Showing posts with label Eugenics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eugenics. Show all posts
October 21, 2015
Oxford Ethicist Talks Culling The Herd at Harvard Law School
Savulescu promotes eugenics in MA joining Walter Fernald, and Everett Flood, early advocates of sterilizing defective persons. The Oxford ethicist wants to "test for certain genes that predict aggressive behavior, which would potentially alter the criminal justice system."
An ethicist (are there licenses to practice ethics?) wants to change the Constitution without even an executive order. Like the Nazi doctors he divides "human beings into low and high risks, [. . .] pointing to potential societal benefits." At the Nuremberg trials the doctor who used human subjects argued the benefit to society outweighed harm to individuals. The same argument is often heard among medical researchers today. Focusing on “the best chance of the best life.” he sounds like Peter Singer another "ethicist." Singer says parents of severely disabled babies should be allowed to kill their babies within the first six months in order to increase happiness in the world. Julian Savulescu wants “to select those embryos [. . .] that are healthy, [. . .] who have [a] lower risk of violent aggression[.]”
He argues "both potential victims and criminals would be better off." without providing details of what he means by good (better off). “When the cost to you is small and the benefit to somebody else is large, you ought to perform that action.” See defense argument (above) at Nuremberg trials.
Oxford Professor Talks Science and Moral Behavior
Harvard Crimson
October 21, 2015
September 19, 2015
Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos
The genetic manipulation of human IVF embryos is set to start in Britain for the first time (Rex)
[From article]
When Chinese scientists announced earlier this year that they had genetically altered “spare” human IVF embryos using Crispr/Cas9 for research purposes, there was deep concern among many who thought that they had gone too far – the US Government later imposed a moratorium on federally-funded research in America.
However, critics of the manipulation of human IVF embryos – even when done for research purposes – have argued that it is a slippery slope to genetically-enhanced “designer babies” that might be engineered with desired traits such as intelligence or athletic ability.
The scientists behind the proposed study in the UK said they have no intention of altering the DNA of future generations but accept that this may at some point in the future be safe, medically justifiably and ethically acceptable – for instance to avoid inherited disorders or to confer disease resistance on IVF babies.
[. . .]
“There are suggestions that the methods could be used to correct genetic defects, to provide disease resistance, or even to introduce novel traits that are not found in humans. However, it is up to society to decide what is acceptable – science will merely inform what may be possible,” she added.
Parliament amended the UK’s IVF legislation in 2008 to allow genetic manipulation of embryos less than 14 days old, provided it was for research purposes and sanctioned by the HFEA. Under the HFE Act 2008, it remains illegal to create GM embryos for implanting into the womb, or to edit the “germline” DNA of chromosomes passed on to future generations.
IVF embryos to be genetically manipulated as scientists investigate repeated miscarriages
Friday 18 September 2015
Human Experimentation,
United Kingdom
February 21, 2015
UK Legalizes and Promotes Eugenics In The Name of Preventing Illness
A group of Italian politicans have slammed the idea of three-parent babies
Say goodbye to imperfect humans. Only the most pure will be allowed to live under these principles and guidelines. Who said the British people fought Hitler in vain. He is winning in death.
[From article]
The group of Italian politicians have called on the House of Lords to reject a law to allow so-called three-parent babies - stating the notion "cannot possibly be contained within the confines of the United Kingdom". The stern warning comes after MPs in Britain voted overwhelmingly in favour of the controversial technique of mitochondrial donation - which would allow children to be conceived with genetic material from a trio of individuals. In a strongly worded letter to The Times, the Italian Mps wrote that the legalisation of such a technique "could have uncontrollable and unforeseeable consequences, affecting future generations and modifying genetic heritage in an irreversible way, inevitably affecting the human species as a whole". The letter also argues that "the greater part of the scientific community maintain that the scientific data currently available is insufficient to even consider intervention on human subjects, and there cannot therefore be any guarantee for the safety of any eventual off-spring".
[. . .]
Earlier this month, MPs voted 382 to 128 in favour of an amendment to the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, which will allow the creation of IVF babies with DNA from three different people. Mitochondrial donation techniques aimed at preventing serious inherited diseases will now be legalised, subject to any amendments made in the House of Lords
Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs
THREE-PARENT babies could risk the future of the human race by "modifying genetic heritage in an irreversible way", warned 55 Italian MPs.
Published: 12:21, Sat, February 21, 2015
February 14, 2015
Eugenics Movement Is Alive and Well
Elitists continue to try to eliminate undesirable persons. Eugenics began in Massachusetts and was adopted by Adolf Hitler. The founder of Planned Parenthood was an advocate. This is always done in the name of good, when one group of people get the power to decide who shall live and who shall not. That would never happen here? Oh no?
[From article]
A mother-of-six with learning disabilities could be sterilised after health authority and social services bosses asked a judge for permission to force entry into her home, restrain her and take her to hospital.
The woman, who is in her 30s, has had her children removed from her care and authorities say she has physical health problems which could put her life in danger if she became pregnant again.
[. . .]
Barrister John McKendrick, who represented a health authority, hospital trust and council involved in the case, said the rulings sought were "extraordinary" and would involve serious interference with the woman's basic human rights, but he said they were necessary.
They say the woman could be at "grave" risk if action is not taken, while specialists say she lacks the mental capacity to make decisions about treatment.
Lawyers appointed by the court to represent the woman's interests have backed the plan put forward by health and social services officials.
They have agreed the woman "lacks capacity" because her mind is impaired.
[. . .]
Barrister Michael Horne, who is representing the interests of the woman, said the issues raised had nothing to do with "eugenics". He said sterilisation was "therapeutic" and the most effective way of mitigating "grave risks" to the woman's health and life.
Mother-of-six with learning disabilities could be sterilised after authorities ask court for permission to force entry into her home
Monday 02 February 2015
October 2, 2014
Holocaust and Abortion Related; US Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler
[From article]
“It is apparent from Black’s research that American eugenicists contributed to Nazi racial hygiene policy. The Nazi experiments with X-rays to sterilize their victims, euthanasia and even the gas chamber were all at one time or another proposed by American eugenicists as a means of eliminating the unfit from American life. To the extent that Black’s research documents this connection between early 20th-century eugenics policy and its extreme escalation by the Nazis in the death camps, the book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the evolution of the Holocaust.”
Clueless Soft Porn Cosmopolitan Mag Attacks Jessa Duggar
Ryan Bomberger
Oct 01, 2014
Planned Parenthood
September 22, 2014
Obamacare Architect Thinks People Should End Their Lives at 75
[From article]
vile and dangerous article penned by Obamacare architect and Obama official Ezekiel Emanuel, making the case that 75 years is long enough for everyone to live. That way, the government saves a lot of money, you see. And besides, the “quality of lofe” is too low in the seventies, or so it seems to Dr. E at his current stage in life.
September 22, 2014
Why Ezekiel Emanuel is evil and a fool (illustrated edition)
By Thomas Lifson
Health Care,
Life Expectancy,
Quality of Life
February 20, 2012
Planned Parenthood Began As Part of Eugenics Movement
'To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit'
Michelle Malkin
February 10, 2012
'To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit'
Michelle Malkin
February 10, 2012
January 20, 2012
Elitist Eugenics In The Courts, and DMH
Journalists exacerbate this incident by emphasizing negative bias against persons with disabilities. They refer to the woman as a "[illness] woman." She is a human being, an American citizen with rights, who has a legal disability. Journalists show more compassion for illegal aliens who are repeatedly convicted of felonies. The courts deny persons with disabilities basic rights contrary to law. The Department of Mental Health advocated for the abuse using taxpayer money to deny rights to vulnerable citizens. The DMH is a taxpayer funded lobbyist for the drug industry and the psychiatric industry. They do not protect the rights of their vulnerable clients. Their human rights officer (a full time position) refers people to other taxpayer funded agencies which do little to prevent or to stop abuses.
The state says it "wasn’t advocating for anything other than the appropriate role of medical professionals and the patient’s family.” Lawyers, human services professionals and parents speak for persons with disabilities. Why are citizens denied the right to consent? Dissembling officials say the same people can consent to treatment and to be used as human subjects for experiments. But when it comes to procedures like abortion they say they not able to do so. What sane legal principle denies people the right to speak for themselves? This is a modern adaptation of the eugenics movement by contemporary elitists. The judge said it was a wrenching decision for her. Pity the poor judge. What about the individual woman whose basic rights were taken from her by the judge. Was it wrenching for her? Or doesn't she have any feelings or emotions? Professionals -- lawyers, judges, psychiatrists and DMH bureaucrats -- deny as a matter of convenience, the humanity of their clients. They believe they know better. They dehumanize humans in the name of treatment. How very National Socialist of them and their journalist enablers.
Judge calls ruling over sterilization ‘wrenching’
By John Zaremba and Chris Cassidy
Boston Herald
Friday, January 20, 2012
The state says it "wasn’t advocating for anything other than the appropriate role of medical professionals and the patient’s family.” Lawyers, human services professionals and parents speak for persons with disabilities. Why are citizens denied the right to consent? Dissembling officials say the same people can consent to treatment and to be used as human subjects for experiments. But when it comes to procedures like abortion they say they not able to do so. What sane legal principle denies people the right to speak for themselves? This is a modern adaptation of the eugenics movement by contemporary elitists. The judge said it was a wrenching decision for her. Pity the poor judge. What about the individual woman whose basic rights were taken from her by the judge. Was it wrenching for her? Or doesn't she have any feelings or emotions? Professionals -- lawyers, judges, psychiatrists and DMH bureaucrats -- deny as a matter of convenience, the humanity of their clients. They believe they know better. They dehumanize humans in the name of treatment. How very National Socialist of them and their journalist enablers.
Judge calls ruling over sterilization ‘wrenching’
By John Zaremba and Chris Cassidy
Boston Herald
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mass Dept. of Mental Health,
January 19, 2012
Eugenics Popular on Campuses in USA
[From article]
"As often happens when a big idea seizes the imagination of the intelligentsia, their strongest argument is that there is no argument -- that "science" has already proved what they believe.
As Sir Francis Galton put it: "there exists a sentiment, for the most part quite unreasonable, against the gradual extinction of an inferior race."
The idea that those with different views had only "sentiment" on their side, while he had science, was common among intellectuals on both sides of the Atlantic.
Eugenics -- a term Galton coined -- became a crusading creed, and eugenics societies were set up by such stellar intellectuals as John Maynard Keynes, H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw in England. In the United States there were 376 college courses devoted to eugenics in American colleges and universities in 1928.
[. . .]
In our supposedly more enlightened time, it became dangerous even to express differing views on the subject on leading college and university campuses."
An Ignored 'Disparity': Part III
January 19, 2012
"As often happens when a big idea seizes the imagination of the intelligentsia, their strongest argument is that there is no argument -- that "science" has already proved what they believe.
As Sir Francis Galton put it: "there exists a sentiment, for the most part quite unreasonable, against the gradual extinction of an inferior race."
The idea that those with different views had only "sentiment" on their side, while he had science, was common among intellectuals on both sides of the Atlantic.
Eugenics -- a term Galton coined -- became a crusading creed, and eugenics societies were set up by such stellar intellectuals as John Maynard Keynes, H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw in England. In the United States there were 376 college courses devoted to eugenics in American colleges and universities in 1928.
[. . .]
In our supposedly more enlightened time, it became dangerous even to express differing views on the subject on leading college and university campuses."
An Ignored 'Disparity': Part III
January 19, 2012
September 27, 2011
Covering Up Eugenics and Sterilization
Wallace Kuralt's era of sterilization
Mecklenburg's impoverished had few, if any, rights in the '50s and '60s as he oversaw one of the most aggressive efforts to sterilize certain populations
By Ann Doss Helms and Tommy Tomlinson
ahelms (at)
Posted: Monday, Sep. 26, 2011
Wallace Kuralt's era of sterilization
Mecklenburg's impoverished had few, if any, rights in the '50s and '60s as he oversaw one of the most aggressive efforts to sterilize certain populations
By Ann Doss Helms and Tommy Tomlinson
ahelms (at)
Posted: Monday, Sep. 26, 2011
Public Relations,
August 20, 2011
Defense Lawyers Seek Hereditary Link to Mental Illness
As in the Unabomber case, Jared Loughner's lawyers are working to create an insanity defense. They are creating a new path increasing the client base for the psychiatric industry and the drug companies. They seek to find link to mental illness in Loughner's family. Surely this is a return to the good old days of Massachusetts and the eugenics movement. The state sterilized anyone accused of mental illness to avoid passing on the disease to future generations. How misguided can lawyers, courts and journalists be that they are clueless about the imaginary nature of this effort?
Jared Loughner's Defense Team May Be Looking for Mental Illness in His Relatives
Aug. 19, 2011
ABC News
March 27, 2010
Eugenics, Marriage and Match Makers
[From article]
David Popenoe, a founder of the National Marriage Project, is the son of Paul Popenoe, the father of marriage counselling, who is best remembered for the Ladies’ Home Journal feature “Can This Marriage Be Saved?”[. . .]
he was a leader in the campaign to sterilize the insane and the weak of mind.[. . .]
For Popenoe, marriage counselling was the flip side of compulsory vasectomy and tubal ligation: sterilize the unfit; urge the fit to marry.[. . .]California passed a forced-sterilization law. (Two-thirds of American states eventually did the same.) In 1913, [Stanford University President David Starr] Jordan appointed Popenoe editor of the Journal of Heredity. With Gosney, he charted the progress of California’s sterilization project. He traveled from one asylum to the next, counting, inspecting. Some twenty thousand men and women were sterilized in California. Popenoe estimated that about ten million Americans—about a tenth of the population—should be sterilized.[. . .]
The constitutionality of compulsory-sterilization laws was brought before the Supreme Court in 1927, in Buck v. Bell. [. . .]
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., writing for the eight-to-one majority, concluded, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Buck was sterilized.[. . .]
Eugenics relied on a colossal misunderstanding of science and a savage misreading of history.
[. . .]
Eugenics dates to the Progressive Era, when it was faddish. Early on, and particularly before the First World War, it was embraced by reformers on the left, from Jane Addams to Woodrow Wilson[. . .]
In 1934, Popenoe wrote about “Mein Kampf” admiringly, and at length. “Hitler himself—though a bachelor—has long been a convinced advocate of race betterment through eugenic measures,”
[. . .]
Paul Popenoe launched computer dating in 1956, on a UNIVAC.[. . .]
in Popenoe’s most influential book, “Life Without Father” (1996), he described what he called “the human carnage of fatherlessness.” The nation, Popenoe worried, was at risk “of committing social suicide.”
The rise of marriage therapy, and other dreams of human betterment.
by Jill Lepore
New Yorker
March 29, 2010
February 21, 2009
Pope Benedict Warns of Eugenics Based on Beauty
With a long history of eugenics in Massachusetts this warning should be focused on the Universities in the Bay State. Formerly persons accused of mental illness and other illnesses were kept from having children. The Massachusetts programs were so efficient that Adolf Hitler praised the Massachusetts medical community. Many elite members of the Harvard Community believe in upper class dominance and superior genes. They do not define what superior is, only that they have them.
Pope warns on new eugenics based on beauty
(Writing by Deepa Babington; editing by Robert Woodward)
Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:08pm EST
With a long history of eugenics in Massachusetts this warning should be focused on the Universities in the Bay State. Formerly persons accused of mental illness and other illnesses were kept from having children. The Massachusetts programs were so efficient that Adolf Hitler praised the Massachusetts medical community. Many elite members of the Harvard Community believe in upper class dominance and superior genes. They do not define what superior is, only that they have them.
Pope warns on new eugenics based on beauty
(Writing by Deepa Babington; editing by Robert Woodward)
Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:08pm EST
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