Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

January 11, 2016

Elite Upper Classes Deny Freedom and Rights to Ordinary Citizens

[From article]
Straight up – progressive elites are evil.
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Hard-core activists are front-line foot soldiers, today referred to as social justice warriors (SJW).
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All told, the elites and hard-core activists represent a very tiny segment of society. A small percentage, of a small percentage of the progressive democrat constituency.
Which brings us to the dupes, stooges, the ill-informed. This segment is not evil, by nature, just deceived. They have been deceived in part by their ignorance.
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It is easy to want to take sides in this battle, and make no mistake, it is a battle, but we too often allow this fight to bring us to a place (in our hearts) that is no better than the evil that we are fighting against.
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We need to treat people individually, with love and compassion. We need to shine the light of truth on a darkened world, and invite those who would seek the light to find it.
We must however, continue to fight against those who would willingly embrace darkness and the principalities of evil.

January 10, 2016
Elites, Activists, and Dupes
By Earick Ward

December 18, 2015

Universities Infected With Social Virus Destroying Intellectual Freedom and Inquiry

[From article]
Can we rid the campus of these misguided fools? Are we condemned to an academic life where free and open discussion is subordinated to creating “safe spaces,” trigger warnings, and formal channel to report professors who accidently (sic) hurt somebody's feelings?
The situation initially appears bleak. Forget about stiffening the administrative spines -- these apparatchiki were chosen by virtue of their cowardice and lack any incentive to expel, let alone arrest, disruptors. Similarly useless is reasoning with these fools. That a non-negotiable demand is impractical, too expensive or illegal hardly settles the matter in this quest for a Utopian fantasy.
[. . .]
What about the little Stalinist snowflakes and buttercups who insist that they cannot learn unless instruction is thoroughly cleansed of anything associated with the white, oppressive, capitalist patriarchy and that the school’s primary educational mission is to expand diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion? Let me suggest that the best antidote for this fantasy is to let them spend their junior year (or more) in an academic setting that resembles this daydream so they can see for themselves.
[. . .]
Better yet, how about a junior years at one of several hundred universities in sub-Sahara Africa? Not all that difficult since many use English as the instructional language and these universities would be delighted to receive the hefty tuition that would otherwise be paid to Dartmouth or Yale. No doubt, those American students who feel stifled by the hyper-white Ivy League would academically thrive at, say, the University of Lagos in Lagos, Nigeria that offers numerous academic programs in a highly diverse setting. Residing in Nigeria and other post-colonial African nations is surely the perfect escape from the evils of white-dominated Western civilization.
[. . .]
ridding the campus of the SJW folk will improve higher education and do so without much upheaval. Undergraduates will now on average be smarter, work harder and will no longer substitute feelings for knowledge. As an added bonus, schools like Yale and Brown that have shamelessly surrendered to the SJW mob will regain some lost intellectual prestige.

December 17, 2015
Ridding the Campus of the Social Justice Pox
By Robert Weissberg

August 29, 2014

EPA Chief: Global Warming About Justice For Black People

[From article]
The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed global warming regulations aren’t just about stemming global temperature rises — according to agency’s chief, they are also about “justice” for “communities of color.”
“Carbon pollution standards are an issue of justice,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy in a teleconference call with environmental activists. “If we want to protect communities of color, we need to protect them from climate change.”

EPA Chief: CO2 Regulations Are About ‘Justice’ For ‘Communities Of Color’
2:20 PM 08/27/2014
Michael Bastasch

August 13, 2014

MA Public Schools Emphasize Teaching Fairness and Justice

[From article]
In Massachusetts, the John J. Duggan Middle School will open on August 25 with a new name and mission. It is now a "social justice magnet school." As a hiring advertisement for teachers explained earlier this year, the emphasis will be on "helping students develop the necessary skills to analyze and synthesize information and to generate empathy by looking at multiple sides of important issues facing the world, be that hunger, water quality, racial barriers, child labor or imbalance of power."
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The new principal says the school's primary job is teaching "fairness."
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The ultimate goal of these social justice prep schools: creating left-wing political advocates.
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At the Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School, also in Massachusetts, students won't learn math. They'll be taught "social justice math." (Freire was a Brazilian leftist who wrote a social justice teacher's Bible called "Pedagogy of the Oppressed.")
His acolytes explain the push for radicalization of math: "Math is an instrument for detailing social justice issues and developing critical consciousness." In the hands of progressive teachers, math "becomes an analytic tool to bring awareness to important world issues."
In other words: One plus one equals "That's unfair!"

Readin', Writin' and Social Justice Agitatin'

By Michelle Malkin
Published August 8, 2014

July 25, 2014

How Left Confuses Arguments Using Appeals To Justice and Fairness

Without defining either fairness or justice, liberals argue in support of whatever they favor. 

[From article]
“The Left recognizes the power of justice,” says Dinesh, “and they recognize the vulnerability of America, because capitalism is a counterintuitive system that has never been in tune with our instincts about justice.
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Obama was debating Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries. A moderator, Charlie Gibson, brought up the capital-gains tax, pointing out its history: When the rate had gone down, revenue had gone up; and when the rate had gone up, revenue had gone down. “So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?”
Obama answered, “Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness.” Yes. Economics is out the window. Cause and effect is out the window. Real, practical consequences are out the window. All that matters is something psychological: someone’s notion of “fairness.”
[. . .]
He likes to quote a remark from Jeane Kirkpatrick: “Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.”

JULY 23, 2014 12:00 AM
D’Souza Nation, Part III
By Jay Nordlinger

March 30, 2014

SCOTUS Justice Indicates Being Misinformed On Obamacare

Justice Elena Kagan, wrong on Affordable Health care Act?

[From article]
Kagan’s mistake, if that’s what it was, goes to the heart of a serious contemporary problem: the proliferation of bureaucratic regulation carrying the force of law, wholly produced not by legislation, but by bureaucrats.
It should be deeply shocking and embarrassing if a sitting Supreme Court Justice confused bureaucratic regulation for actual statutory language. A former Harvard Law School professor, and dean, no less. One of the reasons we venerate the Supreme Court is that the justices are expected to immerse themselves in the cases, and ponder them deeply.

March 30, 2014
Did Justice Kagan embarrass herself during the Hobby Lobby oral arguments?
Thomas Lifson

February 7, 2012

Harvard Course on Justice Broadcast in China and Japan

Was the issue of corrupt government ever discussed and what to do when the reaction of prominent faculties at prominent wealthy universities to that corruption is to support it? Just asking.

Justice Goes Global
By Amy Friedman,
Published: Monday, February 06, 2012

April 1, 2010

Lawyers Run Courts as a Business

Surprise! Courts are a business and a sport run for and by licensed attorneys. It is a game that one side wins. Sometimes the fix is in. Most times it is based on who is more diligent or negligent. A sleeping attorney is competent counsel according to the Supreme Court of the US. Courts allow only "evidence" as testimony. Truth is not what courts find. Cases are decided based on evidence. In Plato's Republic where justice is discussed, Thrasymachus suggests that justice is "the interests of the stronger." Does that explain why wealthy, politically connected defendants get away with murder?

Mom reels after 2nd mistrial in son’s slay

‘We still have no justice’

By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Thursday, April 1, 2010

November 1, 2009

Justice Is?

“I came to law school because I care about justice,” Minow said. “The question of justice should be present in the classroom, present in the work of scholars, present in the career aspirations. What justice is, of course, is a very complicated matter.” In Plato's Republic seven definitions of Justice were discussed. To Thrasymachus Justice is the interests of the stronger. History and Harvard lawyers accept this view.

Martha Minow Faces Challenges
Published On Friday, October 30, 2009 1:29 AM
Harvard Crimson Staff Writer