Myron Magnet is not fooled by the misguided notion that Obama is incompetent. He recognizes that what Obama has done is intentional. It does not change the effects, but it may raise an alarm among others to watch more closely what the White House does and to add some skepticism to what is broadcast by the many PR flacks and propagandists employed therein. He also recognizes that Obamacare is an insurance law. It does nothing to improve the delivery of medical services and care to patients. In order to improve the medical system spines are required. Politicians lack them. Many abuses are easily fixed. But it requires standing up to the medical industry which thrives financially from the current mess. Also the lack of accountability for the 100,000 deaths each year from medical negligence; and the out-of-control use of human subjects for experimental research projects.
[From article]
Anyone who believes the talk about how Barack Obama is already a lame-duck president, detached and irrelevant, is deluding himself. President Obama has accomplished more or less what he set out to accomplish. He has made himself the most consequential and transformative president since Lyndon Johnson. His foreign policy has been more systematically destructive of the world order and American power than LBJ’s Vietnam War. His wrong-headed domestic policy has proved more catastrophic and intentionally hard to correct than Johnson’s madcap War on Poverty, whose consequences still bedevil our society.
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Obamacare has created and then to untangle the confusion, some of it intentional, some inadvertent.
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Now we have anarchy, and it will require leadership and vision beyond what America usually can call upon to hose out Obama’s Augean stables and create order.
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Meanwhile, the president has overturned the Constitution to keep his command-and-control health-insurance scheme alive. The law that Congress wrote (but didn’t read, under the shameless leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi) turned out to be, as was inevitable, filled with holes and errors. No matter: a presidential edict a day keeps collapse away. But the Constitution doesn’t allow for government by executive edict. That’s for monarchy or dictatorship. Nevertheless, after such an example, it will take us some time to reestablish the principle that the president’s duty is to see that the laws are faithfully executed, and that his power doesn’t go beyond that—doesn’t extend, for example, to abolishing our national border.
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anti-constitutional extremes that make a mockery of “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” and would have the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves.
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It is proverbially easy to destroy something but hard to build it up. Faced with such wreckage of policies and systems laboriously constructed by Americans over decades and centuries, who knows where to start the work of repair, and how to do it?
President Humpty Dumpty
Obama meant to make the anarchic mess we have.
6 August 2014