugs. In 2013 Harvard's real estate segregationists are now moving all older tenants into one building segregating them further. This is not only an example of how Harvard officials dissemble about diversity, but also it is contrary to this new effort by HUD. The only problem is that local officials, state officials and federal officials seldom hold Harvard accountable to laws which others must obey or be penalized. Harvard appears to have a constitutional exemption which allows them to ignore inconvenient laws. They have no shame and exercise their old boys and new girls networks in government agencies to thwart the goals of the law abiding minority of elected officials.

In his wonderful 2005 book of five award winning essays and speeches, Dumbing Us Down, John Taylor Gatto

[Review in progress here]

explains how one element of of making students into conformists is to segregate them by age into classes for their entire 12 or 13 years of attending schools. It is one more way that Harvard helps to divide Americans, joining  Obama's effort to do so by race, religion and ethnicity. Harvard continues that effort in housing their students, faculty and staff. Harvard University police thugs should be recognized for responding to this post by increasing the amount and intensity of the daily harassment they provide to me in their building. The night after I posted this my sleep was disturbed every hour or less increased from the usual every two hours. Great way to add to the misery of the world. Is that one more public service Harvard University provides to the world?

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.
July 22, 2013 - 10:54 AM
By Susan Jones

* * *
[From article]
The U.S. government is going to log the diversity of every neighborhood in the U.S.

HUD to detail the racial diversity of every neighborhood in America as part of proposed new 'fair housing' rule
Meant to bring the Fair Housing Act, passed in 1968, into the 21st century
Will help residents, planners and investors target opportunities for growth, advancement and investment
Daily Mail (UK)
By Ryan Gorman
PUBLISHED: 15:45 EST, 22 July 2013 | UPDATED: 17:13 EST, 22 July 2013

June 24, 2013

Sequester For Thee, But Not For Me?

Sequestering taxpayer funds is opposed by The President and Fellows of Harvard College. But sequestering students, faculty and staff from the dreaded unwashed community of proles is celebrated at Harvard University.

Confronting The Sequester
Research at Harvard is largely intact after large federal budget reductions, but the money is going and the cuts are coming
May 30, 2013