Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts

June 6, 2016

IRS Reveals List of Targeted Conservative Groups. Commissioner Remains Defiant, Indicating Contempt

Photo by: Andrew Harnik
Congressional Republicans say IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who was brought in by President Obama to clean up the agency after the targeting scandal, has failed — and even misled Congress during the investigation. 

(Associated Press)

Government malfeasance will continue as long as public officials remain unaccountable. Even if damages from liability are found and abuses of power, taxpayers will pay for the wrongdoing of these miscreants. The individuals must pay penalties for their abuses of power, and political misuse of power contrary to law. The IRS is out of control along with the Department of Justice and the bloated, useless, misguided Department of Homeland Security. They lead the nation toward tyranny.

[From article]
More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.
The tax agency filed the list last month as part of a court case after a series of federal judges, fed up with what they said was the agency’s stonewalling, ordered it to get a move on. The case is a class-action lawsuit, so the list of names is critical to knowing the scope of those who would have a claim against the IRS.
But even as it answers some questions, the list raises others, including exactly when the targeting stopped, and how broadly the tax agency drew its net when it went after nonprofits for unusual scrutiny.
The government released names of 426 organizations. Another 40 were not released as part of the list because they had already opted out of being part of the class-action suit.
That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities. Tea party and conservative groups said they was the target of unusually heavy investigations and longer delays,
Edward D. Greim, the lawyer who’s pursuing the case on behalf of NorCal Tea Party Patriots and other members of the class, said the list also could have ballooned toward the end of the targeting as the IRS, once it knew it was being investigated, snagged more liberal groups in its operations to try to soften perceptions of political bias.
“As we have identified in our filings in this case, important questions still exist regarding changes to the IRS‘ case listings that occurred after the IRS learned that the [inspector general] and congressional investigations had begun,” he said. “Based on these changes, which to date remain unexplained, a very real possibility — if not probability — exists that the IRS modified its targeting in light of the investigations, packing its own internal lists of targeted groups to support its preferred narrative, including by adding ideologically diverse groups.”
He said if that did happen, it would have “tainted” the list the IRS has now released.
The IRS declined to comment, saying its filing spoke for itself.
A series of investigations found the IRS did ask intrusive questions and did delay applications for years, in violation of policy. But so far no investigation has found any order from the White House to conduct the targeting.
[. . .]
Sixty of the groups on the list released last month have the word “tea” in their name, 33 have “patriot,” eight refer to the Constitution, and 13 have “912” in their name — which is the monicker of a movement started by conservatives. Another 26 group names refer to “liberty,” though that list does include some groups that are not discernibly conservative in orientation.
Among the groups that appear to trend liberal are three with the word “occupy” in their name.
And then there are some surprising names, including three state or local chapters of the League of Women Voters — a group with a long history of nonprofit work.
[. . .]
Congressional Republicans say IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who was brought in by President Obama to clean up the agency after the targeting scandal, has failed — and even misled Congress during the investigation. Some Republicans are even pursuing impeachment against Mr. Koskinen, accusing him of defying a subpoena for former senior IRS executive Lois G. Lerner’s emails by allowing computer backup tapes to be destroyed.
Even outside of impeachment, the House GOP has proposed a new round of budget cuts for the IRS, aimed at trying to deliver a message that Mr. Koskinen’s tenure has been unacceptable.
And the tax agency is still defending itself in a series of court cases. In addition to the NorCal class action case, the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., is currently considering an appeal by tea party groups who argue the targeting is still going on.
[. . .]
“One thing remains clear: Continued litigation is the only way to force the IRS‘ hand in order to expose its targeting scheme that was coordinated with the help of the DOJ and other federal agencies so that we can obtain justice for those patriotic Americans who were unconstitutionally targeted by their own government,” said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice, which is representing some of the plaintiffs in the appeals case.
In yet another case, the conservative group Cause of Action has been pursuing the IRS to turn over documents the group believed would show White House officials requesting secret taxpayer information on conservatives.
But in a filing Friday, the IRS said it has conducted a final search and can’t find any evidence that the White House either asked for or received protected information.

IRS finally reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Sunday, June 5, 2016

July 10, 2015

Evidence of IRS Abuse of Power

[From article]
The emails, which were produced in response to a 2013 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, highlight the extent to which the IRS targeting of conservative nonprofit groups was directed by the agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, and was carried out under pressure from Senator Carl Levin (D., Mich.):
[. . .]
The emails, which were produced in response to a 2013 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, highlight the extent to which the IRS targeting of conservative nonprofit groups was directed by the agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, and was carried out under pressure from Senator Carl Levin (D., Mich.):
[. . .]
Earlier this year, Obama declared that there was not “even a smidgen of corruption” behind the IRS targeting.

Washington Deeply Involved in IRS Targeting, New Emails Show
BY: Andrew Stiles
May 15, 2014 2:20 pm

January 13, 2015

IRS Unlawfully Delayed For Five Years, Non Profit Application For Tea Party Group

[From article]
Before there were the lost Lerner emails, the congressional hearings and the retaliatory budget cuts, there was the Albuquerque Tea Party, a group of politically minded folks in New Mexico who wanted to get together and share ideas for taking back their country. The IRS had other ideas about them.
Five years after the Albuquerque Tea Party applied for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, they remain in limbo — their application apparently no closer to being approved or denied than it was the day they mailed it to the IRS on Dec. 29, 2009.
[. . .]
It’s unclear what triggered the IRS to approve the group after years of waiting. Ms. McCarty said the most recent reply to the IRS included nearly 600 pages of documents submitted a year and a half ago.
“All the back and forth questions were just stall tactics,” she said in an email. “I mean, come on — they’ve been targeting us for four years.”

IRS keeps Albuquerque Tea Party in limbo 5 years after tax-exempt status application
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Monday, January 12, 2015

June 28, 2014

Palin, West, Santorum Encourage Tea Party To Victory

[From article]
In conversations with attendees, and from the stage as Former Governor Sarah Palin, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Rep. Allen West addressed the crowd of about 500, the anger about Cochran's controversial electoral tactics was palpable.
[. . .]
“That was a disgrace,” West said. “That was not standing on principal that’s not standing up for what you believe in, that was just a career politician that just wants to go back to Washington D.C. That was despicable, it’s immoral and it’s disgusting.”
Palin also disparaged the Republican party for their actions in Mississippi.
“Well shoot, our own party was proving this last week, to potentially manipulate and exterminate the integrity of a primary election,” she said, pointing out that the “the bloated political clash from both sides were trying to discourage people aligned with the Tea Party.
[. . .]
Palin reminded activists that the results should inspire them to redouble their efforts, pointing out that the establishment politicians would try to discourage them.
“It does make a difference,” she said. “What you are doing makes a difference and now more than ever we need to ramp it up. Don’t retreat, we gotta reload.”
In spite of their frustration, Palin soon had the crowd laughing as she peppered her speech with political jokes and taking shots against President Obama and his allies.
[. . .]
“Us bitter clingers and wingers, we ignored those yappin' little lapdogs in the media and with a new social media kind of reporting you know we were able to kick those little varmints away, we were able to ignore what it was that they were saying,” she said.
Palin held up Sen. Ted Cruz as an example of a Washington politician that was fighting for them, and explained that it was more important than ever to send him allies in his fight against the Washington establishment.
“He is there for a reason not a season, and that’s what we need more of,” she said. “We need to send the good guys reinforcements to take the battle to Capitol Hill for us.”

27 Jun 2014, 2:41 PM PDT

April 17, 2014

Tea Party Sues IRS Over Abuses of Power, Felonies

[From article]
Confusion may arise over the 501(c)(4) designation because the IRS calls such groups “social welfare organizations,” which may conjure images of neighborhood watches or volunteer fire departments.
In fact, on March 12, 2012, Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Al Franken, D-Minn., and five other
Democrats signed a letter demanding the IRS target conservative groupsand impose tighter restrictions on 501(c)(4) groups affiliated with the tea parties because, they claimed, the groups were “masquerading as social welfare organizations.”

'IRS has to follow letter of the law, just like we do'
Garth Kant
April 15, 2014

IRS Suspected of Felony Violations

[From article]
WND reported that those small exempt organizations are directed by the IRS itself to file confidential tax information through the Urban Institute, whose chief is linked to the Center for American Progress, the source for many of Barack Obama’s ultra-progressive agenda items as president.
Cleta Mitchell, a top Washington attorney, told WND: “If true, this is a violation of federal law. And since most of the tea-party groups have annual revenues of [$50,000] or less, this would redirect their filings to a group whose mission is fundamentally at odds with tea-party organizations.”
Mitchell said federal law “strictly prohibits the disclosure of confidential taxpayer information to persons outside the IRS.”
“It is a felony to disseminate the information,” she said.
“Surely this cannot be happening. Surely,” said Mitchell. “This would be well more than a ‘smidgen’ of corruption.”

'Department of Justice is now implicated and conflicted in the IRS scandal'
Bob Unruh
April 16, 2014

November 17, 2013

Tea Party Ordinary Concerned Citizens, Threat To Socialist Promoters

[From article]
There is no question that the principles of anyone who believes in the freedom of American citizens from arbitrary government dictates like ObamaCare — unauthorized by anything in the Constitution and forbidden by the 10th Amendment — must oppose this quantum leap forward in the expansion of the power of government.
There is nothing ambiguous about the principle. The only question is about the tactics,

Jewish World Review
Nov. 12, 2013/ 9 Kislev, 5774
Tea Party at the Crossroads
By Thomas Sowell

* * *

[From article]
Like ObamaCare, Prohibition sounded good to a lot of people before it went into effect. Only after they saw what a disaster it was in practice did people change their minds.
We are already seeing people changing their minds about ObamaCare, after they experienced the multiple disasters that are just starting to emerge. That includes Congressional Democrats who had voted for it.
[. . .]
Friend and foe alike see the Tea Party as not just a bunch of politicians trying to stay in office, but people with a purpose beyond going along to get along. The left's desperate — and dishonest — efforts to discredit the Tea Party show that they understand its threat to their expanding government agenda.
[. . .]
There are millions of Americans today who are losing their insurance and their doctor — and who may also lose everything financially to identity thieves, if ObamaCare is as careless with their private information as early reports indicate. These Americans are infinitely more important than internal battles among Republicans.

Jewish World Review
Nov. 13, 2013/ 10 Kislev, 5774
Tea Party at the Crossroads: Part II
By Thomas Sowell

October 23, 2013

Obama's Direction Apparent in IRS Targeting of Tea Party

[From article]
What was sold to the American public as a low-level scandal perpetrated by a few rogue employees – a scandal stopped after senior officials became aware and asserted control – is now (to borrow a Watergate phrase) “no longer operative.” Instead, we detail a long-running assault on the Tea Party, beginning shortly after its emergence in 2009, that is empowered, encouraged, and orchestrated not only by senior IRS officials in Washington, but also through outright targeting by the White House, Congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media.

Obama’s fingerprints all over IRS Tea Party scandal
By Jay Sekulow
Published October 20, 2013

October 7, 2013

Misguided Liberals Fear Of Tea Party, Inspires Call For Military To Subdue Them

[From article]
The New Republic
October 1, 2013
On Tuesday, the liberal New Republic published an article that was a not-so-subtle suggestion that Barack Obama use military force against the Tea Party in the same manner Boris Yeltsin used it against hardliners in his government nearly 20 years ago.

"What is a president in a presidential constitutional republic to do when faced with an intransigent, bull-headed faction among his people's representatives?" Julia Ioffe wrote.
She then gave a brief synopsis of the events that took place, saying Yeltsin faced a situation similar to what Obama now faces.
"Almost exactly 20 years ago, he dissolved parliament. The vice president and the speaker of the parliament dissolved Yeltsin's presidency, and holed up with their supporters in the parliament's headquarters, now known as 'the White House,'" she said.
"Then Yeltsin did this to it," she added immediately above a picture of a Russian armored vehicle in front of a flaming government building.

Liberal New Republic suggests Obama use military against Tea Party
Joe Newby
October 1, 2013

Tea Party Is Conservative Version of AARP

[From article]
The dirty little secret is that the Tea Party is the conservative version of the AARP. The evil Tea Party, holding politicians and legislation hostage, are predominately retired veterans and senior citizens alike. They have time on their hands so they can, and will, mobilize, are focused, stubborn, and capable of holding liberal politicians accountable for their actions.
What really frustrates Democrats is that the Tea Party cannot be controlled, they are informed, have flexed their muscle on numerous election days to the detriment of the left, and are very difficult to smear personally as they have no clear leader nor rap sheet.

Why The Left Must Destroy The Tea Party
Posted on October 3, 2013
by Black & Right

September 23, 2013

Tea Party Still Targeted, While Socialists Enjoy Special Privileges

Tea Party just wants to be treated as the socialists are treated.

Tea party wants socialist treatment
9/18/13 11:34 AM EDT

August 8, 2013

Impeach Obama Protests Above Highways


Protesters will call for Obama's impeachment from above NJ's highways
By Louis C. Hochman
on August 01, 2013 at 3:50 PM, updated August 01, 2013 at 4:12 PM

May 16, 2013

Sarah Palin, Tea Party Save America

Gov. Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, Tea Party Save America
By Bernie Quigley
05/15/13 10:15 AM ET

May 15, 2013

IRS Demanded Invasive Responses About Thoughts, Reading Materials, Plans to Run for Office

Related Story
IRS Abuse of Tea Party Directions Came From DC and California

Documents: IRS letters harassing conservative groups came from Washington, DC headquarters and from Califonia offices, despite Inspector General's focus on Cincinnati employees
Tax agency has admitted targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for special, politically motivated scrutiny
IRS inspector general focused on wrongdoing in Cincinnati, Ohio office and ignored abusive letters coming from other cities
MailOnline found letters from IRS's Washington, D.C. headquarters, and from IRS offices in two southern California cities
The American Center on Law and Justice is threatening to sue the IRS if 27 tea party groups aren't granted tax-exempt statuses by Friday
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 18:27 EST, 15 May 2013 | UPDATED: 18:31 EST, 15 May 2013

* * *

The IRS wants YOU — to share everything
5/14/13 7:36 PM EDT Updated: 5/15/13 4:58 PM EDT

October 31, 2012

Tea Party News Network

The Tea Party gets a news site
10/31/12 3:38 PM EDT
Tea Party conservatives are getting their very own news site.

November 28, 2011

Richmond VA Mayor Bills Tea Party Using Laws as Punishment

Richmond City Audits Local Tea Party After Standoff with Mayor
by Colleen Owens
November 28, 2011

October 11, 2011

Racism Is More Subtle In 2011

Walter E. Williams
It's Hard To Be a Racist
October 11, 2011

September 22, 2011

Will The Ruling Elite Willingly Give Up Power?

If a "ruling elite" is the problem how can it be solved or even addressed at Harvard Law School where elitism rules? Here is one more gathering of Harvard lawyers who would have us believe words make reality. The Obama administration incubated at Harvard Law School promotes credentials in place of common sense and experience. How is this conference any different?

[From article]
"Mark Meckler, a founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said, “I would bet you on policy we probably can’t agree on anything, but what we can agree on is that the country has gotten away from the people. There is a ruling elite that none of us feel represented by anymore.”

Tea Party, liberals to play nice at Harvard
By Hillary Chabot
Boston Herald
Thursday, September 22, 2011

August 26, 2011

US Rep. Maxine Waters, Hails Castro, "Tea Party Go to Hell!"

Humberto Fontova
Maxine Waters Apologizes-To Fidel Castro
August 26, 2011

August 20, 2011

Obama Denies Biden Called Tea Partiers Terrorists Huh?

[From article]
"Two weeks ago Politico reported that vice president Joe Biden said tea party Republicans “acted like terrorists” in the debt talks. Since then, the activist old media has been relatively silent on the story.
[. . .]
Barack Obama denied Biden used those words when he spoke with tea party activist Ryan Rhodes. Obama was not in the private meeting, but he has gone on the record and taken a position. He said it did not happen. Certainly, it’s interesting that the media has not asked Obama about this, a private citizen has to bring up this issue and pull a denial out of the media’s Dear Leader.
[. . .]
Biden denied to CBS that he used the terrorist word, but as of the writing of this story, CBS has still not aired the interview. They have it. Perhaps they don’t want to air the verbal record of Biden’s denial."

Politico Stands Behind Its “Biden Terrorist” Story
Posted by Ron Futrell
Aug 19th 2011 at 4:58 am